Working from home


DIS Veteran
Jun 21, 2010
Many of you have mentioned working from home, if you don't mind sharing, can I ask what you do.
I work three days per week but wouldn't mind supplementing the income somewhat.
Sorry no working from home for me :sad2:
I work fulltime M-F (40 hrs) at my place of work (takes me 35mins by car - about 45kms)
I work from home but it's a 7 day a week kind of thing. I have my own photography business that keeps me very busy and out of trouble, mostly :lmao:. Working from home isn't all it's cracked up to be at times. I can never escape work and when I'm not doing something for the children or sneaking onto the Dis, I'm working.

The upside is that if my kids are sick or on school holidays I can work my schedule around them which I know is a huge bonus.

I tell my DH this is why I have to plan so many overseas holidays because I have to literally leave the country to take a break :rotfl2:
I work from home but it's a 7 day a week kind of thing. I have my own photography business that keeps me very busy and out of trouble, mostly :lmao:. Working from home isn't all it's cracked up to be at times. I can never escape work and when I'm not doing something for the children or sneaking onto the Dis, I'm working.

The upside is that if my kids are sick or on school holidays I can work my schedule around them which I know is a huge bonus.

I tell my DH this is why I have to plan so many overseas holidays because I have to literally leave the country to take a break :rotfl2:

Ditto, ditto, ditto for me too. Here I am sitting back at my desk after having done dinner for the family etc because I work from home and I have work to do (admittedly jumping on the Disboards at the moment for a quick break! :lmao:). The nature of my job is that I am available 24/7 and the only time I am not on call is when I go overseas and get a colleague to look after my business. Mainly though I do not have to work weekends but I have to be on call if clients need me urgently. It's not common but I do sometimes get calls in the middle of the night from the other side of the world (most often ignorant airline staff who do not stop and think about what time it is in New Zealand before they call! :headache:)

What does she do, I hear you ask. Well, I've never really mentioned it on here because my profession gets flamed somewhat on these boards. I am a Travel Broker however I promise that I come on these boards purely for my own personal pleasure and not at all in my work capacity. So please still "talk" to me!

So, on one hand, working from home is great because I can be here for the children and can take them to and from school, to all their after-school activities, go on school trips if I can spare the time and, as Ms Shuttergirl mentioned, I am here for them if they are sick. But the downside is that it is a 24/7 job and, when your home is your work place, you never get that feeling of relief that you do when you finish your working day at your work place and walk in your front door at home.
I won't flame you because I don't know what a travel broker is :) Another thing for me to look up on google :)
Exactly. That feeling of relief, that's what I miss so much. Oh and I'd love to not feel guilty if I want to lay on the couch and watch tele haha.

The bonus is being able to do all the "stay at home mum" stuff though and name my hours. I am very appreciative of that.

So if you are a travel broker, are you selling to individual travellers or to agencies? I'm just not sure of what a travel broker does. Oh and we won't flame you, hehe. we love you Travelmum. Your one of our "crew"
Well, I am now working from home as I had to pick up my son from childcare with a temp over 38...

I usually go into the office to work but have the flexibility to work from home if needed. This is a perk I hold very dearly. As the others have mentioned, it is so helpful to be able to be at home when the children are ill or to be able to move your hours around to fit in concerts, meetings with teachers etc.

I work in the pharmaceutical industry
I won't flame you because I don't know what a travel broker is :) Another thing for me to look up on google :)

Well, basically I'm a home-based retail travel agent running my own business but as part of a particular Travel Broker group here in NZ. I'll take the company name out of this (because I am definitely NOT advertising) but, this is the blurb from our company website which might give you and idea of what I do:

............... (a division of ........) are a Team established in May 2002. The Team of over 90 Senior Retail Travel Specialists are located around New Zealand and are one of the largest Approved Travel Broker networks in New Zealand.

............. manage their own discerning client bases and hold both TAANZ & IATA accreditation.

The scope of ..................... Team is huge and includes :

Managing Leisure Retail Clients, Corporate Clients, Groups/Conventions, Weddings/Honeymoons
Are contactable 7 days a week
Are Mobile and can visit clients
Research the best deals
Select the best suppliers to suit their customer
Offer personal service
Access top technology

So there you go :thumbsup2
Oh and we won't flame you, hehe. we love you Travelmum. Your one of our "crew"

Oh thank you Ms Shuttergirl, that is so lovely to know. :hug:

I always cringe when people on here have a useless TA and I never comment on it! I don't profess to be an expert on all areas and Orlando was all new to me before our trip so hence, as you know, I booked my own WDW stay with DU. I see a real value of booking with a TA who is an expert in an area that you are not familiar with, so I practiced what I preach! :rotfl2:
I always cringe when people on here have a useless TA and I never comment on it!:

Hey, TravelMum , I'm delighted to learn we have an NZ TA on our little neck of the DIS. One of these days I plan to go back and visit NZ again ( which I think is a stunningly beautiful place!) and then I will pester you mercilessly!! :lmao:

As for me, for the last 15 years I've been running my own web design business. It's not full time, but like Shuttergirl I find that I can be working on weekends , at odd hours and public holidays, so it's not all honey-coated. It's also a bit lonely sometimes - no-body to chat with , which is why I spend so much time here on the DIS :rotfl:

However, I have been hugely grateful for the flexibility - it means I've been able to attend all the school events for my kids and to be available for ageing parents. :thumbsup2

Oh thank you Ms Shuttergirl, that is so lovely to know. :hug:

I always cringe when people on here have a useless TA and I never comment on it! I don't profess to be an expert on all areas and Orlando was all new to me before our trip so hence, as you know, I booked my own WDW stay with DU. I see a real value of booking with a TA who is an expert in an area that you are not familiar with, so I practiced what I preach! :rotfl2:

YOu know Travel Mum, I've always wanted to be a travel agent! Travel planning is something I love doing.

I am guilty of being one of those who are harsh on travel agents, I hope you don't take it personally. I know that I make generalisations but I promise they are directed at the ones I've personally dealt with! I know that there are good ones out there.

Its not so much that they have to know everything but how they relate to me. Its ok to say "I don't know but I'll find out" which is what my American TA does. It frustrates me when they just obviously pull out what is easiest and present it to me and that's it! And then I get something better and cheaper by just looking online and usually not having to look very hard...

Anyway, the point of that long useless rant is...I wouldn't dream of flaming you!!!
Hey, TravelMum , I'm delighted to learn we have an NZ TA on our little neck of the DIS. One of these days I plan to go back and visit NZ again ( which I think is a stunningly beautiful place!) and then I will pester you mercilessly!! :lmao:

This will be me as well. You know I've never been to NZ...
Well, I am now working from home as I had to pick up my son from childcare with a temp over 38...

I usually go into the office to work but have the flexibility to work from home if needed. This is a perk I hold very dearly. As the others have mentioned, it is so helpful to be able to be at home when the children are ill or to be able to move your hours around to fit in concerts, meetings with teachers etc.

I work in the pharmaceutical industry

That flexible is truly priceless isn't it.

Well, basically I'm a home-based retail travel agent running my own business but as part of a particular Travel Broker group here in NZ. I'll take the company name out of this (because I am definitely NOT advertising) but, this is the blurb from our company website which might give you and idea of what I do:

............... (a division of ........) are a Team established in May 2002. The Team of over 90 Senior Retail Travel Specialists are located around New Zealand and are one of the largest Approved Travel Broker networks in New Zealand.

............. manage their own discerning client bases and hold both TAANZ & IATA accreditation.

The scope of ..................... Team is huge and includes :

Managing Leisure Retail Clients, Corporate Clients, Groups/Conventions, Weddings/Honeymoons
Are contactable 7 days a week
Are Mobile and can visit clients
Research the best deals
Select the best suppliers to suit their customer
Offer personal service
Access top technology

So there you go :thumbsup2

This is very very good information as my DH would definitely like to visit NZ and since it's so close it may be a good option when we need a quick break. I have thoughts of a 9 to 10 day getaway, with a focus on South Island. Can NZ be a budget holiday? Or is it quite pricey for travel, accom, food? Sorry to turn this thread to work :rotfl:.

Oh thank you Ms Shuttergirl, that is so lovely to know. :hug:

I always cringe when people on here have a useless TA and I never comment on it! I don't profess to be an expert on all areas and Orlando was all new to me before our trip so hence, as you know, I booked my own WDW stay with DU. I see a real value of booking with a TA who is an expert in an area that you are not familiar with, so I practiced what I preach! :rotfl2:

Good for you for practicing what you preach in terms of TA's, I feel the same way about photography. I don't do weddings, sports, corporate etc. I have done some of those things but they aren't my specialty so I always say no when offered this kind of work.

My son's school offered me the whole sporting photo gig for the AFL team stuff. It would have been some serious money but I turned it down. It's not what I do and as much as I love money, I very much like to focus on my baby/children/family work.

Hey, TravelMum , I'm delighted to learn we have an NZ TA on our little neck of the DIS. One of these days I plan to go back and visit NZ again ( which I think is a stunningly beautiful place!) and then I will pester you mercilessly!! :lmao:

As for me, for the last 15 years I've been running my own web design business. It's not full time, but like Shuttergirl I find that I can be working on weekends , at odd hours and public holidays, so it's not all honey-coated. It's also a bit lonely sometimes - no-body to chat with , which is why I spend so much time here on the DIS :rotfl:

However, I have been hugely grateful for the flexibility - it means I've been able to attend all the school events for my kids and to be available for ageing parents. :thumbsup2


Ummm, Andona, when you say web design, can I have some more info on exactly what you focus on? What type of clients etc?

YOu know Travel Mum, I've always wanted to be a travel agent! Travel planning is something I love doing.

I am guilty of being one of those who are harsh on travel agents, I hope you don't take it personally. I know that I make generalisations but I promise they are directed at the ones I've personally dealt with! I know that there are good ones out there.

Its not so much that they have to know everything but how they relate to me. Its ok to say "I don't know but I'll find out" which is what my American TA does. It frustrates me when they just obviously pull out what is easiest and present it to me and that's it! And then I get something better and cheaper by just looking online and usually not having to look very hard...

Anyway, the point of that long useless rant is...I wouldn't dream of flaming you!!!

I've been harsh on my local TA as well but like you, that was due to an extremely bad experience. I'm sure Travelmum would have some "insider" stories of her own. Doesn't matter what industry, there are always crapola people working in it.
So no one got a job for me????

I have to admit I do like the routine of getting dressed and driving to the office. I think I would be one of those who didn't get dressed until lunchtime and then have to work until midnight and I would always find something else to do at home. When my kids were younger, getting them off to school was the most stressful part of my day, and sometimes I appreciated the drive as my transition time.

Even though my kids are teens I am still only working three days as I just don't know when you would fit all the appointments in, we seem to always be at the dentist.
Battymum, that is so true. Kids seem to have so much going on these days. It truly is a like a fulltime job.

My DH has a very busy career and is interstate 2 days per week and I often think we can't keep up with these dual careers. We can't both be busy at the same time. Life just doesn't work that way, well very well anyway. :)
Although I book all sorts of people, I specialise in Travel with Kids and have a website with that name which, shamefully, is getting out of date now as I don't have time to update it much. That's how my brokering started though. I had worked for QF before having children and went back part time after having DD1. However it made no financial sense to go back to that job after having DD2 (I would have only broken even after paying for two at day care) so I became a happy stay-at-home mum. We went on to have DD3 but, by the time she was about 2, I began to play around with building my website. I had been shocked to find out firsthand how hard it was to find accommodation that would fit five in a room and decided I'd build a website for Family of Five travel, sharing what I'd learnt. Well, sadly, I soon realised there would not be enough content if I only listed hotels that would fit five in a room so I expanded it to profile family friendly hotels in the Pacific with a special subsection for families of five. :rotfl2: Anyway, after building that, I decided that, although it was fun, I wasn't earning anything from it. I dont charge the hotels to be profiled on it because I want to reserve my right to post my opinions on how suitable a hotel is for families. So I decided that I would become a Travel Broker and use my website a platform to gain clients. Well, it worked well and my client base grew from recommendations and referrals. Now it's a problem though because my broker work and family life leaves me hardly any time to spend on maintaining or growing the website:scared1: As a result, I don't tell anyone about it anymore so don't any of you go looking for it!!! :rotfl:

As a friend I'd love to help any of you coming to NZ but, as a broker, I'm an international broker so won't even pretend to be expert on NZ travel. Sure I do love our extraordinary country and am a proud Kiwi but, I'm ashamed to say, travelling here does not really excite me like international travel does. NZ is expensive, which sounds like how you Aussies find your own country, but I'd presume you wouldn't find it as expensive as Australia because your dollar goes a lot further here given our awful exchange rate with the Aussie dollar :confused3

Anyway, that's all from me on this topic as I don't come on here to talk about my work - I come here to ESCAPE IT!! Here I am just Travelmum, a happily married mother of three gorgeous girls who loves to travel with her family:cloud9: and who frequently has travel dreams outside of financial reality :laughing:
Ms. Shuttergirl said:
Battymum, that is so true. Kids seem to have so much going on these days. It truly is a like a fulltime job.

My DH has a very busy career and is interstate 2 days per week and I often think we can't keep up with these dual careers. We can't both be busy at the same time. Life just doesn't work that way, well very well anyway. :)

Yep, my kids are only 1,3 and five and they are always doing something, or have apps. DH is a stay at home dad and I'm stuck commuting to and from work for 3-4 hours a day :(
Ditto, ditto, ditto for me too. Here I am sitting back at my desk after having done dinner for the family etc because I work from home and I have work to do (admittedly jumping on the Disboards at the moment for a quick break! :lmao:). The nature of my job is that I am available 24/7 and the only time I am not on call is when I go overseas and get a colleague to look after my business. Mainly though I do not have to work weekends but I have to be on call if clients need me urgently. It's not common but I do sometimes get calls in the middle of the night from the other side of the world (most often ignorant airline staff who do not stop and think about what time it is in New Zealand before they call! :headache:)

What does she do, I hear you ask. Well, I've never really mentioned it on here because my profession gets flamed somewhat on these boards. I am a Travel Broker however I promise that I come on these boards purely for my own personal pleasure and not at all in my work capacity. So please still "talk" to me!

So, on one hand, working from home is great because I can be here for the children and can take them to and from school, to all their after-school activities, go on school trips if I can spare the time and, as Ms Shuttergirl mentioned, I am here for them if they are sick. But the downside is that it is a 24/7 job and, when your home is your work place, you never get that feeling of relief that you do when you finish your working day at your work place and walk in your front door at home.

I have a confession to make, I too am a Travel Planner! and come here for my own sick Disney pleasure like everyone else and not for work. I am so glad that you have come out with your little secret Travelmum. Since you have been so honest, I feel that I should be too! I so love spending time with people who get my crazy addiction which I have turned into a job as it is what makes me truly happy.

I began in the travel industry at 15 in a travel agency through Uni where I studied tourism. From there I worked mainly in in product development, market segmentation and strategic planning. Family and friends were always asking me to put trips together and about five years ago became fully licenced and started working from home in my free time in the evenings and on weekends in addition to my full time job BUT 2 months ago have found the perfect little shop front just up the road from my children's school. A huge leap of faith to rely on this full time but oh so good for the soul.

I am Independent and not aligned to anyone so that I can organise travel for my clients how they like it, and not have to feed the party line. It is the personal travel planner touch that works for me.

I think the secret is to find something that you love doing, like photography, or being a personal organiser, gift buyer, or find a niche that you wish existed and go from there. I love the flexibility of being just me and only answerable to me.
I have a confession to make, I too am a Travel Planner! and come here for my own sick Disney pleasure like everyone else and not for work. I am so glad that you have come out with your little secret Travelmum. Since you have been so honest, I feel that I should be too! I so love spending time with people who get my crazy addiction which I have turned into a job as it is what makes me truly happy.

I began in the travel industry at 15 in a travel agency through Uni where I studied tourism. From there I worked mainly in in product development, market segmentation and strategic planning. Family and friends were always asking me to put trips together and about five years ago became fully licenced and started working from home in my free time in the evenings and on weekends in addition to my full time job BUT 2 months ago have found the perfect little shop front just up the road from my children's school. A huge leap of faith to rely on this full time but oh so good for the soul.

I am Independent and not aligned to anyone so that I can organise travel for my clients how they like it, and not have to feed the party line. It is the personal travel planner touch that works for me.

I think the secret is to find something that you love doing, like photography, or being a personal organiser, gift buyer, or find a niche that you wish existed and go from there. I love the flexibility of being just me and only answerable to me.

Well aren't you and Travelmum good secret keepers :rolleyes1. I fear that this is somehow going to end badly for you girls because we are all now going to want to ask you questions :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:.

That is great that you were able to turn your passion into your everyday job as Travelmum has also done.

I think you've given Battymum some great advice there. Turning something you love doing into your career is the best way to go about it I think. That's exactly what I did.
I have a confession to make, I too am a Travel Planner! and come here for my own sick Disney pleasure like everyone else and not for work. I am so glad that you have come out with your little secret Travelmum. Since you have been so honest, I feel that I should be too! I so love spending time with people who get my crazy addiction which I have turned into a job as it is what makes me truly happy.

I began in the travel industry at 15 in a travel agency through Uni where I studied tourism. From there I worked mainly in in product development, market segmentation and strategic planning. Family and friends were always asking me to put trips together and about five years ago became fully licenced and started working from home in my free time in the evenings and on weekends in addition to my full time job BUT 2 months ago have found the perfect little shop front just up the road from my children's school. A huge leap of faith to rely on this full time but oh so good for the soul.

I am Independent and not aligned to anyone so that I can organise travel for my clients how they like it, and not have to feed the party line. It is the personal travel planner touch that works for me.

I think the secret is to find something that you love doing, like photography, or being a personal organiser, gift buyer, or find a niche that you wish existed and go from there. I love the flexibility of being just me and only answerable to me.

Oh AreweinDisneyyet, yippee, I am not alone!!! :dance3: I always feared that, if people knew what I do, they might think I came on here to scope out info for my clients so had never mentioned it before (although Franrose knows). However I couldnt answer Battymum's question properly without spilling the beans :rotfl2: Coming on here with clients in mind couldnt be further from the truth because, like you I'm sure, I come on here for a release from planning other people's trips and to dream about my own trips! :cool1:


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