Wk of Sep 24--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

OK I'm half Polish and a Taurus so you know I'm pig-headed and stubborn.
I’m half Polish too!

Jodi - Thank you so much for finding us. (Although, I don't know how you could miss us in those shirts!) I was looking all over for you and hoping I would find you. Thank you so much for being so supportive. It was great to meet you and I was glad you were there. You were my "DIS connection". Although there was NO WAY I was going to keep up with you!
It was very nice meeting you and Charlie too! You both did great!

I have nothing to compare it to but I think the Bigelow Community Challenge was very well run. We got fabulous goody bags with all kinds of treats, nice shirts, the raffle was generous, the food was great and there was so much of it. Very nicely done.

It was extremely organized….although, I have to confess that first little loop, where the street gets narrow – I almost tripped on someone else (but that’s me…..a bit clumsy). The goody bag was by far the best goody bag that I have gotten to date!

My thanks again to Jodi for turning me on to it.
Oh you’re welcome :grouphug:

Dave you still haven’t broken the news?!! Although, it sounds wonderful the way that you are planning to tell your wife…..I can’t wait to hear more. :bounce:

You know, Judy – you commented how surreal it was for you with the finish of the 5k….I had a similar reaction when I finished my 20k in the beginning of September; it is indeed a good feeling :cloud9: .

You know I have to say I am looking so forward to next Month…..It is a huge month for me. On the 14th I have the Hartford Half Marathon; my friend will be coming from Florida to run it with me. Then the 26th – 29th we will be on vacation….The 29th is our first year anniversary! Then on the 30th…..We are both getting a massage.

Not to mention, I love October! I love Halloween! I really hope that we get some kids trick or treating here but I’m not sure if they have that here at the apartment complex (we were on our honeymoon last year at Halloween time).

Anyhow, My post is very long but I really want to thank all of you for your support while training…..It’s a great feeling running and then once you hit “the wall” you start thinking of your support team, first person that comes into my mind is DH, then all of my WISH friends….Dave, Amy, Sunny, Judy, Mel, Lilly, and especially the Evil Queen and how she would kick my butt if she saw that I was wimping out……It usually isn’t that much longer and I’ve finished…..and I didn’t even get through the whole list of my WISH Support team. Thank you all! :grouphug:

Good luck to everyone that has a race this weekend! :cheer2:
Hi All,

This week I have been taking things a little easy. Recovering from the Philly Half & gearing up for WDW Half Training to begin next week. MFM calls for training to begin on Monday but I have shifted everything by one day so that we do our LR on Sunday & the rest day on Monday, so training will begin on Tuesday. With it starting to get dark earlier we have to figure out where to get our w/r in where there are lights. I really don’t want to use the TM unless I really have too.

Carrie – The photos of Alaska are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them. You did GREAT with keeping up your training while on vacation.
Amy – Hope the ankle is feeling better. Way to go on walking your 5k so as not to hurt your ankle more.
CJ – A little late….but, so very sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
Dave – You have really gotten fast. :car: How’s that knot in your calf feeling?
Judy – Congratulations on your 1st 5k. Good Luck on your 5k tomorrow. I drive to where I walk/run most of the time. Our street is not super busy but it has a 45mph speed limit. I will sometimes go for w/r on it, but only when it is a clear day for good visibility & only wearing a very bright shirt. Lately I haven’t been able to use our road at all & it will probably be a long time before I can again. Our street starts & ends at the main street. They are currently doing construction on the main street so they have everyone detouring down our street. Not fun. We drive to the high schools ¼ mile track, the senior center in a neighboring town that has a ½ mile track (used to be a practice race horse track), the reservoir (5 miles) in a neighboring town, or the boardwalk.
Jodi – Congratulations on the 5k. Great pace!
Heather – Great pictures from DL. Thanks for sharing.
Dana – Glad to hear the WDW Marathon trip is back on. Thanks for sharing the photos from DL.
Disneyrun, Tammy & HMHunters – :welcome:
Christa – You always amaze me with everything you do & still get those LR’s in & with such a great pace. :worship:
Mel – Hope your foot is feeling better. pixiedust:
Melissa – Sorry your Adventure Race didn’t go as you planned. Wow….I can’t believe they started it in a thunderstorm. Hope your friend’s knee is doing better.
Krista – Ouch on the fall…hope the knees are feeling better. Have a GREAT time in WDW.
Monte – Congratulations on your half. Not having enough water stations & support must have made it feel like a very loooonnngg race. Glad you didn’t have to do it in the snow though.
Helen – Wow…I am so sorry that the U.S. is closed to you. With all the illegal immigrants that come here every year I never would have thought the U.S. was closed to anyone.
Lynne – Very impressive race schedule. I don’t know how you get it all in.
Lilly – Thanks for modeling your fuel belt for us. You are a GREAT WISH Racing Team model!!! Thanks for the “You might be a penguin if….” Very funny.
Sunny – I am so glad your pain has been better & that you are finding ways to exercise within your new limits. pixiedust: that the nerves will heal themselves. I admire your determination in finding answers to all of this, getting dr.’s & PT’s to listen to you, and continuing to do races. You are amazing. :worship: Good Luck tomorrow in the Apple Fest Half.
Kristi – Good Luck to Chad in the Apple Fest Half.
Kevin – You are definitely speedy. :car:
Jen – Good Luck in the Rump Roast 5k.
Cruella – Great job on the 5k
Cam – pixiedust: for your sinus pressure. You and Howard really have full plates right now. Take some deep breathes, relax, & take things one step at a time. Maybe you can do laps through the hotel hallways. :rotfl2:

Re Fuel Belts: Thank you to everyone for the input/opinions on fuel belts. I’ve tried a few & I just can’t seem to get used wearing them, but I know at some point I am going to have to. So far I have been wearing shorts that have small pockets on the sides of the legs. For the Philly Half I was able to carry my cell, inhaler, little bit of money, few tissues, small hand sanitizer, & very small bag with a couple of Tylenol & advil in it. I had a pack of sport beans in my regular pocket. There were plenty of water stations so it worked great. I purchased an Amphipod Micropack Land Sport http://www.rei.com/online/store/Search?storeId=8000&vcat=REI_SEARCH&query=amphipod but John(DH) tried it before me & really liked it (said you don’t even know it is there) so he won’t give it back. :lmao: I ordered another for me. This doesn’t help though if I need to carry water. When we do the 5 miles around the reservoir I have just been caring a bottle of water with me. When we did our 10 miles before the Philly Half we did it at a ½ mile track where our truck was parked right next to the track so I was just able to make quick stops at the truck for water & sport beans. Judy, I agree with you….I wish there were a local store that carried a whole bunch of different brands & styles to be able to try them out.

Keep up the training or training to train.

Have a good weekend!
Since my half marathon last Sunday, I have only walked one mile (Tuesday), but today I was able to ride the stationary bike for 10.5 miles (took 50 mins.). Tomorrow's work schedule is nuts :crazy: so I don't plan to workout again til Sunday.

Have a great weekend TEAM :p
Maherae said:
Well, after the way I felt after DL (GREAT!!), I decided that I would TRY and do MfM's Walk/Run schedule. :crazy: Once again, my DH is having to tell me, "It's all about training and conditioning!" We'll see. I've done W/4 R/1 twice for an hour on the TM. Tomorrow I'll see how I do IRL!! I'm quite happy with my time at DL..I finished! I just thought I would try and change things up this time around. Amazing that I could even consider running!! Anne

Anne - I am starting the MfM walk/run plan on Sunday too! We'll do it together ok? :banana: I may still have to go with w4/r1, rather than the 3/2 the Penguin wants us to do, but hey...

Sunny - I am going to try to get near the Applefest finish tomorrow morning. Are you going to wear anything inparticular for me to be able to spot you? I'll wear my WISH bracelet. I am also a redhead, with a hyper redheaded 3 year old boy in tow (or rather, chasing a redhead...)! I should be fairly easy to spot. :rotfl:

eta: I thiink I am actually going to drop Chad off in the morning. I will leave Hollis by 9. Then go back to get him after swim class, hopefully by 11. Even if I have to park somwhere far away, I should be able to walk to the finish, even if it takes awhile.
jodistar said:
Lily, Was last year your first Marathon? I know you did the Goofy Challenge (and you will be doing it again......brave, very brave). But have you done the Marathon or Half in the years before....or was last year your first?

This January is my first -- If you can offer any advice, please do :goodvibes. I've been keeping up with my training but is there anything you wished you had done more of in training?
Jodi, I hope you don't mind, but I transferred your question from the other thread to here so I didn't hijack that one. Also, I figured for anyone else who has done events before, it might be a great opportunity to answer too.

I was part of the first WISH Team to participate in the 2005 Marathon/Half Marathon weekend doing my first half marathon (the longest distance I had ever gone). 2006 was my first marathon (the longest distance I have ever gone).

My first half was all about putting in the steps, working on getting under that 16 min pace. We all worked for a 15 min pace that year. I made it, it was kind of difficult for me, but I did it!

Last year my training was great. I changed up my training based on my experience with the first half I did. I did put in a good base, all around type program of swimming, machine weights, trail work (more putting in those steps and working to improve time), and Pilates to help with the back and core muscles. I would not change a thing differently I did last year. It all came together as it should. I even managed through a bout of intestinal flu and a back strain almost crawling to get those steps in. And, I had the previous year on which to build so that makes a huge difference. I was terrified doing that full though. Really, terrified. I wanted it but kept telling myself if it didn't work I would be ok with that too. I tried to mentally prepare. There is a good deal of mental about it, and do keep in mind that you CAN do this. If you are putting in steps, doing what you are able and working to be under the maximum time, it will work.

Follow your program. I guess I didn't have the confidence to really know or understand it until I did this myself. But this is part of the whole roller coaster ride of getting to and through the event you are doing--everyone.

The one thing I definitely would never change is: I also wanted my "first" experience with both my first half and then my first full to be in WDW. That for me is probably the biggest running/walking gift I gave to myself. What total fun!

This year I have done my training differently. I am hoping it won't be a bad thing, but I just cannot get to the gym for the swimming or weight machines. I am doing the best I can to get in the steps, I am doing Pilates, and I'm not sure it will be enough. However, so far, I feel good. I can't make things any differently so I'm hoping the base I've built the last couple of years will get me through. I'll let you know as the mileage really kicks in soon.

This year, my second attempt at that marathon, my goal is to not be terrified. I do now KNOW I CAN. I want to enjoy it differently.

The first time is scary--no matter the distance. At least it was for me; the 5k, 1/2 and full. It is something I will remember forever and cherish the highs and lows. The second time for my half marathon was playful. I hope it will be that same way for the entire January experience and my second full.

Anyone else who care to add advice/experience?

Did I ever tell you I love :love: your posts! Well said.

Marathoning is not only about the race, but enjoying the journey.

Maherae said:
Oh, Mel!!! Too bad RftT starts after sunrise. I could have caught a glimpse of you flying down the road in those!! Too cool!! ;)

Actually it starts at 7am, and sunrise is 7:22. :rolleyes1 RftC starts at 7:15, so looks like both will be "by the dawn's early light..."
Hi Everyone!! Wow...I've got a bunch to catch up on. I'm sorry I haven't posted much this week. I had one of those weeks when I was wondering if I'd even be running at WDW in January. But I'm happy to say that it seems I'm still in the game ;). But before I go into all of that, let me catch up with some of you!!!

Karen: Congrats on the Philly half!!! :goodvibes And back into training you go!!! Good for you. And thanks for thinking about me :). It's so appreciated!!!!

Jodi: :cheer2: WOW! Great pace on that 5K!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!! You must be on :cloud9: . Way to go!!!!! I'm always impressed with your training too :).

Anne: Congrats on DL AND congrats on taking on the Walk/Run. Sounds like your training is coming along GREAT!!!! Wow! Keep up the awesome work!! :thumbsup2

Jen: GOOD LUCK ON THE RACE!!!!! :cheer2:

Mel: Cool pants...I love 'em!!! :smokin:

Dave: Good job on listening to your body!!! Don't risk injury!!! Sounds like your training is going great though. Wow...you've gotten so fast!!! And I love the idea of how you plan to tell your wife about the marathon! I think it's creative...and sure to get good results :). Thanks for thinking of me and my leg issues too :).

Kevin: WOW!!!! OMG...you are getting SO fast!!! Congrats!! :thumbsup2

As for me...this was a tough week. I ran on Monday...a solid 10 mpm....just under 4.5 miles in 45 minutes. Legs were sore but manageable. Tues I did yoga instead of KBX :( ... have come to the realization that my body can't take the stress of running hard 4 days a week AND getting my butt kicked two days a week :lmao: . I know that's probably shocking :rolleyes: . So I'm on to less intense XT...yoga and pilates with some nordic track mixed in!!! Wednesday was my scheduled "fast" run of the week...4 miles. Completed it in 37:44....but nearly crawled home afterwards (bad pain) and literally crawled upstairs once I got home :(. After some advil...ice...and more advil...it finally felt decent enough to walk on. But at that point I realized I needed to see a specialist. So I managed to get an appointment for today :). Good news is that he thinks it's post tibial tendonitis. Manageable! I have some prescription meds...orders to decrease both my pace and distance for a few weeks...orders to get custom orthotics....different sneakers (back to my Kayanos) AND physical therapy. I was terrified that he'd tell me I was not going to be allowed to run AT ALL. Or that I'd have to take a month off or something traumatic like that LOL. BUT...he totally understands my need to run...and need to make it to January (gotta' love the specialized sports medicine orthos)....and plans to work with me to make it happen :). SOOO...I'll run tomorrow...just 7 instead of 9!!!!! As for the rest of my week....did a pilates class on Thurs and another Yoga this morning. I skipped the Thurs run until I saw the doc! I've missed so much training these past 3 weeks...it's very frustrating :(. But I know that sometimes it's more important to listen to the body than be a slave to the training schedule. That's part of the learning experience I suppose.

Thanks guys! Have a great weekend!! :sunny:
Matt...details, details, details!! :rotfl: Besides, I should have remembered that we'll probably have to be there at 6..oh, let me check on that...Yep, they want us there NLT 6:15. Mel wll be so easy to spot in the crowd! (if it comes in time!!). You're wearing the bright blue that you wore at DL, right?

Amy, I'm so glad that YOU listened to your body and went to see a specialist! You've been messing with that pain for a long time (seems like to me..I can imagine how it feels to you!). That is so great that the doctor will work with you!! Sunny has had enough problems with her doctors for ALL of us!! Thanks for your kind words. I'll still be supporting you from the back of the pack!! :teeth:

Monica You are allowed!! Good job with the bike! :thumbsup2

Kristi, WOW!! what an honor!! That's so great! Have fun at Applefest. Tell Chad to have a great run! My plan is to just to follow MfM as much as I can. He's made a believer out of me! I keep telling myself, I never thought I'd see a 16 minute mile back in January and now I'm training at a 14:30!! :woohoo:

Another way to tell the Penguins is by all the stuff we carry. We plan on being on the course for a lonnnggggg time! :lmao: Anne
Lily - thank you so much for your advice, you have no idea how much that helps. At least I know that I am on the right track....not super worried about time - I just want to finish and not get swept :goodvibes .

I'm the same as you a little worried about each plateu as I get to them....my first 5k was so worried about it, then the 10k I did the same thing.

This past September I just did a 20k (very close to a half marathon).....but needless to say, I'm still very nervous about the half marathon coming in a few weeks.
Ran 3 miles this morning. After 2 months off, I felt like I did reasonably well. The first mile was 11:38, then 13:10, then I struggled to do 16:19! But I had the dog with me, so there were stops in there for her and training as well. At least I got out and did it. I'm signing up for a 5K in November so I have no excuse not to run anymore.

Krista - I'm envious that you can run with Hines as much as you do. Mystic will be 5 in a couple of weeks, and she's been getting increasingly more ill-mannered lately. We worked very hard this morning on being polite when approaching other dogs and people, which contributed to slowing down!

Judy - I often drive to where I run. I just don't like any of the routes around my house; I prefer the greenways in other neighborhoods. I agree that it feels weird, but I find that I have better runs when I go other places.

Cecilia - Great race!

Sunny - Hope you do GREAT today!

Cam - I so feel your life, even though I only have one kid to keep up with. Marching band is consuming every free minute of Annie's time, and mine, and school is so much more demanding sophomore year than it was last year that she's really feeling the pressure. I leave work and go straight to the school to do things for the concession stand, if I haven't already been there during the workday, and all day Saturday is consumed by competitions. But after running this morning, I realized I really do have to find time for that too! Glad Jenn is doing better - I understand how their troubles are worse than your own.

Kelley - What's your first event?

Off to our second band competition of the season, so the rest of the day is shot!

Went to Lynne's last night to do my 6 mile walk. She was supposed to run 6 so we decided she would do her run and come back and walk with me. I got to the 2.5 mile mark on the trail when I saw her coming back after turning around at the 3.5 mile marker. I asked her to go get the car so I only had to walk the mile to the end instead of walking the 2.5 mile to the other parking area. My foot started acting up again and she decided it would be better to take it easy and only do the mile instead of pushing it. I still plan on doing the ARM next Sunday. She will run it and come back and find me. I told her I would go until I couldn't stand the pain in the foot before stopping. Hopefully that will be at the finish line.

I am going to turn into a couch potato after the race. I have decided it is not in my best interest to do WDW this year. I will be there to cheer everyone on but will not participate (unless it is in the 5K). I am having my RC repaired on Oct 12. Since this is my 5th shoulder surgery (3rd on this shoulder) I have to follow instructions and let it heal properly. I am going to try and stay in shape by using the stationary bike (after get the surgeons approval). I would like to be able to do the Minnie in 2007 since I was not allowed to do it last year because of the stupid foot. I told Lynne last night I wish they could figure out what the proble is since it has been 9 months and it is still a problem.

Good luck to everyone on their training. Good luck to everyone on their races also.
:magnify: I managed to find Sunny at Applefest! :magnify:

I was standing right there are she came over the finish - but she had no WISH lime green on, so I didn't start yelling her name and acting like a fool. After I watched her walk away, I was more convinced it was her from pics I've seen here. So, I left Chad & Zack and tracked her down! :tiptoe:

Sunny did awesome! She finished around 2:50, I think. I'm sure she will be here later to correct me if I'm wrong! :teeth:

Chad had a hard time with all the hills. He is pretty sore, much more sore than after DL just 2 weeks ago. But, he's off to work and even doing a weird double shift where I won't see him back hom until about 2:30 tomorrow - so I don't have to listen to him complain about it! :rotfl: (only kidding!) I think his time was somewhere around 2:20.

Here is Chad finishing (center of pic: white shirt, white hat)

Unfortunately, I don't have a pic of Sunny finishing because I wasn't entirely sure it was her. :sad2:

And here's the apple crisp you got for finishing!
WTG all the racers this weekend......
Real quick post b/4 I am off to Greensboro (about 1.5 hrs from Charlotte) to do a drama thing....that is technical lang... :rotfl:
LR went great...ran with the boys and we ave a 10 mpm....They slow me down and I speed them up. :confused3
I just checked and there are only 30 females signed up for the race I am running Saturday. Only 7 in my age group. That should tell me this will not be an easy marathon.
Will catch up later cause I gotta go......
I just (finally) posted a TON of Disneyland pics on the DL race report thread if anyone is interested.

(Disclaimer: There are alot of pics of me with characters. I am not that vain. Really!)
Hi I made it!!! As Kristi said, I finished somewhere around 2:51 clock time. I'm pretty sure I crossed the start about 2:30 into the race so that should be a sub 2:50 :banana:

It was great seeing Kristi and fam and they even gave me a ride back to my car so I didn't have to stand in line for the busses. Thank you :goodvibes

As for the race, well it was hard, very hard. I was ready to throw in the towel at mile 10 near the top of the last BFH but who quits at mile 10? Then I thought I couldn't possibly make it at mile 12, but again, who quits with just one mile left. I was really, really sore at the end. Forgive me Kristi, if I wasn't too personable!!! I met a guy from work who was all excited to talk about the race and I walked away from him as he was talking because I was in desparate need of finding fluids in the food tent. I'll have to apologize to him on MOnday!

Bottom line: I don't think I excited any nerve pain, just "you idiot, you didn't train for this" muscle pain. I got home, showered and then slept from 4-7PM. I've never done that after any race. Beside not being trained, race-walking is just too hard. I commend all you walkers :worship: :worship: :worship: I told Kristi I'd buy my plane tickets for WDW when I got home, but I'm still hesitant. I just don't know if I can walk Goofy. But then again, the pace requirements are much more relaxed and it is a flat course (sorry, guys, the Contemporary hill IS flat!!! :rotfl: ). So I'll see how I feel in the morning.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to claim DLF, but I came really, really close!

Lynn-- A tidbit for you. The woman who won the race also won the Wisc. Ironman-- I belive her name was Molly Zarr. Small world!

I'll get back to catch up on everyone once I've return to the living. My bod is having serious issues with my mind's choices at the moment. We need to resolve issues and all...

Also, coming in sooooo far behind the pack I received more congratulations and affirmations than any other race! People were so proud of me :rotfl2: For most of course I was either completely alone, or could see one or two people way, way up in the distance. It was quite a new experience.

ETA: I can't leave this post without making note that I finished 2:03:51 last year :sad2:



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