Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Posted this on the Tot thread but thought I'd re-post it here as well.

Jen, hmmmmm. I'm not a jewelry person either but I did get an anniversary band for our 10th. I say why not a garmin???!!! You know you'd get so much use out of it training for the goofy! How about a trip in May :rolleyes1 Like the first weekend...:rolleyes1 Nothing too special that weekend except maybe the Minnie!!!:dance3:

Our race report:

The boys and I got to MGM around 5 - 5:30. I made everyone take a nap that afternoon but it certainly wasn't long enough! They were cranky! We grabbed a boat to Epcot in an attempt to see how the lines were for Soarin' and/or TT, but holy cow was Epcot crowded! We didn't see crowds like that our entire weekend where most MK rides were 10 minute waits for us so we did this :eek: and made our way back to MGM. Food and wine festival = crazy Epcot!

Leana said hi to us as we entered MGM around 6:00/6:30. She was heading to Fantasmic and we were going to grab a bite to eat. Easier said than done as we didn't have reservations and some quickie eateries were closing up shop! Luckily we found some chicken fingers over at Rosie's (I think:confused3 ) Then we headed toward the entrance, hung out and made our way toward the tents.

Anne recognized me from the Minnie and made introductions to the Wish group that was hanging out. Thank you, Anne! It was fun to see such a big group. We made our way over to baggage check, and then walked with the group toward the start. At this point we separated ourselves and sat down near the lights. The kids were tired and hated the wait so you can imagine how thrilled they were to hear that the start was delayed.:laughing: I was annoyed at that point.:headache: I figured anyone who was racing would have known to show up pretty early!:headache: D'OH!

The start of the 13K was fun, then the gal said "okay 6.5 people, five minutes!" So we made our way to the middle/mid-back of the pack. Five minutes later the gal came on and said "5 mnutes to start time." :headache: :laughing: What??!! So we started exactly 10 minutes after the 13Kers. No fireworks for us.:upsidedow

We started off at a brisk walk but my 5 year old got too excited and was worried. "Don't you want to win, mom? Why are we walking?" so he took off.:eek: No, really. He took off! Full speed with the 3 of us laughing and trying to catch up. Walked for "one minute, mom" which was about 10-20 secs. then he would take off at top speed. The little stinker did that for 3 miles. I tried to corral him a bit because I'm sure he annoyed people along the way, but he was having a ball. We did manage to stay out of the runner's paths. At least, it seemed like it.:confused3 He couldn't believe that people were cheering for him as we entered MGM. It just made him run all the faster!
Then we hit about 3 miles and he tired out. We walked the rest. We finished in just over an hour. Collected our medals, hit the store to buy a TOT race shirt, then meltdown began because the youngest refused to do TOT and the oldest was mad, mad, mad! (re: tired) So we went back to the resort to sleep. We were walking out at midnight. Good thing, too. The boys were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow and we had to get up at 6:00 to catch our flight home. Yikes!

Notes: The times they were calling out were 10 minutes ahead of the 6.5K start. I only know this because my middle one, Joe, had his stop watch going to time us. I also forgot to grab my cell phone when we headed out to the race so I had no way to call DH or any Wish people.:headache: It would have killed some time during the long wait before the race when kids had meltdown no.1. A great moment for us during the 6.5K was when the 13K leader ran by. We saw him coming (the bike police were in front of him) and we all started cheering for him.:cheer2: Pretty cool. Also, I was glad the medal was the same! Well, kinda. I was really afraid that we stayed late for this race with cranky kids and we'd end up with some cheap plastic medal because we did the 6.5K. A nice 6.5 medal that was differently marked than the 13K one would have been great, too, but I was relieved to get a "not cheap" medal.:thumbsup2

Had a good time. Wish I could have spent more time with WISH people but it was hard with the cranky boys.

On a totally unrelated note I have an announcement. Leana and her mom know this already because we chatted at the Minnie and discovered her mom lives in Indonesia. WE ARE MOVING TO SINGAPORE! :yay: It was announced at DH's work Friday. He is being transferred there for around 3 years starting this January. The boys and I will follow this summer when the school year finishes. (We didn't want to pull them out of school mid-year) Anyway, I really want to do the Minnie again this year as it is the last Minnie and my last opportunity to do a Disney race for a few years. Anybody up for it? I'm trying to see how to swing it.

Great job to all the Wishers who did ToT:wizard: :dance3:
Hey guys - just a quickie as supposed to be working. Well done to all the Tot'ers, but I have to ask - who was the band in the end?

All good here, did my half in Auckland this weekend in a time of 2.20 - also discovered that I'm running an 11 minute mile in training not a 12 minute so that's good - and shurnk this weeks 15 miles from 3 hours to 2.45ish!! It was nice to see all my old running buddies again I really must sort out a club here.

So Vicki - welcome to my side of the world (well ish). I like Singapore a lot but it's very hot for running!!! I'll be there for two days in March next year tho you'll probably find me lying by the pool rather than pounding the pavements. Anyway, that's it for me to today, as I've got to force myself to work (am vvv demotivated this week and working from home means the duvet is calling). Helen
Hey all! We just made it back home a few hours ago:sad1: But at least I know we'll be back in the "world" and with our WISH buddies in a couple months.:dance3:

Kristi and Chad--Thanks for the ride and being such good buddies! We had a blast--and Chad I know that Scott is much appreciative for the text updates on the ballgame! Oh and that pic I took of Emma and Zach is great--I'll post it later!

Martha--Thanks aren't necessary--glad we could help!:rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: Hey, at least now you can say you rode it--and if it makes you feel any better I have no idea what songs were playing either!;)

Well, the TOT race was pretty good for both Scott and I. We were going to "take it easy" but ended up finishing well--around a 9:10 pace. Craig did slow down to chat for a bit, but then sped on by us--don't think he wanted to be out run by a couple of "kids!";) Okay, gotta go and try to get some unpacking done.
Mel,:dancer: So FANTASTIC!!!
Tricia, you have every right to be proud!! :woohoo:
Kristin, Don't ya just love those shorter weeks? Keep up the great work!!:thumbsup2
Jen, you did 11.75 after being sick??!! Are you CRAZY??!! Glad your legs feel great. Hope things are getting safer and saner for you! :grouphug:
Terri, you deserved that leisure time! Leanna wore her SF bling, so we got to see what those firemen awarded you...GORGEOUS! So glad to hear your foot is doing well!! :cool1:
Colleen, you are going to do so well at the full! Hang with Pat and she'll get you there for sure! I'll be waiting for you at mile 12 and the boardwalk!! ;)
Shan, like Cecilia said, that's what this thread is for! There are lots of WISHers who have little support on the home front. PLEASE don't let it get to you. YOU are doing AWESOME! Wow!! an under 11 minute pace!! :banana:
nepats73, we WISHers were SO VERY GLAD to see that you showed up. Ater hearing of all of the trouble people had getting there, we were getting worried. There are NO "ugly" starts! You got out there and STARTED..which is more than thousands of other people did! AND you FINISHED!! even after having back spasms! FANTASTIC, Bill!! :cheer2:
lourodrigis, what a great job! Beautiful pictures! Looking forward to your Philly report!:sunny:
Vicki, you are too kind. I was just the first to see you..all of us would recognize you from your siggie! Your boys were adorable! Your report was so cute about the youngest! Congratulations on Singapore!! :dance3:
Helen, so good to hear from you!! What a fantastic pace after all of your PF troubles!! So, was there bling at the end?? :upsidedow
Scott and Stephanie, Congratulations!:rainbow:
Martha and Craig, what a great team you two are! Craig, so proud of you that you were able to get such a good time under such conditions. Martha, despite what you may think..you did a great race in maybe not so great conditions!! :jumping1:
Hi WISH Team! It was such a fun way to end our vaca with the ToT event. I am back in for the stretch here. January is closer than I have to get everything in training-wise. Sadly I am going to be quite undertrained, but I'm determined to try for it.

NEPats Bill, I am so pleased to have met you. Your story is an inspiration. I knew that you were going to be cutting it close to get to the event and after hearing that the traffic was stressed, I worried that you would not make it after all you have gone through to get there. Glad that you did and I'm sorry about that back.

It was fun to see the WISH Team gather.

Mel, congrats on the event. You are moving quickly these days.

Anne, I love it when you are at the events I attend. You are so fun making sure we all get to meet each other. You amaze me with the recognition powers you have. I meet and then promptly forget the name. You rattle off the whole team with no problem!

DH really enjoyed his first ever event. He even marveled that he was not sore the next day as he expected.
Martha, you seriously didn't like RnR? We need to get you back on it in Jan. to help you overcome your fear. lol:lmao:

Congratulations to everyone for completing the ToT, it sounds like it was a blast! See you in Jan.
Good morning team!!!!

ToT event was great, a few issues with traffic, start time etc, but nothing that riuned this event it was alot of fun.

Great seeing all friends and putting faces to the new ones.

Patsbill: Any finish is a good finish. My goal is always to finish, my time is secondary. How is your back feeling now?? Was hoping to run into you Sunday morning at breaky, we just went to the POP restaurant but it was nuts in there.

I checked the official times and DH and I had the same clock and chip times...to the second...I think that is funny. He is usually a runner but walked this event with me and we had a great time. We walked the entire race with Robert and Linda, we had a blast, goldcupmom walked with us a bit also, it was nice to chat with you. Dave and Erica came barrelling up on us at some point can't remember which mile marker but it was great having them in our little group. Dave I can see why you do so well in your race walking events.....you and Erica rock!!!!!:grouphug:

Yikes, gotta go get ready for work, have a great day everyone!!!!

Monte: :lmao: :rotfl: you slay me woman! You and whose army are going to get me back on that thing!?!! NEVER.

Stephanie: that really does make me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who didn't hear the song. Thank you!

Have a great day everyone!
Hello Stephanie

You and Scott certainly didn't look like you were taking it easy in the World of Sports Complex. It's not surprising you both had excellent results. Congratulations.

Thanks for escorting us through the RnR. Martha had committed earlier to doing it, and there may have been a glass or two of Chianti Classico involved, but your help was probably the deciding factor. I suspect this was a one time adventure for her.

Good luck with the after-trip household chores. Hopefully we'll see you both in January.


Good luck today!!

Good morning team! I am so happy to hear that everyone had a good time at the ToT. I was sorry I had to miss it, and I am having major medal envy right now. I am back in training mode for the Goofy, although I may have to pick one event (the 1/2) or the other (the full) instead of both depending on how my training progresses. I had the best of intentions this year, but WTO and I just have not made the time to train. Plus, I have gained 15 pounds since January, and the extra weight is really slowing me down. Grr. I am just taking it one day at a time and will see where I am in December. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by January, but I would be happy to see any loss at this point. :rolleyes1

Kevin- Good luck in your move! You will really enjoy the winter months this year.

NEPatsBill- Great job at ToT! You are an inspiration to us all.

Tinks- There are quite a few of us who are going to do the Minnie again in 2008. Another chance for a WISH Team party! :banana:

Helen- Congrats on the 1/2! I can't wait to see you again in January. We missed you terribly at last year's race.

Sorry to all that I missed. I better get to work. :surfweb:
Glad to hear that everyone had a great time at ToT and MCM!! It sounded like so much fun! I wish I could have seen you guys!

I did of course talk about you this weekend (My WISH friends always come up during races!)

We did the Raid the Rock Adventure rAce this weekend. It was in little rock, Ar (actually more maumelle and NLR) Anyway, we started at 5:00 am near palarm creek w/ some orienteering on private land (basically that big ridge that you see at the morgan maumelle exit for those who are local. We left out on bikes to get to the 2 big nav sections. It was really dark, so we could not assess the condition of the farm roads, but they were REALLY muddy. They were so muddy that the mud would actually build up enough to keep the bike from pedaling. When we would get off to walk the bikes or clean them, the mud would cake to the bottom of our shoes. I think it literally built me up about 4 inches. We spend the next 2 hours or so, through sunrise bushwacking to controls or checkpoints in the woods. After we got back, we transitioned to a short run to the canoe put in. We paddled up a creek to the Ark. river and around some islands for somemore of the checkpoints. Next we paddled up a small slough w/ several portages. The water was often stagnant and green slime covered the surface. I have to admit that I didn't relish drinking out of my camelbak hose as the end had been in the bottom of the canoe. It smelled alot like sulfer (i'm hoping that is actually what it was as we were in it waist deep several times) After several portages, we were close to the end of the paddle and the vegitation in hte slough became so thick that we actually were not paddleing but rather pushing the canoe w/ the paddles through the thick plants. The boat kept makeing a "shhhh" sound as it went over the plants. It was really neat. After teh paddle takeout, we had a short run to the next transition area where we were to start the mt. biking section. We we got into the ta, we realized that we had 3 flat tires!! Probably from mud and thornes from earlier!!!! The trans. took a little longer than usual due to the flats and the mud still built up on the bikes. finally, we got out on the bikes and headed off into maumelle for a few checkpoints. We biked several miles of double track to a high creek we had to carry our bikes across. (yes, phil carried my bike AGAIN and they got a picture of it AGAIN!!!) After that, we passed the 3rd place team and gained a lead over them. Then we got another FLAT and they passed us while we were changing it!! Anyway, from there, we biked across to the Big Dam Bridge and back to the base of Ft. Roots VA, were we did a short and steep hike to the top. After hooking on to a safety line to descend to the top of the bluff, we did a rappel of a 240 cliff and then biked to the finish! We came in 4th place and qualified for the national championship race (which unfortunatley is Friday, so we can't really rearrange our schedules to go!) I think by the end, we smelled like onions (from the nasty muddy bike section on farm roads) and like sulfur and we were covered w/ the green slime from the slough crossings. I think I might be optimistically describing our odor!!

On the last bikiing section along the river trails, I started talking to phil and our other teammate about you guys (of course!!) :thumbsup2 I was telling them about where you all were this weekend!

Sorry for the long post, but there it is anyway!
Monte: :lmao: :rotfl: you slay me woman! You and whose army are going to get me back on that thing!?!! NEVER.

Stephanie: that really does make me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who didn't hear the song. Thank you!

Have a great day everyone!

Hello everyone.

I'm new here but not new to the Disboards! Used to run a little and then had another baby but I'm back in the saddle again!

We already had our next WDW trip planned for May 1, 2008 and then I got inspired to run the Minnie 15K so I have 6 months to train. I think I can do it, I just need to make a firm committment. I ran a great (for me) 5K and was really feeling good about running, but that was a couple of years ago. I know I have a tendency to get all gung ho and then burn out because I overdo it, so I am trying to actually follow a schedule this time instead of running as far as I can as often as I can and then giving up. KWIM?

But enough about me... CONGRATS to all those who did the ToT! And kudos to all those planning on the half and full marathons. My hat is off to all of you.

Ran 2.5 miles this morning with a friend. He and I are going to be running buddies on Tuesday mornings so I have at least one workout a week that I will have company.
Sara74: welcome! Take it easy on the training--don't burn out! We'd love to see you at the Minnie.

Bill: sooooooo, what is your prognosis for an undefeated season for the Patriots?

Heather: good to see you on the boards! And boo to you!!

MelRhoades: my! Your event sounds quite amazing!

Have a great day everyone!
Well, Scott and I had a great time at the ToT this past weekend. It was great to get to see old friends and make some new ones. However, I'm not sure if Martha will talk to us again after the RnR!:rotfl:

Kristi and Chad came by our villa to drop off Zach (such a cutie!) and to pick us up. Never did we imagine that by leaving around 7:45 that the traffic was going to be so bad--we were coming from SSR. But, with my keen sense of direction, Kristi's Boston driving skills ;), and some great parking karma, we made it to the race start with time to spare.

It was great to walk to the start area and see so much lime green. After standing around for what seemed like, oh, shall we say 20 minutes longer than necessary ;) , we were off. Scott and I bopped and weaved our way through the traffic for at least the first mile--mostly that was our fault. We had planned on "just having fun" and lined up toward the back of the pack. Once we got going that competitive streak reared it's ugly head and we couldn't hold ourselves back! The turnaround at mile 1 was WAY too sharp for that many people. Once we got to the WWoS we had settled down into a nice race pace. We met up with Craig and chatted for a bit, until blazed through a water stop and we never saw him again--at least until the finish.

I commented to Scott that once we left the WWoS and the crazy CMs that it was really quiet--I felt like I had to whisper on the race course. It would be nice to have a little more entertainment, besides the derranged CMs asking me if I wanted tequila!:laughing:

Coming back into MGM was fun. I didn't realize that there were that many back roads in the park. Craig, Martha, and I had the same sentiments after the race that we never thought that there would be 2 miles of running once in the park. It was really cool. And big kudos to Carrie's family for being such a great scream team! Once we finished 1:13:48; we got our snacks and pics, then headed to Sunset Blvd to cheer on more WISHers! Once again met up with Craig, and spent some time recovering with him and Martha. Once we cheered on what we guessed was the last batch of WISHers (sorry if we missed you) we headed back to RnR. THis was Martha's fave part!:laughing:

After the ride, it was time to head back. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to our teammates. At least we know we'll see most everyone in January. I hope the breakfast at BW was fun--we never would've made it out of bed in time!

All in all, it was a good race. We had fun, and got some good bling! Don't think we'll be back next year--but maybe Race for the Taste, since we don't have that medal yet! I've got pics that I'll post next!
Sara - Welcome!

Mel - WOO HOO for your PR!

Bill - so glad to meet you in person at ToT. I was glad to hear you finished, we were looking for you at the end.

I am still sitting here in my pjs since we didn't get home until midnight last night. I just wanted to drop in and mention a few things:

- Rhonda, thank you so much for the advil!
- Anne, loved your little treats & Zack loved playing with you at dinner!
- All those at LTT - sorry we were so late! (darn packet pick-up / screw up!)
- Stephanie & Scott, thank you so much for offering up Allison to watch Zack. He had alot of fun playing with Emma & Matthew.

I wasn't so thrilled with this race, but loved being able to meet up with everyone again. We were going to try to hit the bakery Sunday morning....but woke up at 9:09am - oops! I was hoping to bump into some of you in the parks Sunday & Monday, but I didn't spot anyone.

I really should go get a shower or unpack or something before I pick Zack up at school. I also have to plan my training for the Half in January. I am determined to be faster & thinner by then!
I don't remember everyone's name--so forgive me if there isn't a caption on all the photos!



Pre-race gathering


Carrie's DH (?), I think Carrie is right behind him


Denny and DW--I think


Here comes Judy!




My one duty for the evening was to get Kristi's pic b/c Chad was getting our stuff out of the car--almost missed her:rolleyes:



Boy, doesn't Dave look serious!


This is my DD and Kristi's DS when we got back from the race!


And since we missed MNSSHP with the group, here we are in costume Sunday night
Stephanie - I LOVE your costumes! We stayed in MK until 7pm that night, hoping to see some WISHers dressed up. But I didn't recognize anyone.
Hi all:

Back at work and planning for January (just don't tell the boss I'm here right now). I have been looking over my training plans and have come up with a few new goals pre-Donald: (1) have Big Vic, Dana, the Original Bill (wfloyd) and all other Florida WISHers do a better job on reducing the humidity before January. The temps weren't too bad for the ToT race and there was an occassional breeze, but it seemed quite humid, especially for this New Englander who is carrying lots of extra insulation and didn't give himself a chance to acclimate to the weather conditions. (2) Try to healthily reduce my personal insulation by 40 lbs or more by the half. (I don't think this is too unrealistic given my starting point). (3) Try to work on the core exercises for the back/abdomin at least 4-5 times a week (the twice a week ain't getting it done). (4) Just keep swimming, just keep swimming (I mean walking).

The back is OK, relatively speaking. I did go to AK Sunday for a Safari ride, couple trips on EE and saw the new Nemo show. I then went to MK late afternoon for some rides and MNSSHP. I did the rides I wanted, saw the outstanding parade twice (from Main Street and Frontierland), saw Hallowishes (great display) and even ended up with 2 full treat bags (I didn't start until late and I think the people giving out candy where trying to unload. One asked if I had kids and when I said yes, grabbed an empty bag and filled it for me to take home.) Yesterday I caught a few rides at EPCOT (M:S, Soarin' and TT) before heading home. (All of the above was done with stops to rest the back, which would loosen as soon as I sat down and stretched it some. I figured it was important to get in some "training" as well in the parks I will see again in January. ;))

As I was thinking about the race, I realized that was the longest I have ever walked/run (although I did make stops) since my college sports days. Now I need to keep it going and, once again, thanks to all of you.

One thing of interest I forgot to mention. While in MGM near the Muppets fountain (I stopped there for a couple of pictures), I saw a women 6.5Ker sitting on a bench. I sat with her for several minutes trying to encourage her to finish as we were more than half way through and had plenty of time (she was saying she didn't know if she would make it but at least she started). She seemed to get a litter more excited as we spoke and we walked together into LMA, where I told her I wanted to get a couple of pictures. She dumped me there ;), and I never saw her again. I hope she finished.

Martha As to the Pats, one game at a time. The Colts are next and have beaten the Pats the last 3 times they have played. They are looking pretty good though.

Finally, I apologize for the long post but also wanted to add: GO SOX
sara74, Welcome to you! Good job on getting the 2.5 in today. You will be doing great by Minnie for sure!

Martha, yes, I do think you need to face that fear as you return to get back on the ToT ride.

WWDave, I want to thank you for the demonstration and coaching you gave to me on racewalking technique. I think I may find a use for that and hope to begin transferring to that style for at least some of the upcoming event. Maybe I'll strengthen my shin area enough to tolerate that.

Stephanie, great pics and costumes.

MelR, all I can say is wow! Your adventure racing amazes me each report I read.

Heather, I think you've got a base on which to build. Don't give up hope on the Goofy. Walk it. You may really find you can do it. Good luck with gettin in those steps. That is most important right now for sure.

PatsBill, What a great thing to do for the woman you coached back into the event. That is a noble thing. I am sure she appreciated your effort when she got to her bling. You have a good outline for the upcoming weeks. Good luck with that back.


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