Wk of Mar 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

Yes, my XT will be snow shoveling also. I'm in central PA and we have 6" already.

Bring on spring.

I did not do my normal LR this morning in the pouring down rain...not that I haven't done a full marathon in the pouring down rain...but anyway, I am not really training for anything and getting over the being sick so I did 4 miles on the dreadmill...in 30 min.;)

So do you think I was making the injury worse by running slow?
Does that seem backwards to anyone else?
Or do you think it was all the rest I was doing prior to my run?
What do you think I should do now? (say "run", say "run")
Cecelia - THis could be true for you. I had a friend who hurt her knee, and it was b/c she was putting too much stress on her joints by going to slow. I know I cannot run with DH sometimes b/c he paces too slow and it hurts my knees. I say run, but I am crazy that way!

Oh, my gosh, I have to tell you how mad I got at a commercial I heard on the radio on my way to work this morning. It was a commercial for a grocery store and it started out with a woman saying "I am a runner". I thought cool, a running commercial, and then she says: "No, I'm not one of those crazy people you see running at the crack of dawn in your neighborhood. I am a runner; I run my kids to school, ballet, soccer, blah, blah, blah" and then she talks about the grocery store and next she says: "Yes, I am a runner and I challenge any marathoner to run around in my shoes all day!" Needless to say, I won't be shopping at biggs grocery store any more!!!!
I will challenge her! I run and run my kids all over and work and volunteer for things and....well you get the idea! Stupid commercial.:mad: I challenege anyone with that attitude to run around in my shoes all day!:yay:

Judy - :wizard: :grouphug:

Leana - Love your babies! Cute pics!

Going to OUTBACK to get my grub on tonight. We are celebrating the princess: princess: getting all "A's" on their report cards!:cheer2: What smart children I have.:cool2:
I'm doing an orienteering race tomorrow. I have been trying to figure out what I could wear that would be both moisture wicking and green. DUH:) :) :) I figured it out!!! I'm going to be sportin' the WISH shirt tomorrow. It will be perfect b/c I'll be highly visible in the woods (I don't want to be mistaken for a critter) and I have a long sleeve one for the cooler temp!!! I'll post pics if i get any!!

Dave - what are you wearin'?
I'm doing an orienteering race tomorrow. I have been trying to figure out what I could wear that would be both moisture wicking and green. DUH:) :) :) I figured it out!!! I'm going to be sportin' the WISH shirt tomorrow. It will be perfect b/c I'll be highly visible in the woods (I don't want to be mistaken for a critter) and I have a long sleeve one for the cooler temp!!! I'll post pics if i get any!!

Dave - what are you wearin'?
Hi Melissa! Yup, I was planning on wearing my WISH shirt tomorrow too. Only thing is now we're supposed to get all this snow. So I may have to put on my windbreaker too to stay dry, and then no one will see my WISH shirt. BTW, I meant to say that I looked at your map and I was really impressed. It looked so professional to me. Great job.
Hey everyone. I am in Sunny Northern CA and just discovered that I have internet access in my room. YAHOOO. My training is in a couple hours, so now I have something to pass the time. Oh and I know someone asked where I am... Woodland which is about 10 miles north of Sacramento. Right now Sacramento train tracks are burning violently... that is where I am!!!! I will be training all day tomorrow and then fly home Sunday morning... but don't actually get home until Sunday evening.

Oh and my gripe. I have the worst flying luck EVER. Just ask my DH, flights are always delayed or cancelled, lost luggage, hotel reservations disappear.... oh it's just aweful. So I had this crappy late night flight out here and only had one bad thing happen... you see, I always ALWAYS get seated next to the biggest person on the plane. ANd it again happened. She was spilling into my seat, so for 4 hours I was leaning into the aisle. How does this always happen to me???

There is no place to run here at the hotel. I just drove around town a bit and found a residential area that is a possibility if I feel up to it tomorrow evening. This week is a cut back week, so if it doesn't happen, no worries. I only need to get in 3 miles. I think all the standing and talking will be cross training.

OK, gotta run and go over my notes.

Hey all, sorry I have been MIA but things came up and I have not even lurked this week. Good luck to all who are racing this weekend. My running has had a bit of a slow down this week because my dad had triple bypass surgery on Tuesday and thing were a bit touchy with his history of emphysema. Everything has turned out OK but now we are getting hit with a lot of sleet (around 2 inches of this already) and their calling for an additional 3 to 6 inches of snow on top[ of that. What the heck is this? Yesterday I ran in shorts and a singlet in 70 degree weather. Why can't I move to Florida?
Mike -- sending best wishes to your Dad. :goodvibes:

MelR -- I'm glad you'll be highly visible!

Christa -- awesome pace and congrats to your two sweeties on the amazing report cards! Can you send them here to rub off on DS13? How can a kid place in the 96th-99th percentile nationally in every subject matter except math and NOT make Honors? I could clobber him! :rolleyes:

Paul -- How's your princess?

My 5K for tomorrow was cancelled due to this stupid weather. :mad: It was the course on which I had held my PR until the 3/3/07 race and I really wanted to see how well I could do on that flat course. So, I'm disappointed. Considering that I haven't trained since Monday night, though, it may be for the best! :lmao:

We told DD about the POFQ/Wonder Cruise trip last night and she is soooo excited! I am hoping having that planned will help with post-Minnie depression. The thought of NOT seeing WISHers again for 8 months is unbearable!

I am trying to find a race for Howard and me in the late summer since we can't do the 9/16 race in Philadelphia (DS's confirmation). Does anyone know where I could find a schedule of endurance events from mid-July through Labor Day (no, the DL 1/2 isn't an option this year).
I am trying to find a race for Howard and me in the late summer since we can't do the 9/16 race in Philadelphia (DS's confirmation). Does anyone know where I could find a schedule of endurance events from mid-July through Labor Day (no, the DL 1/2 isn't an option this year).

MarathonGuide is showing Grandfather Marathon on 7/14 as well as others.
MarathonGuide is showing Grandfather Marathon on 7/14 as well as others.

Thanks, Jim. Yeah, I am loving the names of some of those races! :lmao: Looks like many of them are way out of my league. Maybe next year!

I checked a bunch of calendars. I may have to start lining up a bunch of 5Ks.
I am trying to find a race for Howard and me in the late summer since we can't do the 9/16 race in Philadelphia (DS's confirmation). Does anyone know where I could find a schedule of endurance events from mid-July through Labor Day (no, the DL 1/2 isn't an option this year).

Hey Cam!

The Chicago Distance Classic (John Bingham half marathon) is August 12th. Beautiful flat course, the last part right along the lake shore! DH and I are doing it again this year. Think about it! It is perfectly timed between the Minnie and WDW full......Carrie, Lily, Jen.....who else is in the Midwest?? We could have a mini WISH meet!!
Does anyone know where I could find a schedule of endurance events from mid-July through Labor Day (no, the DL 1/2 isn't an option this year).

Check out http://www.endurancemag.com/events/php

I just went through their calendar last night and found a couple of half marathons that look like possibilities for me between now and January. That's assuming I don't freeze to death tomorrow - my minimum outdoor running temp is usually 45, and the temp at race start is supposed to be 37 but feel like 28. I can hardly wait!

Cam - Bummer that yours was cancelled!

Nancy - I'm hoping to run/walk the half. Right now I'm doing intervals of 3R/1W outside (I can run much longer on the TM). So far I'm only up to distances of 6 miles, but I'm determined that by January I'll be able to do the entire 13.1!

Leana - Your babies are ADORABLE!

Judy - Yep, a brand new TM. Still in the box at the moment, but I've already taken the picture off the old one and laminated it (you were getting a little ragged around the edges!) so it's ready to move to its new home. I will no longer wake the household when I get up to run, and the display should work for the entire run!

Krista - Glad Hines has already "coughed" up the sock. Doesn't make for nearly as good a story though!

Ok, I want to take on the mom who thinks she can out run a marathoner because I have her day AFTER I run 8 -10 miles! During training for WDW, I had one day where I ran 16 miles, worked the concession stand at the ball park for 3 hours, went grocery shopping and then went home to host a slumber party for 8 girls. What do they think marathon runners do the rest of the day?!

Krista - that is exactly what my coach thinks was happening. I was compounding the injury by trying to go easy. Just proves that slower runners are working just as hard - perhaps even harder - than the faster runners.

Leana - We have a scottish terror too! (not a typo) Is your other a Westie? They are a cute combo. Our Scotty, Penny, doesn't eat socks, but she sleeps on the back of our arm chairs like a cat. She also likes to steal the kids stuffed animals from their beds at night.

Hi everyone,
Just checking in. I'm so sorry so many of you are dealing with the struggles of cold temps and snow. While I don't have those issues, I face the wind/rain issues here on the island where I live. If it's too bad I usually suck it up and try to get my runs in on the treadmill. I don't prefer that though because I don't know how much of an incline I should work at for the LR or how many hills and what incline to put them at. All things you don't have to think about when running outside.

Anyway, I got a good 80 min run in this morning. Not sure how far it was, I have to drive it later today to get the distance...thing that stinks is everything is in kilometers so I'll have to make myself a little conversion cheat sheet or something. I felt good throughout the run but since this is my first time actually training for a marathon I do find myself doing that whole self doubt, "can I really run more than 3 times this distance?" thing when I'm done with the run. You've all been such an inspiration so far and that's helped me keep on plugging away.

Christa - my husband is from Charlotte too. the couple of times that we've been there to visit his family, i just loved the area. it must be a great place to train too...decent weather and lots of terrain to choose from. I'm on a very small island. 13 miles at it's widest and maybe 40 or so at the longest poionts I think so I'm running the same routes with small variations a lot of the time.
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

I'm fueling up and waking up to a cold and snowy Rochester, NY. It's currently about 20 degrees out and we got a couple of inches of fresh snow. The race today is going to be interesting. Although, the snow plows are out and have cleared the snow off the streets, and since it's a race we'll have the road to ourselves. I'll be able to run right down the middle of the street.

I checked the results from last year's race. Last year there were over 950 runners in this race. A 9:00 mpm pace (which is what I'm hoping to run) would have had me finish around place 630 - not even in the top half of the pack. The winner had a 4:57 mpm pace, and the top 3 in my age group had a 5:50 - 6:19 mpm pace. So I'm definitely not expecting much from this race. This is such a competitive area to run in. I'm just going to go out, run my race, and try not to hurt myself. If I can run a steady, solid 9:00 mpm pace and my legs and shins feel good, I'll be very happy.

Here's an article on the race from yesterday's paper. If anyone's interested.

Have a great day all. Good luck to everyone running today, be it LRs, SRs, or races.
I am trying to find a race for Howard and me in the late summer since we can't do the 9/16 race in Philadelphia (DS's confirmation). Does anyone know where I could find a schedule of endurance events from mid-July through Labor Day (no, the DL 1/2 isn't an option this year).

When I signed up for the Allentown event, it was through Active.com. Now I notice I get quasi-regular emails from them (every 2 weeks or so) listing every little running event in my general area in addition to all the major national ones. I had no idea so much was happening around here.

Cam: congrats on the cruise......your daughter will love it. Have you sailed DCL before? Nancy and I have several under our belt...in fact, that's how we met!

Jackie&Dave: good luck with your events this weekend!

Happy St Patty's Day to all!!!!!
MarathonGuide is showing Grandfather Marathon on 7/14 as well as others.

I MAY do this one! It is about 3.5 hours from Charlotte! It only has one hill...HAHAHAHAHA:lmao: ......for those of you who don't know, it is UP Grandfather Mountain.

My 1/2 pics are up.....THe close up is when I crossed the finish line.;)
Ok, I want to take on the mom who thinks she can out run a marathoner because I have her day AFTER I run 8 -10 miles! During training for WDW, I had one day where I ran 16 miles, worked the concession stand at the ball park for 3 hours, went grocery shopping and then went home to host a slumber party for 8 girls. What do they think marathon runners do the rest of the day?!

THis is what I am scream'n....Does that store think that all runners do is run then sleep?

Good luck Dave! :wizard: :wizard: I know you will have a great time! To all of us, you are the winner!:)

Melissa, have fun and I am glad you will stand out during the race b/c of the WISH shirt! It is also a great shirt to bike in. My girls cannot even look at me when I stand in the sun with it on. They yell...and holler (southern talk:lmao: ;) ) that it burns their eyes!:rotfl:

Any one else racing...good luck!
Hey Cam!

The Chicago Distance Classic (John Bingham half marathon) is August 12th. Beautiful flat course, the last part right along the lake shore! DH and I are doing it again this year. Think about it! It is perfectly timed between the Minnie and WDW full......Carrie, Lily, Jen.....who else is in the Midwest?? We could have a mini WISH meet!!

Count me in! It will be dh and my first half.


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