Wk of July 1--WISH Walking/Running Club

Good morning again team.....another training alert question.

For those doing the Goofy.....how do you train??? DH asked me this morning what you wuold have to do so I thought I would come to those who have done it and ask. Do you follow a normal marathon training program with 2 LR on the weekend??? I couldn't think of how it might go.


Kim, are you a walker or a runner?

Erica and I are doing our first Goofy in Jan. We try to stay in Half Marathon shape all the time so all we have to do is add a few longer walks for a few months to prep for a full.

Our plan is to do 2 LSDs back to back each week. Erica is going to figure out out routine. I'm just a machine, I do what ever milage she decides on.

We are not taking this Goofy training lightly though.

I had a nice 4.5 mile walk this morning on the hills at the WKU champus. It was hot and muggy but it's july. My time was 58:06, not blazing but feeling more back to normal. Yesterday's 4 miles on less steep hills felt harder.

Judy good luck with the recovery.

Dena:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Happy training today y'all.

I am a walker, trying to incorporate in some jogging soon. DH mostly runs with walk breaks.

I am sure the time dedication on weekends with B2B LR is crazy, we where just curious how you could do it.

I am a walker, trying to incorporate in some jogging soon. DH mostly runs with walk breaks.

I am sure the time dedication on weekends with B2B LR is crazy, we where just curious how you could do it.


Kim, I'm blessed that my lady is also a racewalker and my training partner. We do our long walk, then go to Red Lobster for lunch. We often then catch a nice relaxing movie or take a nap in the afternoon. Our training is quality time. We make time for that. It beats sitting home on the couch together on our weekends.

Hi, everyone! It is so great to see everyone here, even if some of us are a bit "loopy"! :lmao:
I don't know -- I am thinking we are in big trouble come January -- can you all imagine WWDave, Mike & Vic in the same place at the same time? :lmao: Oh, wait a minute! I just realized something -- Mike, are you coming to ToT? If so, the World has 2.5 less months to prepare for the chaos that is about to rein!!! :eek:

Judy -- already sending out positive vibes and pixiedust to you, sweetie! :goodvibes pixiedust:

Dena -- congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see a pic of our new WISH K.I.D.! :love:

Okay -- I just got in my longest wog since the Minnie and am feeling a bit more comfortable about Chicago. I was beginning to freak myself out. ;)

Today's training on the dreaded conveyor belt, complete with watching Bon Jovi and other gorgeous men in the music video library of my ipod video. Geez, I am embarassed to even claim this as training! :lmao:

5 minutes warmup at 4.0 mph --> .33 miles (calories -- ???)
60 minutes walking and jogging 4.0./5.0 -->> 4.31 miles (445 calories) (pace 13:55)
60 minutes walking at 4.2 -->> 4.18 miles (373 calories) (pace 14:21)

I did something pretty stupid and started paying for it in the first hour. I worked out with only coffee in my stomache. After an hour I had some cliff blocks and at about 90 minutes, I ate 2 bites of a powerbar, but by then it was too late to really make a difference.

But, as my dear Lily keeps reminding us, it's important to get the steps in, and that I did.
8.82 miles total -- 818 calories -- overall pace including warmup 14:10.

Okay, I need advice. I can get in one more LW next weekend before vacation, then we'll be home for one weekend 2 weeks before CDC and then away at DS14's performing arts camp performance weekend the weekend before CDC. I think I will feel much better if I can get in 10 miles next week and then 12 two weekends before CDC. Howard and I plan some kind of training at POFQ the day before boarding the Wonder, but I doubt it will be more than 3 or 4 miles.

It would end up looking like this:
8.8 today
10 next week
3 or 4 on 7/21
12 on 7/28
3 or 4 on 8/4
CDC on 8/12.

Do you think that will work out okay? (Okay, maybe its not the lack of miles on vacation :cool2: that I fear as much as the effects of 5 days of good food and konk koolers! :upsidedow )
Congratulations Dena!!!

Cam - Great workout!

I think today's run definitely qualifies as a stonker. As I got out of the shower my thought was "today I am not a runner, I am only masquerading as a runner!"

We did mile repeats - started with a slow mile warmup, then ran for a mile at an 11:30 pace, walked 5:00, ran another mile, repeating that 5 times, then ran another 2 miles at our 3R/1W. Final total was around 9 miles. I actually ran the first 4 miles, but the 5th one was too much so I stopped and walked. Then on the 2 miles one of our leaders ran out of water at about mile 1.25 so she stopped to walk and I stopped with her. By the time I got home I felt worse than I've ever felt after any run of any distance. I stretched, then did an ice bath, followed by a shower, now I'm eating breakfast (again!) and icing my heel, and then I'm going back to bed. Oh yeah - I have a huge blister on my big toe that I didn't even know was there till I got out of the shower!

Sorry if I'm whining, but nobody's home except the dog and I feel really rotten. I should probably feel good that I ran 4 separate miles without stopping, but all I can feel right now is how bad my body hurts. I know everybody has bad runs, and I'm hoping this means next week will be really great!

Morning folks! Golf on Thursday was great, but wow, it was soooo hot! Yesterday I hit the race expo for the Calgary Marathon. It was a pretty good expo and I managed to spend some money there! I'm going to try out a new skirt from runningskirts.com. They seem similar to the Sport Girls skirts, except I went for one more like the Marathon Girl this time round. I tried it on and the skirt is actually longer than the Gym Girl and seems really flattering so I think I'll like it. I also bought a couple of Gym Girls from Skirt Sports at the expo and I think they changed their sizing with the new styles - they are huge!! I bought a couple mediums for my mom and they fit me when I normally buy XL, so I guess I'll be off to the expo again this morning to exchange those.

The race is tomorrow.....can't wait! Ugh, they are predicting cloudy with showers. Say it ain't so!!
Good morning WISH team!! Today, I headed out early for a 4 mile run. Kept a 10:13 average pace. I used my old shoes today, as my calf muscles have been really tight since I started using my new mizuno shoes. Well, I decided to wear my old Nike Pegasus running shoes for my run today, and my calf muscles felt so much better! I had a feeling it was partially from the shoes, I just didn't really like the way the mizuno's felt. So, that means I have to make a trip to my local Fleet Feet Running store today to get a new pair of Nike Pegasus running shoes!

Judy--Glad to hear the pre-op physical went well and Good Luck with the surgery on monday! I will be thinking of you.

Kristi--WTG for Molly! That is so cool that American Inventor is bringing her out to L.A. Keep us updated as to when it will air, as I don't want to miss it this time!

monte--Good Luck with your race, I hope the heel and knee pain feel better! :wizard:

Howard--take care of those shin splints! :wizard:

Jen--Glad to hear you are getting back on track! Keep up the good work.

Kim--Another huge Big Brother fan here!!! I am not sure I have a favorite yet, maybe after tomorrow night's episode I will....although I like the blonde girl's father...he may be my favorite so far!

WWDave--WTG for signing up for those races! Good Luck with all of them!

Karen--Good Luck with your LR this weekend!

eeyore45--WTG for signing up for your first race!!! You will do great!!!

Kristin--5 miles at 5 in the morning! WOW--I wish I could do that!!! and I am jealous that you got to spend 2 weeks in Hawaii--that is great!!!!

Dena--Congrats on little baby Kane!!! Glad to hear everything went well, everyone is healthy!

Cam--training plan looks good...I would get in whatever you can especially with your cruise coming up. BTW--what are konk koolers??

Leana--Sounds like you got some good stuff at the expo!! Good Luck tomorrow, don't worry about the weather! Can't wait to read your report!
Ugh, I had a terrible run this morning. My left quad has been bothering me off and on for a few weeks and my left ankle has been really stiff. I was just starting to think that I should try some new shoes because I haven't done anything training wise that I think would cause only my left leg to bother me when my left foot started cramping up terribly during my run this morning. I stopped after 2 lousy miles and called it a day. Went right to the local shoe store, tried on about 10 pairs of shoes, and ended up leaving with a pair of Brooks Adrenaline shoes. I was running in the Nike Triax model, but the guy who helped me at the running store thinks that it didn't have enough support on the outside of my foot. I severely over-pronate (especially with my left foot) and the Nike's had enough support on the inside of my foot to help with that, but they were causing my foot to actually supinate as the outside of the shoe broke down. These new Brooks shoes should support my feet in both directions. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but my new shoes sure felt great when I jogged about 1/4 mile on the TM in the store.

If my legs are feeling good tomorrow, I think I will finish my training run from today and then take a full rest day on Monday. I am anxious to try out these new shoes!
Hey all... It is so hot here today. I got up at 7am to run, but I think I should have gotten up at 6am. I planned for 8 miles, would have been happy with 6, but managed 7.1 It was a pretty skunky run, but I got the steps in!!! I was so drippy with sweat that even DH said Ewwwww!

Cam - For my 1/2 marathon in May I was out almost 2 weeks with PF pain. I missed my 8 mile run and I think a 6 mile run. But I still finished very well. You have been training well that I don't think you are going to lose much for CDC if you miss a couple of runs! I think your workout today shows that. BTW... Great work out!!!

Dena - CONGRATS on the little guy. Post pics if you can. How early was he?? Seems like he was pretty big for being early. My first was 6.8 and was 10 days early.

Jackie - I had a stonker too. With the heat and humidity out there... at least you got your steps in!

Judy - YOU WILL DO GREAT and be so happy once the surgery is over. Remember DH had knee surgery last month. He was so nervous, but wouldn't admit it. A lot of his nervousness was the anesthesia because his dad is prone to reactions from it. Tell your doctors your concerns and they will make sure you are fine! Oh and did I mention they gave DH 2 doses and he never went out. He watched the whole thing and the anesthesiologist was in awe. He said he had only seen that once before in his career!
Didn't do any running today but I did do yard work in the AM and I think that counts as cross training!! I sweated enough!! Tomorrow I plan on 3.5 miles. DH is supposed to go with me - not sure if he is doing 3 miles but he will probably do the 3.5 with me (and do it better than me!! Oh well)

Cam - Way to go on the work out today. I think I need to look into getting a "conveyor belt" too so I can do my training more than just outside.

Dena - Congrats on the baby.

Kim & Laurie - I am also a Big Brother fan. Can't wait to see more even though I would never pay for the live feeds - the 3 days a week its on is enough!! I don't have a favorite yet either.

Judy - Good luck on monday!! :grouphug:


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