Wk Of Sept 1 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey guys! Sorry to dash in with a quick report before work. Just a little over 6 miles last night, at ~10:50-ish min/mi - but I can't be sure since I don't have much in the way of technical gadgetry to judge by...sure felt like I was going faster than usual, though :) Lots of hills, too, which slowed me going up, but sure helped on the way down :woohoo:

Hope everyone has a great FRIDAY!! Now I'm off to drop my car off at the service station and hope the engine's not broken :sad2:
Good morning WISHers!! :surfweb:
My computer problems seem to be resolved for now. However, I'm sitting at home waiting for Verizon to come set up FiOS internet access. We have it up and running for TV (with High Def) and it is truly phenomenal. Apparently it's all wireless, even the mother ship. So I'm "working" from home.

Today is a rest day for me. I'm to run 9 miles tomorrow. I have the route planned but the weather may not cooperate. If the cat wakes me up early (high probability) I could be out and back before the rest of the house wakes up! After I feed them, of course.

Moonie: nice job on the run last night! I hope the car engine isn't broken and doesn't cost too much to fix!!

Kristi1357 and Lisa Loves Pooh: DH spend several years getting allergy shots which did absolutely nothing for him. He stopped taking them many years ago and refuses to start them up again. When he gets really sneezy, he just takes more pills. Usually the fall is the worst for him but if the house is closed up too long, it gets worse. I hope you find a good allergist!

NYcpa: have fun on the 6 mile LW!

Big Vic: good to see you! Hope things calm down for you.

Mel: just back away. It's OK to not run that race and it's better to let your foot rest. Prioritize your races. What is the most important races and let that be your guide. You can resist!

hoosmi: I've always thought it would be fun to run on the beach but I'd be afraid of getting too much sand and water IN my shoes. I don't care so much about my legs but my shoes I do care about. It sounds like you really enjoyed it though.

DH's first day of teaching at MIT went very well. He is now closeted in a faculty retreat at Babson for the entire day! If you calculate how much that is costing in wasted time for all the faculty--well, don't go there. He's been *****ing about this for a week.

Gotta run. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a great weekend! Good luck to anyone running a race this weekend!
Big Vic is your camelbak a back one, or a waist one? do you use it during races or just for training? I am considering one and would love any feedback you have regarding it's usage...thanks!!!
Went out and ran four miles this morning, pace was slow 11:something, but I was not pushing myself cause of my right foot and knee. It was a tad sore at first, then eased up. BUT, when I stopped running to do my five minute walk cool down I could barely walk! I am like limping now. OMG! If I started training back in April to do my first race (RFTT) and I can't do it I'm gonna cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm down to like four weeks. Watch, I've been totally committed and DH has been running here and there and he will be the one to run the RFTT and I'm gonna end up watching from the sidelines. OK, enough of a pity party for me. How is everyone else doing this morning? :lmao:
Hey all... nothing to report training wise since it was a rest day. But I did cross train by packing the camper. We are taking off for a quick trip to Jellystone (with Yogi Bear). There is a local race, about 15 minutes away, that I may do. There is a 1 mile fun run that I may do with DD6 and then a 5K. So I would get in a little over 4 miles, which isn't too bad even tho I am supposed to get in 6. Doing the race all depends on the weather and if we get up on time!

I was at Target last night and they had Champion running skirts on clearance, so I bought 2 ($7.00 each). The little shorts ride up tho, which was my fear. They aren't spandexy enough, more like a knit short. BUT, they will work for short runs, just not the long ones where there is more of a chance for chub rub. I packed one for the "maybe" race this weekend and will wear it with my WISH t-shirt.

Good Luck to all the racers this weekend. And especially for Lynne - I just know this is your Ironman!!!!!!!! I will be thinking of you all weekend!
Just did 5k on the TM. Ended up going fast for me because now I'm bored on the TM. (And my iPod that used to make me so happy at the beginning of the week now looks old and clunky-- thanks a lot, Apple! :lmao: )

Shan- don't freak out! :grouphug: You've been working so hard- take some rest days or whatever the doctor tells you. It's so hard to rest, but just think- even if you barely run again until RFTT, your foot will hopefully have time to recover. You may be a little slower than you'd like, but you've got a great base. If you run too much before you're better, you're going to end up really hurt... trust me, BTDT! Combine the fact that it's your first big race and it's Disney so there are photo-ops everywhere, and you probably won't be worried about your time. (I averaged something like 12 minute miles at the Minnie- I expected at least 11 minute miles- it really doesn't bother me because I had a fabulous time).

Ok, lecture is over. Take care!

Everyone have a great weekend-

Jen in GA
Happy Friday!

I did a quick XT today on the bike at the Y. Tomorrow is my first double digit run since the half in January - 10 miles. I am excited and scared!

Renee -- congratulations on conquering that run!! :woohoo: You do realize what this means, though, right? You will never be content again walking at that point! :rotfl: You are going to know that you have been able to run it in the past and you are now going to push yourself to do that! Do I know you, or what? :goodvibes
Yea, yea I know. Thanks a lot!!! ;)

(Did I here a few "oh, poor Lisa--she has it so stuff" comments?????:laughing: )
Yep, that was me you heard! Now excuse me while I go scrub toilets!

Shan - So sorry for the foot and knee! Lots of PD coming your way!

Sorry I don't have time to catch up with everyone. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Happy training, all! :)
Hey Racing Team -

My husband had a PR last night! :thumbsup2 I am SO proud of him! :woohoo: He did a very unorganized 5K in 26 minutes! :yay: Go Charlie Go! :cheer2:

He really did great. He started way in the back, even though I gave him my best WISH advice and told him to move to the front. This race was walker-friendly and there were a lot of baby carriages and dogs and little kids. So I was waiting a little past the start to see him go off and I didn't see him and thought I'd missed him when he comes out on the side - just like Dale used to do, for you NASCAR junkies - and BAM! He took off! I don't know how fast he was going at that point but he was tapping his inner Kenyan, that's for sure. I was jumping up and down like a lunatic! I was so excited for him!:banana:

So then I went to the finish line and waited. :rolleyes1

And while I waited I was watching things. Like the race director running around like a nut, with her 8-9 yo son following her around begging to go to dinner. There were volunteers everywhere with their yellow shirts on, so I don't know why the RD was grabbing people from the sidelines asking them to do things like take chips off. She asked two elderly ladies sitting waiting for someone to come in to do chip removal. Now, no offense to anyone older than me, but these ladies couldn't bend over if there shoes were on fire. So she brought them two chairs. And handed them clippers. When the runners started coming in they either just took the clippers themselves or put their foot up on the chairs. One lady almost went over when a guy put his foot up and pushed on the arm of the chair. :eek:

Oh I forgot to say they never announced when the start would be and someone just yelled "Go". But there were still runners milling about, not realized things had begun. I saw some people take off without going over the mat so you know they didn't get a chip time.

Then there wasn't anyone monitoring the finish chute so spectators were gathering inside the chute to meet their runners and when other finishers came through they had no where to go.

They had one water stop and were handing out bottles of Dasani water. Then they had five people standing right before the finish line handing out bottles. Why weren't they at the end of the chute? :headache:

But this was the worst. I was standing right past the finish line with another lady and we were waiting to take pictures. A guy, maybe in his early 30s comes over the finish line and falls right down. There were three volunteers standing there, talking. One said to the guy on the ground "Are you OK?" The guys just sort of rolled over. I said to the lady next to me "He doesn't look well". He was kind of ashen color, he didn't look normal to me. So then the volunteer went back to talking! The lady next to me and I started yelling "Medic!" "We have someone down here!" When we realized...there was no medic. There was no ambulance! :scared: Someone from the crowd ran to get a police officer and it was 15 minutes until an ambulance came! The poor guy! When they finally came they gave him oxygen and took him away on a stretcher.

In the midst of all this, when the other lady and I were looking for help, Charlie must have come over the line. Because all of the sudden there he was next to me. I'm sure he was confused as to why his wife would be standing in the middle of the finishers chute. But I felt really bad I didn't get his picture. However under the circumstances...

Anyway, I was also the ONLY PERSON cheering. :confused: I felt silly at first but I got over that quick. The winner came in in 17 minutes and I was clapping and told him he did fabulous. He gave me a big smile which was nice. But of all the people standing around, no one was cheering. I couldn't believe that! I clapped and cheered on everyone. Some of the people were really struggling and I really over did it for them. They really appreciated it! :goodvibes

This race was supposed to be a benefit for the local Boys and Girls Club, and as much as it's nice they are raising money for a good cause, I don't think Charlie will do this next year.

Anyway, there you have it.

Notice my conspicuous lack of training in this post. That's because we didn't even get home until 11:00. There was no way I was getting up early this morning.
Judy: CONGRATULATIONS to Charlie!! He did fantastic and should be proud! I cannot believe how horribly disorganized the race was--and no ambulance? :scared1: That's awful--that runner could have died! Seriously! Pass along our congrats to Charlie and tell him to get his butt on these boards!

Renee: good luck on your 10 miler tomorrow!

Shan: what Jen in GA said. RFTT is still 4 weeks away. Ice your foot and rest. Can you bike or use the eliptical? That will keep you exercising if not running. That foot needs to heal.
Judy -- Woohoo :woohoo: for Charlie!!! And :woohoo: for you for cheering on all the participants and going to the aid of that man. :love: It sounds so disorganized. Thank God Charlie had a chip on so that he at least had some shot at knowing his real time. Give him a huge WISH :grouphug: from his teammates!

Mel -- Step BACK from the race registration!! I like Martha's advice -- decide which race is your priority and don't risk that one for others that are less important.

Shan? Same goes. You are well-trained. Give your foot a break. You are going to do a Disney race. There is no pressure! You are there to have fun. Don't risk it all now with workouts instead of rest for your foot and knee! :goodvibes:

Jen -- are you sure you dont' want to come to the northeast in the dead of winter? It's got to be better than Wisconsin, weather-wise, wouldnt' you think? Have fun camping this weekend and good luck to you and DD if you do the race(s)

Lisa -- we NEED pix! Though the one in your sig makes me smile every time I see it!
Okay, no training for me again last night or tonight. We were up packing until nearly 2 am (and I think Howard thought I was nuts when he came up to go to bed moments behind me and found me doing crunches and pushups.) :eek: 6:00 came all too soon, but hitting the snooze button 3 times helped. Big weekend here with DS's first high school football game (he's in the band) and DD's season opener tomorrow night at her university (she's in the band, too), and best of all, doing a muscle pump class and my LR with our very own Carrie tomorrow a.m.
Judy a race director's job is often thankless. But you really learn to love a good one when you have been to a race put on by one without a clue.

A couple of years ago we had a race in Smith's Grove Ky, to benefit a local high school sports program. At the beginning things started to go bad. The person who was supposed to bring the keys to the school, which had the rest rooms, didn't show.

It was a hot humid day and it was a 5K through cornfields. They sent the walkers off one way and the runners another way. The person who was supposed to show the walkers the way to go didn't show so they were wandering the field trails looking for somekind of directions.

The finish was at the school and when you finally did find your way back there was no finish line, you just arrived back at the school.

There was no water! It was humid and in the 90s. Finally someone had an orange construction site jug they had on their truck and a box on those little 4 oz cups, imagine the line with 500 runners and walkers waiting for that little cup of water.

The next day the director had an I'm sorry letter mailed to all the participants and free entry to the next years race which he promised to be better.

Another race, last June, was my final race as a runner. The course was a cow pasture, a hundred yards from the start, someone stepped in a hole and broke their ankle. I had a bad achillies so the uneven terrain was extremely painfull for me to run on, so much that I haven't run a step since. This race was out of water by the time the back of the packers started coming in.

Robert as a good race director we salute you. Hugs for Robert when you meet him.

I had a nice 4.5 miles this morning. Our humidity finally broke and we had a pleasent morning, even a nice breeze. I was so pumped by the time I finished. I was needing a good walk badly.

Have a great day y'all.

Hey, everyone, sorry I have been MIA for the past few weeks. I decided about 3 weeks ago that I'm not running the Columbus marathon, so I haven't done much running or biking or anything since then. I am incredibly burned out on training. I'm not sure if it's the extreme heat we've been dealing with this summer (we've been in the 90's almost every day since June which is very uncharacteristic for Ohio) or the fact that I've basically been training for something since May 2005 or what my problem is, but I need a break. I was thinking the other day, before I decided to stop training for Columbus, I think there's only been maybe 10 weekends since May 05 where I haven't done a long run of some sort. Since January 2006, I've run 1 full marathon and 4 half marathons--I need a time out!! :) Since I'm not training for anything now, I really haven't been running or biking, it's still really, really hot here and honestly I haven't had much motivation to get out and run in the heat when I don't have to. Hopefully we'll get some cooler weather soon and I can start running again, I'm not burned out on running, just training for marathons.

Sorry to worry everyone, really everything is great for Stephen and I. Actually to be perfectly honest with you, ever since I decided to bag the Columbus marathon, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've dreading my runs and hating every step which has made me a joy to be around ;) , but now that I don't HAVE to run and run when I WANT to run, I am much happier and I'm enjoying my runs (all 4 in the past 3 weeks :) ). I've been coming from work and actually cooking dinner for a change and keeping up with my house cleaning, it's been wonderful. The only not so great thing is I still tend to eat like I'm running a lot of miles, so that's going to catch up with me soon. :) I'll try to pop in from time to time, but I feel like such a slug reading how everyone is training hard, maybe I'll just post and talk, is that okay? I'll see everyone in October for the Tower of Terror run, I am running that, so I guess I should keep up with my running until at least October and then in January for the marathon where I'll be scream teaming. Hopefully I just need a break and will be back in the corrals soon!!
Hello All,

pixiedust: and positive thoughts to all those enduring injuries; respect for those who have decided to take a step back from training/competing; and congratulations to all enjoying successful training this week. :thumbsup2

Completed a 10.1 mi. LR today; My first experiment with running for .5 miles/walking for 1 minute. Finished in 1:44:23. I liked the run/walk method (my knees liked it even more :) ). I think the run/walk is the way for me to go at WDW next January. I'm going to try 4 min/1 min. on next LR.

BTW, today I ran while listening to a podcast (my first experience with downloading one) :music: : Phedippidations by Steve Runner. He talks about running related topics, interviews people, has some musical breaks and general musings--I really enjoyed it (and they are FREE); it was a nice break from running with music all the time. The topics I listened to today included the Galloway run/walk method and marathon nutrition/hydration. Very informative and entertaining.

Take care all!
judy: congrats to your husband! I just loved the race report! It had me howling until I got to the part about the fallen runner. OMG, how scary......I hope everything turned out OK for him. I can just picture those little old ladies trying to remove the chips.....hope no one got their shoelaces cut.
WTG Charlie (Judy's DH!)

SilverE- Great run! Glad the knee/leg liked it too!

Krista - Glad to hear from you!

Renee - :wizard: :banana: :wizard: for you LR tomorrow!

Shan - Rest and Ice! Lots of :wizard: :wizard: to you!

Speaking of the heat!
My LR was really interesting today.
1st 7 miles were good...not great, but good
next 4 miles I went btwn wow I can do this and someone needs to call an EMT!
last 3...I don't even remember! Yeah they were bad!
I was not in pain, no IBS, tummy, acid reflux issues...I just had NO energy so every step took max effort. I am now wiped out. But a mommy does not get to rest much...:rolleyes1
My pace ended up being an ave of 8:50. :confused: But I really struggled and I know the pace was all over the place...btwn 7:30 and 9:30 mpm. Oh well, that kind of run keeps one humble..but
Mel - I LOVE the new tag!! And Don't you just love those accidental trips to WDW!!

John and Karen - Congrats on the PR's!!

Richard - Nice to have you back! Sorry about the tri, that must really suck!

Craig - OMG! I can't believe you ran the entire 10 mile run on the track! I would be dizzy from all those circles!! Awesome run though!! Thanks for the compliment by the way, but I'm not that fast yet.

Renee - How old is your DD? Sounds like the did an amazing job with those 4 miles!! And don't worry, your not the only mean mom.

Colleen - Congrats on that 16 miler. Craig might have you convinced, but I am staying away from that track, unless I am running sprints. There's a reason I ran Cross Country in High School. I hated running in circles. By the way, thank you too.

Jackie - I get grumpy when I don't run too. The kids and DH know that if I don't get my runs in I am not a happy camper. I am sending all the pixie dust I can. I hope you feel better.

Vic - You have definately had some problems lately haven't you. I mean dogs, ankles, etc. I hope things get better and you get some good outside training in!!

Steve - Congrats on the 9 mile LR, and the fact that you aren't hurting to bad. That is awesome!!

Andrew - Don't you understand that housework IS cross training. At least that's my philosophy!!

Stephanie - I would truly cry if something like that happened on one of my runs!! I almost chucked the treadmill cause it went all freaky on me one day and kept stopping in the middle of my runs!!

Meghan - I use the Galloway/Higdon plan. Basically I use the mileage from the Higdon plan, but I incorporate the walking from the Galloway plan. So far I really seem to like it. Also, I recognize the "flylady" jargon too.

Moon - Please be careful about making sure you have the appropriate things with you when you are running. Especially in the heat lately, running without enough fluids can be VERY dangerous.

Lisa - Hugs for the MIL visit! I don't start my runs until I can see well enough without a light. Usually around 6:30 just as the sun starts coming up. Our trail is covered in woods on both sides, and I don't like not being able to see if something or someone is coming.

Angie - Yay on the doctors appt.

Vicki - Welcome Back!!

Christa - Good Luck on this race, I am sure you will do just fine!! You are like Superwoman to us WISHers!! PLEASE be careful out there running. My DH and MIL and My Mom freak out every time I go out to our trail to run, now I know how they feel!! Though, I bet if you start foaming at the mouth someone just might think twice!!

Cam - You were worried about me?! I am fine I assure you, just run ragged lately. I've been lucky to get my runs in let alone find time for the computer. Thank you so much for thinking about me though!!

Jen in Ga - YAY on your runs outside!!

Well. I am finally able to post. Life has seriously been taking over. So here's my mileage for this week:

Tuesday 3 Miles (didn't time)
Wednesday 7 Miles in 59:16 (avg 8:28 mpm)
Thursday 3 Miles (didn't time)
Today 12 Miles First 8 in 1:18:00 (avg 9:45 mpm)
Last 4 in 34:14 (avg 8:33 mpm)

Actually, for some reason I thought I was supposed to do 7 on Weds and it was only supposed to be 6. And because of my "accidental" trip to WDW on Monday, and Michael's football game on Saturday I had to put all of my runs together this week. I am completely wiped out. Thankfully, next week won't be as hard, on multiple fronts!! I hope to have more time then to catch up with everyone!!

Big Vic is your camelbak a back one, or a waist one? do you use it during races or just for training? I am considering one and would love any feedback you have regarding it's usage...thanks!!!

Angie, this is the one I bought.


I just started training with it. Hopefully it will work.
Christa, I swear you must be flying and not running. You are fast girl!

Thanks everyone for the advice. I know I need to lay off it, it is so hard! I can't believe I'm actually going to say this - but I crave going out now to run. :eek:

But, I'm gonna take more days off. Thanks for all the pixie dust. I have been so excited about RFTT.
Hello Wish Team.

How is everyone today?

I'm having a cut back week so only 15 miles total this week. It was kind of a bummer week with Erica laid up with her tooth ache, but she is doing better so next week looks more promising.

Your "YARC" thought to ponder, "We spend to much energy worrying about what we can't do anything about and not enough energy fixing what we can". (I don't remember who's quote that is).

Everyone have an awesome day.



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