Wk Of Oct 21 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey all... You haven't heard from me in awhile, eh. I've been sick and gone. I started coming down with a croupy call after my Monday run, haven't run since. I left for Washington State on Thursday with intentions to do a 10 miler while there.... didn't happen. I was so sick with congestion in my chest that walking up the stairs put me out of breathe. I am feeling a bit better today, but still a little congested. I am going to try to hit the TM tonight for a walk, just to keep up with some sort of training.

I am a bit down lately since everyone is really high up there in miles and I am barely getting mine in. I am not sure I can do the full at this rate. And I know I can't walk the whole thing.

Stephanie - I flown sick and with sick kids.... Oh I hope he gets better soon!!!!!

Bill - YIKES - I would have totally freaked out. I carry pepper spray when I run now. Seriously, I ran early morning once and all those creepy noises freaked me out!!!

I am sorry I don't have time for personals to everyone. After being gone, I have so much to do... and still not feeling the hotest!
Ok all of you who are getting colds, STOP IT, right now. I need you all healthy and ready to party till the cows come home or they turn the lights out on us which ever comes first.:banana:

Well how bout it guys, who's ready to make some memories this weekend?:cool1:

But remember we must be on our best behavior. No sillyness, no goofing off and for Gods sake no uncontrolled hugging. We must be dignified and set an example of proper behavior. Absolutely no fits of laughter especially at the expense of those who "Just ain't quite right".:angel:

See y'all in a few days.:dance3:

Party Pandapirate:
Hey kids!

Did 6 miles on Saturday. Got bored with my neighborhood and wandered into a newer area nearby- all hills and strangely enough, all up!! Won't go there again. :lmao: Did 13.2 on Sunday. So, I've run almost 20 miles in two days! :eek: I was feeling pretty pleased with myself until I realized that was about half of what I'll be doing for Goofy. :rolleyes1

Jen117-- Girl, you aren't thinking straight. I've been there, I totally understand, but you've been sick forever now, and it's time to go to a doctor. You were really thinking about running 10 miles?! :eek: Stop being stubborn and get well! (Last year I ignored all my friends who told me I was sick as a dog, and continued to suffer from some superfunk-- I did eventually get well without going to a doctor, but it took a MONTH. Don't do that!) :rotfl:

The great humidity debate:

It's pretty warm and icky here. No harm done in maybe bringing extra water or going out slower than you planned. It's a party atmosphere anyway, right?!

Funny how your perspective can change- I don't really care about the humidity for the race since I am walking with my DD, but now I'm thinking I'll have to wear a hat or something all day because with that much humidity, I'll have the biggest hair ever. :eek: I'm already thinking these could be some rough pictures...

Jen in GA
Jen - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Hope you're better soon! We missed you this weekend!

Mel - I hate to say it, but the body is stiff and sore after LLRs. Congrats on a new record length, though!!!!

Dana - SO glad things are back on track for you!!!

Cindy - Welcome!

SWDave - I had to show Pat Kensington this wekeend just for you! (View fonly from teh highway, but she got the idea.)

Sorry I'm not gettign to everyone, tryign to keep to a half hour lunch.

I had a great weekend with Pat. I'll piost a brief summary on teh report thread. Not a great time, but I gave it my all and was pleased. Holy hills!

PS - Please congratulate speedster Pat by majorly setting a new PR on a tough course!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
The great Florida weather debate. Its Florida weather and its very unpredictable. Just this morning our weather man said how its very unusual for it to still be this high in temps first thing in the morning. That means that the evening/night temps aren't going down yet either. I am hoping for a miracle for Saturday night to be about 65-70 in temp but I doubt it.

Ok off that subject!! And on to my training this weekend. I had an 8 miler planned for this weekend (either Sat or Sun) and so I ended up doing it Sunday first thing in the AM. My dh suggested doing 4 outside and 4 inside so I planned my route and it came to 4.835 miles (close enough to 5) and then I planned on going home and getting on the TM for another 3 but when I got home I got straight onto the TM without getting water or turning on the TV. Since I figured the plan I am following is for a 15k I would be ok with only doing 6 miles (besides I didn't want to make myself too sore for the TOT) I took a shower and called my sister to come pick me up to get Starbucks since my dh had the truck. I ended up going back to her house for brunch. There is a county park that you can walk to from my sister's house. They have jogging trails, a fitness trail, a lake you can fish in, basketball, raquetball and tennis courts and also baseball fields and picnic tables (it has been there for a LONG time but I just found out you can walk there from my sister's house!!) So we (my sister, my neice and I) walked to the park and around some of the fitness trail (and watched my neice do the fitness stops!! LOL) So all together yesterday I ended up doing 7.2 miles so I am not feeling too bad about the TOT run next Saturday. Not saying I am going to run but I am hoping to run some of it since I don't want it to take me the whole 2 1/2 hours. I am actually planning on somewhere around 2 hours (since I have done 8 miles on the TM and it took me 1 hour 50 mins) that way if I come in better than 2 hours I know I did AWESOME!!!

Getting more and more excited but also more nervous for TOT since this will be my longest run/race ever. I only have 4 5ks under my belt!! :scared:
Mel - I get sore (especially during the run) on anything over 15. If I know I'm going to be on a really long run, I do take either Ibuprophen or Tylenol. That evening, I take both, alternating the doses by 3 hours. I know I've been told not to use the anti-inflamatory, but I figure (w/ all my medical genius:rotfl2: ) that I'd be better off controlling the swelling before it starts. I'm doing that adv. race in Little Rock, AR next weekend, and I plan on alternating every 3 hours during the race and for the rest of the night. Obviously, you are a medical professional, and this may all go against your better senses, but that is what I do!!

Dana - Hope you get that all worked out (I would call too. It is the year of a million dreams!)

Ran 8 hilly miles w/ the dog today. She DID NOT get tired!!!! (maybe I'll ask her what her secret is!) I may mt. bike tomorrow:confused3
I'm trying to find some races in my area (NH)...went to Cool Running, they have some, but was wondering if there are any other ways to find out about what's going on? Anyone have suggestions?
I'm trying to find some races in my area (NH)...went to Cool Running, they have some, but was wondering if there are any other ways to find out about what's going on? Anyone have suggestions?

Try Active.com. They usually have more local information.

Oh no--I should apologize!!!

I really need to think before I post and have been quite snappy lately and should not be and do apologize for taking it out on the WISH boards.

I don't think it will be so bad this weekend just based on the weather forecast--but as with all things related to Florida weather...wait 10 minutes and things could change.

It is going to feel muggy to those not from here b/c it isn't what you are used to.

I wasn't here this weekend so had no place to contradict the weather conditions experienced here over the weekend.

I am humbled and will be more careful to not be quick to jump to conclusions for something that I had no first hand experience over.

Again--I am sorry.

ETA: before my walk the forecast for Saturday was 82. It is now 85 for the same day. It seems the weather guessers are messing with the forecast again.

Really ironic that you wrote that because I just sat in a meeting at work for the last couple of hours thinking about how snappy I am and wishing I had not posted anything. Also my husband texted me and told our forcast for here in Tamp is: 80 - Wed 80 - Thu 79- Fri. However, this "cool front" was originally forcasted to hit around Sunday or Monday, so you are right that will have to see if the weather guessers are right. :)

Glad peace was made on the weather/humidity front. In that I'm "built" like an out-of-shape offensive lineman, temps over 40F and humidity above 55% are extreme for me. (I could feel for that Viking's defensive lineman yesterday who returned a fumble 84 yards and then had to be given oxygen, go to the locker room and I don't know if he ever returned to the game.) But what's a Disney guy going to do. At least when people have to "separate" Big Vic, WWDave, UltraMM (Robert) and me, its usually about important race stuff/information like who is going to be which Village Person. ;)
Well, I had to scrap my morning workout again today. Ended up spending a couple hours at the pediatrician's office with both kids. DS has a "stomach virus", which decoded means "Sorry you had to pay a copay. Just suffer through it, no drugs to help!" Hopefully the virus will have run it's course by Thursday, and not run into DH or I in the process of leaving. DD OTOH has an ear infection--glad I found out before flying with her. But she's on antibiotics now, and will hopefully be improving by the morning.

Hopefully, I get some kind of training done this week. I feel like such a slug!
I'm trying to find some races in my area (NH)...went to Cool Running, they have some, but was wondering if there are any other ways to find out about what's going on? Anyone have suggestions?

Check online to see if you have any local running clubs. My local one has a calendar of events on their website.
Just wanted to let everyone know - in as many places as I can think of that I have changed my username -

I never felt like "eeyore" and after watching Oprah today, today was the day to make the change!!

I am Sandy, so this should work!!
Just wanted to let everyone know - in as many places as I can think of that I have changed my username -

I never felt like "eeyore" and after watching Oprah today, today was the day to make the change!!

I am Sandy, so this should work!!

Sorry, I didn't see Oprah, what happened?
Hi Sandy,

I DID see Oprah today....talk about a tear-jerker! WTG on the new name.
Stephanie - PD for all of you!!! I hope everyone gets and stays healthy quickly! :wizard:

Jen 117 - :hug: I hope you feel better soon!!! Try not to focus on the whole marathon, just focus on getting better and doing what you need to do this week. You can do it! :thumbsup2

Carrie and Pat - Congrats on your race!!!

Tricia - Great job on the 7.2! You'll be just fine for TOT - relax and have fun!

Well, I officially graduated from PT today - got a certificate and everything! :cool1: He gave me a modified plan to get ready for the half. Of course, he had to do his disclaimer - don't do anything stupid. This is one race, and you don't want to injure yourself further so you can't do future races... blah, blah, blah... ;) I took Timmy and Billy out for a 30 minute walk tonight. Billy has decided he wants to do this everyday... he is so sweet and excited about helping me train, but he doesn't do great things for my pace. Of course, this is day 2, so we'll see how long he lasts. ;)

On the weather discussion... I was really excited by the forecast on the news last night, but tonight was not as good. Really, they have no clue. Today was hot and humid, but not as bad as summer. For those interested in the shuttle - it may very well be bumped to the weekend. Tomorrow is a 60% no-go for weather. Wednesday and Thursday don't look good for the alternate landing sites, and that puts us at the weekend. I hope some of you get to see it, although (selfishly) I would prefer to see it from here :beach: rather than this weekend at Disney. :goodvibes

Happy training! :thumbsup2

Stephanie - Your story about DD's ear infection brings back memories of one of our funniest Disney moments. I'll spare everyone all the gory details, but it involved an ear infection, antibiotics and side effects resulting in a very embarrassing emergency change of clothes for DD(3 at the time).

Jen117 - I agree with GaJen - you need to see the doctor and get well!

Melissa - I like your theory about using the anti-inflammatory ahead of time. And interestingly enough, despite all the research to the contrary, my primary care doc actually recommended that strategy to me early in my running, and he named Aleve, not Tylenol.

Lynnda - Congratulations on finishing PT. Take it slow! (I say this as much for you as for myself...)

I ran 2 miles tonight - finished in 23:36 for an 11:48 avg. I was pretty happy with that for my second run post-injury. 2 miles seemed really wimpy, but since my "long" run on Saturday was only 3.7, it felt strange doing anything more than 2. It's really hard to start slow!

Sorry, I didn't see Oprah, what happened?

Basically billed as "a dying professor and his Last Lecture" He was tenured, to celebrate with his research team - he took them all to WDW!! He talks about integrity, he talks about life, and joy... he does a power point presentation and one screen has a picture of Tigger and Eeyore... and mentions that Tigger is Joy, and Eeyore symbolizes sad, depressed... life is short - just be joyful, chose to be joyful...


His presentation was informative, and inspirational... and it truly made me think...
Stephanie - Hope the DS is feeling better!!!

Renee - It's in Mansfield. It's an actual prison that is known to honestly be haunted. It's been on Ghost Hunters and shows like that. It was the prison that they used to film Shawshank Redemption. Here's a link.

Tricia - Sounds like you are ready for the ToT. Don't fret!

Well today is an off day and I've decided to pull overtime at work instead. Ugh. Not much to say on my end...other than the fact that I am super jealous of all of you that get to run at ToT!!! I so wish I could!!

Happy training and for all of you that are sick :sick: GET WELL!!!


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