Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Thanks Lisa!

You got me thinking about my sore feet. I knew I needed to replace my Nikes, but it hadn't really hit me until I read your post that the Nikes seemed to get lower mileage. Just got back from Fleet Feet, where they confirmed that they don't last as long. My Air Zooms had 350+, so I'm now the proud new owner of a pair of Mizuno Wave Inspires!


Jackie, I just got the Mizuno Wave Inspires, too.

I have run in them twice and my right foot is hurting again, plus both my little toes. I'm sure I'll lose my toenails in these shoes soon. I had gone to a store where they fitted me with the computer pad and video treadmill so I'm a tad disappointed. I ran in them outside in the parking lot and they felt good at the time. I now see Runners World gives these shoes a best buy mark, but it says they are for normal to low arches - I have slightly high. I also have neutral feet I was told, with very slight pronation on the left foot. I'm thinking these shoes were wrong for me... :headache:
Hi everyone,

Glad to hear everyone is recovering well from their races last week and back in the saddle of training (so to speak). I hit another milestone today - completed an 18 mile long run. I did it in 3:12 which I was pretty pleased with. I felt better up to the 16 mile point than I did on my 16 miler 2 weeks ago so that was good but those last few miles my legs were tiiiiiirrrrreeeddd and I could feel the lactic acid building up. It's hard to imagine doing another 8 miles at that point but I did keep myself from thinking that until after I was done.

Question for the vets in here: Do you run past 20 in your training and if so, how many times? The plan I'm following called for 17-20 today (I did 18) and then 2 more runs around 20 with one that ranges from 20-23. This is my first marathon and I don't want to overdo things but I've been feeling good in training and haven't had any injuries or even really problems yet. In fact, I'm usually only sore/tired for a couple hours after my run and am usually good to go the next day. I'm just thinking that maybe going over 20 a couple times would be good mentally and help me suffer less in those final miles. What do you think?

Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

I'm waking up and fueling up for my run this morning. Nothing too long planned - I thought I'd go 6 miles and see how the legs are feeling. I don't have any races in the near future, but I wanted to keep the habit up. Besides, I really enjoy my Saturday morning long run time to myself. I'm looking forward to following the marathon trials today too.

Martha- Don't psych yourself out too much on breaking distance barriers. You can do it. I agree with your red badge of courage mantra. When I was training for the full last year, every run over 10 miles was the first time I had went that long. I always surprised myself when I was done. I remember last October was the first time I had done a half marathon (at Niagara Falls), and every week seemed like I was breaking new ground. It was exciting, but, yes, I was also nervous too. Even when running the marathon, I had never done anything longer than 20 miles in training. When I crossed the 20 mile point at Disney (and stopped for a port-a-potty), I remember thinking I had never run farther than this before. Enjoy the journey, and just take it one step at a time, one mile at a time. You can do it.

Mike- Good job getting back into the running after the MCM. How are your legs feeling? Mine feel absolutely fine, but I still don't want to push it too much. Is Kathy running at Disney in January?

Colleen- Good advice, and you stay healthy too. How are your legs these days. Are they making the adjustment to walking OK?

Sara- Did you post how your doctor's appointment went?

Cecilia- I hadn't been posting on the weekly thread since I was busy over at the MCM thread. It's good to see you again. I didn't know you were mentoring a group of 1st time marathoners. That's great! Good for you! I also didn't know you were going Goofy this year too. WTG! You must have signed up for that quickly after the marathon.

Shan- Take the shoes back. Any good running store will let you take your shoes back if they're not working out for you. Don't think twice about it.

Kristin- :wave2: Hello over there in Japan. Great job on your 18 miler! Great pace, and congrats on breaking the new distance. What are you training for right now? I'm certainly not a marathon vet (just 2 under my belt now), but that never stopped my from offering advice. I know Jeff Galloway's training plans call for runs longer than 20 miles. He believes that one reason runners hit "the wall" at 20 miles is because they don't go longer than 20 miles in their training. Most other plans stop at 20 miles because they believe that anything longer than 20 miles takes too long to recover from. Runners doing both plans are certainly successful. In both marathons I trained for I planned on doing 1 final run longer than 20 miles. It never happened, althought I did run 20 miles 2x in my training. For my first marathon, my 1st 20 miler was a stonker. I cramped up at mile 15 and ended up walking the last 5 miles. For my 2nd marathon, my first 20 miler was fine. Two weeks later I was planning 23 miles. Life circumstances intervened, I couldn't get out until late, it was brutally hot, I ran out of water, and at 20 miles I ended the run because I didn't want to hurt myself. That being said, ending the run at 20 miles when I was planning 23 made the run seem short, and I couldn't believe my mindset was "OK, I'll JUST run 20 miles today." I think in those cases it was the right call for me. Both my marathons went fine, and I didn't go over 20 miles in training. Hope that wasn't too long-winded.

OK, have great runs out there everyone.
Good Morning Everyone!

Hi Dave! I was a little worried when I got back inthe swing of things here and you weren't posting then I saw that you were doing MCM. Congrats on your finish! One of our coaches broke his ankle at MCM and had to have surgery this week. The guy is a machine doing 3-4 marathons a year and one mistep took him out. Scary thought.

Yes I am Goofy this year. I just hope I finish. I am NOT, I repeat, NOT going to try to make any certain time. Well, under 7 hours but thats it. IF I say otherwise then someone hit me.

WHEN is Minne?, WHY is this the last one?, and HOW long is the race? I think I would enjoy a Mouse Skywalker race package. Now I just have to convince DH that I am not addicted to racing....:rolleyes1

WHEN is Minne?, WHY is this the last one?, and HOW long is the race? I think I would enjoy a Mouse Skywalker race package. Now I just have to convince DH that I am not addicted to racing....:rolleyes1

Hi Cecilia- Minnie is Sunday, May 4th 2008. It's a 15k (the last 15K of the marathon course). This is the last one because the rumor is it will be replaced with a springtime half marathon. Yay, on the Skywalker race package. I'm doing some number crunching now...

OK, I bagged my LR so I could watch the Olympic trials. How's that for an excuse? I'm relishing in my marathon recovery phase...
Thank you all for your kind words. We are home safe and feeling better. I got 3 miles in at the hotel Thurs night. Eeegads...I do hate the TM!!! I wasn't sure of the setting so I went a solid 6.5 and didn't run my 9 min 5K that I thought I could get in. I guess 7 would have been a better choice, but I was just so tired from the long ride. It was about 11 hours from door to door due to stops. I was stuck in a back seat with a car seat and another adult. Very crammed...I felt like a sardine. Anyhow..back to catching up...

Krista - Hope you feel better!!

Mel - Happy Anniversary!! My friends always told me that I should get married on Halloween, but I never thought about that (the fact of spending the future anniversaries trick or treating).

Kim - I have always struggled with my weight..I hate to say it, but Weight Watchers is the only thing that works for me. Have you thought about joining a structured plan like WW?

Sara - I'm all about baby steps...they are good. :)

Jen - Hope you feel better!!

OK....back on track with my dieting efforts and back to work today. Hope everyone has a great Saturday and happy training!!
Morning teammates! WISH I could say I'm headed out the door for my LR, but alas, that will have to wait until tomorrow. Darn that work! I'm shooting for 12 tomorrow, though. Last weeks 8 at ToT was the longest since the Akron Marathon, and now my training is all screwed up. Looks like DH and I won't get any "back down" weeks until around 18-20 miles. I think I've decided to just have fun with Disney--I PR'd at Akron and have really no need to beat that time right now. With the holidays coming up and both kids bdays we are gonna be crazy busy, so I'm just gonna enjoy the training I can do.

MSDave--so good to see you posting around these parts again--was missing your daily updates! A WISH tour guide sounds awesome, but no Minnie for us this year. DBIL is getting married the next weekend up in Ohio, so can't do the back to back trips. Luckily I got my Minnie medal last May. Oh, and everyone is right--you NEED that Minnie to go along with the Mickey!

Eva--Hugs to you and your family. Glad to hear that you're home safely!

Mike--Ha! on the root canal analogy! Oh, and, once again in your honor, DH and I had an Optimator in Germany last weekend--unfortunately it was the afternoon before ToT and it reared it's ugly head around mile 5!:rotfl2:

Kristin--Glad to hear that everything is going well over in Japan. I'm in the group of not training over 20 miles--kinda like Mike posted about training for the Goofy--it's gonna hurt like he11 once, why do it more than that?:lmao: But actually for my first marathon, I didn't even get to 20 miles b/c of illness and still finished well. I suppose if I were training to qualify for Boston I might push myself a bit more, but not gonna do it!

Okay, gotta run. Have a great day everyone!:thumbsup2
Kristin - Since I'm a Galloway runner, I'm doing it the way Dave described and running farther than my race distance. But my training is all screwed up since I was planning for the full in Raleigh before I got injured, so I've already run 18 and now I'm only doing the half at Disney so my mileage is way over. Since I've started back, I'm aiming to do 16 between now and January.

Managed 8 this morning. Walked about a mile in the middle to give the feet a chance to understand that we really were going to do some distance today - they finally got the message around mile 5 and stopped hurting, so I picked back up with the 3R/1W that the group was doing when I left them! So far I like the Mizunos; I'll try a couple more runs before I take Mike's suggestion and go buy another pair!

Now it's off to the beach for a band competition, then back home tonight so I can be up and on the marathon course at 7:00 to man the water/Gu stop for 5 hours. Glad we gain an hour for sleep tonight!

Since everyone is talking about covering new distances, it reminds me of Disneyland last year. It was my first half and I was walking for a long time with Cam. We crossed the Mile 9 marker and it dawned on me, I had never gone further than 9 miles before! It was such a cool feeling. And then to hit the 10, 11 & 12 mile markers (as well as the finish line, of course).

It is one of my favorite race memories - turning to Cam and telling her that I had never gone that far before, just after we crossed mile 9. :goodvibes

As for training now....well, I still have this cough/cold thing. I am going to take it easy today and start with training tomorrow. My log is all marked through the WDW half. And Sundays are my stretch & strengthen days, so breathing (or lack there of) should not be an issue. I will get to a doctor Monday if this hasn't gone away - at that point, I will have had this cough for 2 weeks! :eek:
Thanks to all of my WISH friends for your kind words of support. This means a lot to me. It's all mental now and it's rather psyching me out. I've got my audible.com books and several routes to choose from. I just have to go out there and do it.

I'll let you know how it goes!
Hey everyone- thanks for the encouragement! What a nice group.:goodvibes

I like the reward idea. I'm thinking if I finish the 15 tomorrow I might get some sort of new running stuff. I did 7 today at an 8:36 pace- too fast and I may regret it tomorrow, but it felt great at the time.

You'll be pleased to hear I tricked my little guy into not being barefoot in his stroller. After buying two new pairs of shoes he instantly took off (including cowboy boots!), I realized there was a simple answer: PJs with footies. So he was in PJs, sweats, and a puffy jacket! He didn't seem to mind, and I didn't have to worry about looking like a negligent mother.:rolleyes1

Martha- has anyone mentioned the time change? The way I see it, we get extra time to finish our runs! Good luck tomorrow!

Jen in GA
Jackie - I'm sorry, for some reason I had it in my head that you were doing the Goofy. I'd still get another pair of shoes a few weeks out and use them for the half (who doesn't want a new pair of shoes?!:thumbsup2 )

Shan - Ditto about taking the shoes back.

MSDave - Legs are feeling pretty good, all things considered. I think I felt a little worse right after MCM than my first in May but have recovered much more quickly. Kathy is doing the half at WDW in Jan. She aggravated her shin splints last weekend chasing the girls in their race Sat and chasing me around on Sun so had to take a break this week. She was finally able to get out and do 5 miles this morning.

Kristin - Congrats on the good run. I've followed a Hal Higdon plan for my 2 marathons so far and his plans only go to 20 miles. I'll probably stick to that for Goofy training as well but would like to extend that to a 22 or 23 miler for whatever race I do in the spring.

Stephanie - I'm glad you enjoyed an Optimator. I've had a bottle or two at home this week. Good, but I have to admit it's not the same without a big plate of German food and an Oom-pah band playing.

Jen in GA - 7 miles at 8:36? Wow, that's flying! That's much faster than your usual pace, no?

I was planning on taking a rest day today but the opportunity to get a run in presented itself. DD7 had a birthday party to go to.

My choices were:
1. Take her and have 2 hours to run as much as I felt like then sit in the quiet van and read this month's Runner's World until she was done.
2. Drop her off, come home and clean the house.

Hmmm.... Decisions, decisions ;) So I ran 9 hilly miles, read a few articles, and the house is still a mess.

Enjoy the extra hour of sleep.


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