Wk of Mar 25--WISH Walking/Running Club

A lead article on MSN.com this morning....


Thanks everyone, for asking how it went. I had my MRI yesterday, and my appointment with Dr HHBL on Monday. Today both my knees hurt. Honestly, I wish I could just go in today and get them both fixed and be done with it. I didn't train this morning. And I am cranky because of it.

Wendy - Hey, there's Wendy! :yay: Great to see you! You go, girl! Wow, you are doing so much!

StephenSilverE - Oh nooooo! Noooo! I'm so sorry to hear that. :hug: Knees stink!

Kristi - 7th row Center!? :yay: Whoooo hooooo!

- I have a pair of Danskin capris that I really love. Also I have a pair of Danskin tights, what I did the Half in. They are soooo comfortable!:cloud9:

- HA HA HA! :rotfl: Great GREAT story!

Cam - Congratulations on the 70! :thumbsup2 I can only imagine how great that must feel.

- Thanks for your concern. :goodvibes The heart racing thing turned out to be a case of WAY too much sodium in a frozen dinner. Geez, guess I won't be having frozen chana masala anymore. Too bad, cause it was good. I have a complete physical - including a stress test - actually two days before I leave for the Minnie.

Oh swell. I was just told (at 10:50) that I have an 11:00 conf call. Grrrr. :headache:
Wow Cam, that is so great about the weight loss. May I ask how long it took for you to loose 70 pds.? My niece is getting married the end of May and I hope to drop at least 15 pds. by then. Way to go!

Yesterday I had a 4 hour cleaning job then I walked on my tm for an hour...the belt on my tm slipped alittle to the left yesterday, but DH was able to fix it. I hope it holds up til after WDW marathon...poor tm. lol. Have a great weekend TEAM!:goodvibes

Good morning everyone! It’s a beautiful day today in NW Florida.

It felt like Christmas when I got home from work last evening. My Asics trail shoes were sitting by the front door and so were the Gel Kayanos I ordered. WooHoo!! :thumbsup2 So, I just had to take the Kayanos out for a jog.

3 miles at an 11:11 average. The shoes felt great, but I laced them a little too tight. No major problems noted. Running a 10K tomorrow morning. We’ll see how they feel.

Cam – Congratulations! Way to go!!! :thumbsup2

TXAng – Great job on the mileage.

Christa – I get tired just reading your schedule. ;)

Wendy – Good luck with your tri training.

Stephen – Glad to hear you’re healing.

Kristi – Good luck on your race this weekend.

Nancy – You’re going to do great.

Mel – Have fun at the World.

Steve – W’supp? :cool2:

Stephanie – Great job with the training. You speedster. :)

Lynnda – Poor ol Bill. :rolleyes1 Good thoughts enroute. :)

Andrew – Good job on the run.

Krista and Hines – Great job on the run.

Jen – Great job with the training.

Leana – Great job on the run.

Judy – Sorry your knees are sore today. Please take care of yourself.

Monte – Great job on the walk

Matt - Great job with the training.

Disnutt - Great job with the training, and congrats to your DD.

Take care. :)
Count us in for the 1/2 Marathon! We just signed up! Patti (mom) and Jenn (daughter). We are currently working on the couch to 5K program, and our first 5K is the end of May. Hopefully, we'll be able to find a 10K this fall to prep us for the 1/2 in January. :banana:
Stephen - I am sorry to hear the doc say this may be your last run. I couldn't begin to imagine.

Cam - Congaratulations on the 70 lbs.

Kiena - It is so neat that your daughter is running now too. I have heard of girls on the run before, I wish there were something for boys. The girls on the run is for girls 6-8 right? My 5 almost 6 yr old is begging to run the 5k at Disney in January. I told him that I would work hard with him all summer to get him prepared, but in all honesty I have no idea what kind of training to do. I know that Girls on the Run has a website, but their trianing plans aren't list there. Do you have any idea what their training plan has been like?

Patt and Jenn - Congrats on signing up for the half! What week are you in of the C25k?

Well, so far so good for this week. David and I have gotten both of our runs in earlier this week. Even with a sick baby. We were supposed to run today, but I think this one will be pushed until tomorrow. David had to drive an hour and a half to the job this morning. I don't know if you guys remember or not, but he owns his own company doing irrigation. Today they were volunteering to do a job for an orphanage that just opened, but it is quite a ways away and I am sure he is going to be exhausted by the time he gets home. I am seriously trying to talk him into running the race at night in October, but we'll see how that goes. So far his farthest distance is 2 miles. By October a 15k won't be that much, but right now that kind of mileage seems daunting to him. I can definately understand though. I am just so happy that he has been sticking with this and working so hard. Alright, gotta get back to cleaning the house. Somehow I was able to run with sick baby, but the house got neglected!!

Patt and Jenn - Congrats on signing up for the half! What week are you in of the C25k?

Thanks! Mom is on week 3 and I am on week 6. My dad is paying for this 1/2 marathon trip as a dangling carrot to keep us motivated. :rotfl: It's working too!
Hi y'all...

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit - but hey, I do read the thread as much as I can so I can keep up with everyone's amazing progress.

My run yesterday stunk SO bad :sad2:

I forgot to reset the Garmin, it was hot, my leg was sore, I forgot my inhaler, waa waa waa waaaaa... I think I pulled a 12-minute mile, about 1.5 min slower than usual. Perhaps I'll be more encouraged this weekend for my long run, when I'll prob run at POFQ at WDW :banana:

Hey, that discount that Mel got is THE bomb:thumbsup2 (thanks, honey!)
They have my new Brooks Axioms for $60, nearly 30% less than what I paid at the store. Maybe the Easter Bunny can bring me another pair? :rolleyes:

Lynnda - I am so excited for you and Bill; I know the waiting is the hardest part (a Tom Petty reference - now it's singing in my brain...), but I can't wait to see the baby pictures - especially if you get one with Billy and the baby!

Have a great one, gang!


Well I can't say that I have been reading and keeping up with y'all. Things are still a bit crazy in my house. It is just hard to stay on top of everything and the DIS.

Anyway, I am still planning on CDC in August and last I checked I will not be alone!! :banana: I am very excited that so many of you will be there too!

Training officially starts for me in May. Until then, I have been enjoying the weather and my kiddos. We have walked most days. I must say pushing ds5 and ds3 in the stroller is so heavy! I may not be fast, but it is a workout. I am still trying to incorporate more activity into my daily living and slow down some.

I hope all is well for everyone. Thanks for the continued motivation and support.

Patti and Jenn--Congrats on signing up for the half!!!

Dana--:wizard: for finding a good training program for you DS. I'm not incredibly busy at work right now, I'll nose around on the internet this afternoon and see if I can find anything. :wizard: :wizard: for your DH!! I remember how if feels to be freaked out over a distance. And even though I trained for a marathon and ran it, I still think "did I REALLY do that???". It still seems surreal.

Vic--Congrats on the new shoes! And good luck on your 10K tomorrow. Better make sure to carry a fire extinguisher with you, you are going to burn the course up! :thumbsup2 Tell the boys I said hi! :dog2: :dog2:

Maggie--YAY!! Another CDCer. We are going to have so much FUN! :dance3:

Jeff and Mel--Have a wonderful time in Disney!!! We will be there 6 weeks from today. I am so :yay: :yay: . Jeff, don't worry about stonker runs, at least you got your steps in. Mel, thanks again for getting that discount for us. I went window shopping earlier today, so far I have $84 worth of stuff I'm going to order. I've been meaning to tell you, I have so much respect for you for finishing the half marathon wearing new inserts. I've been doing 3 miles in mine and 3 miles kill my legs, I could not imagine doing 10 more miles. You are a trooper and have an amazing amount of grit and determination. :cheer2:

Carrie--How are you doing?
jeanneg – I think I’m destined to remain in the “slow” group. But, that’s ok. I’m getting a good workout in, keeping active and on my way in becoming a marathoner. Not many people can say that.

Mel – another thank you for the discount code. Hope you are having a great time at WDW!

SilverE (Steve) – Oh, geez! Bummer! What about walking long distances or is that even a possibility or something that you are interested in? My DH used to run in high school but can’t any more due to back injuries. He used to not enjoy walking for any great distance but is starting to like it a little more each time we go out. And he’s getting fast, too! I have to do a little running in order to keep up with him. By the way, he loves his road bike…..doesn’t hurt his back at all.

Kristi – good luck in your race this weekend. Hills – I hate hills too! I like Steve’s suggestion. However, I’m not sure that will work for me. :laughing: I need more concrete visions. I guess I need to learn to like hills! Afterall, I walk up a mountain each week and now that I’m biking more, there’s no escaping the them around here.

Nancy – I think we all have those good days and bad days. :crazy: I think it's those good days that keep us coming back for more (torture for some, pleasure for others. :rolleyes1 ;) )

Kathy – When I first started running, I had bad shin splints as well. I did some exercises that helped, took ibuprofen, iced, etc. Eventually, they went away. I had to ease off the running a bit and go slower….even though I was going slower than a snail. :tiptoe:

Steve – funny story...I’ll have to share that with my DH, another Steve. He bikes as well; however, I don’t think he can go that fast. Whew!

Judy – I’ll keep my fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed for you on Monday. :wizard:

Cam :worship: I’m in awe of your weight loss. Good for you!!!! Great pace, too!

Stephanie – how do you do it! I take almost twice as long to finish. :teeth:

Lynnda – Ooooooh, another team mascot about to come in this world. I wish you all the best this upcoming week. :goodvibes

Sunny :hug: Thinking of you.

Craig – thanks for the book recommendation. I’ll have to look for that.

Wendy – good luck with your Tri training. I’m sure you’ll do fine. You are awesome!!! :thumbsup2

Mike – 18 miles! The longest I’ve done so far was the 13.1 for the half in January. Now that I’m in training to train for the marathon, I’ll be breaking that distance this fall.

Krista – good job on the run! My DH, Steve, rides his bike for 1-2 hours at a time. I actually get a little nervous because of the traffic he has to face.:scared:

Jen – that’s great that you and your family find time to “work out” together!

Leana – as soon as I get my legs in better shape, I’d like to get a skirt. Right now, I need all the coverage I can get. I don’t know what I’m going to do when it gets really hot. We’re already seeing 85 degree temps here. I’m melting. :crazy2:

Vic – good luck on 10K tomorrow. I'm looking forward to your report.

Plgrn – congrats on signing up. My DH is flip-flopping on this. He can’t run and has never been much on walking long distances….but he’s trying. We’ve entered a few 5Ks this spring. After I got my Donald medal last year, he now wants one. He bikes but they don’t get medals in his races.

Dana – good for your DH getting out there and getting the steps in. I’m sure he’ll do just fine in the 15K in October. It is a little overwhelming to think of the big picture but that’s a long way off. He’s got plenty of time to train. By the way, hope your baby gets well soon! :goodvibes

Jeff – rub it in. Running at WDW. Have a great time!

Maggie – I see you are incorporating weight training with your walking. :teeth: Good for you!

MelR - I've heard the old post trails are great! I'm sure I'll be hitting them sometime soon (after I get a mountain bike). The Mt. Nebo bench trail is good, too, and I'm sure they'll be easy for you.....I've got to get in better shape (and get a mountain bike) before attempting them again.
Ooh, I didn't finish my post.

What I've done this week (I'm trying to be accountable here):

Sunday - Mountain bike trails - 4 miles.

Monday - Rest day

Tuesday - XT - 60 min. strength training, 30 min cardio.

Wednesday - 4 miles on treadmill.

Thursday - XT - 60 min. strength training, 30 min cardio. Later that afternoon, DH, Steve wanted to go walking. So, 3.4 miles walking with a little running (I have to to keep up with him!) 13:45 average pace. :banana:

Today - mountain bike - 10 miles.

I'm getting the exercising in. Still having problems with my eating. :rolleyes:

I'm so envious of all of you getting together for the Minnie. It really sounds like fun. However, I'll be going to Italy for two weeks in mid-May and I can't swing both. I'll think about all of you while I feast on pasta! :laughing:

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I did my speed work out today. 1 mile warm up, 1 mile pushing the pace, and 1 mile cool down. It feels great to have worked hard, but be done in a relatively short period of time.

Matt: Nice pictures of DL. How nice of your brother to follow along to take so many pictures. It's great that the whole family got into supporting you.

Stephanie: Great job on your pace at the clinic. Zooooom, you're fast.

Krista: Sorry the inserts are such a problem for you. Hopefully they will be worth the discomfort soon.

TXAng: WTG on your longest workout. It's really exciting to see your own progress.

Jen117: Hope your kids sleep better tonight. It's so hard to get motivated to exercise when you're so tired.

Kristi: Did your podiatrist actually tell you that you'd get arthritis in your feet from running?

Judy: Hope the MRI went well. Nice going getting your work out in despite the swelling.

Susan: Glad training is going well.

Jeanneg: You are right finishing a marathon IS a major accomplishment, no matter what the pace.

Christa: You're quite the work out Queen. WTG on all the exercise!!

Texa: Running/walking in the rain can be kind of fun. You just have to experiment to find the right clothes so you'll be comfortable.

RedDragon: I've seen you post your splits. You're definately not slow. It's probably not the best idea to compare yourself to Calcio since he seems as if he was quite the speed demon back in the day.

Carrie: Speaking of speed demons...5:40 mile! You sure were fast. You should be proud of that, but don't let it diminish what you're doing now.

Wendy: Good luck with the swim training. You're quite dedicated to drive so far to get it in.

Stephen: Sorry the Dr. says it's time to retire from distance. Maybe you can become a 5K specialist. At least you know you can train for one more marathon. You'll probably have a much greater appreciation for it knowing it's your last.

Nancy: Sorry your legs are so tired. Keep at it. There's still plenty of time before your race, so don't get discouraged. Maybe it's just the new shoes, and you need to use them a few more times before they're comfortable.

Mel: Have fun at WDW. Thanks to you for the discount, I think I was mixed up earlier in the week.

Steve: Loved your biking story, though you've probably destroyed any self-esteem that poor boy had. He'll just give up biking all together and become a couch potato. Or maybe he'll be so inspired he'll take up competitive biking and be the next American hero at the Tour de France.

Cam: Congratulations on the weight loss. I hope you are treating yourself to something special.

Lynnda: Best wishes to you on Tuesday.

Andrew: Good for you on finishing your run without the music.

Patti & Jenn: Congrats on signing up for the 1/2. What a great incentive to train by having someone else foot the bill for the trip.

Vic, Scott, Kim and Kristi: Lots of luck in your races this weekend.

Best wishes to everyone I've missed.

:idea: For the ladies - So Mel gave me a great idea with her setting up a discount with runningwarehouse.com. You guys know I love the running skirts at skirtsports.com. I'm wondering if any of you gals would be interested it if I could set up a group discount code with them? They dropped the prices on their gym girls from $70 to $58 and they just came out with a bunch of new colours. So anyhow, if you ladies are interested in buying more skirts (since I know a bunch of you tried them out when they were having their great Valentine's sale) or trying them out, let me know. I for one want a few more skirts, but don't want to pay regular price for them, hence the motivation for trying to suss out the group discount!

Happy Friday everyone!

I'd be interested!
Kristi: Did your podiatrist actually tell you that you'd get arthritis in your feet from running?
Well, not from running, per se. Apparently the bones in my feet move ALOT more than they should. For example, my big toes can be pulled back 90 degrees. And that is not a good thing - this is why my second toes are messed up. The big toe is not carrying my weight like it should be since it is bending back to far. Then the brunt of the weight lands on the second toe, which is not supposed to handle that.

I forget what the bone is called, but the one that runs from your big toe on back (metatarsil?) - that one should barely move. My pod. could move it alot. He actually looked quite shocked. He then said that down the road I would get bone spurs, then finally arthritis in my feet. I did get the impression that that was going to happen with or without walking/running.

(disclaimer: sorry to bore anyone with this story again - just didn't want anyone new to think that running will make you get arthritis or something!)

I'd also be interested in the skirtsports.com discount!

Well, it looks like I might get to start training with you all a teeny bit sooner... I had another appointment today, and they moved my c-section up to Tuesday, April 3! That's 5 days away!!!!! :dance3:

--Lynnda :teeth:

Yeah Lynnda! Our prayers are with you and your family!

I was able to get 3 runs in this week with some speed work yesterday on the treadmill. If felt good and I think I am finally back into training mode!:banana:

Melissa, wow, what an adventure race. Were you tired the following day or the second day after?:scared:

Judy, hope everything goes well with your knee examine.

Oh, need to take DD to Girl Scouts, I will catch up later tonight!

Well, so much for the brick training today...
princess: 9 has allergies really bad and the pollen in Charlotte is dreadful! Even on Clariton and Rinocort (SP? for both words) she is not doing well this season. She was up ALL NIGHT...well actually, IWAS UP ALL NIGHT, making sure she was breathing....She would get so choaked up on the drainage....
so anywho:
I got NO sleep last night, and have spent the better part of the day at the Dr. office. He gave me some new medications for her and told me some tricks I could try to help her with the breathing, nose bleeds, iching eyes, ect....:scared1: Poor BABY!

I did get in around 6 miles with sis...her 1st 1/2 is 14 days away!:banana: And I get to run it with her!:cheer2:

Steve - The biking story had me :rotfl: ! THat same thing happened to me Sunday with some punk teens...

Krista - you are a better woman than me to keep running with those inserts! Glad they are doing better!

Stephanie - GIRL! WICK-ID FAST TIMES!:banana:

Jen & Pat - WTG on signing up for the 1/2!:cool1:

Jeff - I hate your run was hard....but WTG on doing it and what doesn't kill us will make us stronger...Right?????:confused3

Judy - I have been thinking about you ALOT! :grouphug: for your MRI results. I really hope everything is fine, for your husband's sake! I know what a monster I am if I miss my WOs!:angel:

Wendy - What can I say but YOU ARE AWESOME! Are you doing the run for Liz in San Deigo, I think. Ron is. I think. It is posted on his web site.

Cam - 70 lbs! YOU ARE DA WOMAN! I am so proud of you!:cheer2: :flower3: OOOOH, Girl, I saw a girl wogging on the trails that looked just like you from behind. I thought, what is Cam doing in NC?:confused: I ran up to her and, of course, she wasn't you.:sad1: But I pretended like she was and that we had a mini WISH meet!:banana:

Stephen - I am so sorry about what the Dr told you. :wizard: :wizard: for you! I agree that you could become a 5k man and zip through those with no problem!:banana:

Cindylou - WTG on the speed WO! Those are always a KILLER for me, but they really do make a difference!:rolleyes1

Andrew - I forgot what exacly happened on why you had to finish the run w/o music, but WTG! I never use music when I run outside....But were you on the dreadmill? I have no brain!:confused:


Matt, do you have a race planned? You are the race master of the boards!:woohoo:

I know I missed some- SO SORRY! Must check on DD's, they are playing too quietly.:hyper2:
Okay, I have to share this with everyone, it was in an e-mail I got from the Flying Pig.

Pig Poem '06
Ginny Halloran

I hope your life's a marathon,
Long and full of fun,
With friends and family along the way
To help you as you run.

With music and cheers to lift your spirits
And water stops to quench your thirst,
With knowledge that others are on your team
When the course becomes its worst

Cause when life becomes really tough
And situations seem most dark,
You'll know you can conquer anything,
Just like the hill to Eden Park.

And don't forget to share the joy,
Especially the silliness life brings.
Remember sometimes it's even OK
To wear pig hats with flapping wings.

Or stop the race to meet your family,
Give them a kiss, a hug and say, 'hi'
Cause they're the ones who really count,
Even if others pass you by.

Life's marathon has its ups and downs,
But you'll succeed and here is why
Because you know the real secret of life,
Even Pigs Can Fly if they try.

I can't wait until May 6th!!!!!!
Steve[/B] - The biking story had me :rotfl: ! THat same thing happened to me Sunday with some punk teens...


Too funny! :lmao: OK, I have to say this, but, does anyone else think it is really eerie how a lot of us have the "SAME EXPERIENCES" within days of each other????? Like the water problems (I by chance, have a leaky faucet too, btw, still needs fixing!):confused3

Just last night I had a similar experience as Christa and Steve, I was on a treadmill at our YMCA doing speedwork and two teenagers, (one of whom I taught 4 years ago when she was in 7th grade) jumped on the treadmills to my right. Not a word was said because I had my MP3 player on. They started off walking about a mile and were very vocal to friends about how they walk a mile and then run/walk to burn fat! Anyway, I was doing 800 m x 4 speedwork on the treadmill ranging between 7.0 and 7.6 for the repeats. After 15 minutes of walking one girl said, "let's start at 7", they preceeded to jack up the treadmill to 7.0 and after about 90 seconds they were really struggling and burst into laughter because they had to stop!:rotfl: They just got off and giggled as they walked over to the stationary bikes.:rolleyes:

I have noticed so many connections among the WISH team members over the years, I just had to mention it. :grouphug: Anyone else notice??

Hi all!
I switched things up and ran my LR today instead of tomorrow. 80:44 OUTSIDE!! The first 2 miles were run in 10:30 per mile. Then I just started running up and down streets. I tried to slow down and think I did but since I was running the streets I don't know how fast I was running.

But it was OUTSIDE!!! 60 degrees and blue skies! Oh yeah.

Andrew: happy training!

disnutt: congrats to DD on her first run!

Krista: I understand why you and DH don't run together. When my DH was in his prime, no way would I run with him. We usually don't run together now either unless I'm doing speed work or he wants to run slow.

Steve: LOVED the story about the biking punks!

Jen: sounds like a nice cross-training workout!

Leana: great job on the run!! Feels good to be outside, doesn't it?

Cam: you go! :cool1:

Judy: yikes! on the knees. Please take it easy!!

Vic: good luck on the 10K this weekend!

Dana: don't worry about cleaning the house! You get back to pampering that baby and yourself! Hope baby get better soon!

Jeff: if you talk real nice to the Easter Bunny, I bet those shoes will magically show up! Bribery works really well too.

Maggie: sounds like you're having fun with the kiddos!

Susie: when do you go to Italy and what part are you visiting? For DD's college graduation gift this year, we are going to Italy. Venice, Florence and Rome. I've never been so it should be fun.

Cindy: :woohoo: on the speed work!

Lynnda: good luck on the c-section! Can't wait to see pix of the new baby!

Christa: so sorry to hear about DD! Now, get some rest!

Colleen: LOVED that story! But it does make quite a statement about today's teens.

Calcio: miss you!!

Tomorrow I'll bike, clean up the gardens, run a bunch of errands and all the other things that make Saturday's so great!!

To those running races this weekend--GOOD LUCK!!!


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