Wk of Nov 26--WISH Walking/Running Club

Cruella de mom said:
Well, I think those tights would go great with my purple jersey. I just wish I had a lime green wish shirt to wear under my purple TNT jersey and then I could wear those tights and EVERYONE would know who I am!!!

Cecilia - I am sure you are much smaller than Howard or me, but I am certain that between the two of us we could come up with one of the WISH shirts from last year, if you'd like to borrow one. Just let me know and we can work out the logistics. :goodvibes:
:confused3 So am I the ony one who will admit that the snotspots are tempting?

Cecelia - rotfl! My body is always telling me that!

Anne & Vic, sorry about the yucky runs!

Cam - Hope you're feeling better!

Judy - :grouphug:

Now, every go back to being boring now that Krista and Steven are back. ;)
solotraveler said:
Oh man... so many choices..... Hmmmm...... do you think I'm I more a camo guy or leopard print guy?? :confused3
OMG! :lmao: That's a tough decision. I'm going to choose by where you lived, as if you wore leaopard in West MI, you could be stoned. lol. I guess that defaults to teh camo.
chimera said:
For next year's WISH uniform pants:

I'm partial to the Carnival tights :joker:
If we coould pull off the shirts for the last 2 years (btw--LOTS of copycats these days) I know we could make the shorts/tights happen! :teeth:
OMG! I LOVE these. I want some now! What do I care about a "fasion statement?" We are the brave and bold and daring!

Sweet Potato is mine! It was a surreal experience, yesterday. Bottom line is I am re-nesting with the car. However, I did NOT put in steps at all. I was so drained by the time I got home from the evening I could not do one more thing. I went to bed. I know it will be ok since I am doing 9/18 Sat/Sun. I won't miss that I slacked last night.

Judy, I hope it is going well today.

Carrie, no I own a version of snotspots. Running store has full gloves made to allow for wiping. Works for me! :teeth:

Ummm Kevin, I'm thinking one style for Each event! A guy can never have too many running shorts/tights!

Cecilia, take your rest day today...go out an have a great LR tomorrow.

For those recent struggling, it is mind over matter. When you get past it you are so there. I go through it often and have decided that I must quit letting my mind have anything to do with things unless it is to cheer me onward!
Sorry to those I have missed. I'm going to check out the shorts... :moped:
wtpclc said:
Now, every go back to being boring now that Krista and Steven are back. ;)

Hey!!!! We're lots of fun!!!! :teeth: :woohoo: :teeth: :woohoo:

Let me think for a little bit and see if I have any confessions to share....
I want those tights. I can't help myself when I see all those people having so much fun in them. I want to have fun too! I love the tye dyed green ones!!

I ran the track last night with little DD6 being my cheerleader. She is too cute. Everytime I ran by she would either wave or run a little stride with me, or ask me to open her snack!!! I did almost 45 minutes, then had to go get the other daughter from gymnastics. I had a late start because DD6 had a little goof off period and wouldn't settle enough for me to start running.

The weather is super cold here... brrrr. But I leave on Sunday for Las Vegas. I have to give a presentation, still not prepared. I guess I will cram info into my brain on the plane. Actually, the presentation won't be so bad, it's the open classroom time where people can play. I am trusting the the conference organizers got all the software loaded onto the workstations correctly. If they didn't... I will CRY!!!! No one wants to see me cry!!

Gotta run....
Greetings Everyone: I only have time for a quick drive-by post, but you have all been cracking me up this week. Thanks for the laughs. I've been swamped at work this week, and I needed it.

So I'm going 20 miles tomorrow on my LR. WISH me luck!!! I'm nervous about going that far. Although I was nervous about going 16 and 18 miles too. We'll see how it goes.

Good luck on your LRs everyone.
Hi guys!

I'm coming out of lurking mode to check in with everyone. :wave: I'm happy to see that everyone seems to be doing well!

Has anyone's training taken a slump? I was extremely slack the week of Thanksgiving and have not been able to get back with it ever since. I'm hoping my long run tomorrow will help to jump-start my training again.

Is anyone traveling alone for the marathon? The group that I was traveling with is most likely not going to be making the trip. I'm going to see if my brother can make the trip. If not, I'll be making the trip alone.

I can't believe marathon weekend is so soon!!! I'm so excited.
I've been out of touch for a while & come back to find you have all gone completely loopy! And taper hasnt even started yet :lmao: I'm glad we have such a fun group!!!!! Because, IRL, I am actually that Goofy too! I cant wait to see everyone in a few short weeks.

My training has gone waaaaaay downhill, along with my motivation. I almost dropped a frozen turkey on my foot last week & when it didnt hit it, I honestly thought "well, if it had landed on my foot I wouldnt have to do my 10 miler :sad2: Bad Tiffy, bad bad Tiffy.

It is just becoming so overwhelming trying to fit holidays, school, house , etc in. I know everyone is struggling with the balance so please ignore my whinning. I am very excited about seeing you guys & very excited about marathon weekend, I just cant get back into the dedicated grove I was in. I'm not respecting the miles & boy am I going to regret it when I have to do 12 miles this weekend :bitelip:

Did we decide where we were having dinner on Friday?

Colleen-you can hang out with me! I am hoping to get up & cheer on you full marathoners on Sunday. And that goes for any other solo DISers.

Hopefully posting again will get me more accountable.

I did my 4 miles yesterday & Garmin went wonky & said I did .27 in 7 1/2 min. That's a 27 min pace!!! I dont walk that slow with the kids! I finally figured out that is dropped off .3- .4 of my distance.

Have a great weekend everyone. Anyone willing to come to AL & kick my booty for the next 4 weeks?!
Yawn....good morning TEAM, it's 4am so I thought I'd check in before work. Last night I walked 4 miles on my tm and it took over an hour, I seem to have a slower time on the tm, than I do outside. Does anyone else have that problem? I have a 10k on Dec.16th and I'm trying to increase my timing. Have a great weekend TEAM :goodvibes
monte-I am much slower on the treadmill. To get up to where I normally walk at I would be full out running on the TM :confused3
monte--it depends on what treadmill I'm on--my home one, I'm LOTS slower than outside; the ones at the gym I'm about the same

Well, I decided to go ahead with the 5K today. It's not until 11, so hopefully it will warm up before then. I had waffled back and forth about doing it, but dsis and ddad are doing it as well, and it's for a good cause--SO out I go. Depending on the turnout of runners, I'm hoping for a sub-27 min. 5K--will check in later and let ya'll know how things went!

Oh, and I meant to mention, that ya'll sure are a funny bunch! Getting a little punch-drunk with all the training I assume--so when I start going off the deep end around the middle of February (my 1st full is the 1st weekend in march) cut me some slack! :lmao: And I did get my LR in this week, only did it on Thursday!
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I kind of dropped out of sight over the past couple of days --- just really busy (work/home).

Let's see the last I wrote I was going to see a person about (Wednesday)orthonics. Well, needless to say the guy that I was sent to said that I didn't urgently need them and I should be fine with gel inserts for my sneakers. Just continue with the physical therapy and my training, and following the doctor's recommendations.

Wednesday was also a rest day for me - -the night before I got as far as doing 2 miles on the threadmill. I had to stop because wearing the sleeve on my leg (like the doctor suggested) made me run a little differently, causing me to strain my groin muscle.

Thursday, I used as a crosstraining day and met with my personal trainer. We worked on my upper body, stretching, and core. I think it went well and the groin pull seemed to respond well to one of the stretches.

Friday - was my second session with my physical therapist and of course her first question was about whether I had ordered the inserts and what the second physical therapist had said to me.....when I said that he recommended that I go for the gel inserts first and see how I feel - - she had this most shocked look on her face. The whole thing is she admitted she doesn't know what to do for me.....because I have tendonitis there isn't much she can do.

Both session - - she had done some kind of thing where she stimulates the muscles with the electronic shocks......I don't know if I'm explaining it correctly.

So does anyone have stretches that they would recommend? I'm trying to get better at stretching. I may make a trip to the mall and see if they still have the book on stretching that I had seen awhile ago.

Today, I'm going to do crosstraining again, and hopefully I will get my long run tomorrow. Yes, I will be undertrained for Goofy.....but I want to be healthy. I may just take things slower. I'm a little bummed, I really love doing all of this! You know how it is when you sit around you feel like you really aren't doing much -- and then even though you haven't gained you look in the mirror and kind of go "ewh"

So the others that have been going to therapy - - what does the therapist do for you? I just feel like I am paying for nothing -- she hasn't shown me anything, I was under the impression that that is what they are for.

Sorry for the venting everyone. Okay, I'm going to try and catch up on posts.

Oh - Thank you all for your advice about the Orthonics -- I really appreciate it!
Cruella de mom said:
No Rock & Roll Roller Coaster!!!
:sad2: :sad2: :furious: :furious: :sad2: :sad2:

I am out for someones BLOOD! How dare they?

I love this ride even if the seatbelt didn't work the first time I rode it. I was really looking forward to riding it - I am so bummed. I am calling Disney.....

I agree - - I was very bummed when I read that! That is my favorite ride, well hopefully riding Everest will be my next favorite :thumbsup2
Just a quick drive-by to say hi.

Wow, love the tights. I wonder if Krista would let me wear those things in public?? :teeth:

Stephanie--good luck on the 5K today.

Jodi--take care of yourself. Hope everything works out well with the physical therapist. You're smart to take it easy instead of pushing it and risking injury.

Did my 10-miler this morning. Took it easy and tried to go slow so that I would be ok for the 20 tomorrow. I'm on a job site all day today, and my booty hasn't left the chair or the seat of the golf cart since I've been here this morning. :teeth: Gotta keep those legs fresh!

Good luck to everyone with the LRs this weekend. Not too much longer now (and just think--after today, there's only one more long LR left. :) )

Jodi - Hang in there! Everything I've read said it's better to be undertrained than overtrained. I'm gonna be undertrained for the Goofy, too.
Last year when I strained a quad in Oct. I had therapy, too. The only part I thought was helpful, was getting the ice and heat and the electric stimulation. Everything else I could do on my own. They wanted me to lift weights with my leg and were giving me 2 pounds to lift. Are they nuts! That's like telling Sunny to go workout and only giving her 5 pounds! :teeth:
I finally asked if they had any portable electric stim machines that I could do at home. They did and I had my pcp prescribe one for me. I used it all the way up to marathon weekend and it helped me get through the Goofy.

Tiff - I've been battling motivation and time issues, too. I thought this time of year would lighten up for me at work and it's just gotten crazier!
Plus family issues have come up that are drivein me :crazy: , too. I just keep plugging along whenever I can get a workout in.

Carrie - okay, I'll admit it. I was looking at the snotspots, too. Especially after my five miler today. I was so mad I forgot my tissues!

Judy - don't know if I missed any news or not, but have you heard anything about Mist's case?

Well, I had a GREAT r/w today! :banana: I even PR'd! :Pinkbounc
I did 5 miles at the track in 1:05.02 That is basically a 13 mpm pace! I am stoked! :cool1: If I can keep that pace up, I'd break 3 hours for the 1/2!
What's even better is that I felt (and still feel) great. No soreness, stiffness, etc.
Tomorrow will be a big telling point for me. I have a 12 miler scheduled. Haven't done that distance since the DL 1/2. If I finish in a decent time and don't feel horrible, that'll be a big confidence booster for the rest of my training and heading into the Goofy!

Have a great weekend everybody!
Hey everyone, Wow it is tough keeping up with all these posts.... :goodvibes

Is anyone here doing the Minnie in May?? DH and I have just booked flight and the resort but are waiting to register till a little closer. From what I understand it doesn't fill it.

Well off for a walk have a great day all

HI everyone. Just a quick post from me. I just got back from my longest run yet... 10 MILES. I am alive, but my legs ache. I took a cold soak, so hopefully that will help. I finished with an average 12:30-13:00 minute mile, so I was pleased. I am well ahead of the sweepers.

I woke up this morning thinking maybe I would suck it up and run outside. No can do tho, it was cold, windy and snowing. I had to do my run today, so I went to the Y track and did 120 laps. :crazy:

I haven't packed yet for my trip to Vegas, so I need to do that. I have lost 35 pounds since I have worn my dress suits and I pray I have a couple jackets that still fit OK.

Good luck on all the runs today!! I may have internet access while I am gone, so I will check in if I can!


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