Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Speaking of shoes, how many miles should I have on mine going into my first half? My last pair died at about 200 miles...but I dont know if the ones I'm wearing now will be too far gone by the half, or if I should be breaking in a new pair? Any advice?
I can only get between 200 to 300 miles depending on the shoe. Nike SHOX or Air Max is about 200-250 and the NB 1061s that I just got are 250 to 300. :confused3
Hi Everyone!

I did an 8 mile hill workout yesterday and I was pretty sore afterwards. I haven't had any real soreness all season so it actually felt good. I must be crazy.

Cecilia - I did pick up my runner's mace yesterday at Big Peach Running Co. Are you doing the half or full for the ING Georgia? Were you planning on joining any training groups for it?
I am doing the half at ING Georgia then the half at Country Music. I did this last year and loved it. After training for a marathon, training for the halves seemed almost easy! I would really love to do the San Diego Marathon but spring is a tough time for me to train for a full marathon so I will probably do a fall marathon. I train with TNT/Northside. We do most of our runs around the Windward Parkway area.

Hey everyone!
Did 4 on Tuesday, 7 yesterday, supposed to do 4 today. I am starting to freak out about 15 on Sunday- I've done 13 before, but 15 seems so long. I'm going to need to bring lunch and a diet coke! What's that going to take me, 3+ hours? (I am considering getting a portable DVD player to strap onto Harry's stroller- we've still got enough LRs in the future that it might be practical. Babysitters here are $10/hr per child, so that 3 hour run would cost me $60.00 if DH isn't able to watch them- from that perspective, a DVD player is a bargain! :laughing: )Jen in GA
Jen - you crack me up. I am picturing the stroller with a DVD and a picinic basket strapped on to it!
$10 an hour is steep for a run! Maybe you could cut a deal with someone? I did a trade off with a friend of mine for my Wednesday night runs. She has all the kids on Wednesday and I take them on Friday. Its easy enough and I never go anywhere on Friday nights anymore so it works for me.

Happy Trails!
Krista - Sorry you got sick. We got back yesterday afternoon but then I am use to this weather so maybe that is what got you. We rode on BTMRR and ended up getting soaked because it started to pour. Didn't realize they still ran it in the rain. Everyone must have thought we just got off Splash, who would have thought you could get SOAKED on BTMRR???

Tricia--I think we were on the same train! Was it Monday afternoon, about 11:45? We got in the fastpass line and it wasn't raining, we came out of the station and it was POURING!! I had a puddle of water in my lap and my hair was so wet, it was dripping; it took me hours to dry out. I ended up buying a new shirt that day because I was so cold with a wet shirt on. I think that's when I got sick! :mad:

Mel--Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!! October is a popular month to get married in. I know about 10 or 12 couples with October anniversaries.

Kristi and Chad--Happy Anniversary to you too!!! Did you have any problems getting home without Chad's license?

Leana--Gorgeous bling!!!
lourodrigis...you posted a photo of yourself awhile back that was from a really cool running site. What was the name of that site?

Mel - I had to think about that for a minute. I believe the site you are looking for is http://www.athlinks.com.
My profile is at http://www.athlinks.com/racer/21653425/Louis-Rodriguez.aspx
It's an awesome site. It's the "MySpace" for athletes. My friend that got me into running races tipped me off about the site. When I saw all of the marathons he had run I decided it was time for me to try to run a marathon.
Helen: nice pat on the back for you! I never know if I should say how far I'm running in non-running groups b/c it somehow sounds like I'm bragging. But runners understand and are so supportive. All of my co-workers, and I do mean all of them, are so sedentary. One person plays raquetball on a regular basis but no one does anything else. I feel like I'm bragging if I talk about my races or training runs. It's so nice to come to this thread and talk here.

Leana: awesome necklace! It's wonderful.

WWDave: you are great to have in the group! Love chatting with you.

Mel: what a great idea--displaying your certificates and medals. Wish I worked in a place that valued that kind of thing!

Angie: usually a couple hundred miles on a pair of shoes. I just bought a new pair but I'm putting so many miles on them each week now that I will buy a new pair in December and break them in before the marathon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Good luck to everyone running races this weekend. And good luck to everyone with training runs! 10 weeks to the marathon.

Am I going to make it?
Mel - thanks for the birthday wishes! And I entered the contest from that not-to-be-mentioned shoe company. I figure if I win, I can eBay those to pay for better things! ;)

Krista - thanks for the anniversary wishes! I better buy Chad a card or something, huh? I'll probably forget until the day of. :rolleyes: Happy belated anniversary to you two! (I remember since your anniversary is my ex's bday :rolleyes: ) I am bummed I didn't track you down in MK on Monday! We were there from about 1 or 2pm until about 4pm, then off to the airport in our soaking wet clothes - ugh. Oh, and were you the one who has/d the Saturn Ion and doesn't like it?

Speaking of flu shots....I just got rejected by the nurse here at work for mine. Apparently, I should see my doctor since I STILL have this cough thing that started last Monday in FL. :rolleyes: So, she wouldn't shoot me up! :rotfl: I am going to call the doctor now, but I doubt I can get seen. Zack has his first swim class this session today at 3:30, and that kind of screws up my afternoon. I'd hate for him to miss the first day in a new class.

Chad is getting his flu shot here later today.
He is going to be careful not to cough around the nurse! :rotfl2:

And since I am still sick, I have done no exercise since ToT.
I am going to plot my training plan in my log today though.

I will do some major relaxing catching up with last week's Next Great American Band, then watching the new show tonight though. :goodvibes
Speaking of shoes, how many miles should I have on mine going into my first half? My last pair died at about 200 miles...but I dont know if the ones I'm wearing now will be too far gone by the half, or if I should be breaking in a new pair? Any advice?

I would say you definitely want to be breaking in a new pair. How much mileage should you have on the shoe before the race? Not sure I know the answer to this one, but you definitely want to have done your last few long runs in it so you know they are comfortable. I generally keep two pairs of shoes in rotation.
Mel, thanks for the link for the shoes contest. I don't know who posted the link for Ryka before, but I got a free tech shirt in the mail! Didn't win the shoes, but I thought that was pretty cool. Did everyone that entered that Ryka contest get a shirt???

Cecilia, I don't know why I can't find any running groups over my way. It seems like there are a million of them around the Atlanta area, but none in my immediate area. :confused3
Tricia--I think we were on the same train! Was it Monday afternoon, about 11:45? We got in the fastpass line and it wasn't raining, we came out of the station and it was POURING!! I had a puddle of water in my lap and my hair was so wet, it was dripping; it took me hours to dry out. I ended up buying a new shirt that day because I was so cold with a wet shirt on. I think that's when I got sick! :mad:

Actually it was a little earlier than that. We were there first thing in the morning. The pouring rain you got cought in must have been when we were waiting for the bus. It was coming DOWN again then. I bet that is when you ended up getting :sick: We went back to the room and changed clothes and then went to Epcot. Hope you feel better soon :wizard:
Officially back to posting on the weekly thread since I see all of my fellow MCM'ers have taken the plunge! I hope to be back up to speed soon because right now I am so out of the loop:confused3 .

Trying to fight off the post-marathon depression this week and looking forward to beginning training for WDW next week. I finalized a training plan I am happy with and now I just hope the leg cooperates:rotfl: .

3 miles last night and I hope to get in another 3 or so tonight:cheer2: .

Happy LR's to everyone this weekend:woohoo: .
Sara! - Hey, I know you!:goodvibes OMG, this is crazy, I can't keep up w/ all these peeps! I'd love to see your training outline for Disney.

Thanks to all the frequent flyers for the welcome:grouphug: ...be patient with me, please, I'm not good w/ names.

A shout out to all the pros out there for some help.

Uh, how do I train for GOOFY now, just coming off of a marathon on Sun? Where do I begin? What should my longest run be? I've read about the run Fri. double that mileage on Sat. thingie.. Is that my best bet?:confused3

Haven't run yet, will do so tomorrow as I'm pretty much back to feeling normal (sure that'll change tomorrow, man my legs are gonna PO'd:rotfl: )
Hey Jodi,

Last year after Chicago I don't think I started back to back runs until about 3 weeks later. I wanted to really recover and then I did 3 back to back. They were 8/16, 9/18 and 10/20 three weeks out. I was fine and would have had decent half and full marathon times if it wasn't for the heat last year.:scared:

Must run, meeting DH for lunch today!
Greetings WISH teammates:

I posted a separate thread about this, but I wanted to post it here too.

OK, this may get long-winded, but here goes. As some of you may know, this has been a very trying Fall for me. My mother passed away in September, and I've been receiving a lot of funding pressure here at work. This month I was told there is only guaranteed funding for my position for another year, and I might be wise to keep my eyes out for other positions here at the University.

This has got me thinking about what it is I want to do when I grow up. During one of my long runs training for the Marine Corps Marathon, I was thinking that I would love to organize tours/trips for runners to go to races. I would especially like to organize trips to Disney races. Then, a light bulb went off - why don't WE as a WISH team organize ourselves as a group in order to take advantage of some of the group travel opportunities Disney has to offer. I think we had over 100 runners and walkers participate in the Tower of Terror 13K weekend, and we have over 100 runners and walkers signed up to participate in the Marathon Weekend events in January. Last year, we did take advantage of organizing an Illuminations Dessert Party which was fantastic (thank you Rhonda).

Let me state up front, I am NOT looking to make any money from my fellow WISH teammates, but here's where my WISH teammates come in. How much interest would there be in trying to organize team/group events for the Minnie Marathon Weekend? I have a call in to a Disney group planner to get some details. How much a block of rooms would be? How much would certain events be, etc.

I was thinking I could even rent a 15 passenger van to shuttle people around to events for the weekend. I could be the WISHes Express and take people from the airport to their hotel, take people to events, take people to the starting line, and take people back to the airport. I look at this as a test case to see how it would be to organize some running tours. I'm thinking I would ask for money to offset the cost of a rental van or any group events we do, but I am NOT looking to make money off of this. I would be more than willing to be the driver, gopher, and helper to make a WISH trip even that much more special.

Whaddya think? Would you be interested? If there is enough interest, I will pursue this with the Disney group planners. Please add your name to the separate thread on this board.
It's a promotion to win free shoes for life, but says:

"Runners: Win Free Pearl Izumis for Life"

"Joggers: At the rate you're going, your shoes should last a lifetime"

I went ahead and entered the drawing. I figure if I were to actually win, it would really frost them to have a jogger sporting a 12 min mile winning their runners promotion :stir:

What the heck. I entered as well. My reasoning being that if a super Pooh-sized, out of shape walker wins, they may have to change their ads (or at least not get any good advertising based on this contest).

Martha My bib no. was 3932. There are a few pictures of me. Although I don't look great, I think I look better than I was actually feeling. ;)
Hey everyone- did 3 miles on the TM. I have a friend at the gym who just started running, and she wanted to see my Minnie medal, so you know, I started a little late...:rolleyes1 (But, hey, how often does anyone really care?!:laughing: )

Helen- I'm doing 7 Saturday and 15 Sunday too! I've done 6/13, but the extra 2 miles Sunday are really messing with my head. Who am I kidding? All of November is messing with my head! I just don't know if I can find a route that won't bore me to tears.

Shoes- Just last night as I was feeling sorry for myself icing my heels and trying to decide why they hurt, I realized I've got well over 300 miles on my favorite pair! D'Oh! Looks like I need to hit the mall- we only have Footlocker type places, but hopefully I can find replacements.

Dave- hmmm... block of rooms, driver, special events... what's not to love!:cool1: (By the way, add 2 to your count for ToT- I never officially added my name to the list).

Got to face my desk now.

Jen in GA
Morning everyone.

No training to report this week as I've been a walking, talking snot factory since returning from Disney. Gave it to the DW, and now she loves me even more.

Have 13 scheduled for Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be feeling better.

Everyone - Keep up the great training!
Anyone get the email from Pearl Izumi via Active.com? It's a promotion to win free shoes for life, but says:

"Runners: Win Free Pearl Izumis for Life"

"Joggers: At the rate you're going, your shoes should last a lifetime"

I went ahead and entered the drawing. I figure if I were to actually win, it would really frost them to have a jogger sporting a 12 min mile winning their runners promotion :stir:
If anyone else wants to enter (to give a better chance of a 'jogger' winning), http://www.wearenotjoggers.com/home
:thumbsup2 I love your thinking!

It is a very inspirational thing you are doing at your place of work. Where better to display that type of encouragement too!

Happy celebrations to everyone.

Goofy training for me was following the idea set up on tricharlotte.com where it was recommended that on the every other week of the long miles that you do half that distance on Saturday and then the entire distance on Sunday. It worked for me twice. I can recommend that. You do want to make sure that you are getting in your regular training in between for sure though.
Hi all!

I posted once on the weekly thread a couple of weeks ago and posted on the MCM thread a few times before the MCM. Now that the MCM is over, I'd like to join you all on this thread.

As for my current running goals, I feel as if I am in a post-marathon fog and am not sure what to do with myself. I have had zero physical activity since the marathon, which is fine, except I actually can't wait to run (perhaps I'll change my mind about that one after actually running). I would have run a few easy miles yesterday or today, except I was so tired in the morning that I didn't want to get out of bed to run before work (and I normally work until 8 or 8:30, so running after is not really an option - at that point, all I want to do is go home and eat dinner).

The only races for which I am currently registered are a Thanksgiving Day 5k and the National Half Marathon at the end of March. I'm going to have to come up with some sort of training schedule for myself - I'm good at following schedules, not so good at getting out and running if I don't have one.

As for my other race goals for next year and early '09, DH and I have decided to do the Goofy in '09:banana: and, although we were originally thinking about doing the Flying Pig in May '08, it doesn't work out great for DH's school schedule, so I think we are going to do RNR San Diego June 1st.

That's all for now. I hope to try to keep up with this thread and get to know all of you.



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