Wk of Jan. 27th-- WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WWDave's 2008 Miles and Minutes Team Threads:

Master Game Roster

Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge


Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

TEAM #6: OHANA-No One Gets Left Behind:Post your miles/hours here

Walt's Warriors (Team 7) Miles and Hours

Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info
Welcome to our slightly new format!

I'll be keeping up the WISH list in the Bios/Pics thread (thanks to Matt for the Bios/Pics thread!) We'll waste a little less bandwidth by not reposting it each week. Please stop by and tell us all about yourself!

WISH Racing Team Bios/Pictures

And don't miss out on 2008 WWDave's Miles/Minutes game! If you haven't signed up for a team yet, there's still time!

Updated Team Rosters

What a difference lower humidity makes! I did 3.1 miles today in 37:28. Would've been better, but I had a side stitch I had to walk through at right before mile 2.

Welcome disneyrun!! We're going to try to make the encore of Spirit of the Marathon too!

Amanda...congrats on the shuffle! How was your TM run?

Scott...dude, I'm tired just reading your workout schedule!

ms.duck...I usually try to have a rest day after my LR, especially during those high mileage weeks. You need some time for the muscles to repair. Maybe Sunday would be the best for your LR.

How was the Krispy Kreme challenge? Can't wait to hear about it!

Jeanne...don't let anyone diminish your accomplishment! You can always mention all the runners you sped by during the last 6 miles (me included!)

Angie...love the new shoes! I wear ASICS and usually go up half a size.

Christy...did you used to live in Brevard County or am I making that up?

Howard...congrats on your run! Hope the shin splints get all worked out!

Kira...wow, sounds like a busy day! I don't remember being tired a lot when I first started...hungry is another story ;-) If your fatigue persists, pop into your primary care provider for some bloodwork.

Kim...welcome back! Big Sur sounds cool!

SWDave...good luck with that ITB!

I think Debra mentioned this and I'm considering it too...anyone transition from a R/W to a run? Carrie, did you and Scott do this the first year? Any advantages to the full run from a R/W? I find as I get more tired during the really LR, it seems a lot harder to start up each new run interval.

Shirt update: RaceReady is offering 25% off catalog prices, but by the time you add in the setup and printing fees, it essentially works out to catalog prices, so just go by those. We'll need a minimum of 30 shirts to order and can mix styles, so if we want tanks and tshirts we don't have to have 30 of each. I have an email to them regarding turnaround time and art setup. Chester says they run a little small. Sizing info is available on their website. http://www.raceready.com

eye2eye is working on a design proposal. I'll pass it along as soon as I receive it.

Good training everyone!
cut and paste this link into your browser for all my photos of the expo, Donald Duck Half + Mickey Mouse Full = Goofy Race and a Half Challenge 2008.

Click here to be redirected to my Kodak Gallery Slideshow. Click on the yellow play button near the upper right to play the slideshow.

http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slidesho... y=39t7v1&Ux=0

Last edited by mkymsehi : Today at 09:38 PM.

Jeff - thank you for sharing - those photos are fantastic - they show such joy!!! and I have to add - - envy!! aloha indeed!!

I want at least 2 shirts - but if they're going to be totally redesigned, maybe 4!!! unless they'll be redesigned for 2010 - you people are going to make dh push me to going in '09!!!
I did 9 Miles today in 1 and a half hours, but not on a treadmill as mine at this point is toast. Even with it being 21 and feeling like 13 I really enjoyed my run. Being outdoors really brings great joy to my runs so I'm very happy that I forced myself to do it.

I hope everyone's Events went well today/tomorrow!
Hi folks!

I've been kinda MIA since getting back from WDW. I've been a total slug - done nothing. With playing catch-up at work and being tired from training, I decided to give myself the rest of January off. So, I have 4 days left to chill, then back to the work-outs.

I'll admit that I have been scoping out possible races to do this year. I'd like to get a race schedule together for the entire year, so I know how to plan and have some goals to shoot for.

I'm sticking to shorter races this year (1/2's and less) to work on transitioning from w/r to all run (albeit a slow run). I've even got my eye on a couple tri's.

My question for you all is: How often do you enter race events? I've been on-line looking at events and I'll see one that looks cool, then another, and another. If I went with my initial list, I'd be entering a race every week:rolleyes: (we all know that's not gonna happen!) Do you enter once a month, every other week, every other month? I know it depends on the distance, too, but what would be optimum? I don't want to overtax my body, but I'm itching to get out and enter something soon! (of course I don't know how my pocketbook is gonna handle this either. Wasn't this supposed to be a FREE sport?)


I'm in for 2 shirts, will be watching the board for when you are ready for orders!

I finally got outside yesterday for the first time. I began the Couch to 5K yesterday and I was so glad I did. I have been using our elliptical glider all month because it has been SO cold outside! But yesterday wasn't so bad and with the mittens and ear warmers it was fine.

I tried running late last summer, not following any kind of program. I got tired fast, didn't like it, felt like I couldn't do it. I think spending the time on the elliptical really has helped me get ready for a better "take two" at this. I was able to do what I was supposed to yesterday (60 seconds jogging/90 seconds walking). I need to get a watch to time, I was just estimating. I went around my loop twice which was a mile. I felt like I could have done more!

I'm excited at the thought of by the end of March *I* could actually run 3 miles! Baby steps right? Good thing we are starting this now because 13.1 miles in January sounds like ALOT!:yay: :yay:


"Baby Steps" is right. I'm doing the same thing. Yesterday did my 6minutes run/2 minutes walk to finsih my three miles. I should have been outdoors, but it was snowing, (I know, no excuse since last week I ran in colder weather), but I did it at the gym on a treadmill. And what should be on TV but a performance on the Today show by Ariel from Little Mermaid (Broadway version). So I'm running and mouthing the lyrics-LOL! And I felt great after I was done--didn't even feel like I ran. So maybe this will work after all!

(Training for Minnie 15k from scratch)
I did 9 Miles today
Chris - Oh now that just makes me feel like the ultimate slacker. I ran 4 yesterday. The problem is that I still don't get warmed up until I run about 5 miles so its easy to quit before I even feel good. But you have motivated me! I am going to run 8 on Tuesday.

Hi folks!
My question for you all is: How often do you enter race events?
Terri - I have 3 half marathons planned for this spring. 3/1,3/30 and 4/26. Immediately after the 4/26 I will jump into marathon training for Marine Corp and then either the marathon of Goofy at Disney. That training will probably include a couple half marathon races.

Also, I have a couple 10k's thrown in there for fun. Atlanta hosts the Peachtree Road race every July 4th and that is not to be missed. Every slow runner should put it on their list. My first year I was amazed when I finished and an HOUR later we went back past the finish and it looked like a start line there were so many people still floodiing in. Definately an ego boosting experience.
OK - THE SUN IS SHINING - its NOT snowing!! Its above freezing... (maybe 30 deg F, not sure if there is a windchill yet!!)

I'm going to go out there - yes, I'm going... 2 miles... or 3 depending on how icy the trail is!!

Allyson WOOHOO!! baby steps indeed, I sure feel like I'm starting all over again... I cant believe I signed up for another 1/2 in august - I dont know how I'm going to do it now!!

Teri this is easy for me - whatever my future daughter in law gets me to agree to!! :rotfl: She really wanted to do the Samrock Shuffle, and I really wanted to do the CDC ('cause last August I wasnt in any kind of shape to do 1/2 and WISHers came in... so maybe?) She is trying to talk me into a 5K this June, which I'm sure she'll be able to do, she's quite persuasive!!
Good Morning TEAMmates: :surfweb:

I'm waking up today. Thanks for everyone's good WISHes on my hip. I don't know whether it's an ITB syndrome or hip bursitis, but I'm going to take it easy. No running for me this week. I'm going to stick exclusively to the exercise bike. I did 60 min on the bike yesterday.

Mel- Thanks for looking into the race ready shirts. I would definitely be interested in a singlet and a T. You were asking about transitioning from R/W to all run. I did that after the Marine Corps Marathon, and I think that's another reason I've irritated my hip. Too fast too soon for me...

Maura- Great job on your run. Wow, Ariel from Broadway on the Today Show? That would have been cool to see.

Allyson- No more of saying you should have been outside. You were exercising, and that's what matters. Good for you.

Terri- Are you going to be around for the Philly Marathon, or do you have to work that one? It'd be great to have you join us for that one, and we can get your expertise on the city.

goofyinohio- Great job on your 9 miler in 90 min! That's awesome.

disneyrun- Welcome to the team! Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham is a book that many of us have used and liked. It got me to the starting line from the couch for my first marathon (Disney of course) in Jan 07.

GinnyFavers- I love working out the DIS Unplugged Podcast. There's so many times I'm laughing outloud. How'd your 4.5 miles go?

Scott- Wow, I can't believe how well your training's going just a week out from Goofy. What did you decide to do today - 6 or 8?

Jeff- Thanks for sharing your pictures. I'll have to wander over there and look.

KiraG.- Good luck with your work week. Sounds like you've been really busy with it lately. I love having a great run to get away from life stressors. Have fun out there.

Stacey- I didn't hear anything about the Expedition Everest 5K. Thanks for posting it. I'll have to check out the details! :thumbsup2 Oh, looks like it Sept. - I think we may be down there in August, so we'll miss it. Shoot.

Howard- Nice job on your 3 miles. Ice those shins.

Hi DianeL- I haven't seen you over here for a while. So were your Pal Mickeys along for the ride with you during marathon weekend this year?

OK, sorry to all those I missed, but just know I'm thinking of you. Have a great day everyone.
Hi everyone! :wave:

I'll admit it, I've been a total slug too! I feel burned out after spending so much time training so I've been taking it easy. Unfortunately, I've been really sick the last few days. The virus going around work attacked my throat and neck and on Friday morning my throat was so swollen, my voice was coming out in a whistle! Sure made an impression at the urgent care facility. The doc first said he hoped it was strep so he had something to treat (nope, wasn't that) then said he hoped it was an ear infection so he could treat that (after washing out the ear to remove the wax [which was excruciatingly painful], it wasn't that either) he declared it to be a virus and apologized profusely since there was nothing he could do. Oh, and my throat was not in danger of swelling shut. I was glad to hear that. Each day has brought a new symptom and today it's a stiff neck. It's just so much fun!

I also learned the meaning of true love: it's when your studmuffin (aka Calcio) comes into the doctor's office and holds your hand while the doctor is washing out your very painful ear. He kept me from bolting from the room. He's the best. :love2:

Sandy321: sure rub it in! It's snowing here now. Have fun in the sun!

Cruella de mom: geez, now I feel like a slacker! 3 half marathons planned within a 6-week time period, then training for 2 marathons! I was feeling smug about the Minnie, ToT and the WDW Half! Maybe I should replan my races.

Maura: congrats on the 3 miles! If you felt good when finished, it was a good run! I haven't run since the marathon. I was waiting until February to start running again but reading about how so many people are running again makes me think I should start a little sooner. Then again, maybe not.

Allyson: yes, you can absolutely do this! Good for you for starting again. I know you can do this. Baby steps is right. Think in small chunks of time not far away. Set a goal, reasonable goal that is, for the next 4 weeks. Then think about the next 4 weeks. You'll get there. And let us know how you are doing! :cheer2:

Terri: it sure sounds like we are both using the same manual for training right now! Let us know what races you enter.

goofyinohio: :thumbsup2 on the 9 miles and outdoors to boot! Makes me look really like a slug!!!

Mel and Lily: I like the new format. Thanks for making it happen!!

We are taking DD out for lunch for her birthday celebration. She likes to go to Cheesecake Factory so we'll leave in a few hours. Have a great weekend everyone and happy training!
Hi everyone. I'm not new to the DIS, but I am new to the WISH boards. I've been lurking here for a few weeks and I'm really impressed by how supportive and friendly everyone is. So, I guess it's time to introduce myself.

My name is Julie and I must be crazy. ;) DH (Rob) has convinced me to run the WDW Marathon in 2009. DH ran Boston back in 1999, and he runs a couple of shorter races and a half marathon every year. I've never run more than a couple of miles in my life and I haven't run regularly since before my oldest child was born (and she's 8 now :scared1: ). I really want to get in shape and after reading a lot of the posts here, I'm really looking forward to running the marathon. It just seems so weird to even say/type those words since I've never been much of a runner.

I've been running for about 3 weeks now. I've worked up to 2.5 miles, 3 times a week. I've been doing about a 15 min mile, but hopefully that will get better as time goes by.

I feel like I've already learned a lot from reading the WISH boards over the past few weeks and I'm looking forward to "meeting" you and learning a whole lot more! :goodvibes
We have a few more slots open now on the Miles/Hours game since Craig has stepped up to captain team 8. So if you wanna play, El Supreme Ruler Craig and his lady need some team mates.

Feel better Martha. Darn work anyway.

Have a great day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Allyson/Maura - I ran my first 5K at Disney in May '06, then ran halfheartedly until Jan '07 when I decided I had to do the half in '08. I was barely comfortable with 3 miles at the time then, so it's absolutely believable that you'll be doing 13.1 next January! This group will get you there. :cool1:

- I'm trying to decide the same thing. There are so many races I want to do, but I can't justify spending half our income on entry fees! I'm looking at a half on 3/8 right now just to keep me motivated.

MSDave - Sounds like you're playing it safe - and smart! Please be careful.

Martha - Feel better soon!

Julie - :welcome: Sounds like you're off to a great start. Be careful not to do too much too soon - I went overboard when I started and ended up having to take several weeks off to recover from severe shin splints.

3035 runners did the Krispy Kreme run yesterday! Here's the link to the story in our local paper:

Have a great day!

Hey all... last night I was able to swim laps while DH and my girls were doing open swim right next to me. We were lucky because the lap lanes were empty and not too many people were in open swim either. So I would swim a bunch of laps, swim and play with the family and repeat! I wish I could have gotten in more swimming during marathon training. I think it really would have helped me. That is my goal for 2008.... new cross training workouts!!!!

Mel - The farthest I have run without walk breaks is 4 miles. I tend to run slower tho. But I want to work at longer run segments this year. Marathon training really stopped me from doing that last fall because I needed to walk more with those long long runs!

SWDave - I hope your hip/leg gets better soon. My PF flared up during the marathon and I had fears of months of pain to follow. It's all better now, but I know injuries are horrible.

Martha - When I came home to sub zero temps after WDW I thought for sure I would be sick. So far just DD4 has a cold (tho she kisses me all the time so you know I will get it!!)

WELCOME all new WISHers!!!!!!
Hi everyone,

Congrats to all on your training! Everyone is keeping up great.

I wasn't able to do the miles I set out to walk last night because at around 2.5 miles, something in my left shoulder started cramping up really bad.

I was prepared for leg and foot fatigue, but arms? That caught me by surprise.

I made it to 3 miles.

I'm not really sure what's best to do for someone my size, significantly overweight... should I be walking as fast as I can for short periods, or slower for long periods, or a little of both?

I'm alternating walking days with Pilates days right now.

Would love to hear y'all's input on building pace/miles and on your arms cramping up from swinging them. (I really wasn't swinging them that hard or wildly, not chicken winging etc... just like a normal walking swing, hands down at my hip level.)
I'll admit that I have been scoping out possible races to do this year. I'd like to get a race schedule together for the entire year, so I know how to plan and have some goals to shoot for.

Terri - Hi from a newbie & fellow Philadelphian! I just registered for the Philadelphia Distance Run in September - it looks like a really fun race, and there are a couple of other folks from here doing that one. I'm debating whether to do the half at the Philadelphia Marathon, or do smaller races between the PDR & the WDW half. I'm new to this so not yet sure how to pace myself.

Thanks to everyone who wished me well about my work week. This is my busiest time of year for admissions. It can get crazy sometimes!

Off to do my run!
Jackie: We did the KK run yesterday! I looked for you, but didn't see you. It was quite an experience. Wendy wrote up a great report (with photos!) and posted it on the race reports thread. I took my dozen donuts and brought them home. I thought I would eat at least one during the race just to get into the spirit, but when I got to the KK store on Peace St and saw all those college kids gorging, I kinda lost my appetite! If you didn't sign up for the Challenge (do the 4 miles and eat the whole dozen within an hour) it was pretty much just a fun run for charity. They only recorded times for the challenge people which was a good thing because I don't think they were equipped to handle the over 3000 people that participated.
Hi everyone!

I was just reading some of the replies in the "I'm Shocked" thread and Craig and Cecilia mentioned runners who cheat(ed) at marathons. I can't say that I'm totally surprised by this but .....wow! I wonder if this happens more than I think? I personally can't understand this. For me, at least, it's a personal matter to see if I can do it at all and then to be able to do it in regulation time and eventually, to be able to do it with a certain time goal. I just don't get it. However, if there's some magical pixie dust out there that will enable me to go faster so I can skip these hard workouts, then please, let me know. :laughing: JK!

Ginny - not sure about the arms. I wonder if you are leaning over too much while walking? I've noticed in the past that when I leaned over, my shoulders would be sore. I mainly do strength training (arms and legs) for my XT days so I think that's helped me. I would love to incorporate some pilates in the mix. As for what you need to do, training-wise - there are some good Websites out there (runnersworld, Jeff Galloway's, Hal Higdons, and others) that can help you out and also some good books. I have John Bingham's Running for Mortals and Marathoning for Mortals. Another good one, I've heard, is Courage to Start by JB. All of these books, as well as others out there, have good, solid recommendations for starting out.

Chris - wow on the 9 miles in 1.5 hours! That's great. I'm going to do ~7 miles today....maybe. I'm looking at almost 2 hours for that. :laughing:

Terri - I hear you on the events and the $$$ that goes with them. There are so many that I would like to do but my pocketbook is definitely feeling the crunch. I'm thinking about the Nike Women's half again - it's the 5th anniversary. Are you considering it? If I don't do that, then I might do the Philadelphia Distance Run. Maybe. I'd get a special medal for doing that and the San Antonio run in November. So many events, so little $$$. :(

Allyson - sounds like you are off to a good start! :thumbsup2 Keep up the good work! Baby steps, yes!

Dave - :wizard: for your hip. Ouch!

Martha - :wizard: for you! There's a lot of nasty stuff going around down here, too! I just have the sniffles for now. I hope to keep it at that.

Julie - welcome! You can do the marathon! Sounds like you've got a built in coach as well. :teeth:

Jeanne - the KK race sounds fun! As for the gorging - :eek:. I'd hate to see these same people after the race. :crazy2:

Jen - with your swimming - you ought to consider a tri - or have you done one already?
Originally posted by Scott: Howard - Nice to see that the pain is subsiding and you are getting back into a normal routine! I think you've officially done more training now post-Goofy than you did pre-Goofy

Scott - Thanks, at some point, this will be true. I only actually logged 76 miles to train for this years Goofy. Not all were what I would call "running." ;)

Mel - Thanks, I think the SS's are due to the TM and the abuse I give my lower legs. I am a chronic fool in not stretching enough (or at all) before a run. :rolleyes1 :headache:

Jeff - I checked out your photos. You did a great job of capturing the mood of the race and everything in it. I think I saw a few photos of Steve (SilverE) in there too, he must have been near you a few times. Thanks for sharing them!

I don't have a serious race in my future until Fall '08. In the mean time, I will be running local 5K's as time permits. I think the first one I enjoy running in is in March.

Happy training everyone!




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