Wk of Oct 30--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

oops - i stink with numbers my qualifying time was 2:10 from a 1/2 and projected finish was 5:10. I just pulled the 5:10 out of the air!!!! Do I need to change corrals?
Insert whine here "Are the packets EVER gonna' come!?" Yes, I know I said just last week that they will mail them end of the month, but I'm starting to get anxious now! ;)
Gosh, I haven't posted this much in one month as I have today!!! :blush:

Last year...(that's my disclaimer)...if your number, that will be in your packet, starts with 1xxx you'll be in corral A, 2xxx corral B ect...you can change with proof of time, not sure the distance. If your Goofy, it's my understanding, they'll place you with your marathon time. :confused3

Lisa, that made sense to me! Thanks.

End of the month, is that Oct or Nov??? I'm ready!!!! :earboy2:

MelRhoads said:
oops - i stink with numbers my qualifying time was 2:10 from a 1/2 and projected finish was 5:10. I just pulled the 5:10 out of the air!!!! Do I need to change corrals?

Mel: I used a 2:07 1/2 qualifying time and was placed in "C" corral this year. I think they arrange by qulifying time, not by the projected time. I saw people at the expo bringing proof of time and changing corrals, so it is possible to do.
Colleen, Craig, Melissa, Sara, and anyone else I may have missed - When I signed up, I put 2:10 proof of time in. Last year, I put in around the same time and that put me in corral B.
Last year...(that's my disclaimer)...if your number, that will be in your packet, starts with 1xxx you'll be in corral A, 2xxx corral B ect...you can change with proof of time, not sure the distance. If your Goofy, it's my understanding, they'll place you with your marathon time.
I did not know this. I always just waited until I got to the expo & get my # to see where I was placed. Cool!
We need to figure out just where to meet near the start b/c we may be in different corrals. (Maybe not though :confused3 ) It is easy to change @ the expo if you have proof of time (10k or above). Just take a print out of the race and they are really nice and change it if you go up any. This is so exciting!
Still have not talked to Ron! He is back though so I can let you know what he will be pacing at as soon as he emails me back. If you want to see his Marine Corp pictures, they are on his tricharlotte.com web site with the other race pictures @ the bottom! The people with him are some of the others Bree and I run with.
msblrobs said:
Mel: I used a 2:07 1/2 qualifying time and was placed in "C" corral this year. I think they arrange by qulifying time, not by the projected time. I saw people at the expo bringing proof of time and changing corrals, so it is possible to do.

Sara, do I understand you correctly that you had a 2:07 half marathon and was placed in C corral for the 2005 marathon??

I was under the impression 2:10 was the cutoff between B and C corrals.

I am concerned because I thought everyone in our "merry group" would be in B corral and I would be in C corral with my 2:14 half marathon time.

Once the race starts, you can all catch up somehow. The corral people if it is a matter of 1 or 2 separating those in the numbers ahead start in the back of the corral and those behind get there early to start in the front of your corral would be the way we tried to do it last time. Anyone taking a cell phone? Maybe that would work to group.

I did my w/o today at the dreaded TM. I don't exactly know what is up, but on that thing I just kept pace with whatever I set, cranked it up and down a bit, but I think I find myself pressing up outside easier than on that contraption. I did 5k in 44 minutes. Not too good with that. Seems like my times are really falling back on my work during the week. Sigh
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I can not believe how close it is getting. No time to fall off the fitness wagon now.

I was supposed to do 40 min walk yesterday, but it was raining & I so didnt want to do TM. So I switched my days up & xt yesterday. I am going to walk today, hopefully weather is better. I can't complain, this is the 1st time weather has interfered in my walks.

Sunny-good luck witht that knee

Lisa-Your recouperation sounds like its going great. I'm very impressed by your determination.

Minnie-I hope you continue to get better

I'm just so excited I can't contain myself!!!
The knee feels great today. As hard as it was, I skipped my lower body weight session yesterday and did 70 minutes on the elliptical trainer for cx. And I thought the TM was BORING. Ugh. But I got a good cardio wo without any knee pain. Yeah! I bought a knee band, I think I might do an easy short run today.

Dx brought me a flyer for an 11K on Veterans Day. I think I will do it. I can't resist :)

Do I need to make reservations yet? And I forget, is it the port orleans riverside or french quarter?

Since it is confession time..... Gulp..............Drumroll.......... I'm so ashamed............ I don't know anything about disney world! I'm really exicted because the man and the manchild will surely have fun things to do while I'm running, but I am disney ignorant! I've actually delayed making the flight/hotel plans becuase I was hoping I could figure out what I needed to know on the boards about staying/traveling to dis, but they use secret code!! I have no idea what they are talking about!!! :blush:
Just a quick update: I did my LR Saturday which was supposed to be 10 miles but ended up being 9.4 (I miscalculated somewhere!) in 2:03. That is fast for me. I want to get to 10 miles in that same time. I really want to finish the half in 2:30 but realistically will be happy if I get in under 3 hours. Anyways...great job everybody. Time sure is flying!

TiffJ said:

Tiff -- This was a HUGE wakeup call for me! I am blown away at the prospect that the 1/2 is so close! :bounce: It also makes me realize I really have to focus on losing another 9 pounds to get to my 1/2 marathon goal weight!

Sunny -- glad to hear you are finding things to do that will allow your knee to grow stronger!

Melissa -- You are definitely in the right place for WDW information! The first thing you have to decide is what kind of resort you want to stay in. What kinds of theming/decor do you like? What price range are you looking for? Some people don't like to spend a lot on a room because they spend so little time there. My DB and his family who had resisted staying on property stayed at Pop Century their last trip and just absolutely fell in love with the place! I think you need to decide really soon and make travel arrangements ASAP as your options will become more limited with the passage of time. Feel free to ask a zillion questions here. Between all of us, I'd bet you could find out something about any resort and the pros and cons of the various options. Have fun planning!
princessmomma said:
Sara, do I understand you correctly that you had a 2:07 half marathon and was placed in C corral for the 2005 marathon??

I was under the impression 2:10 was the cutoff between B and C corrals.

I am concerned because I thought everyone in our "merry group" would be in B corral and I would be in C corral with my 2:14 half marathon time.

That is correct. I submitted a 2:07:28 (just went back and re-confirmed my time) 1/2 marathon time from September 2004 and was placed in the "C" corral for 2005 WDW. Perhaps that was because I submitted proof of time after my registration. For WDW 2005, my full marathon time was 4:51:38, so I assuming that's what they'll be using to determine my corral placement.
Hey!!! :wave: Just got in from 3 miles... Having taken time off for a cold, it felt like at least 6 miles... :faint: I walked on the TM yesterday for the first time (borrowed from parents) - it was a bit boring! I found in order to hear the TV, I would have had to turn it up loud enough to bother the neighbors! :rolleyes1

Hope everyone's injuries are healing quickly! I have to agree "9 weeks" made it seem way too close! I had a year to train - why did I waste so much time??? At the same time - I'm so excited!!! That Mickey medal is within reach!!! :banana:

Melissa - I would highly recommend making reservations asap. A friend of mine and her crew (6 all together) are running the half, and called recently for rooms. Their choices were limited, but that maybe because they were trying for FL resident rates. They did get in at POP, though. Please don't hesitate to ask questions - we are more than happy to help! I will be asking tons of questions about Disneyland as that race gets closer! ;)

Happy training!!! :cheer2:
MelR-- Do you have AAA? If so, you might be able to get one of the AAA discounts. Based on Craig's post about walking to the start versus taking a 3AM bus, I made ressies at Port Orleans French Quarter. But I'm pretty sure he said you can walk from either of the Port Orleans. I would call ASAP, I have a feeling lots of people will be staying there at least the night before the races. You will be required to put one nights rate on your credit card but you can cancell without a fee upto 5 days before your trip. So its a good idea to make a ressie quickly.

Your a Disney newbie, that's so cute
. Ask any and all questions, someone here is guaranteed to know the answers!

I also sent you a PM with another site that has tons of useful information :)

msblrobs said:
That is correct. I submitted a 2:07:28 (just went back and re-confirmed my time) 1/2 marathon time from September 2004 and was placed in the "C" corral for 2005 WDW. Perhaps that was because I submitted proof of time after my registration. For WDW 2005, my full marathon time was 4:51:38, so I assuming that's what they'll be using to determine my corral placement.
That is really crazy! I was in corral "B" (2005) and that was on a 2:10 time. They may have made a mistake with your time. All my 2:10 friends were with me too. :confused3
MelRhoads said:
Since it is confession time..... Gulp..............Drumroll.......... I'm so ashamed............ I don't know anything about disney world!

Mel, Sunny is right that is so cute that you don't know anything about Disney!

Well, you have come to the right place, first of all, I would start calling and make a decision soon because things are really filling up.

I booked at the Swan/Dolphin (I prefer the Swan, beds are heavenly) at a $159 rate using the code RUN. I was thinking about switching to the Contemporary about a month ago and they were full! I have the phone number etc. if you are thinking about the Swan/Dolphin.

Sara, thanks for the info. How was your 2005 experience? Were you happy with your time? Was it too cold, too hot, just right? Did the masses of people bother you? I love to hear about others marathon experiences. How was mile 20, were the last 6 miles tough??

MelR - Feel free to ask away here! As for teh code, there's an abbreviations listing on the main home page that will hep you a lot! Oh boy, we get to help share the magic with a first-timer!
I did 3 miles yesterday on TM and weights. My pride got the best of me and I can hardly walk now. The story is as follows.......
I was running on the TM (In the Church gym) a very comfortable pace of 10 MPM and this young man walks up to me and starts talking to me. (I hate to talk in the gym!) I had on my MP3 player so I had to take those off. He starts asking about my running and such. Then he tries to look how fast I am going but I have a towel over the consol (sp?). He asks why and I tell him it is all mental, blah, blah, blah....After the run I start doing weights and he comes up to me again... :confused: (Why doesn't he leave me alone!!!) He says he can show me some wonderful abs exercises so I say OK, trying to be nice. We start doing the reps and I really think I am going to DIE! But I have just told him I am training for an "Ultra" and I cannot look weak! I do keep up with him, to his dismay, I think...and now here I am the day b/4 I run 5 Thursday and 10 Friday (added in the 5 for fun). I can hardly move. I am so stupid!
I also have picked up some kind of cold from my DAD! Thanks dad! My sister has it too.


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