Wk of Jan 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

So much happens on this thread, that i forget stuff!!

Lily - So sorry about all the stress right now. I be thinking about you.

Judy - the song (i think it is from the 80's) has the lyrics "6 minutes, 6 minutes, 6 minutes, douggie fresh, you're on!" I'm sure someone knows the title!!!!

Sunny - the knee is feeling pretty good today! I'm hoping not to have a repeat of the last trail run where my knee did hurt. I actually has so much pain last time, I teared up!! I think it will be better this time. At least it is on forrest road instead of single track. last time, i told my friends that they may just have to go on and pick me up in the car when they were done. We never came across anywhere that had vehicle access. This time, phil could drive right up and give me a lift if it got too bad!!!! 31 (actually it will end up being more like 32) is obviously the longest distance that i've ever attempted. i wasn't really worried about it until i realized that EC thought it was a big deal. Now I'm a little scared!

I've been getting ready for the race this morining. I've got the house clean enough for my parents to come and stay. I've got my clothes laid out and my water and food ready. (i have 9 food packets!) I printed out the map w/ elevation changes and waterproofed it. I guess i'm ready!!!

Dave - have fun at yoga. don't worry, everyone looks like a dork at yoga (except really cool people) I always look like a spagetti noodle (not cool)

Christa - have fun w/ bree on the trails. Great job on the swimming. you are going to have that tri knocked out!

Tiff - that is cool that you met an adventure racer at the pool. I think the swimming is WAY harder than the kayaking. (i generally only kayak on the lake though, i'm afraid of white water) if i do white water, i do it with phil

computer charge is draining, must post now b/4 computer dies!!
MelR - Wow, 32 miles on the trail! Good luck! I can't wait to hear about it when you finish.

So I had the yoga class today, and it was pretty good. It was a beginner class, and the instructor took the time to explain things pretty well. I felt like I got some good stretching in - which is what I need.
Lilly :grouphug: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: So sorry to hear of your son's accident and all the stress.

Judy-- jelloizing is the act of lifting weights until one's arms have no strength left (i.e., the strength of jello). It's a lot of fun (really!). The best part is about an hour later my shoulders and back have a deep radiant heat deep in the muscles. Its the deepest feeling of relaxation I can achieve. :thumbsup2 It makes big muscles, too ;)

Christa-- tell Bree I'm thinking of her. I'm glad you are running together. Sounds like things are pretty scary near you.

I did rowing and stair mill at the gym for lunchtime. I get to go to the Y tonight because Dx is taking DS to a birthday party. That's when I'll do the jelloizing! I have play date duty tomorrow.

Lily - Tons of :wizard: for your son, hang in there, kay?

Judy - Here's some :wizard: for Mist, hope her former owner's behind bars tonight!

Dave - WTG on the Yoga, I've been thinking about squeezing yet another "thing" into my schedule. Yoga's my first choice.

Christa - Be careful!

MelR - GOOD LUCK!! Let us know what happens!

OK, what's with the Weight Watchers. I've been on it for 1 week, followed it very well (so I thought) and you know how much I lost??? Drum roll please!!
2 ozs.! Woo Hoo! a whole 2 ozs. :furious: For you familiar w/ the program, is this normal?

I celebrated my big weight loss with a slice & 1/2 of pizza & a beer :rotfl:

Happy LRs to those training tomorrow.

Monday I'll start training for Minnie. I hope 4 weeks was enough time for my knees to get over themselves!

Happy Weekend All

Mouse Skywalker said:
OK, off I go to my first ever yoga class. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm feeling a little self-conscious about it, and think I'll end up looking like a total dork. We'll see.


How was the yoga class?
Jodi said:
OK, what's with the Weight Watchers. I've been on it for 1 week, followed it very well (so I thought) and you know how much I lost??? Drum roll please!!
2 ozs.! Woo Hoo! a whole 2 ozs. :furious: For you familiar w/ the program, is this normal?


I think it's normal - it's happened to me and then the following week, I'd have a loss of 2 or 3 pounds :thumbsup2 . This past weigh in I gained .2, I think it's due to swollen muscles?? I worked out very hard for the Tuesday and Wednesday before.....my weigh in day is Thursday - hopefully my next weigh in will be a loss :rolleyes:
Morning everyone!

Wow - a couple of busy days there. Yesterday, I just did running around....no exercise. I hope to get back on track today - I'm hoping to look at some new sneakers today :thumbsup2

I'm a little disapointed with my lack of weight loss, last week but I'm hoping the next one will be better, it wasn't a terrible weigh in - I only gained .2 but I wasn't happy after working so hard :sad2:

Have a great weekend everyone!
Good morning everyone: :surfweb:

Jodi - the yoga class was actually really good. Better than I expected. It was a very beginner level (great for me), and the instructor did a good job of explaining the poses to us. I definitely felt some stretching which is what I needed. Good luck with the exercising and new sneakers. Don't worry about the weight loss yet. It will come.

OK, here's my accountability post. I did a great walk around my neighborhood and up a hill to a local park. ~2.7 miles in 37 minutes. Here's my total for the week: 11.7 miles and walked 5 out of 7 days. I'm really happy with the 5 days of walking this week.

Hi WISH Team!
Thank you all so much for the support. It means a lot.

I won't be able to go back and check what's been going on (Maybe way later), I wanted try to respond a bit to this one since it seems it was left without a direct response:
donac said:
I was on my treadmill this morning and did 2.11 miles in 40 minutes. I know that it is only a 18.9 minute for a mile but I am just a beginner.

My question is
Should I keep the 40 minutes and try to increase my speed over the next couple of weeks or should I increase by time over the next few weeks?...
Both actually, if you look at most of the books (I love the Marathoning for Mortals myself) you will see that it is recommended to vary your routine working on speed and distance, and don't forget to cross train. Build your base now. As you get to the event of your choice, there is a specific schedule you can use that will get you through the event where you will not overtrain and can have fun along the way.
Just a beginner! :worship: You are doing it!

I wanted to share a smile with all of you. I have been given this pic by my DH since he knew it would brighten my day. Something for you adventurous to consider, something nice to look at for me. ;)

Thanks Lily for the answer. That book is on my list of books to buy this month. I will be cross training. Right next to my treadmill is my exercise bike which has been my best friend for the last year and a half (Probably over 1000 miles on it in the last year) I need to rest my ankles and heels (getting over bone spurs) so I don't want to walk every day and hurt the feet so I am on my bike everyother day.

Yoga is great. That was my other salvation when the podiatist told me not to walk until I wasn't having consistant pain. I must get back to it since school is giving me a grreat deal of stress. There are some great yoga DVDS
Hey everyone! Looks like everyone is just doing great with their training! I did 3 hours of trail running today! Oh so cool! I was covered with mud (it was raining a little at the 1st so this made the trails slippery and muddy!) I had to strip down in the garage b/4 coming in the house. I LOVE trail running..it is way harder (in some ways) than street running. I slipped several times but never truely fell! :cool1: Bree did not get to come. It was me, Ron, a girl named Kim and a guy named Clay.
Clay and Ron are training for the Bataan Death March. Have gotta LOVE a Marathon with the word DEATH in it! So Ron carried a 35lb hiking pack with him all 3 hours! He has to do this in the marathon! You can look on Rons web site to see what the Bataan Death march is. He has a link.

Melissa - I thought of you today! Let us know ASAP how you did.
Hi, everyone!
Oh boy, I will never catch up with everyone's posts. I did want to congratulate donac on the commitment to your TM and your bike! I think you will LOVE MfM -- it has been very inspiring to me (and now my copy is autographed by John and Jenny -- fun!). I am enjoying The Courage to Start now, though I wish I'd read it a year ago.

Dave -- great job on all the walking you did this week and YOGA!!! And, I'm with you -- GO STEELERS!!!!

Christa -- sounds like your trail run was fun! I can tell you liked getting muddy!

Lily -- glad to see you here. Hope DS is doing better. :wizard:

This is what I posted in my journal today re: training, etc.:

Overslept today, but the we went to the state park for a long walk outside (my first time training outside since the 1/2 marathon!), but it was cold and raining for most of the time we were out. I only did 3.4 miles, but I was proud of myself for being out there in the cold and rain. I felt dedicated and disciplined. Of course, it was the perfect opportunity to wear the bright yellow 1/2 marathon rain jacket I bought 4 weeks ago! I probably looked like Big Bird's little cousin! It's like a windbreaker so I am telling myself that I am going to wear it every opportunity I get! Having that and wearing my official 1/2 marathon race shirt this morning reminded me that even though it has been 4 weeks, what I accomplished is something to carry with me forever. I hope it is only the first of many of those types of accomplishments.

I was looking at my entry from 2/4/05 which said I did 3 miles on the TM in 56 minutes (pace 18:40). This morning I did 3.4 miles at pace of about 14:50. Doesn't look like a huge accomplishment for a year, but being able to sustain a pace of 4 minutes less for 3 miles (and I could have kept going if it hadn't been cold and torrentially raining) is something I am proud of.

4 weeks from today I am going to do a 5K that was the first one I did last year. Last year I did it in 54:52 (a 17:42 pace) and finished 314/329. My goal is to finish it this year in 45 minutes, which is more than do-able. The last 5K I did was in October and I finished it in 46:55 (15:08 pace), so doing this one in 45 minutes probably isn't enough of a stretch for me. As it gets closer, I will set a more challenging goal based on how my training is going. I am hoping that the strength training I am doing will improve my ability to run as my legs get stronger!

I have a 5 mile race scheduled for memorial day weekend (if I get in -- it fills very fast) and I am really hoping to run most of that, since they are not very tolerant of walkers. Since it is almost 4 months away, I think learning to run in reasonable intervals has to be my next goal. When I tried to learn to jog last year I got very discouraged. I am going to be more realistic this year and see where I am as the time passes.
Reporting in here on "Run - or should I say swim - Around the Universe" 5K this AM at that park across town.

We left the house this AM in torrential rain and lightening. I was really surprised that DH did not complain about us going. By the time we got there, the rain had let up some so we parked the car and picked up our race packets, went back to the car and dropped most of the stuff off.

Weather stayed pretty good until just before the start of the race, when the rain started up again. We went through CityWalk, Islands of Adventure, then through a backstage area and on into Universal Studios, finishing up in front of Hard Rock Cafe. By the end of the race we were quite wet! Some of the course was a little slippery, but otherwise it was a fun race to do. DH kept trying to get the CM's stationed along the course to let us get on the rides! He thinks he's a comedian!

As for me - not the time I'd hoped for, but still better than my first 5K that i did last June - and I was not the last to finish! :cheer2: :cheer2: Not as good a pace as the 2 mile Turkey Trot we did this past Thanksgiving though. That pace was so much better than usual for me that I really think the course was shorter than the 2 miles they assured me it was. Today's race was not chip timed, so wa had to time ourselves. According to our watches I came in just over 56 min or just over 18 min/mile. I have my work cut out for me to increase my speed, but still almost 4 min faster than that 5K last June.

Overall, a good day and a good race.
keenercam said:
Overslept today, but the we went to the state park for a long walk outside (my first time training outside since the 1/2 marathon!), but it was cold and raining for most of the time we were out. I only did 3.4 miles, but I was proud of myself for being out there in the cold and rain. I felt dedicated and disciplined. Of course, it was the perfect opportunity to wear the bright yellow 1/2 marathon rain jacket I bought 4 weeks ago! I probably looked like Big Bird's little cousin! It's like a windbreaker so I am telling myself that I am going to wear it every opportunity I get! Having that and wearing my official 1/2 marathon race shirt this morning reminded me that even though it has been 4 weeks, what I accomplished is something to carry with me forever. I hope it is only the first of many of those types of accomplishments.

I was looking at my entry from 2/4/05 which said I did 3 miles on the TM in 56 minutes (pace 18:40). This morning I did 3.4 miles at pace of about 14:50. Doesn't look like a huge accomplishment for a year, but being able to sustain a pace of 4 minutes less for 3 miles (and I could have kept going if it hadn't been cold and torrentially raining) is something I am proud of.

4 weeks from today I am going to do a 5K that was the first one I did last year. Last year I did it in 54:52 (a 17:42 pace) and finished 314/329. My goal is to finish it this year in 45 minutes, which is more than do-able. The last 5K I did was in October and I finished it in 46:55 (15:08 pace), so doing this one in 45 minutes probably isn't enough of a stretch for me. As it gets closer, I will set a more challenging goal based on how my training is going. I am hoping that the strength training I am doing will improve my ability to run as my legs get stronger!

I have a 5 mile race scheduled for memorial day weekend (if I get in -- it fills very fast) and I am really hoping to run most of that, since they are not very tolerant of walkers. Since it is almost 4 months away, I think learning to run in reasonable intervals has to be my next goal. When I tried to learn to jog last year I got very discouraged. I am going to be more realistic this year and see where I am as the time passes.
Cam - That is AWESOME! That looks like a huge accomplishment! 1st of all, what you did today was not easy b/c of the rain and cold. 2nd, a dreadmill does some of the work for you b/c the moving belt so running outside is way harder and a very big accom[! :cool1: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :banana: :banana: You are so AWESOME! Bree and I were just talking about how AWESOME you are the other day!

Perfect - Great race! It must be raining all over the USA! I am so proud of you.


I have another quote for you guys!
We don't get to choose the conditions we run the race under. But it is important you finish well.
My mom told this to me b/4 my 1st marathon. My FIL was dying in Charlotte and DH allowed..no took me to run b/c of all the training I did. I told my mom I wish I were racing under diff conditions and she said this. This is also how she carried on when diagnosed with cancer. It is true for running and life. So everyone going through something bad, I hope this encourages you! :wizard: :wizard:
perfectmatch300 said:
Reporting in here on "Run - or should I say swim - Around the Universe" 5K this AM at that park across town.

Overall, a good day and a good race.

Good for you Nancy! Awesome accomplishment!
Originally posted by:gatorphipps
We don't get to choose the conditions we run the race under. But it is important you finish well.

Christa - wow, I love this quote. It is a great sentiment and applicable for so many things in life. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Hi all!

Nancy-that is so cool that you went out & raced in the rain. Only a real athlete would do that! :thumbsup2 WTG! Cam, you too. You are truly a big :dog2: now!

Christa-I love that quote. I'll have to remember that one along this journey.

I'm hoping to be able to get in a walk tomorrow. It would be the 1st since the marathon because of my tendonitis. Hope the weather cooperates. We might have snow.

All you bike geeks, I need advise. I am so worried about picking the wrong bike. I have ridden a Trek 7300 (or possibly 7500 can't remember) that I like o.k. and seen good reviews, and also today I rode a Fuji Silhouette. It seemed like more of a road bike at a hybrid price. I can't find much info on the Fuji, it seems to be faster, better for races. I liked the Trek, but I could tell it wasn't quite as fast. Any advise, suggestions? I may go to Birmingham next weekend to some of the larger bike shops where I can get more to choose from. But I think it would be good to have my LBS to service it instead of 2 hrs away.

I am getting more excited about this tri thing the more I get into it. :cloud9:

Dave-you are doing great on your training & dedication! Keep it up & you will sail through the race with no problems!
OMG, I'm finding it so hard to keep up with this thread. I missed afew days and the posts just took off!

I'm finally cold-free and started back to training on feb. 1st. Felt good to get back in the groove. Crappy day here today, all rain. Did my workout on the elliptical and some weight training.

Some of my friends are starting to get "annoyed" with me :rolleyes1
I've convinced a couple of them to do the 1/2 at WDW and now even have one thinking about the DL 1/2, too. They tell me I creating walking monsters :teeth:

Good luck to everyone with their training. I've got to find a way to check in more often.

Thank you so much, Christa :hug: (and give Bree a big hug for me, too!)

Nancy -- You must be so proud of yourself! To keep that pace under those awful conditions is so rockin'! :thumbsup: And I can just imagine Barry trying to talk the employees into letting him on the rides. That is a riot! :rotfl:

Tiff -- I am so excited for you that you are going to shop for bikes. How fun! I love shopping in general but shopping for something so cool would be exponentially more fun than shopping for groceries! ;)

Terri -- I am with you, sweetie! Can't keep up, either.

I am hoping we will hear from Melissa soon. I hope she had enough food with her! :lmao:

Hey, Mel -- How are you, kiddo? How are the girls?

Sunny -- Thought of you today while listening to one of your favorite run songs on my shuffle, the one that says "I'm so HARDCORE!" That is YOU!
I'm home (and I didn't die) but I'm too tired to really post. Will give race report tomorrow!



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