Wk of Mar 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

I haven't had any workouts in a few days as I've been sick and now we've had snow and ice to top it all off! I spent 30 minutes cleaning the snow and ice off the cars this morning so I'm not sure if I ache due to the cold or the shoveling! DH and DD are in London so I'm left to deal with the weather.

On top of that, we have 2 cats. The male cat went in for surgery yesterday and was gone all day. It took me 4 hours to drive down, pick him up and drive home due to the weather. Now the cat that didn't go to the vet has been hissing and growling at the one that did. We've got quite a stand off going in the house. Tell me again why I have two cats?

Jackie: have fun setting up the TM and on your 5K

Cam: bummer! Sorry your 5K was cancelled!

Krista: what a commercial! I wouldn't go to that store either.

Cecilia: congrats on the run! I know it must have felt great!

Stephanie: ice and ibuprofen

Maggie: hope the tests for DD show nothing is wrong! I'll keep my fingers crossed that things get back to normal for you

Judy: slow down! 7 miles and we still have 7 weeks to the Minnie! You'll be able to run it twice by the time it gets here!

Mel: good luck on the race. You definitely ought to stand out in the WISH shirt!

Jen: enjoy the sunny weather in CA!

Mike: sending :goodvibes that your dad does well post-surgery

rosy1020: congrats on a good run!

Dave: good luck on the race!!!

Have a great weekend everyone! Good luck to all who are racing this weekend.
Morning all! Well, today was my first "LR" post marathon. It was "only" 4 miles, but that's the longest I've gone since the 26.2. It went really well--except I decided to run around the neighborhood and I kept going down dead end streets. Oh well! I averaged a 8:59 pace!:cool1: And the only knee pain I had was going downhill. Now we're headed to the running store:cool1: to get DH fitted for a decent pair of running shoes. I think I'm more excited than he is--he's been running in this pair of Nikes that he's had for, oh, let's say 5 years! And who knows, maybe I'll end up with something new as well!

Dave--hope the run went well! Kudos to you for heading out even with the snow.

Christa--love the pics!

Well, DH is finished getting ready, so off we go!
Good morning team!

Well, I have really been in the dumps about training lately, since Disney actually, not getting in much running, not much cross training, etc.

I knew that our local YMCA was putting on a St. Patrick's Day 5k and 10K today, so I woke up this morning and thought, might as well just get out and run it.

I ran it and it felt great the whole way, kept a steady pace and finished in 26:38!!!! :banana: :banana:: :banana:

I have a renewed interest in running now, and the PIG is looking better and better all the time! Is it too late to start a half-marathon plan now for the PIG??

Dave, can't wait to hear about your run!

Dave and Martha, interesting to hear how everyone still clearing snow. I mowed my lawn for the first time this week and yesterday planted 10 new shrubs in my yard. Before you know it, Spring will be here for you folks too.

rosy, great job on your 80 minutes!! You are well on your way.

Pat, good to hear from you!:wave2: I was just thinking how you were doing the other day!

Hey out to Sara, Sunny, and our mother's to be Lynnda and Lisa, time is coming soon!!:wave2:

Ah, Grandfather Mountain Marathon, it is just 50 minutes from my house, unfortunately we will be up in Canada in July, or we could have used my home for the WISH gathering! I have lots of space. Next year??

I keep telling Chad about all this Grandfather Mountain talk. Now he wants to steal a week in his parents' time share there and do it!

I remember there were outlets nearby...I might be convinced to go along for this. :rolleyes1
Just finished my 5K - posted the report on the Race Reports thread - awesome race - finished in 35:14 - 2 minutes off my PR!

Grandfather Mountain - are you guys crazy???????? It's a MOUNTAIN!!!!

Colleen--YAY!!!! Your 5K time rocks!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: I don't think it's too late to start training for the Pig. The half is 7 weeks from tomorrow and my lr for tomorrow is 7, here's what my lr's look like: 7, 8, 5, 10, 6, 12, 6, 13.1. You're still in really great shape, so I really don't think the lr's would be that hard for you. It's not like this is your first distance race and you're starting from square 1. COME DO THE PIG WITH US!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hi Everyone: Quick post before I take the princesses, DD6 princess: and DD9 princess:, to get their hair cut.

I had a lot of fun during my race, and felt great.

5 miles, 43:05 min, 8:37 mpm!! :cool1: :cool1:

I'll post more details later.

I feel horrible that I have not been able to keep up with everyone this week. :sad1:
You guys have all been so supportive of me. I promise I will do better next week. Well we are supposed to be at Disney right now as I said the other day and we did go over Thursday night and had a lot of fun until about 1 am this morning when DS 7 - started puking in the bed!!:scared1: (Those poor housekeepers at CS - I feel horrible) My poor babypirate: !! So we are home now, but I will get caught up on all my HW and begin that official Minnie training today instead of next week.

I have decided I still have 6 weeks left to train and had a pretty good base to begin with, so I still have time to try to reach my goal for Minnie!!:cutie:

Here are some comments I have from the posts that I can remember this week:
Jennasis: :welcome:
Nancy: :welcome:
Kristin: :welcome:
Stephanie: Still no PINK HARD HAT!!:mad:
Colleen and Dave WAY TO GO!!!:cool1: :cool1:

I know I missed so many others and I am sorry. Right now I am going to go catch up on this massive amount of school work so I can do what is important next week - RUNNING AND POSTING ON THE BOARDS!!:rotfl:

WOW! We have some fasties here!

Dave! WTG! You were rock'n!

Colleen you were flying! That is so cool! Glad you have a renewed interest in running.

Jackie WTG for the PR! 2 min off is AWESOME!

Kristi - Make Chad run Grandfather. I will if he does!;) Need to start the hill training. :rotfl: There are lots of great shopping too!

Rosy - That is so cool that your DH is from Charlotte! It's a small world after all!:lmao:

Hey everyone who is thinking about Grandfather marathon! Ron has pic from the race on http://tricharlotte.com. Click on the link then go to Grandfather Mountain near the bottom under 2006 races. I think he has 2005 and 2004 race too.

Morning all! Well, today was my first "LR" post marathon. It was "only" 4 miles, but that's the longest I've gone since the 26.2. It went really well--except I decided to run around the neighborhood and I kept going down dead end streets. Oh well! I averaged a 8:59 pace! And the only knee pain I had was going downhill. Now we're headed to the running store to get DH fitted for a decent pair of running shoes. I think I'm more excited than he is--he's been running in this pair of Nikes that he's had for, oh, let's say 5 years! And who knows, maybe I'll end up with something new as well!
WTG on the LR! I know how hard it is to get into it after a marathon! Good luck at the running store! Hope you get something cool....oh I mean, I hope your DH gets some cool shoes.;)
Well, back from the running store and scored some cool Pearl Izumi Shorts! They were 50% off, couldn't pass them up. OH, and DH did get some shoes too;) He's going with Mizuno's Wave Rider--It's cool to be actually fitted for shoes--they were so great at the store. Now I've got shoe envy!:lmao:

Angie--I'm just getting into my Minnie training starting Monday--so we'll be together! Too bad about the WDW trip. Hope your baby is better!

Colleen--WTG on the 5K! Super speedy!!! Oh, and I"ll be the first to try to pull you to the dark side--Come do the Minnie!!!:lmao:

Dave--WTG Speedy Gonzalez!!!:cheer2: Guess the snow/cold makes you faster!

Jackie--I posted this on the other thread but WTG!!

Well, should go do something constructive--or maybe not, naptime for all I think!;)
Stephanie My husband wears those mizunos and he loves them!! The pirate: is sleeping on the couch so hopefully he will be better soon.

I also forgot to mention, not that you guys want to know this, but you mothers out there especially can relate to this horror: We decided to try to take DS up to food court just to get some fruit or something in his belly. He ate some watermelon and then proceeded to projectile vomit it all over the table, with the place packed full of people trying to eat their breakfast around us. I felt so sorry for him and all the people trying to eat. :sad2:

Hey folks, just got home from my St. Patrick's Day 10K.

I have to first say congratulations to Dave, Colleen, Jackie and anyone else that raced today. Way to go guys!

I'll post more details later but, according to my Garmin I ran in 1:07:05 (and it shows a distance of 6.22 mi) for an average pace of 10:47 min/mi!!!!! I seriously cannot believe I ran that fast compared to my pace lately! I'm waiting to see what my chip time says though.

Angie - your poor son! Hope he is feeling better soon.

OK guys, time to go shower - details to come!
Leana - THAT'S AWESOME!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I officially started my Minnie training today and it went well!! (finally )
I did 5&1/2 in 52 minutes which was ok considering the first 2&1/2 I was running directly into HORRIBLE wind and then I had to stop a lot cause I had DS 11 pirate: with me on his bike. So I'm happy with that time.

7 weeks from today I will graduate!!:cool1: and 7 weeks from tomorrow I will run my first race by myself, but I won't be by myself will I?


Thanks for that.

Wow Leana, great time!

Colleen, good job on the last minute drop in race!

Dave, it seems you're dropping half a minute off your pace every week! You're gonna be running in the 6's for the Pig!

Angie, we had DD3 spoiling the dinner of many at CS last summer. The thought of eating at the market or whatever it's called there just isn't that exciting to me anymore.

I posted over on the other thread but I just thought I'd mention that I had a snafu with my 5K this morning. Got an e-mail from Active.com saying the start was delayed an hour. Oops, not really! :confused: I missed it.:mad:

Have a good rest of the weekend.
Angie - I have had kids throw up all over the table at Rain Forest Cafe', Down Town Disney! Totally know how you feel!

Leana - WOW on the race

Optimator - What a bummer...they knew you would win, so they made it so you would not show.;)

I did run today....On a trail...I posted about it on my training journal...click below if you want to see the excitement!:lmao: Nah, JK...my journal is pretty boring.
I posted over on the other thread but I just thought I'd mention that I had a snafu with my 5K this morning. Got an e-mail from Active.com saying the start was delayed an hour. Oops, not really! :confused: I missed it.:mad:

Mike, that is crazy...or as the saying goes here...OUT OF CONTROL... how on earth does that happen? I would be fuming mad. :mad: You get ready to run a race and then show up at the changed time and ..........oh, sorry!!! That would be one of my bad dreams.

Christa, Stephanie, Angie, Leana, Krista , Mike, thanks for the congrats on the race. It means a lot!:yay:

Leana, congrats on your great pace!:banana: Welcome to race day magic. Gotta love it when that adrenalin pumps in! You have now defined a new pace for yourself!

Angie, hope DS is feeling better. Yes, I can relate, comes with the territory. ;)

Christa - Chad says he isn't ready to run Grandfather this year, but he is thinking about 2008. Like a marathon itself is not bad enough, you guys want to do it on a mountain? :confused: :rotfl:

You should try the race they run up Mt. Washington! I think it's only 7 or so miles, but straight up - you get carpooled down. Chad & his friend Dave entered the lottery for it in 2003 and got picked. They were all trained, signed up and ready to go, then Chad went and had his emergency surgery a couple weeks before. Notice he never signed up again... :scratchin


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