Working on Weight Loss During Training--Wk of 11/19

Monte -- GREAT suggestions!

Carrie -- Hang in there, kiddo, though I think I'd resort to the yogurt if you are really hungry. You did mean you have it at work in the fridge, right?

I am experiencing another hungry morning, too. I think I've figured it out. I switched from weight watchers apple cinnamon oatmeal to the maple brown sugar flavor. I think the sweeter flavor creates sugar cravings, but more importantly, I think the apple in the apple cinnamon variety actually helps to fill me up. So, lesson learned. Eat an apple with my oatmeal or switch back to the less sweet variety.

I still have 2+ hours until lunch. And there is pumpkin bread in our kitchen. Not touching it. I am definitely striving for a "proud of my control over my food intake" day, AKA "no cheat day".
Uhhh I feel sick to my stomach. I ordered trail mix from a friends's DD girl scout troup and ate half a can for breakfast. I know better gosh darn it and even made a PH1 breakfast but still didn't stick with it :guilty: :sad2:

So mad at myself right now :furious: :guilty: :sad2:
Okay, Minnie. Time to get back on track. What's the plan for the rest of the day?

I only have to wait another 1/2 hour for lunch. I ate the banana and have been chewing on sugarless gum, too, to get through the hungry morning.
CAm - I had already eaten teh yogurt.

Just cheese & crackers adn V-8 left for snacks. Olus I usually eat at 11:30. Got a rush project (drawing up ne woffice sapce adn I am just barely able to function with CAD but of those with time, I was best suited.) Needed dwg fo 1:30 mtg. So, did not start eating lunch 'til almost 1. DOes the word ravenous mean anything? I started to bite some heads off. Then again, people shoud NOT stand behind my chair as I work!!! GOnna' install a locked gate to get behind my desk. (I'll rotate my monitor for visitors, but NO standign behind me. (yeah, I have a few quirks.)

Trying to post instead of wolfing down my lunch. Our admin/ruler of our world knows me too well, though. As I started to get snipy, she offered to warm up my lunch. :love:
Carrie -- I am sorry you got suddenly swamped and had to wait to eat. How nice of your friend to offer to warm your meal. :) I hope your lunch is good.

I am having a wonderful lunch -- in the middle of a very good greek salad minus the feta right now and everything else was really good.

Found out I can't make it to the gym tonight because I have to take DS to boy scouts. I wish our gym was open until midnight. That would make my life so much easier.
I was doing so good today. Then Chad's testing for a prospective job went really bad. He was so upset & calling himself dumb & stupid. I felt so bad, I took him for chinese for lunch! :blush: It helped cheer him up though.

Back on track! Right Minnie?

I just got back from the grocery store & got tons of fruits & veggies.

Oh, and Cam....keep that bail money handy next week...again... :teeth:
Kristi - Oh, I hurt for poor Chad just reading that. Watching your dh feel bad is worse than feeling bad yourself. :grouphug: Good for going back on track right awa, though!

Minnie - Have yuo taken those first steps yet?

Cam - DId you make it yesterday?

I did pretty well last night. Just had Asian grilled chik salad for dinner. Did not get my work out in, as we had lots of house cleaning to do berofre my parents arrive today and my hip was hurting. I knew hose clenaing would hurt enough, did not want to risk making it worse. I was active from 6 to 8:30, though. That shoudl count for something.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I was down another half pound this am!!!!!!! (Just wait 'til my beginnign of the week eating habits scatch up to me. :rolleyes: ) I should eb gaining water now and I actually am dow, I am so thrilled!!! Now, I'm 1.5 pounds down from where we started adn only a half pound from last year's marathon weight!!! I can do this! I can get another 1.5 pounds, at least and be a pound down from last year! Ok, so that will put me even with post-marathon last year. All lthat work through the year just to stay even hurts, but it's better than the year before.
So far, so good today...
- cereal w/skim milk
- bag of WW cookies
- 2 diet cokes

I am going to go downstairs & eat my grapes now - no croissant!
I have a huge salad, yogurt & an apple for later.

At home, I will have some whole wheat pasta with ICBINB spray and a bag of 94% f.f. popcorn & maybe an orange at some point later on.

I slept only 4 hours last night, and was so tired and extremely tempted to get some peanut M&Ms from the vending machine this morning. Well, I ran out of time before we were on the air, and I did indeed survive! :rotfl:
Glad time was on your side this am Kristi! Those darn vending machines can be killer!
Just had to say.....

You all are just absolutely awesome :love:

Thanks for asking and caring it means a lot :goodvibes

I've decided to make Monday my restart date. I have a very busy weekend ahead and in order to be sucessful with this I need to have time to plan and won't until I get this weekend out of the way. An excuse I know but I need to be ready to do this again and Monday will be the day.

I've read through the posts and you guys are doing wonderful!

Carrie that 1.5lbs is awesome!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll be back on track and ready with a plan starting Monday :thumbsup2
Kristi -- so glad Fate stepped in to help keep you on track. Please give Chad a huge hug for me. I will be thinking of him while he looks for a new job. pixiedust: :hug:

Carrie -- great job! Only 1.5 to go! Awesome work, chickie! :cool1:

I am so excited. I had a pure core day yesterday!

I was so tempted by DS's pierogies last night and the mini ravioli I made for him last night for today's lunch. I forced myself to not take even a bite, since I know how that snowballs for me.

Instead I mixed up a huge pot of kidney beans, corn & salsa for my carb fix. I also ate leftover barley w/veggies and picked at some other stuff I was cooking for the weekend -- diet pepsi chicken breast and boneless center cut pork chops.

Now that I've had one good day, it will be so much easier to do it today. Now I know I can. KWIM?

Thank you so much, guys, for helping me get back on track.

I realized yesterday I have fallen away from the healthy eating guidelines that WW insists will help with weight loss. So, starting today, I have to get back to having 2 dairy servings, 2 tsp olive oil and my multi-vitamin. I think I have been falling short on my personal goal for water, too, so I am going to work on that.

Today's plan:
B: coffee w/skim milk; diced extra lean ham steak
S: shredded wheat w/skim milk (?)
L: green salad, olives, fat free feta, chick peas
S: apple
Carrie - you're on a roll! :thumbsup2 Good going! :cool1:

Cam - I'm doing better - eating wise, I think. Thanks for asking. I'm with you on the no-cheat day. I'll start recording my meals after I get back from the gym today. By the way, have you received your results from all the testing you've been through? Hope everything is ok for you. :wizard: :grouphug:

Kristi - :wizard: and well wishes for Chad. Sending good thoughts his way - and to you, too! :goodvibes

Yesterday, I had to go to the ob/gyn in Little Rock (hour and a half away) and had to go through a series of ultrasounds and some other checks. Nothing serious. After being in her office for over 2 hours, I then went shopping. On the drive home, I ate a Wendy's Frescatta sandwich without the mayo. Hopefully, it wasn't too bad - calorie-wise. All I had to eat yesterday was some cereal with a banana and the sandwich. I got home around 6pm and went to the gym at 7pm to get in my W/R for 50 min. This am I'm going back to the gym for my strength training appt. with the trainer. I'm tired. I really don't want to go. :crazy: I guess this really doesn't have anything to do with losing weight :teeth: but I just want to whine somewhere. ;)
Good Morning TEAM!

Way to go Carrie on that 1.5 pds....don't you love seeing that? :thumbsup2

Yesterday I didn't do too bad. I had 2 eggs and 2 slices of whole wheat toast for breakfast, then I didn't eat til dinner. I know I shouldn't skip meals but I was decorating the house for Christmas and lost track of time. Anyhoo, for dinner I had salmon stuffed with spinich, red peppers and feta cheese, wild rice and 2 w.wheat rolls. I was bad with all the bread yesterday.

We didn't go grocery shopping this week, so I don't know what I'll eat today.....maybe soup.

Have a great weekend. :)
Susie -- You are being so disciplined! Congrats! :thumbsup2
Thanks for asking about the tests. I think so far everything is normal or I would have heard from the doctor's office already. The last test is 12/20 for a pulmonary stress test and if that is normal, we are going to consider the breathlessness and breathing patterns as "learned behavior" -- after nearly 10 years of having low heart function I was in the habit of breathing a certain way and now I have to re-learn how to breathe. Funny concept, right? :confused3:

Monte -- Sounds like you did really well. That salmon sounds to die for delicious! Did you make it? Are you willing to share the recipe? It sounds like something I'd love to cook.

Minnie - I hope you have time to shop this weekend and maybe even pre-cook some foods for next week. My favorites to cook on the weekend are WW turkey chili, chicken soup, chicken breast grilled, grilled turkey burgers, etc. You'd be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to stay on track when there is food in the fridge. Good luck! :goodvibes:
Cam - Thanks for the update on teh tests!!! :wizard: That the rest will be good too! Learnign how to breathe again? that does nto sound easy.

If anyone's interested, I've been using the Palm OS version of this program (Diet & Exercise Asst.) for a while. I really like it. Those of you on WW probably don't need it, but it's great to track what you've burned and what you've somsumend.
Minnie - Monday is a great day to start. Just make sure you do! (I have a habit of always saying next Monday.)

Bottomless pit days are over, for now.

Stayed on plan all day. Even have a snack I won't likey get to. :teeth:

Have a great weekend everyone!
Carrie -- I hope the rest of your evening went well. I had another all core day yesterday. I tasted DH's mashed potatoes, but barely.

Today has been interesting because I am at work and feel like a bottomless pit again. Fortunatley, I have LOTS of food options with me.
Here's the plan:
B: egg beaters; coffee w/skim milk
S: pineapple chunks
L: kidney beans/corn/salsa mix; greek salad w/FF feta
Snacks for rest of day: apple; banana, hard-boiled eggs

I hope everyone else is having a great weekend!
Cam - you totally inspire me.

I have been out of commission with my travels this past week. This also caused my motivation to sink to ZERO!! I am just so busy and can't find the time to do everything I need to do. This morning my daughter got sick and DH took her to the walk-in. She had pink eye, bluchhh. Then I attempted to run my 8 miles on our treadmill, I made it 1/2 mile before all the yelling and screaming from the family burst me into tears. I have no energy or motivation for this. Then DH sat me down for a big talk to "remind" me why I am doing this and that giving up is not an option. Well, by this point I couldn't get back on the treadmill, I needed a break. So now I will either attempt 8 miles tonight or tomorrow afternoon. If DH gets back from hunting at a reasonable time, I will go to the Y and NOT here. Oh and I am out of Gel and only have a snickers marathon bar for my energy!

BUT, reading Cam's post got me inspired. So I just made some hard boiled eggs. I also made my rice/black bean/corn/salsa mixture. Cam, your kidney bean stuff reminds me of this. I eat mine either heated up, or rolled in a tortilla. Very yummy. I call it my energy food. My kids thinks it looks gross.

I will post on the training thread once I get my motivation back and get my 8 miles in.
Jen - hang in there! Less than a month to go. Yea! Way to go for getting back on track with the food.

Carrie - I think you're going to make your goal! :banana:

Cam - good for you for sticking to core foods. I haven't been doing that.

I promised that I would write what I ate yesterday after going to the gym. This is what I had:

B: Cereal with added chopped up walnuts and a half banana. 6 oz. of heart-wise OJ.
L: McDonald's grilled chicken ranch salad. I added my special mexican black beans for extra protein. For dressing, I just used some hot sauce that I have in the fridge.
D: McDonald's double cheese burger. :blush: :rolleyes1 Long story. The people I was with wanted to eat there and I didn't want another salad. It was only a $1. And, it was 460 calories. I think I still did ok yesterday.

Today, so far:

B: Same as yesterday - cereal with chopped up walnuts and half a banana. No OJ today.
L: Chili with black beans and 10 dorito chips. :rolleyes:
D: Not sure yet. DH is due to arrive from Las Vegas any minute and I'm not sure what we are going to eat.

Hope everyone has a healthy and injury-free weekend!
Jen -- You'll be fine. I hope you can carve out time to do your 8 miles and get inspired again. It is so nice that DH knows why this important to you.

Susie -- Thanks for your confidence in me, but lest anyone think I have this completely under control, let me disabuse you of that notion. Tonight I made 3 trays of lasagna. I picked at the noodles and cheese so much that I am sick to my stomach. I attribute it to not eating dinner until 9 and making lasagna while my hunger was not under control.
I did go grocery shopping for all the stuff we need for entertaining tomorrow and bought whole wheat curly shell pasta, fat free ricotta and fat free mozzarella, so I can make a modified version of "lasagna" for me. I hope our friends won't think I am weird.
Good luck tomorrow, everyone!
Oh, I forgot. I also ate about 6 cashews which I bought for DH to nosh on while he is studying. :guilty:


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