Wk of Mar 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Tiff—you can do the full! I know it’s hard to believe, but going from the half distance to the full distance (mentally, at least), is not near as tough as working up to the half distance from scratch. Krista and I were discussing this last year. Time wise, a full is not double the commitment of doing a half, because much of the time you spend on LRs and other workouts is coming and going, stretching, filling water bottles, etc. When you actually walk/run the LRs for the full training, your “road” time will be double, but all that extra stuff still stays the same. Make sense? For training time wise, I bet it’s only an extra 3 or 4 hours a week difference. Anyway, I don’t know if time commitment was even one of your concerns, but I just got sidetracked. :)

Dave—good luck on your LR today! So cute about your DDs.

Mel—you GO on your 24 hour race! :banana:

Craig—welcome back home!

Cindy—the ice baths—I only do them above 12 or 13 miles or so, but like Carrie said it can vary depending on how used to the distance you are. Take her advice. If you’re sore afterwards, take an ice bath and definitely do it the next week on your LR within a half hour after running if possible. Good job on the speedwork!

Leana—yeah, training for Disney for all of us where there is actually snow in the winter (Mel, Matt, etc—I’m turning my nose up at you southerners right now :rolleyes: ) can be tough. Like others are saying, doing LRs on the treadmill isn’t too bad if you come prepared. The music and tv definitely help. The thing that has gotten me through really long LRs on the treadmill is movies. If I know I’m going to have to do a weekend LR on the treadmill, I’ll rent a movie on Friday night that I haven’t seen yet and pop it in the DVD player. Since our treadmill is in our basement, I’ll even turn out half the lights down there to make it easier to get into the movie experience (just don’t turn off too many lights or you may end up like Carrie off the back of the treadmill. Sorry, Carrie, couldn’t resist! ;) ). But really, the movies worked wonders. Since it’s a LR, you probably won’t be pushing your pace too hard, so you can just zone out. It’s amazing how fast those few hours can go by.

Well, today is a rest day for me. I have the Heart Mini Marathon 15K tomorrow downtown Cincinnati. A lot of people around here use it as a warm up for the Flying Pig since some of the course is the same route. Krista’s out doing her LR right now (8 miles I think), then we’re heading down to the Expo for packet pick up and then heading over to our favorite running store to get Krista new shoes. She set up an appointment with their licensed podiatrist/expert to have him analyze her gait on the treadmill. She thinks she needs a more stable shoe, and I agree. So we’ll keep you guys posted, but I’m sure she’ll beat me to the boards to post her new shoe type.

To everyone else I missed—Hi! Hope everyone has great LRs and workouts this weekend and hope the weather cooperates for everyone. Happy training!

Good morning everyone!

It's yard work day today. I can't wait. :laughing: The boys and i just got back from a Goodwill run. Taking, not getting. They do like their rides in the truck.

Dave - Really cool what you''re doing with your DDs. :thumbsup2 Hope you have a great LR.

Steve - Good luck with your race. Hope Krista's run was good.

MelR - Good luck on your 24 hour race.

Martha - Have a great LR.

Craig - How's the toe?

All - Have a great Saturday and good training.

Take care. :)
Can I just say "I LOVE SPRING!!!!!"

I just got back from a lovely run this morning. It was 65 degrees, sunny with a slight breeze. I ran the trail around the bigger of two "lakes" here and it was soooo nice! And to top it off--NO KNEE PAIN!!!!! Did have a little irritable bowel--but that was due to dinner last night. So, run details--6 miles in 52:13--8:42 ave pace. I wasn't terribly consistent, but the miles were within 45 sec. of each other.

Steve--Good luck with your race tomorrow!!!

Krista--Can't wait to hear what shoes you get. I'm needing to get a pair of new shoes to start in the rotation.

Melissa--I'm sure you and Phil are already out there "adventuring" it but good luck none the less!

martha--Good luck with the 70 minutes!

Angie--How was your 6 miler?? Aaahh, the beach...2 weeks from today we'll be soaking up the rays in Siesta Key!!! Can't wait!

Mel--Which leads me to my next question--DH and I are wanting to get in an 8 miler while in Siesta Key--any good routes that you know of?? I don't really want to run the entire 8 on the beach--If I could end up at the Broken Egg for breakfast at the end of the run, that would be excellent!:laughing:

Dave--How did your LR go?? Your DDs are too cute--LOL that they are eating energy bars--My DD calls it running food and Gatorade is running juice--Gotta train 'em early!:laughing:

Kelley--I'm with you on running/walking in the downpour. While training for the marathon last year, we ran 16 miles in a torrential downpour--we saw more deer that day than people on the trail--we were soaked w/in 5 minutes--But we were having fun splashing through the puddles!

Well, off to the shower I go. DH is still working night shifts, so even though today is Saturday, not much of a weekend for us. And I get to do my most favorite job today, grocery shopping:scared: But I suppose it's either go to the store, or eat condiments this next week. Doesn't ketchup count as a veggie???:rolleyes1

Have a great weekend team!!!
Tiff - I'm walking the full in 08'. I finished the half in 06' and plan to do my first full in Sept. to prepare for my Disney marathon. I'm doubting myself too and wondering if I'll be able to finish 26.2 miles, ouch, but I'm going for it. We have roughly 10 mths. to train, so by that time we should be ready. Right? lol. You can do it Tiff, you can do it, you can do it.:yay:

Due to bouts of insanity I am considering doing the full for '08. I was hoping to wait until the Minnie & see how that went before deciding. But, it looks like I will have to decide before then. I just dont know if I can finish that long of a race. I just cant imagine doing twice the distance of the 1/2. I know I have a while to train for it, I guess I just need to get there mentally. (although my IRL friends will all say that I am "menta":crazy: )

So I guess one of my questions is, once I finish with the Minnie training & have a few months of "training to train" what do you do during that period mileage wise? I just want to make sure if I do it that I go into the official training period prepared. I am used to having a plan & dont know what to do during the in between time. Any advise from the pros is greatly appreciated!

Anyone else thinking of mainly walking the full? I saw Pat was, who else? I will do some running but it will be mainly walking.

Got to go get some actuall stuff done around the house. Having a real life is a pain sometimes ;)
Dave, that is such a fun thing you've got going with your little Princess Ladies. I'm with Craig though, energy bars. :eek: :lmao: What a cool idea and pins too! You are the bestest Dad!

Craig, hope that toe is feeling better. Funny about your alter-ego. I bet Hudson's quite the kitty.

Steve, Matt, MelR and anyone else in an event this weekend (I didn't check the calendar cuz I'm too lazy just now :rolleyes1 ), I WISH you are having fantastic events and I look forward to hearing your report.

Paul, congrats on the little one.

Speaking of little ones, I think our calendar indicates that Lisa's little guy should be here by now. :banana:

For those still wavering about half or full, Steve is right--the during the week training will remain the same in time it's just the length of the LRs for the weekend that will suck the time. I certainly don't go fast so it was lots of hours on TM entertaining myself for those LRs, but it is something that can be done. The during the week is for time and where you get the improvement to be able to accomplish those LRs for the weekend. Follow whatever program you've got and it will take you through your event. Just as said too, don't push the speed so you don't invite injury. Your speed will pick up as your base is built. Be mindful of the required pace and work for improvement in your speed and tempo runs and don't push that pace on the LRs it will come. Oh and don't forget strength training and XT.

Outside Bayyyybeeeee! Outside! It was 50 degrees here, foggy and all, but I went out in shorts and my LS marathon shirt! Ohh it was so wonderful. I did my bfh and managed an overall 12 min pace even. Did I say it was lovely! Oh yeah!
Hi, everyone! Very busy work weekend and I'm going to babysit a friends' kids tonight, so I am scrambling, but wanted to say:

Dave -- you are such a great dad! I love knowing I met your princesses and can picture you three together. How awesome that you are teaching them such valuable lessons. And I LOVE the way you reward them! :grouphug:

Lily -- I am so glad you were able to get outside! A 12:00 pace! You were smokin!!! And you're worried about the Minnie? HAH! :lmao:

Craig -- Did the kitty babies let you sleep in a bit this morning? :lovestruc

Martha -- How did your 70 minutes go? How is the hip feeling?

Stephanie -- So glad your run went well and your knee was pain-free! :thumbsup2

Steve -- Good luck on your race! Please give Krista a huge hug from me and WISH her luck on her shoe finding expedition! pixiedust:

Tiff -- I say go for it!!! Come on, you know you WANT that Mickey medal! And we KNOW you can do it!!! :cheer2:

Speaking of which, did you guys see the great WDW Marathon weekend ad in Runners World with the wrapped up Mickey medal? :love:

I didn't go outside today, though I could have. I only had an hour and wanted to push the running intervals a bit. I did 4.69 miles in an hour. Overall pace was 12:48 but the good thing was that I did some sprints at 6.0 mph and sustained each for a minute. :cool1: I did the walking portions at 4.2 and most of the jogging at 5.2-5.4.

I realized tomorrow's 5k will be the toughest course I've ever been on. There is a hill on the course called "monkey hill' because it goes near the Brandywine Zoo's monkey house. That hill was a course feature in the Tour DuPont (America's Answer to the Tour deFrance). The cameras all perched there and broadcast from there because the hill is so steep and extremely dangerous to the cyclists. And it is cobblestone. I think it should be marginally easier for walkers! I haven't been able to find the previous years' results. It is sponsored by Andy's soon-to-be high school and all the championship track runners do this course as a matter of pride. I am just hoping there are lots of walkers so that I won't be DLF.

I am doing it with my friend Jo with whom I did my first ever 5k 2 years ago and she has really serious knee problems. So, it certainly won't be a fast race for me. While I am worried about her knees, even if she backs out of doing it (she did for the 3/3 5k), I have to be really careful not to end up injured, especially with the problems I've encountered at different times over the past 2 years with my achilles tendonitis, shin splints, my hip and the inflamed sacroiliac joint. I haven't had any real aches or pains in a long time and I want to keep it that way. LOL! The Minnie is 6 weeks from tomorrow!

Okay, no avoiding it. I HAVE to get back to work. I'll miss you guys! :love: :grouphug:
Total drive-by. I should eb working on my taxes. :headache:

Dave - That is the cutest thing in teh wrold! SO, what do tehy get for week 2? ;)

Stephanie - YES, I love spring!

Well, I did 4 miles this am. I've had a niggling in my heel/achilles teh mroniggs after the last 2 runs and my legs were just tired this am. So, mile 1 was 11 mpm. OK, I caqn live with that. Mile 2 had more uphill, 11:08. I couuld feel a band allthe way from my butt to my ankle, though, so I had no desire to hurry.

Then, we are running adn this van stops to pull into her driveway. She had PLENTY of tiem to go infront of us, as nost people do. Nope, she waves us on. Well, seeing as she was so nice, I really picked it up to let her get in faster. ABout a half mile later, I looked at teh Garmin 10:26! I hadn't even tried. I had heard that if you feel yourself slowing down that you should take about a dozen quick steps and when you slow down again, you wll be faster than before. I had never seen it work that well, though! MIle 3 - 10:26, annd that was mostly uphill! Mile 4 - 10:25. I really di d nto try to speed up, except to cross that driveway. Pretty cool.

OK, had my cold tub, as icing one whole leg from butt to heel is kind of hard. Hopefully, an easy run adn the cold will keep it from turnign into anything. I'm starting to wonder if one leg is shorter than the other, as it's always my right leg that goes. :rolleyes:
Drive by :car: post re: 70 min run.


72 min 17 sec

6.6 miles

~10:42 per mile

I'll take it!!!

Why does it have to snow tonight? It's just too pretty outside to do that!
Martha-awesome run!!!!!!!!!

Dave-DS9 eats my sport Jelly Bellies to do a mile :confused3 I think it makes him feel like a real runner :)

Steve-Thanks for the encouragement. I've been looking at the training plan & it is really only 5 or so LRs that I would really dread. The rest of it is really doable. DH thinks I'm losing my mind.

Cam-good luck on your race tomorrow!!!:wizard:

Lily-boy, you've started flying !:thumbsup2

Monte-Yep, I think I need the fear of the unknown again. My first 1/2 I was so dedicated to training because I was so afraid of not being able to finish. I've done 3 1/2 marys & soon 2 15k's so it seems the natural progression.

Nancy-I just told DH that all you guys are making me want to do the full more. His response: yea, it looked like everyone was having fun at the finish last year. Better bring your own water :laughing: and of course he had a very sarcastic tone.

Krista-good luck on the shoe hunt!

O.k. our spring seems to be over & we have gone head first into SUMMER! Boy was it hot out this a.m. And the air was so still, no breeze to cool me at all. Of course now there is one. But I got the 6 miles done & considering I didnt do anything during spring break I was happy with it.

Carrie- When you stretch my legs out it appears that one is shorter than the other. The Dr thought that was the case until he looked at my back x rays & saw it was how my bottom vertabrea/pelvis is off kilter. :wizard: for staying injury free!
It may snow tonight but

It's beautiful today, 50 degrees and high sky. I was able to run outside for the first time this season, 4 easy miles and it was wonderful. I put a big gob of vaseline on the damaged toe and 2 layers of tape wrap and it held together. Of course I was so excited to be outside I forgot my watch, my water, and the good inserts I need to wear to avoid injury. OOPS.

In fact, it was so wonderful that I've spent the entire afternoon finding ways to not sit down and grade exams. I've got a bottle of champagne in the fridge to share with my lovely spouse, plus a good cabernet to go with dinner.

And I've got a bunch of really cool friends all over the country who are also enjoying the day and the training.

Good luck tomorrow Cam.

Is this a great country or what?? :thumbsup2

Hey everyone, lets see when I post the number of pages goes down to 13-14 pages. I don't post for a while and the pages go up to 20+...One could take things the wrong way. ;)

However, here is a quick update of what has happened the past coulde of weeks.

I think I actually signed up for the full before my trip. I will have to make sure now that they are putting up the percentages.

Last week: Business trip--Did 2 days of running 3 miles on a TM in a hot room. Reinforced the fact I like outdoors much better although wondered why someone would turn the air off in the excercise room. Was supposed to do 5-6 miles on Saturday but wound up doing the Atlanta Airport Terminal Dash instead. Made it in time and Lynnda was quite happy. Although I did get an upgrade to First Class and was properly spoiled. :thumbsup2 Not that it will ever happen again but it was nice.

This week: Missed Monday's run due to baby furniture shopping and working on taxes (would have rather been running :rolleyes1 ), made Thursday's run and did 4 miles with a 10:20 pace or so, today's long run was 10 miles with an 11:25 pace. It felt good overall and I wasn't too tight afterwards. I tried to take it slower since I haven't had a long run since the beginning of the month and I was trying a new pair of shoes. So much for not changing too many things at once.

I think the baby room is finally done and there are just a few minor things that have to be moved. The last dresser is on order and should be here a little after the due date but it looks nice.

Lynnda is quite ready for the baby to come now. The thought of 2 more weeks brings glares so I try not to mention it. I think there is a little pool going on in our church office about when she will actually deliver. The staff at least seems to be having fun with it. The doctors aren't sure she will make it to the 9th either but don't seem to be pushing for any thing different. She happens to be napping now so I can catch up before I get tasked with other things. :laughing:

Since there are way too many things to comment on, I will cheat and just pick a few things that stood out.

Craig - Welcome back. Glad you had a good time and that you didn't get injured during the games. I won't count the toe incident since it didn't occur on the field. ;)

Martha - Glad to hear that you didn't smack Craig with a snow shovel after he got back. :rolleyes1 I think some serious pampering is now in order. At least that is what I was told when I got back home from my trip.

Mel - Great job on your times. You are going to wind up passing everyone at Minnie in a few weeks.

Carrie - I know the feeling about taxes. Although now ours are done and I actually get a little back this year. That was a little shock. Good luck on finding other things to do.

Vic - Niceville actually made our paper the other day. Something about the town not letting someone do elaborate Christmas decorations. Somehow I have a feeling there is more to the story that they weren't telling us.

Steve - Good luck on your race tomorrow.

Kristi - I haven't gotten the bail call so I will presume you behaved yourself at the concert. Maybe the group should just pay you to go to all the concerts and help spot other "stalkers". I'm sure that everyone here would be more than willing to give a reference.

Judy - Thought of you this week. There was a 30 year celebration for a guy at work who also has (and had) many horses. I think he currently has 3. There was a picture of him talking to the horses and some smartaleks filled in some captions. The guy was saying "you wouldn't believe the people I have to work with" and the horse replied "oh believe me, I have seen plenty of horses behinds in my time." Now I have to wonder what exactly you say about us to Mist...:rolleyes1

Dave - I think you may have cracked the mystery of kids having too much energy. They sneak energy bars when we aren't looking. Now if I can only figure how to harness that for future use. Hope your run went well.

Colleen - Glad to hear that the entry can be deferred. That is quite an accomplishment to have to pass on due to other circumstances.

I think I had better get back to some other tasks before it gets too late. I will attempt to do better next week. Although when the baby finally gets here, all my work will be over and Lynnda can do the rest. Or at least that is what my coworkers are telling me. :rolleyes1

Another weekend, another race report!

This week it's from the Azalea Trail Run 10k, on an extremely fast and flat course in Mobile, Alabama. Of note is the men's masters and grandmasters current WORLD RECORDS were set on this course. Also of note Bill Rodgers, runner extraordinaire, 4 time winner of both the NYC and Boston marathons, and also the winner of the very first ATR back in 1978 (this was the 30th annual) was also in the field today.

DW (mrstropicana/Cheryl) joined me on this one as she was scheduled for an equal length LR. Treated it as such and maintained 12mpm throughout, promising results heading towards Minnie.

I was shooting for a PR as I'd set my PR on a nearly identical course in early November. Ended up missing it, but only by about 15 seconds, and the Garmin said 6.35 instead of 6.2, so I'm guessing all the bobbing and weaving through the large (thousands) field cost me the new mark. Splits...

8:15, 8:14, 8:18, 8:27, 8:46, 8:20, 1:56 (.2)
Total: 52:20 Avg: 8:14

As you can see I had a minor blowup late in the race as I started experimenting with breathing. A question for the 8mpm-9mpm range runners (Christa, Kevin, etc). Do you find when running the shorter races (5k/10k pace) versus the longer (HM/M) you end up having to breath more often? During halfs/fulls I breath in on left foot, out on left foot. So a complete cycle is 4 strides, two left two right. Once I dip below 8:30 into the lower 8's I end up gasping for air, and have to start alternating, breathing in every 3rd step instead of 4. Through experience I've found breathing in and out on the left foot completely eliminates side stitches (something about the liver on one side pushing against the diaphragm otherwise) and breathing every 3rd just doesn't seem as rhythmic or comfortable. I'm wondering if I get in better shape if I'll be able to stick with every 4th even at faster paces. I ran the first half of the 5th mile trying to stick with every 4th, and finally gave up and ran the rest of the race every 3rd. It seemed to slow my pace for that mile as I guess I wasn't getting the oxygen I needed.

So long story short, anyone change up their breathing routines on purpose for faster paces, or just adjust your pace to allow you to stick with your normal/most comfortable breathing rhythm?

Edit: On second look back at my GPS notes from the Nov race, that one had me at 6.22 miles at a 8:22mpm avg, so technically I guess I ran faster this time around. But my course this time was much more jumpy on the satellite map so the longer distance doesn't necessarily mean I ran further. Hm... I guess next time I run a 10k I'll have to totally smash my PR so it's not an issue. ;)
GRRRRR!!!! I still have my stinkin' New Balance 857's!! :mad: :mad: ;) The Running Spot won't "let" me get another type and I really have shoe envy bad now. ;) Okay, so I met with the running specialist at my running store today, he had me get on the treadmill and video-taped me running to check my gait. While watching me run, he said "huh, you really turn that right ankle out, don't you"--it made me think it's like a doctor saying "wow, I have never seen that before". :) Vic (the running specialist) said that the NB 857's are actually really great stability shoes and can almost be considered motion control shoes and are probably the best shoes for me (nuts :mad: ). So, he gave me some inserts to correct the over pronation and told me to come back if I have any more problems. To make myself feel better, I bought some new running clothes at the Expo for Stephen's 15K tomorrow. :)

I do have some good news, my 8 miler today completely ROCKED!!!! I finished in 1:31 with an average pace of 11:16. The only bad thing about the run was that it was HOT--65 at the start and about 72 when I finished and so humid since we've been getting rain here every day this week. Thankfully around my 5 mile mark, it started getting really windy and I ran with my arms above my head to kind of air things out. I got some looks for doing that. :laughing:

Tiffany--Add me to the list, I think you can definitely run the marathon in January. Like Stephen said, the most time consuming part of the week is the long run. I did John Bingham's MfM training plan for the full and the longest short run was 6 miles and that wasn't until late November/December. Good luck deciding!

Stephanie--:cheer2: :cheer2: for a pain-free run!!! That's fabulous!!

Dave--Your daughter's sound adorable!! I think it's wonderful that you are getting them interested in exercising and a healthy lifestyle at such a young age.

Carrie--It's funny you should mention that about the pace, how just a few extra steps can really add up. Today I was trying to keep my running pace in the mid 10:00's-mid 11:00's. At the beginning of my running interval I was in the 11:00's, but as I would run and get in the zone, I would speed up in the 10:00's, it was cool. Great job on your 4 miler this morning!

Martha--Do you have wings on your feet? You are fast!!

Angie--The beach????? I am JEALOUS!!! Work on your tan for me.

Oh, a couple of things I forgot, "My Best Friend's Wedding" is on and they are at the Chicago Hilton. It made me excited for the Chicago Distance Classic. :cloud9: AND I got my crockpot today. I am so excited to use it this week. :woohoo:
Quick post - Gotta Study!!:surfweb:

Martha and Carrie - Awsome Runs!!! :cool1:

Stephanie - Good way to start the long runs!! :banana:

Training Report:

Went to PUMP class
Went to beach - That's not training is it? :confused3 :rotfl:
Ran 4 miles average - 9 1/2 minute mile.

LR is tomorrow!!

Have a good night everyone.
Another weekend, another race report!

This week it's from the Azalea Trail Run 10k, on an extremely fast and flat course in Mobile, Alabama. Of note is the men's masters and grandmasters current WORLD RECORDS were set on this course. Also of note Bill Rodgers, runner extraordinaire, 4 time winner of both the NYC and Boston marathons, and also the winner of the very first ATR back in 1978 (this was the 30th annual) was also in the field today.

DW (mrstropicana/Cheryl) joined me on this one as she was scheduled for an equal length LR. Treated it as such and maintained 12mpm throughout, promising results heading towards Minnie.

I was shooting for a PR as I'd set my PR on a nearly identical course in early November. Ended up missing it, but only by about 15 seconds, and the Garmin said 6.35 instead of 6.2, so I'm guessing all the bobbing and weaving through the large (thousands) field cost me the new mark. Splits...

8:15, 8:14, 8:18, 8:27, 8:46, 8:20, 1:56 (.2)
Total: 52:20 Avg: 8:14

As you can see I had a minor blowup late in the race as I started experimenting with breathing. A question for the 8mpm-9mpm range runners (Christa, Kevin, etc). Do you find when running the shorter races (5k/10k pace) versus the longer (HM/M) you end up having to breath more often? During halfs/fulls I breath in on left foot, out on left foot. So a complete cycle is 4 strides, two left two right. Once I dip below 8:30 into the lower 8's I end up gasping for air, and have to start alternating, breathing in every 3rd step instead of 4. Through experience I've found breathing in and out on the left foot completely eliminates side stitches (something about the liver on one side pushing against the diaphragm otherwise) and breathing every 3rd just doesn't seem as rhythmic or comfortable. I'm wondering if I get in better shape if I'll be able to stick with every 4th even at faster paces. I ran the first half of the 5th mile trying to stick with every 4th, and finally gave up and ran the rest of the race every 3rd. It seemed to slow my pace for that mile as I guess I wasn't getting the oxygen I needed.

So long story short, anyone change up their breathing routines on purpose for faster paces, or just adjust your pace to allow you to stick with your normal/most comfortable breathing rhythm?

Edit: On second look back at my GPS notes from the Nov race, that one had me at 6.22 miles at a 8:22mpm avg, so technically I guess I ran faster this time around. But my course this time was much more jumpy on the satellite map so the longer distance doesn't necessarily mean I ran further. Hm... I guess next time I run a 10k I'll have to totally smash my PR so it's not an issue. ;)

WTG on your FAST race!:banana: :banana: :banana:
When I am running a tempo run at a fast pace I find myself breathing in 2X and 1X out. I don't know why though...I haven't done anything less than a 1/2 marathon in a while so I am not sure if I would do the same thing....I need to run a 5K to see how fast I could do it.
If I am chasing my JRT I just suck wind...she can do a 6MPM pace and that is rather fast for me.....but I always catch her.:love:

Krista - It wasn't too hard to go veggie for me. I have never really liked meat that much, so it was a natural step. DH and DD9 will eat anything...DD6.5 won't eat anything. I do sneak veggie chicken in stir fry and veggie beef in chili and stuff like that:ssst: .....the chilli did not go over too well for DH but he ate it anyway....He did not know why the meat was a different texture.;) Bless his heart!

This is going back about 20 years to when I ran that 17 minute flat 5K that is my PR, of which I'm damned proud, and I'll never see again without wheels and a motor, but . . .

When I was running fast times there was a pace when my breathing changed from 3 strides in and 2 out to 2 strides in and 2 out. I never did this consciously, but I noticed at some magic pace my breathing would get quicker.

So in my case it wasn't so much the distance of the race but the tempo I was carrying. I noticed it a lot more in my speed workouts on the track when I was really pushing it. On these fast repeats I would start pushing it and my breathing would stay at the 3/2 rhythm for perhaps 50 meters, and then it would automatically change to 2/2 when necessary.

Of course now, being an age I couldn't conceive of ever reaching, breathing and stitches are the least of my problems. I still can push the pace from the knees up, but unfortunately when I do so everything from the knees down begins to pull, tear, and fall off.

Believe me, any dope who tells you 50 is the new 40 is delusional. 50 is the new 50. And in a few years I hope to discover that 60 is the new 60.

Keep pushing it, and keep posting about it. I'm being serious now, but the improved pace of almost everyone here is very motivational for me. My goal for 2006 is to train harder and smarter, and go sub-9 for a 10K this year. I know I can carry the speed, I just need to get my legs to do so without injury.



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