Wk of Sep 17--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

I haven’t gotten on here to post in probably close to the last month & haven’t even had time to do much lurking. The good news is….I have still continued putting in my steps. Not always as many as I would have liked, but pretty close.

Appox a month ago I did my first real 5k. I finished in 39:25 with an average pace of 12:43mpm. I was very happy with my time considering the race started with a BFH around the bend & then down the BFH. It was an out & back, so had to tackle the hill a second time. I am used to working out on pretty flat ground, so that hill gave me some feedback as to what I need to make sure to work on. My second 5k was supposed to be over Labor Day Weekend, but thanks to Ernesto, decided not to do it. We had very heavy rain & very strong winds the day of the race. I was more concerned with walking/running in the strong winds then I was with the rain.

On Sunday, John(DH) & I did our first Half Marathon. We did the Philadelphia Distance Run. The race was GREAT! I crossed the start line ahead of John & we crossed the finish line together, so John finished in 3:18:08 & I finished 3 seconds behind him in 3:18:11. Our average pace was 14:48mpm. We are very happy with our times. I am still on a high from the accomplishment. I never dreamed in January when I first started walking that I would be completing a half marathon in September. Had a very busy week leading up to the half. Spent Sunday through early Thursday morning in Vermont, spending a couple of days walking/hiking a bunch of mountain trails & one day walking all over Montreal. On Thursday I went straight to the Aerosmith Concert where we had lawn seats so spent hours standing on a hill. All of this was probably not a good idea just before a race. My knee was bothering me before the race even started. The first 4-5 miles we were averaging 13mpm, but then slowed it down due to my knee and John’s knee & ankle hurting some. At approx 11.5 miles my knee got a lot worse. We had to slow down to a pretty slow walk for a while, but with less then 2 miles to go, we were not stopping. I think the slope of the road was doing a job on my knee. Moved up to the center of the road so I wasn’t walking on an angle and that helped a lot. We were able to run into the finish. I’ve had the problem with my knee on & off for about 10 years. I’ve rested it the last couple of days & it is already just about better. I’ll go easy on it for the next week. Saw disneybelle during the race. She passed John & I around 1.5 miles. She saw my WISH shirt (I was dressed in full WISH attire…shirt, socks & bracelet). I received lots of compliments on my shirt and felt very proud to be wearing it.

Oh yeah…..I got a Garmin Forerunner 305 a couple of weeks ago. Still learning how to use all the features. Very cool gadget.

Now to try & catch up. I apologize to anyone I miss. I am setting a mini goal for myself….to make sure I get on here more often. I really missed the motivation I get from all of you!

Bekah – Congratulations on your tri
Lynne – Loved reading your Ironman report. Congratulations! You are amazing.
Dana – Sorry you won’t be able to do the marathon. pixiedust: that things will change for you so that you can make it as at least a quick trip.
Mel – Great job on the Celtic Maiden dress! You’ve done a great job on increasing your running. You are definitely a “RUNNER”
Bill & Lynda – Congratulations!
Jennifer – :welcome:
Dave – Thanks for the link on Chi Running last week. I have that book but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I think I will go pull it out. Glad your training is going well & the shins are not giving you any problems.
Disneybelle – It was great seeing you in Philly. You finished in a great time, especially with a cold. Congratulations
Goofyguy – Sorry you didn’t finish the Philly ½ in the time you were hoping for. You still finished in a great time. Congratulations Sorry I didn’t get to see you at all. You were probably home & showered before John & I even finished. :rotfl2:
DisneyGirl – Thanks for posting the photos. They really make me wish I was able to be out there with all of you.
Christa – Oh…that knee looks painful. Hope it is feeling better. I am always amazed at everything you do.
Sunny – Glad the shot seems to be helping. I so admire your determination to find answers and to find a way to continue working out. You are truly an inspiration. Also, thank you for sharing the info on those meds.
Amy – Hope your x-ray’s show nothing serious. pixiedust:
Lily – Yep, looks like we had a mini WISH Race Team in Philly on Sunday. Definitely had a “great adventure”. I so can’t wait for WDW in January now. :cool1: Congratulations on your weight loss. It is great that you have been making better nutritional choices. That is what I have been trying to do, but it doesn’t always happen.
Carrie – Looking forward to your Alaska Training Report.
Melissa – Good Luck on your Adventure Race this weekend. I can’t even imagine doing a race that lasts that long.
To all those continuing to train – :thumbsup2

A very big CONGRATULATIONS to everyone finishing the DL 1/2. I’ve loved reading all of the reports & look forward to reading more. I thought of all of you while walk/running the Philly 1/2. :thumbsup2 :woohoo:
Hi all!!

First, One more big CONGRATS!! to all the DL Half-Marathoners!

Colleen-- I love the idea of pacing groups. I think a few of us were kicking that around a few weeks back-- I just wonder how that would work with the corrals? :confused3

Disneygirl-- Great pics!!!

Christa-- If Lynne hadn't put my off triathalons before, that little bike spill pic definately put me over the edge......

Dave-- Ah, Mile 23. Christa gave you great advice. The thing is, after you run, oh 22 miles or so, you're going to be tired. It's the toughest mile of the race... you've made it to 20, you've pushed through, but you're not quite under 5K to go... looking over my Garmin splits from last year, those are my slowest miles too. But I bet all the people that made it that far finished! You'll be fine.

Amy-- I hope your Xrays turn out OK. :grouphug:

Carrie-- Can't wait to read your training report!

Karen-- Great job on the race!!

Yesterday, I got my 45 minutes in (3/2) and I had terrible trouble with my Garmin holding signal. The garmin says I did 4.68 miles, but I think it was more like 4.80. At one point I was running 22 minute miles (umm...no) and another I was walking 5 minutes miles (again...no). I charged it up good, so I hope it was just a one-time thing. Since Carrie apparently brought Alaskan weather home in her checked baggage, there will be no running today!! 48 degrees and pouring rain. :rolleyes: The cold, fine. The rain... not for a short run (A long run, I'd do).

I will try and keep up on reading new posts this week, but I probably won't post again until Friday (Nationally televised home football Thursday game :badpc: ) The plan is for a nice 45 minute run tomorrow morning and then do my usual Thursday Spinning class tomorrow night instead. Friday will be 4 miles.

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
solotraveler said:
Since Carrie apparently brought Alaskan weather home in her checked baggage, there will be no running today!! 48 degrees and pouring rain. :rolleyes: The cold, fine. The rain... not for a short run (A long run, I'd do).

Hate to say it, but you'll from my report that it was sunny in Alaska. This weather is not my fault, Alaska was al ittle cooler, but felt much warmenr w/o teh rain! So, does this mean you'll be running with us on Thursday? ;) ;)

Karen - Way to go on keeping up with the steps! Now, about keeping up with your posts.... ;)

MelR - Again, just thinking about your events makes me very tired. Yeah, I'd say you'll be getting your 1st week in. :teeth: Doing that slacer training, huh? :rotfl2:

Sunny - So glad to hear you're feeling better and not pushing it either!!!!

Cj- You are most definietly NOT a quitter!

monte - WTG on committing to WW!

DAve - That race sounds awesome!!!

OK, must go get report together.
OK, I’ll start with the 7-miler before going to the airport. I needed all the time I could get, so I ran fast. ;) Actually, the weather was great and I was going on vacation, so I was feeling pretty good.

1 – 10:30
2 – 10:37
3 – 10:49
4 – 10:36
5 – 9:52
6 - 9:57
7 – 9:57

Ave – 10:14!!! I can’t recall the last time I beat 10:30, not bad for a LR!

Sunday was a rest day, which was good. We did walk around Seward, AK for a bit after a long bus ride from Anchorage and then say goodbye to dry land for a bit and boarded the ship.

Wouldn’t you know it? They don’t allow jogging on the ¼-mile deck, only on the 13 laps to one mine deck! :O

Here’s a pic from the scenery on Monday.


Between the deck moving and the sharp turns, I was NOT feeling good!

We did at least 43 laps (3.3 miles), but I may have missed one. That was 45 minutes, which translates to 13:37 miles, but those corners were tough. I was happy to finish. I know the view was great, but I was mostly looking at the deck.

As for the Garmin, it recorded net change in position, so it was pretty much the sopeed of teh ship. ALso, the map was a spiral. I'd post, but I cannot get my files to export/map right. grrrr...

Tuesday we mostly rested, as it as another at sea day.

Wednesday, we were in Haines and got to run on land. Scheduled fro 40 minutes.








OK, a bit hilly, but awesome! Yes, that is our ship you see dwarfing the little town.

For our 40 minute run:
1 – 10:27
2 – 10:30
3 – 9:53
0.96 miles – 9:10

Ave – 10:06

Grrr, so close to that 10 minute mark! Then again, I was thrilled to break 10:30 Saturday.
Thursday was a rest day, we did do some XT, though:


Lots of upper body strength needed for that. About 5 minutes in the musher position (piggy-backed with real musher on another sled) was about all I could take! Dog sledding on the Mendall glacier was amazing, though!

We were going to do our 6-miler on Thursday, as land time was limited Friday, but there was an NLV scare (that nasty cruise ship stomach bug) and I thought I had it. Turned out to be a combo of things and I didn’t, but by the time I was sure I didn’t, we couldn’t run.

Friday, we did do a 5K, though. A non-competitive walk, but still…. It was actually very cool, it was “On Deck for the Cure” for the Susan G Komen Society. We still walked at a good clip.



Then we snorkeled for over an hour. I’d have to say we got our work out. My arms were mush btwn Thursday and Friday! Unfortunately, we took real film for the snorkeling, so I don’t have pics yet. Here’s what we saw:

Star Fish (3 colors)
Sunflower Stars (2-foot diameter star fish with 14 flexible legs)
Sea anemone
Sea urchins
A wolf eel (I was supposed to be thrilled about this, but he kind of freaked me out. Don’t tell our instructor)
The coolest things to me were the moon jellies, though. Just like Nemo!

So, not perfect, but I did enough not to gain weight when faced with things like this:

Even more amazing was the fact that we did this after we got home:

4.58 miles in 45 minutes!!!! (9:49 average) Don’t know what the heck got into me!!! I started out wanting to break my record of 4 miles in 45 minutes. Then, I wanted to do 4.5 in 45 min. Then, I just went nuts!

I think I’m back!
Thanks to all for the encouragement. Got the steps in today - 40 min (a little over 3 miles). DLF<< DNF<DNS

In my heart I'm an athlete in training. Got the call this morning - my Grandmother passed away last night. She was 95 this year and left a legacy of life...5 sons, 5 daughters, 25 grandkids, 18 great grandkids and 1 great-great grandkid on the way. I have to fly back to Kansas for the funeral this weekend. The first things in the suitcase was my running shoes/gear so I can get my long run in on Saturday after service. I think I will need a little quiet time to myself by then.

So if I don't check in till next week, everyone keep moving forward. You're doing a great job.

CJ-Fishers, IN
1k @ a time
CJ - I'm so sorry! WIll keep you in my thoughts this week!
TXBelle said:
The Garmin pauses when you stop, so that is why my overall chip time was higher. The 15:33 was during my lap through Angels Stadium. I definitely slowed down to enjoy that moment. How about my 12:32 and 12:36? :cheer2:
TXBelle - Great time....The Garmin pauses when you stop??? I may have to invest in one of these little babies! I have run 6 years w/out one, but that may put me over the edge!

Will catch up on everyone else later. Got to meet sis at the YMCA.
Awesome pics Heather! I wasn't going to look al at once, but they were too good! Love the "Get Your Ears in Gear" shirt along the river! Hmmm... If I show this to dh, we're going next year for sure! ;)

Christa - The Garmin has an auto pause feature. I htink mine is set to pause whenever my pace gets higher than 20 mpm. Very handy for character pics!

FYI - My ticker says about 3.5 months to go until WDW! :scared1:
Hi guys!

Carrie: LOVE your pictures :thumbsup2 . Thanks so much for sharing. It looked so beautiful, I'm really glad you had such a good time :). And AWESOME job on your runs! Wow...check that pace!!!!! :goodvibes

TxBelle: Congrats!!! You did so well :thumbsup2

OK....so the doctor called last night and as I suspected....no stress fracture was detected on the x-ray :goodvibes . As we all know...that doesn't really mean much lol...as they usually aren't detected...BUT at least we know it's nothing too bad. As Carrie said...if you can see it on an x-ray...that's not good! :thumbsup2 Right now they are leaning to tendonitis and ligament damage in my right ankle which has weakened it and made it unstable. I need to get custom orthotics because of my over-pronation which only makes that condition worse. I have new Brooks sneakers which the jury is still out on (I sooo miss my Kayanos...but they don't give as much ankle support). I've been told that as for now I can resume training as long as the swelling and pain aren't too unmanageable. But if things don't improve I guess it's bone scan time! I'm just hoping that I see improvement! I need to get back out there...I've been so worried and so busy running from doctor to doctor this week that I haven't even done any XT!!!! NOTHING since my Saturday LR. :guilty:

So...today I'm resolved to either get out there and see what the run feels like OR do an XT day. We'll see what happens. Thanks for all the support and well wishes :grouphug: . It makes such a big difference :).
Good Morning TEAM: I need to post quickly before I head out to a seminar at 9:00am, but I had to report on my training this morning. Today MfM calls for a "tempo" run with strides. I did 4.3 miles in 45:33 min or 10:36 mpm on the local high school track. However, that includes all my walking warm up and cool downs. Read these splits for my running portions after a 1/4 mile warm up:

Mile 1: 10:00 min
Mile 2: 8:51 min :woohoo:
Mile 3: 8:06 min!!! :scared1:

Whoa, I was shocked when I saw a sub-9 minute split at mile 2 and then an 8 min mile for mile 3. After my 3 miles I cooled down with another 1/4 mile walk, and then did 4x100 min strides drills around 7 mpm pace. It was a tough workout, but it felt great. My lower legs are a little sore, but I'm hoping it's just from the strong running.

OK, I gotta go. I'm loving everyone's pictures they're posting. Carrie your cruise pictures are fantastic!!! I'll post a longer report later.
CJ - So deeply sorry for your loss. :grouphug: Travel safe to the services and best of luck getting your steps in and getting through it.

Carrie - Wonderful pictures!! So glad you guys had a great time AND got some awesome runs in too. It definitely sounds like your back in the saddle. :cool1:

Heather - The DL pics were great. Thanks for sharing.

Amy - Glad to hear no stress fx dx but hoping you can find something that helps you out. Perhaps custom orthotics could make a big difference. Lots of :wizard: for getting it resolved soon.

Dave - Man, you're getting SO fast!! :banana: Congrats on a great speed workout.

So glad to be back home today, but DH is still away on business, so I am flying solo with my kids. 8 miles for me this morning on the TM and hitting the Y at lunch for some weights.
Heather - the pictures are awesome...I love the grandkids joining their grandmother for the last mile, how sweet.

Question for you guys....the new sneakers that I bought last Tuesday are riding up on my right ankle. I've tried thicker socks but it isn't working. Should I return the shoes, or try insoles? My half marathon is on Sunday and I'm in a panic...what would you do? :confused3
Hi everone - I have been back from WDW since Friday night but brought a lovely souvenier back with me. I have the worst case of bronchitic I have ever had. I still have not returned to work. On Monday I was taken by ambulance to the ER because I could not breathe. I'm still very weak and congested and my lungs are struggling but I think today is the first day I feel slightly better. Although I still do nothing but cough.

Needless to say I have not trained in ten days. I spend a lot of time crying over this. I've been gettn up at 4:15am five days a week for a year now to train and just two weeks prior to real training I get sick. This is so depressing.

I keep thinking of all of you who have bounced back from worse then this and you inspire me.

Jodi - Needless to say I won't be doing the 5K Sunday. I'm trying to get DH to do it but he doesn't want to without me. I'll keep you posted.

Wendy - I'll send shirt payment today.

I miss you all so much and feel so out of touch. I hate this.

We did, however, have a fabulous vacation at WDW. I'll write a trip report when I have the strength.

I really can't wait to be back in the groove. This down time has made me realize how much I love and need my training.
Morning WISH Team!

Oh those trip/race reports are such fun reading! Thank you everyone! :thumbsup2 :sunny:

I've always wanted to go to "those places." DH is entrenched in trips to FL.

CJ, I'm sorry for your loss. What a wonderful life.

Amy, great news no stress fracture. Hope that things improve. I know the orthotics I've been using have helped me. Craig really likes the custom orthotics; so far I'm good with the OTC brand doc suggested.

Dave, wow! the speed. Take care not to push too much in that department though. No injuries.

Carrie, you are really flying now. Be careful with your newfound speed. No injuries.

I didn't realize that Garmin had auto pause feature? Wow. Only thought for me is that I'd probably keep it going to figure out overall pace to see if I have time for pics.

Karen, great to have you back with us!

Kevin, glad you found a moment to stop by.

MelR, good luck with the events this weekend. Pics?

Dana, did I read some good news in your DL report about January?!!!

I did not get my steps in yesterday, nor today (yet). After getting finished working the concession stand and getting home a bit after 9, I just could not go another minute. I pretty much got ready for bed and Zzzzzz....

Today is business dinner meeting and 8:30 Chat Room 2, then steps on TM.

I hope some of you will make chat tonight.
Wow Carrie, I love your Alaska pictures. Which cruise lines were you on? I use to work for NCL, but we only cruised Hawaii.....I love Alaska and have been trying to talk DH into moving there for years, but I don't think we'll ever leave Colorado. Thanks for posting your lovely pictures.
Monica, I am not sure, but I remember reading in RW mag and here that if the shoes do not feel good, they won't get better. WISH I could be more specific on advice. I always use orthotic inserts with slight heel lift added to relieve my tendancy to Achilles tendonitis. This usually lifts me up out of the "rub" area. I've also managed with sport tape on the ankle area where it is rubbing until the shoe sets in. If you use the tape, you will need to extend it beyond your rub spot so it stays put. hth

Judy, get well soon! Don't worry about your missed training right now. Do what it takes to get yourself better. You will fit back into your training because you have a base built. Chicken soup and spa treatments to you.
Woo hoo Dave!

monte - Sounds liek return the shoe time to me. I'd go back to your old ones for teh race. It's getting a little close to break noew ones in. JMO adn I did not sleep at a HOliday Inn Exp last night. ;)

Amy - Goods news, sort of. Take it easy. Can you find a pool to run in?

Lily - You're right. I am worried about pushing too much. If I continue to do well on teh weekdays, as you're supposed to be faster then, then I'll slow it down on my LRs.

Judy - Oh, that is awful! Sending lots of prayers and pixie dust your way! Hope you're better soon!
Hi Lily :wave: I agree with you and Carrie, and definitely do not want to push too much during the training. I went fast today because it was supposed to be the hard day, but I'm doing an easy run tomorrow and I'm going to slow it way down again on the LRs. I'm going to make sure I take my walking breaks on Saturday. I learned my lesson getting hurt this summer.


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