Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi all!!

Playing catch-up and incredibly busy today, so I'm sure I'm going to miss a slew of people....

Bekah-- Congrats on the half!!!! Too cool!!!

Jen-- My guess is that you will be able to ask the person who gets you your shirt for a size change. I saw people doing that last year at the Expo. (And you'll want one that fits, they are great shirts.)

Judy-- :rotfl: :rotfl: That's too funny. (In case you run into that problem again, I'm 27, 6'1, a Pisces, work in college athletics, a native Washingtonian and I once, fully by chance, ran 4 miles with an exotic dancer in Toronto. There, now you can carry on a full conversation about me without ever having met me. :rotfl: )

Christmas decorations-- Carrie's right, they are up in the parks during the race but not so much in the resorts. In fact, last year I arrived on Wednesday 1/4 to check into the Yacht Club and their (very cool) Christmas tree was up. By the time I woke up the next morning to go for my run, the tree and all the lobby decorations were completely gone. :guilty:

Training has been going OK. I did a 4 mile treadmill run on Tuesday (8:29/mile pace) and then another 4 miles on Thursday on the indoor track (tough to get accurate pacing). This weekend I am scheduled to go 7 Saturday and 11 on Sunday--- hopefully things will warm up around these parts.

Oh, since I didn't see it posted here, I thought I'd mention that AP rates for marathon weekend are out. I had to switch from the Yacht Club to the Poly for my dates, but I saved a bundle. Hopefully someone else can use that info.

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Okay, I'm here for real now, I just had to post that link before I forgot about it. I ran 4 miles again last night in 42:35 (look at me, 10 seconds faster than Wednesday! :woohoo: :rolleyes: ), the MfM plan called for 45 minutes, but I decided that instead of running the exact amount of time, I'm going to run to the closest mile or half mile. Runs of 5.2 miles or 4.73 got on my nerves and I figure it'll even out, while I may cut one run 2 minutes short, I'll lengthen another run by 3 minutes. I have to be honest with everyone and say that I'm pretty nervous about tomorrow's 14 miler--that's the longest distance I have ever done. It's funny, for the half marathon I was like the nutrition nazi--no caffeine all week long (which just about killed me) and lots of carbs. Well, I'm running 14 tomorrow and I'm drinking Diet Coke, just had some peanut M&M's and haven't really watched what I ate this week. Maybe I'll have a plate of spaghetti tonight and we'll call it all good. :teeth: :teeth:

Cam-- :grouphug: :grouphug: for your family. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for all of you. Don't worry about training right now, your family and you come first. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Dave--Did ya get your new shoes? I swear, I have shoe envy--I run in New Balance 857's and they are great, they have never given me any problems, but I just keep looking at other brands. I guess I have the grass is greener syndrome!! This weekend does not look good for the Steelers, if they can't beat the Raiders, how in the world are they going to beat the Broncos????

Susie-- :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: that is fabulous news!!

While, I'm thinking about it, what songs do you guys have on your mp3 players? I'm getting tired of what I have and need to download some new tunes, I've been trying to brainstorm all week for my downloading party I'm having tonight. :music:
aladdinsgirl said:
Dave--Did ya get your new shoes? I swear, I have shoe envy--I run in New Balance 857's and they are great, they have never given me any problems, but I just keep looking at other brands. I guess I have the grass is greener syndrome!! This weekend does not look good for the Steelers, if they can't beat the Raiders, how in the world are they going to beat the Broncos????
Good Luck with your 14 miler tomorrow Krista! You'll do great!!! No, I didn't get my new shoes yet. I'm planning on sneaking out of work a little early today and stopping at the running store on the way home. Yippppeeee. As far as the Steelers go, I'm excited that it looks like the game will be on TV here so I'll be able to watch it. I'm actually thinking the Steelers are going to win. That's how it usually goes. You think they look awful, and then they go and win one. I think Cowher will really have them whipped into shape for this game. We'll see.

Carrie and Kevin- Go BLUE!!!! You guys must be excited for that big rivalry game against, ummm, against... oh yeah, Ball State!!! Go BLUE!!! Beat the ummm Ball Staters...
Greetings all. :sunny:

Today I am really sore. Not from training but from work-related stress. My neck and my shoulders are killing me! :furious:

Since I was not of sane mind this morning, I forgot to check my schedule and so, yet again, missed another XT day and instead did 50 min on the TM, 40 of that @ 4.0 and two intervals running @5.0.

Susie - You go girl! :thumbsup2 That is FAB-U-LOUS! Doesn't it feel good?? :woohoo: Yay for you! Thank you for your kind words about Mist.

Wendy - Yes, thanks! :teeth: We changed our plans from Epcot to the Studios just so we could see the lights. Plus, we get to have dinner at the Brown Derby. Yum!

Cam - Oh I have been thinking of you and Howard......:hug: I'm so glad to hear you were able to job until you were tired! That's great! :woohoo:

- OMG that article is great! :lmao: I've printed it out and hung it on my wall at work. I'll read it when I feel like throttling someone. It will make me laugh instead of hurting people. (My job really stinks right now. I'm not really violent, I just sound that way today!)

Kevin - Well, now I know it all! :p

Hey, where is Sunny these days?? :confused3
Hi everyone. I am here to make a confession... I only ran once since last Saturday's 10K and it was on Wednesday and it was a stonker. I have eaten poorly and have a pinched nerve in my shoulder from stress. It should work out in a couple of days. This happens frequently.

Cam - I have an Allbuterol Inhaler. I take a couple swigs on it before I run and it does help. I still have some issues, but nothing like I was. I hope yours works for you.

Everyone has been so speedy in thier runs lately. Wow, I feel like a lazy turtle now. ****need to get my butt moving****
Mel - This is the blond showing big time. I just noticed your location "Sarasota" so I guess you've been there a few times ;) :lmao:

Our work Xmas party and resort will be on Lido Key. Any tips as to what to see while we are there? We will have meetings and a banquet but should have some free time time too. Our dates are Nov30th-Dec3rd.

Oh and is WDW too far for a day trip :confused3
Well, at least I am not the only one in here making confessions today. Someone smack me!! I haven't run at all this week. I ran my "Dana's Crazy" 20 miler (plus 3 mile walk) on Saturday, and then the bottom fell out. I have been crabby, tired, eating chocolate non stop, I even had 3 regular cokes in one day. As I sit here staring at my desk covered in milk dud boxes I just wanna cry. Part of it is that I am umm..... excuse me guys ... about to have a visitor. The rest is just plan ole being depressed and I am not really sure why. Hopefully, I am on my way out of that. God let's hope so!! I just called this morning and made my reservations at All Star Music under the Annual Passholder rate. Even made the reservations for my Mom, and my inlaws. Yesterday I registered Michael for his kids race, which he is so excited about. And I am planning to get my butt out of bed and run my 10 miler tomorrow morning!!

My knee feels much better, I have figured out that it takes a couple of days of rest for my knee to go back to the way it was after a long run. I had been feeling really good after the 20 mile LR, but I was freaking out about the fact that I am going to need new running shoes soon, and I really didn't want to be walking around in my running shoes. So, what did I do? I was completely stupid and put on those $20 Target shoes that had hurt my legs so bad while I was at WDW and DL, and guess what?! My freakin' legs started hurting again. Those shoes have now been thrown in the garbage and there is no longer any doubt that it was the shoes that hurt me. I am just trying to hold out as long as possible on getting a new pair. DH keeps saying Christmas, but I already have 250 miles on them and I am not sure they can wait much longer.

Krista - that article was awesome. I sent it to everyone that knows I am running. Good luck on your 14 this weekend. I know you can do it. I keep trying to talk DH into getting me the new Fergie CD, so I can add it to my mp3 player. I love that song, London Bridge, it's just so upbeat. I also have the ummm.... pu**ycat dolls CD which has some real upbeat music too. The only other thing on there are my Disney CD's!!

"Where do you stand on that whole setting-goals thing? The most common one you hear is a four-hour marathon, which translates into a 9:09-mile pace; I'll let you know on Monday how doable this is. Still, I recommend something slightly more attainable, like "not dying."

Gotta Say this is my FAVORITE quote. My goal: To finish the same day I start!!!

Dh laughed at me. My sis sent me a CD to put on my brand new shuffle! It is full of Disco CR@p. But seriously can’t ya just see me running to YMCA!?!?!?

Sending :grouphug:

I did well this week working out. I did my 45-50 minute runs according to MFM. Saturday will be 6 miles. A 10 is the longest I have ever done, so I am a bit nervous. It got cold here today (well, cold for here 57 high). I am not too excited to run outside tomorrow, but can’t imagine doing it on a treadmill. DH and the kids want to head to the Beach (we are 70 miles from Myrtle Beach), so we have to run early to get a jump on the day. HMMMMMM….I am nervous about tomorrow and all I have eaten so far today is a shake from Sonic. I better go make spaghetti for dinner!

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy your LRs!!!!!!
OK, I'm ready to tell you all about my first 5k...feel free to skip over this post, it wont be too exciting for you!

Now, if you are still reading this, PLEASE feel free to offer advice, constructive criticism, or just laugh at me!

Backgound: I started training to train in August. I am overweight, and on meds for IST. I have a very hard time with hills. Oh, and I walk, not run, at least not yet...

So, I heard about a local 5k on the radio, and think it would be good to try, it being close to home, not too long...HA

I get there to sign in, nervous 'cause I don’t really know what to do or expect, but excited 'cause I'm gonna do it. I got in the wrong line, after waiting and waiting and waiting, got re-directed to the correct line, paid my fee, got my number (55), and then waited for the starting announcement.
Everyone is told to line up, I went to the back, 'cause they said slower people in the back. Then, right before starting, they said we were facing the wrong way, and everyone turn around. Guess who is now right in the front?

1, 2, 3 GO...we're off, or should I say, they're off, I was very quickly left in the dust. Did I mention it was 46 degrees out, with winds up to 50 mph...

Around the first corner, and there is a straight up hill, just about gave up at that point, but too many people were cheering, and I figured it could only get better, so I plugged on. Next corner looped around and down the hill, much better, I even ran a bit (just a little bit, I'm not a runner yet)

At the first 1/2 mile, the people are saying "great job" and "not far now", but there was another hill. This one seemed to go FOREVER. The wind is blowing like crazy, into my face, takes my breath away, and I’m fighting it. I got passed at this point by all but 3 people. Water station at the top, they told me only little hills left, they LIED! It’s good though, or I might have given up if I knew how bad it was! The whole route was up and down, and they were not little hills either.

I wore underarmour and a fleece w/running pants, ‘cause it was cold out, it was windy out, but I was SO HOT!! Didn’t want to have to carry it though, so I kept it on. Got passed by the last 3 and again thought about giving up. I had my phone, I could call for a ride, but wouldn't you know, every time I thought I couldn't go one more step, there would be a group of people cheering and clapping. I have read on here about how the crowds help, and didn't realize how much until now.

Last hill, I can't even see anyone in front of me anymore, the tears are flowing, but I kept thinking about that stupid elephant (you know, one bite at a time) and how I wouldn't want to tell you guys about giving up, so I kept going, felt like I was hardly moving, but the scenery did change.

Halfway up the hill, I hear a screeching whistle, my DD was at the top w/an acorn cap, she had "Go Mom" painted on her face, and was jumping up and down telling me I could do it. DS also at top, telling me I’m almost there…and I was!
Made it to the top, from there it was a short distance to the clock, my time was 54:12. I was DLF. But I did it!!

They only had donuts and muffins at the end, and some Halloween candy, so I only had some water. Several racers congratulated me for making it (the first one in was in 18 mins). They are such nice people, didn't make me feel bad at all. My legs were ok then, but that night, I could barely walk. Monday, I walked like I had serious issues (and I did) By Tuesday, they were a little better, and I sucked it up and did a 1/2 mile walk to loosen 'em up. All better now.

What did I learn?
· Drive the route first
· Don’t overdress
· Don’t give up

Thanks so much for listening!!

Oh yeah, my DD has been going around singing this ever since Sunday
“She did the dash, she did the monster dash, she did the dash”
I don’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t really dash…(she’s proud of me!!)
Angie, WAY TO GO!!!!! :cheer2: :banana: :cool1: I think you made really good time considering you had to tackle hills, the weather :crazy: , the fact you were burning up, etc.

Good going! I'm going to enter my first 5K in December. At night. :crazy2: I just hope it's not 20 degrees out.

Congratulations for doing the 5K and finishing! You deserve an atta girl! :thumbsup2
:cheer2: ANGIE!!! Great job!!!

:lmao: Thanks for posting that link Krista! STILL laughing at some of his comments. Too funny!!!!! And girl....GOOD LUCK on the 14 miler tomorrow. I'm hitting the trail tomorrow for my first 14 miles as well :guilty: . I'm sooo nervous. Not sure why..must be the psychological thing about finally crossing the halfway mark :confused3 . I'm trying an audio-book this time. Just trying whatever keeps me from losing my sanity out there!! LOL! I'll let ya' know how that goes. My favorite...absolute favorite running song though..."Reason To Believe" by Dashboard Confessional. It's my favorite motivational running song.

Dana: I'm experiencing the same knee issues. Mine seems to require a few days of rest after long runs before it feels normal again....then I go out there and abuse it again...and so on and so on! Hope your feeling less blue now!!!

Jen: Hang in there!!! Hope you are feeling better. Don't stress over the missed training. Sometimes the body just needs the time off. You'll be back at it in no time!!! :grouphug:

Well....I'm heading out for the dreaded 14 miler tomorrow. :sad2: Something about running in the frigid cold alone for 2.5 hours is a bit daunting :confused3 . Hmmmm.....can't imagine why LOL! :teeth: I'll be thinking of you all as I chip away at the miles tomorrow. GOOD LUCK training this weekend!!!
Hey - total drive by here!!! I'll have to catch up when we get back. I'm ashamed to admit this but we are not sure what to do w/ our free day (monday) go to disney land or something else. The boy will get to go to the world in jan, so.... anyway, i just felt like i need to confess :teeth: !!

I'm totally not doing any training here this week. I saw phils team head out in the kayaks this moring. that is the last update i've gotten. I think they are on bikes up in the mountains tonight. I will let you know how they do, but there are some cool videos and pics from the race start Ill post a link
Way to go Angie! :cool1: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :thumbsup2

The important thing is you had the courage to start and the determination to finish!

You go girl!

Good Morning TEAM: I'm waking up and fueling up for my LR today. I have a taper back week, so I'm doing 8 miles today. I can't believe I think 8 miles is no big deal. Whooo, I have a busy day though. Gotta squeeze my run in, stop in at work quickly, get home to take DD5 princess: to soccer at 10am, and then the in-laws are coming around 11:30am. I hope I can shower in there sometime.

For my training yesterday, I went to my yoga class for 60 min of x-training. Aaah the stretching felt good. So I usually weigh myself on Fridays at the gym. Lately, the last couple of weeks, I haven't believed the scale is working right. It said I was 183 lbs. When I started this journey, I weighed in at 203 lbs. Funny how I believe the scale when it says I'm heavy, but why am I not willing to believe the scale now?

Oh, to celebrate payday, and the end of the work week, I bought my new shoes!!! The running store recommended the Saucony Grid Trigon 3, and they felt really good. So I'll let you know how they work out.

Angie- YOU are an inspiration!!! To your family, to your DD, and to US!!! WTG!!! :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1: You did it, and we are all very proud. You represent the WISH Racing TEAM well. Awesome!!!! Don't you dare tell your DD you didn't dash - you did dash. You did the best you can do, and that's all one can ask for. That's what you would want her to do, right? Awesome, awesome, job. :thumbsup2

Amy- Good Luck with your 14 miler!!! Slow down and enjoy yourself. You can do it.

Jodi- What are you up to this weekend? Good luck with your training. Is your friend going to be able to run with you in Florida for the marathon weekend?

MelR- Have fun in California. I hope Phil's team does well, and you all have fun on your free day on Monday. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Cam and Howard- I'm thinking of you both, and hope the weekend goes as well as it can for you.

Good luck to everyone on their LRs today. Have fun out there, and for those of you in the north (like me) - stay warm!!!
Jodi- What are you up to this weekend? Good luck with your training. Is your friend going to be able to run with you in Florida for the marathon weekend?

Hi Dave,

Today I will most likely being logging in my longrun on the threadmill (13), and then tomorrow try and get outside and do a 6 miler. Unless, I decide to do it the opposite way? :confused3 Since I have a couple of errands to run this morning I am not getting out a decent time to do the run on the road ---It gets a bit crazy afterwards, I like to run in our center of town (which has a few bars, etc.) so if I wait too late, it isn't a good thing (people can be downright rude when your running).

My friend is still telling me she intends on running; I don't know that she'll be ready but she's full of surprises. I just really don't want her to push herself. She will be getting her surgery done the day before Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving I will be running a 5k that morning (Turkey Day Trot)....I've been trying to find longer runs but they just don't seem to be around.
Angie - OMG! What a great race report! You made me laugh & brought tears to my eyes. I hope you are very, very proud of yourself! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

- I doubt you have to ask what or who is on my mp3 player... :rolleyes1 If you want some GGD suggestions, just PM me! :teeth:
Actually, before I went 100% GGD, I had some really good upbeat stuff: Gwen Stefani, Metallica, AC/DC, Usher, U2, etc. I should check my old palylist on the computer. As much as it hurts me to admit this, I am kinda getting sick of all GGD, all the time. :guilty: You will do fine on your 14 miler tomorrow - no worries!

I did 30 mins. on the bike yesterday. And since I missed a day this week I was going to do 3 miles today (rest day) to make up for it. But I have this pesky allergy/cold thing again. That & my BIL is coming with the bobcat to work on our backyard in a couple hours. So, I think I am going to rest today. We have our local 5k tomorrow. Should be interesting since it starts at my high school (have to register in the cafeteria) and I haven't set foot in there since I graduated like, um, 17 years ago. :scared1:
DH and I made our LR!! I thought we needed to run 6 miles but much to my surprise the schedule was "only" 5!! I can't believe I write only 5!

IT was a good run and I feel good now. It took me 65 minutes. I was just finishing my 5 minutes warm-up when I got a phone call and didn't start actually running until 12 minutes in. I Run/walk so my time was still strong. I wanted to finish in less than one hour, but that's okay. I felt good and that is sooo important for me!

Good Luck everyone, have a GREAT weekend and LRs!!!

Carrie - thanks for the well wishes.

I went out this morning and was on the road by 6:30 - I really need to work on getting more sleep - in the 29 degree temp. I continue with my HR training and put in 2:21:13 for 15.5 miles. This is a lot slower than I used to run but there is a method to this madness (at least that is what Maffetone says). The best thing about this training is there has never been a question of finishing a run - before I was starting to dread long runs because I ended up with cramps or GI issues on every one. I hope all have a great training weekend and those in need, sending buckets full of PD your way.


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