Wk Of Sept 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Wishers.

I did get in my 3.5 miles of Tuesday as planned. Then got a rotten cold in Wednesday and have been out of it ever since. I'm planning on babying myself today (as much as a mom is allowed) and trying to comfortably walk the 7 miles I had planned for tomorrow. That way I will stay on target with my "long" days at least.

My LR was wonderful this morning. The ankle was a little tender at first, but never bothered me. The temps were low 70s so that makes a huge difference. But the hills were still where they always are.:confused3 But that is OK. In therory, what goes up must come down. Right?:lmao:

My total time was 2:17:18
That is ave 8:34 MPM
But I know I did my LAST 5 miles in a little over 40 minutes. I was running fast then recovering and used street signs as markers. Did not take any off for traffic and stupid drivers so the time was probably better than that. But I am just glad I felt good.

I MAY bike about 20 tomorrow. I have finally gotten all the sand off my bike from my beach ride.
Thanks for all the congrats, encouragment, and :wizard: for the ankle. You guys are the best!
Sunny - So great to hear from you! Iam so sorry about all you have been through. I hope this new implant works and you ARE able to run again. I will continue to pray for you!:hug:

Angie - Lots of :hug: to you! I am so sorry that you are going through this. I am glad they can fix it, but I WISH there was an easier way. Know you are in my prayers.

Monte - That is SO WONDERFUL about being so close to your goal. :cool1: You are amazing!

Dona - Hope you feel better soon! Don't push too hard or the cold will hang on FOREVER! Trust me...I am a pusher and have ended up very sick more than once b/c of it!:grouphug:

Cam - Good luck on those 10 miles! Hope you have a great day at work.

nepats - Good luck on your training and I am sorry that your back is messing up your plans. Hope you can work it out.

I know I missed many, but I have now run out of time...gotta go!
:grouphug: to everyone who needs it!
:yay: for everyone doing LRs and LWs tomorrow.
Hello WISH Team,

So, after 5 days off my (L) achilles and calf felt better, so I thought I'd give them a test run. Of course, did I venture out for a nice short run? No, I did my scheduled 12-mile LR.

Everything seemed to go well. I ran at a 5/1 run/walk ratio, and finished with an average pace of 10:43/mile. I iced down immediatley after, and so far all is good. :)

Some firsts today:

- Longest run for me since Oct. 2004.

- First run with my new Amphipod belt. I bought the Run Lite 2+, which comes with (2) 10.5 fluid bottles, a storage pouch, and a little hidden front pocket on the front of the belt. I took just one bottle with me today, and found the belt to be comfortable when running (after getting used to the initial sloshing around of the ice-filled bottle).

- First experience with gels; at 6 mi I had a Powerbar gel, Double Latte flavor: disgusting flavor on the run!! :scared: Didn't bother my gut though, so I'll try some others. Of course, I carried the empty gel packet for 3 miles until I found a trash can; I wasn't going to let the residual goo leak all over the inside of my new Amphipod! :snooty: Perhaps shot blocks would be better for me. :goodvibes

I must go now; babysitter arriving to watch the 3 kiddos, as I'm heading out to dinner with my DW to celebrate our 15th anniversary :hug:! (My Garmin says I burned 1,700 calories on my run, so I'm going to indulge!)

Sorry for the lengthy post. Happy training to all!
Steve -
- First experience with gels; at 6 mi I had a Powerbar gel, Double Latte flavor: disgusting flavor on the run!! :scared: Didn't bother my gut though, so I'll try some others. Of course, I carried the empty gel packet for 3 miles until I found a trash can; I wasn't going to let the residual goo leak all over the inside of my new Amphipod! :snooty: Perhaps shot blocks would be better for me. :goodvibes

I put all my gel packets into a little ziplock bag. This way they don't leak on anything and I don't have to worry about the trash. Someone found out during the marathon that gels, cameras, and phones don't mix too well. There are way too many possibilities for them to leak and make a mes during runs.

Meghan – That’s awesome that you were able to do so well at the CDC and inspire those coworkers to give racing a try. Maybe I’ll be able to do that, too, whenever I finish my first half!

Angie – Well, I’m glad they have a solution for you, but yuck that it means surgery! :wizard:

Bill (wfloyd) – Chasing after kiddos sure does count as training!

Kim – Sorry that you ended up seeing a crummy movie. I don’t think I’ve even heard of that one, but that’s not surprising since I’m usually completely out of touch with movie world.

Stephanie – An early good luck to you and DH for the marathon! I’m glad he’s calm about it so far…I’d be a pile of nerves already!

Leana – Good luck on your race this weekend! Bummer about your dad – how disappointing! Are they expecting the PT to fix the problem, or is he going to have to have surgery at some point?

Ironz – Hey, a fellow Austinite! We still do really short distances, so we usually just stick around the neighborhood. Once we get into longer stretches, the first place we want to try is the Town Lake trail (or is it the Lady Bird Lake trail now?). How about you?

Sunny – Great to see you! Lots of :wizard: :wizard: for your recovery!

Kristi – Yay for Lifehouse tickets!

Renee – Good luck on the 12-miler tomorrow!

Bill (nepatsfan) – :wizard: for your back!

SilverSteve – Awesome run! Hope your ankle continues to feel better. And Happy Anniversary!!
Steve - awesome run! And congrats on your anniversary too!

TXAng - I keep forgetting to say congrats, so...CONGRATS!!!

I was a very good girl today & did my 5 miles. I was so close to bailing, you don't even know! I finally forced myself to go. We get there, I drop Zack in the KidStop room and head to the rear of the building where the track is. Almost to track & realize I left my water bottle in the car. No way I can do 5 miles without water. So, up I go to get the car keys out of Zack's lunch bag & out to the car. Ok, back on the track. Mile 1 was miserable - shins & calves hurting. Mile 2 was better, but I did no more running intervals, just walked. About 2.5 miles in my mp3 player dies. I checked the battery before I left home & it was fine. Then I have to pee. So, I get going through mile 3. Somewhere in mile 4 some woman joins me on the track, but going to wrong way! Then I keep second guessing myself & keep checking the sign at the door to the track that tells you the direction for that day. I was right, but she just kept going the other way - walking in the running lane too boot. Then during the 5th mile, a woman & her son are now also walking, the wrong way. As I go by them about the third time, her son says something to his mom asking if they are going the right way. Just as I pass her, she says extra loud (so I could hear apparently) "yes, WE are going the RIGHT way." HUH??? After I passed I said (not very loudly so she probably didn't hear me) "check the sign!" Again, I check the arrow because I am now paranoid. Yes, I am still going the correct way. Oh, and I forgot the guy somewhere in the middle that was sprinting back & forth on one side of the track. At least he knew I was there & would always look for me. But it was freaky when I would go by as he was sprinting as fast as he could in the opposite direction. For my last mile, I felt better & decided to run one lap, walk one lap.
1:03:59 I am happy with that. I was so tired & with all the drama....

Oh, and then I go get Zack to go home & he yet again had a little accident in his shorts. How the heck do I get him to stop playing & go pee???!!!

Leana - lots of :wizard: for your dad. Your mom too!

Bill - some :wizard: for you too.

Christa - your times always amaze me, you speedy gonzales, you!

Tomorrow I have 40 mins. xt on deck. I will also be xt-ing my typing fingers like a mad woman listing things on eBay. This Vegas over New years trip is going to be crazy-expensive, so I best start selling some 'stuff' laying around here to pay for it!
Hey everyone! :surfweb:
Well it was a scheduled 3 mile run tonight. I ran for 32 minutes--and today that is 3 miles. Tomorrow is a rest day and 7 miles on Sunday.

Sunny, Angie: :hug: again from all of us.

nepatsfan Bill: huge amounts of pixiedust: and :hug: from all of us too! Please take care of yourself. Happy to hear you are still running ToT--can't wait to meet you! We'll be cheering you on!

SilverE: happy anniversary! How many is this? Where did you go to eat? Well done on the run!

Christa: Wow! Your LRs are so impressive!! Unfortunately my times have slowed down. Last sunday on our LR, DH estimated we were doing 10:50 per mile which is slower than I'd like and much slower than my Minnie pace of 10:28 per mile. I am so envious of your pace! Can you send some speedy running times (I'd have said speed, but was afraid of where that might lead ;) )?

runwdw2008: so sorry to hear about your cold! Here's some pixiedust: to get you better soon!

WWDave: so you've been good all week and are ready to be "bad." Sooooo, where is it? I haven't seen a "bad" post yet. It has been rather boring....

Judy: yes, I do count getting Charlie out of the house 2 hours early as XT! :rotfl2: Good luck on the 4 miles tomorrow!

Cam: I'm so impressed that you've stuck with the crunches and situps for so long. You must have abs of steal!! Can't wait to see you at ToT!!

Leana: so sorry to hear your Dad won't be able to participate in ToT but he'll be with us cheering us on. You must be so pleased to have your parents participate and cheer you on. Mine don't. They just don't get this whole running thing!

Tomorrow we are heading out to visit a local winery. They specialize in sparkling wine. DD stopped and picked up cookies at one of the best bakeries around to go with the sparkling wine. I knew I liked that kid!

Sleep well everyone!! Good luck to all the racers this weekend!
Evening WISH Team.

I hope I didn't offend anyone with my "YARC" story today. Except Paris Hilton if she lurks on here she can be offended.

I hope everyone is happy and at peace with the world tonight.

Sunny - Here's to a speedy recovery and to a pain free future, even if it means no more running and racing...maybe racewalking?
Angie - Wow....sorry to hear that surgery is the only option left. Hopefully your able to get through all of this with minimal difficulties.
NEPatsFan - Hopefully your disc decides to behave here pretty soon.
Kristi - Lifehouse "First Time" ...Their new single is pretty good! Maybe the other people thought it was "Opposite Day"
Leana - I don't see why your Dad's race bib wouldn't get him into the post race party. DNF = No party?!?! I can't see that happening.
Martha - Good luck with the "carboload" tomorrow and your LR on Sunday.
SilverSteve - Congrats on the 15 years. For energy gels I bring along a small snack sized ziplock for my empty packets. Try the GU Vanilla Bean and/or TriBerry.

Well the heat and humidity has returned for a late summer, early fall "Let's mess with Andrew on his first Marathon" visit. It's supposed to be 91 for the high on Sunday and it's pretty humid as well. So lots and lots of fluids tomorrow and for the race. I hope they have more porta potties than the CDC.

Happy Training/Racing/Staying Healthy and Fit
TXAng - I'm glad you are working hard to stay on top of this thread this week, because I sure can't ever seem to keep up with it.

Yesterday, I ran my first fall race at the Houston Marathon Kickoff Party 5K with a goal to stay under 40 minutes since there was still some heat and humidity hanging around for the evening race. I finished in 38:38 meeting my goal and beating my best time last spring by 7 seconds (technically, I did have a better pace during a 10K in the spring).

I sure am looking forward to getting cooler, less humid weather down here eventually. Hopefully before my Oct 13 10 miler, or at least my Oct 28 half marathon. You should probably wonder about someone who lives in Houston and hates the humidity.

Anyway good luck to you guys racing this weekend! ...and also to those of you just training, too!
At work today and feeling overwhelmed, but wanted to post today's workout (~2.5 hours!!!)
I got up this morning at 5:30 and went to the gym and did 6.20 miles in 1:28:32 and burned off 548 calories.

Then I went to a 55 minute muscle pump class, which I LOVED!!!!! I am so glad I finally got there, 3 weeks into the program session! :rolleyes1: The instructor is so absolutely wonderful! She plays great music, wears a headset and has a really nice voice and gives instructions and enough warning on each set that even an uncoordinated klutz like I am was able to follow everything!!! I used 2 5-lb dumbbells; a 9 lb body bar, and a weight bar with 2 5lb weights through the course of the class and those weights were still often a bit of a struggle. I also had charlie horse in my left hip near the end of the class, so I can see that there is a lot of room for improvement and strengthening.

Oh, and for the second LR in a row, I have a really nasty blister along the inside line of my foot where the side meets the sole, behind my arch. I have absolutely no idea why I've just started getting these blisters, but for the second week in a row, it is uncomfortable.
Hello, WISHers!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am; I just completed my 12 mile run and felt GREAT! I changed some strategies from my stonker 11 mile run last week and they helped. (If you care: water and 2 sports beans every 2 miles, 1/4 of a clif bar and powerade at 6 miles, totally emptied and reloaded my shuffle with slower songs I don't normally listen to when running.) So I get to the end and my watch says 1:53:30. I knew I felt good but I thought there was no way I was that fast, so I ran another .2 miles to make sure I got in my full 12 miles. Well I measured it out and sure enough I had done 12 (so now 12.2) with an average pace of 9:28! I am very pleased with that and it was nice to be in "Running Nirvana" - finally! The best part is that I ran negative splits.

Andrew - Good luck on your marathon tomorrow! It's very humid here also, but it didn't seem to affect me quite so much as usual.

Happy training, all!
Hey, I'm here on a Saturday! :thumbsup2 Just a quick checking in. Three miles at the track this morning. I know, I know. :rolleyes2


Mile 1) 12:06
Mile 2) 12:29
Mile 3) 11:59

Off to make breakfast now. Catch up with you guys later.
Hi Everyone!

Just reading through this thread and seeing everyone's progress really has me pumped up. I'm seeing some great improvements for a lot of you and all I can say is GOOD GOING, WISHERS!!!

Angie - I'm sorry surgery is your only option but am glad that your problem can be fixed. My DH, Steve, had a herniated disc in his neck, had the surgery and is doing great. Sending you lots of :wizard: for for the weeks to come.

Sunny - :hug: I hope this new device is able to help you with your pain. Geez! You've really been through the ringer. I admire your attitude. Take one step at a time, one day at a time. Maybe your running days are over. Is that for certain? As someone asked- racewalking in your future? I guess time will tell, huh? Sending lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: your way. :hug:

Nepatsfan - Sorry you are having some problems. More :wizard: for you.

Stephanie - good luck to you and your DH next weekend. :cheer2: I'm sorry to hear about your friend. That is really sad.

Cam and Judy - you ladies are getting speedy!!! You are a lot faster than this time last year, aren't you? Good going!

Leana - sorry about your dad. As Martha said, it's great your parents are involved. My parents have both passed on but my in-laws don't get this running thing either. They just kind of roll their eyes when I tell them I'm doing another race. They think at my age I should start getting the rocker out and enjoy that. :rotfl2: Oh, good luck on your upcoming race! :cheer2:

Steve - Happy anniversary!

Kristi - have your sister buy you a lottery ticket! Or, does she only win things on the radio? LOL

Sending lots of :wizard: for those with injuries or other pains. Good luck to our racers this weekend and for those with long runs. :cheer2:
Sunny - Great to hear from you. Sorry the surgery was so difficult. I hope everything works out for you and you can be pain free. You have been through so much already. Sending :hug: and :wizard: your way.

Angie - bummer about the surgery. Here's hoping it's as successful as your DH's was.

Steve - Happy Anniversary to you and DW!

Renee - Great job on your LR.

Monte - Congrats on your TNT fundraising!:thumbsup2

Cam - Great job on your workout. As for the blisters -yuck! I got a blister on that spot of the foot during the 2006 Goofy. for this past Goofy I lathered up the area with vaseline on both the foot and on my sock over that area and had no problem. Of course I got blisters on almost every other part of my foot this year :mad:

I've been a bit of a slug this week. It seems I have a good training week and then a lousy/non-existent one :confused3

I'm annoyed at my Dr. because I still don't have the test results (from 1 1/2 weeks ago). I still don't feel "right" and life and work have taken over again. Plus I'm tired. I've been busy with the FT job, but at least my part time job cuts back a few days in 2 weeks so I hope that allows me to get a little extra rest and training time in.

I'm supposed to do 8 miles today and I wake up and it's pouring rain. Talk about a motivation crusher. I'm gonna try to go out later today and get it in or I'll go to gym for a long xt session.

Thanks for listening to me whine. I know you guys understand. people at home think I'm nuts and should just not do the race, therefore not needing to train. (Not an option).

Good luck to everyone who is racing today.

Steve - As others have said...I put the gels in a ziplock bag. That way all the nastyness will not get all over everything....Mocha is nasty...I had that (thinking it was chocolate) during my last 1/2 marathon and gagged!:sick:

Kristi - How old is Zach? He may not be old enough to remember to pee...Not sure of his age though.

Andrew - :wizard: :wizard: for your marathon.

Will not be biking today. My ankle hurt last night and DH made the choice that I rest it. :sad2: I know he is looking out for me...but I want to ride...wah, wah, wah!:sad1: Is there a temper tantrum smilie? It is feeling better today though.:yay: But still not riding!
I just thought I would post this thought!

I was looking at ALL the pictures Ron took during my 1st marathon. He took a picture of us at mile 19 and the time said 4:12! 4:12...WOW! That was my FINISHING time this past year.

Yet, I feel I still have unfinished business with the 26.2 miles.....sub 4.
(If you care: water and 2 sports beans every 2 miles, 1/4 of a clif bar and powerade at 6 miles, totally emptied and reloaded my shuffle with slower songs I don't normally listen to when running.)

I care! I like reading what works & doesn't work for others.


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