Wk Of Sept 8 - WISH Walking/Running Club

OK WWDave, I'm really sorry as I have been trying not to post this. But, as the day has gone on I really feel compelled to do this for the benefit of all the WISHers out there.

So, were you thinking of Steven Tyler while in the co-ed shower this morning?

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2:
BTW, my source will not confirm or deny who will be playing. They are tight lipped. They just said it should be great as they are celebrating the 13th Anniversery of ToT:woohoo:
Oh by the way you're not by any chance the lawyer who is representing the New England Pats are you?:rolleyes1

Joe Namath:love:

No lawyer required. Worst comes to worst, just use the insanity defense.

Lets review the facts. Pats are playing a game off some exit in New Jersey against the New York Jets. New York is where the NFL headquarters are located. At the visiting teams field (not even trying to pull this off at a home game mind you) they send out the same guy who has been accused of doing the same thing in the past, while visably wearing Patriots credentials, to allegedly tape the opposing coach's signals. Mind you, the head coach of the opposing team, until last year, was the Patriots defensive coordinator and knows the guy allegedly video taping signals. In addition, the head of the opposing teams video department is also a former video assistant for the Patriots who worked with the guy allegedly taping signals while both were with the Patriots. This has to be one of the worst covert operations ever designed. Luckily he must have obtained a lot of information quick and hid it somewhere, because the camera and video were confiscated in the first quarter, and it wasn't until the second quarter and second half that the Patriots blew out the Jets 38-14. Joe Namath, however, might want to keep a lawyer on permanant retainer. I especially enjoyed him appearring on Monday night football in a drunken stuper trying to get a kiss from the sideline reporter (and yes WWDave, the sideline reporter was a she).
It's the 13th anniversary of Tower of Terror, NOT Rock'n'Rollercoaster.....maybe they're going to resurrect Rod Serling and he will sing for us. More realistically, we'll probably end up with the Village People, since they are performing earlier that evening and on Friday at Epcot.
Dave: Think of them while you're in the shower and sing along to "Macho Man" :lmao:
Ouch!! Ya'll are harsh!!

As far as the patriots, I decline to comment much more on that conversation, but also keep in mind they also have to account for the headsets with multiple frequencies that were on their side lines. Wasn't there a problem with the headsets at one of the Playoff games with the Patriots a few years ago?!

It's the 13th anniversary of Tower of Terror, NOT Rock'n'Rollercoaster.....maybe they're going to resurrect Rod Serling and he will sing for us. More realistically, we'll probably end up with the Village People, since they are performing earlier that evening and on Friday at Epcot.
Dave: Think of them while you're in the shower and sing along to "Macho Man" :lmao:

Ole WWDave is going to have a complex. :rotfl:

We luv ya, brother! :hippie:
Morning all - well I'm back from my travels and I haven't caught up with the whole thread, but I do want to say sorry to Dave as I got that far.

Sooooo, started my Goofy training two weeks ago which is all seeming a bit real now - jet lag seriously messes with your running though. I ran twice last week in Hong Kong and it was like moving through mud - admittedly, I decided one day that it would be a great idea to run outside only to discover that there might have been clouds and grey sky but it was still about 90 degrees, I managed 26 minutes before admitting defeat. Strangely enough I was found in the nice air conditioned gym the next day - though I still couldn't run for more than 2km straight, which wouldn't be such an issue if I didn't have a half next Sunday!! Need to get out for an hour today then two tomorrow - head feels like cotton wool at the moment though so am waiting for energy to kick in before heading out or it'll be nasty stonker run.

Has anyone else noticed that once you start running regularly for 2 hours, that nice 'this feels good' feeling that used to kick in at 10 minutes, now doesn't kick in until 30 minutes? I'm pretty sure that was also part of my problem in the gym - short run and no 'happy feeling' on treadmill makes Helen a whiny exerciser who has to walk to stop herself getting off completely!!!.

Anway, that's me for today, except to say I though of Kristi the other day when I saw about bandcamp - because there's so many Aussies and Kiwis in it, it's made news here too and as soon as I saw Johnny do dad I though, I know who'll be watching that. Anyway, best go - hundreds of emails to clean before lunch when I need to run for 60 minutes (I know I've already told you that, I'm just convincing myself!!!). Helen
I have a few training questions I hope somebody can answer. After the RFTT, I'll be getting into some longer training walks. Today I did 7 miles, and felt kinda puny after, which leads to my questions.

1) Is it okay to wash down a shot block with watered down Gatorade, or should it be just plain water?

2)I've read about using salt packets in marathons. Do you try this in training, as you're told not to try anything new during an event? Do you take it before or at a certain mile? Would this be beneficial for the half also?

3)Is there a general rule of thumb as to when (like certain mile marks) to use gels or shot blocks, or is it just based on how you feel?

I have a few training questions I hope somebody can answer. After the RFTT, I'll be getting into some longer training walks. Today I did 7 miles, and felt kinda puny after, which leads to my questions.

1) Is it okay to wash down a shot block with watered down Gatorade, or should it be just plain water?

2)I've read about using salt packets in marathons. Do you try this in training, as you're told not to try anything new during an event? Do you take it before or at a certain mile? Would this be beneficial for the half also?

3)Is there a general rule of thumb as to when (like certain mile marks) to use gels or shot blocks, or is it just based on how you feel?


1. Most trainers say water so as not to give yourself too much electrolytes, but there are a few people around here that train with both.
2. Try it during training if you can. If the conditions are like this year, the salt would be beneficial for the half too. I'm gonna defer the when to someone else. Anybody know the answer to that one?
3. You need 50 to 100 calories every 30 to 40 min. Gu packets, 3 bloks or one pack of sports beans are 100 calories. Gu says one pack 15 min before then every 45 min. Personally, I do one Gu every 3 miles. That was 45 min for me back when I first started and I've just stuck with it. I do a lot of sweating so I figure if I'm getting some extra electrolytes, that's a good thing.
Guess you has a flight booked for the Marathon already.... Oh YAH!!! Remember I have to be in San Diego 2 days prior. WELL, I find out the extended the day on day later, so I can't leave until Thursday night or Friday morning. WELLLL.... I was able to find a three legged flight Home to SD, SD to WDW, WDW to Home for a decent price.... AND WORK PAYED FOR IT!!! AWESOME. Since I had to be gone for work, it was all covered... oh and because it was a decent price. And the best thing yet.... I am on the same flight home as my family. We all booked today to make it happen. I was tickled! I won't get my time at WDW and I have to take a red eye to get there, but I will be there at least as of now.

Helen - I so noticed that also. It takes me forever to feel good. When I ran my 5K on Saturday I was wondering when it would kick in.... after mile 2!
I have a few training questions I hope somebody can answer. After the RFTT, I'll be getting into some longer training walks. Today I did 7 miles, and felt kinda puny after, which leads to my questions.

1) Is it okay to wash down a shot block with watered down Gatorade, or should it be just plain water?

2)I've read about using salt packets in marathons. Do you try this in training, as you're told not to try anything new during an event? Do you take it before or at a certain mile? Would this be beneficial for the half also?

3)Is there a general rule of thumb as to when (like certain mile marks) to use gels or shot blocks, or is it just based on how you feel?


I would use some electrolyte capsule like Endrolytes http://www.e-caps.com/za/ECP?PAGE=PRODUCT&CAT=ELECT&PROD.ID=4037&OMI=10104,10082,10047&AMI=10104 vs just salt. They are more balanced. We used them for Goofy and Minnie. Usually 1-2 per hr depending on temps.

The general rule of thumb is " eat before hungry and drink before thirsty". Works well with distance running.
Dave tip toeing in to peek around the corner to see if it's safe to come back in. I have my banky and my teddy for a little extra security.:eek:

I'm headed out to walk on a wonderful cool morning. After the ordeal of training in the intense heat this week has been a real treat.

For many of us Sept is the beginning of the training cycle for the January events, How is everyone doing 2 weeks into it.

We are a Team and our job is to help each other over the hard spots. So if you are having a tough time getting going say so, we can help.

Have an awesome day y'all, and don't be telling everyone about the concert at the ToT. Everyone will want to go then.

Dave- so I did accidentally tell my 20 year old secretary about the possible Aerosmith thing, but judging by her reaction of "... who?!" I think our secret is safe (and I feel about 112 years old).

Training is great today- it's a rest day! I'm attempting Hal Higdon's Intermediate I so tomorrow is 5, Sunday 8. I'm probably better suited to Novice, but wanted the double runs for Goofy- still, I won't beat myself up if I don't follow the Intermediate I exactly.

My DH's family is in town (well, an hour away) and we are supposed to see them this weekend. I think I convinced DH that we can leave Saturday morning to go spend the weekend with them AFTER I run a local 5k at 7:30 a.m. He was kind of put out about it, but then I told him we wouldn't have probably seen them until at least 10 a.m. anyway and he could either have me grumpy the whole weekend or reasonably pleased. What I haven't told him is that he and DD can load the baby up in the stroller to go see his peeps bright and early Sunday morning while I am doing my 8 miler. Let's face it- they're here to see the kids anyway! :rotfl:

Jen in GA
Dave- so I did accidentally tell my 20 year old secretary about the possible Aerosmith thing, but judging by her reaction of "... who?!" I think our secret is safe (and I feel about 112 years old).

Jen in GA

When I was coming back to the US from Japan, where my Air Force father was stationed, there was a huge crowd of people out on the runway. They had broken through security and were massed around a plane. The people were there because some English band was visiting the USA for the first time. Being over in Japan with no TV except the government channel we had never seen or heard of the Beatles.:upsidedow

DAVE! OMG! You were THERE!?!?! :faint:

I have no training to report today and it is entirely my husband's fault. He didn't get home until late last night therefore we did not go to sleep until waaay past my bedtime. I blame him entirely. ;)

Tomorrow I am doing 4 miles. Then Monday....my MFM Half training OFFICIALLY starts! :banana: I am actually really very excited about this! :yay:

Helen - Glad to see you! :wave: It takes me about 30 minutes for whatever it is that kicks in to kick in. Endorphins maybe. Delirium perhaps. I don't know. But at about 30 min I start to get my groove on.

Jen - I too mentioned the possibilty to someone and got a smililar reaction. She knew who they were but was really not impressed. Well, fine then. :snooty:

Still looking for Sunny...:confused3
Wait, there are people who don't know who Aerosmith is? Seriously?? I thought they were still really popular. :confused3
Hi, everyone! So glad to see Helen!! :wave2:

I finally have some training to report, though still not on a structured schedule. LTO/WTO and our kitchen reconstruction and back to school meetings, etc. just keep getting in the way! ;)

Besides doing my crunches & push-ups every day, I took a 25 minute core strengthening class last night. I LOVED it!!! I could do everythign the instructor asked of us, which was shocking to me and I am sure attributable to the crunches I've been doing. I also had 40 minutes (including warmup) on the TM before the class and got in 2.95 miles (burned 329 calories). I was doing mostly walk/jog at 4.2/5.0. I really need more miles rather than faster miles right now, but just cannot carve out the time to fit in the workouts.

Hoping to have the discipline to go to the gym tomorrow morning and get in an hour or so on the TM before the 7:45 muscle pump class. It's another busy weekend with a school dance for DS tonight, football game tomorrow wtih the MB and DS's Confirmation adn a family/friend late lunch afterwards. I count it all as xt.

Good luck to everyone on their LRs/LWs this weekend! :cool1:


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