Wk of Jan 15--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Lisa loves Pooh said:
That's great news Minnie.

I think I am going to have to get myself a noodle and into the deep end of a pool. I didn't know that could be helpful.

Did you ask your PT about the sacro-wedgy?

No I forgot about that totally. I'm going to print out the info on it and show it to her. Since she has had this actually 3xs before she understands the pain involved and what to do. I think I hit on a real winner with her :banana: . I am really considering cancelling the ortho apt but will decide on that with her help after Mondays session. I wish I had done this months ago!!!!

BTW - If you don't have a noodle you could hang off the side of the pool in the deep end as long as your legs are loose. She said it works like having your legs in traction and will help loosen up the area. I'm definitely giving it ia try this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
xterratri Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will get my training in. I have a Half Marathon coming up on 3/12 and the Delaware Marathon in May. My friend (Mike) who is going to run the Delaware Marathon with me is sending me a training matrix that we will be following together.

To everyone who has expressed concern, asked for an update or posted a congratulations, THANK YOU!!! :grouphug: I am out of the (kidney stone) woods and healing nicely. I hope to be back at the gym as early as tomorrow getting in some much needed cross training including some free weights.

It looks like I'll begin my new job on Tuesday (1/24). I am really excited and happy to be going back to work. Being "between jobs" for so long is rough on finances, emotions, etc. It did give me time to train for the Half Marathon so for that I am happy.

Keep up all the great support for each other! :cheer2:

:wave2: I'll be around.

Hi WISH Team! :wave:
I just read through this week's posts. Whew! We are a busy group! I've been laying really low this week. First week back from vaca and I've been more breathless than marathon weekend! Have to work this weekend to make up for my being away, and we have a play tomorrow evening (Evita)
I still need to do a lot of reading to check out what all everyone has been doing. What I have read leads me to WISH all good health.

Howard congrats on the new job.

Cam, I think your doing the full will be a good fit. If I could do it, I know you can. I did my first half last year then topped it with my first full this year. You absolutely must put in those steps for sure though. I followed Bingham MfM book and it really worked! Keep your pre-training to strengthening and improving speed some as you are able. As the scheduled program begins later this summer/fall you will have a good foundation by then.

Yay! for getting to meet up with DISers as I make the trek to Chicago and Columbus this year. Not certain of plans beyond those 2 events. I am thinking that DH is weary of the World for the race weekend. Sigh...I LOVE this time. Oh well, time will tell.

Tammy, my tactic on transitioning from walk to run: lean forward a bit more and pick up the pace a bit. Foot strike should be heal to toe, not running on balls of feet as the first part to hit the ground. (if this makes any sense) Use the full foot to absorb and push off. The running/wogging will get you started. Don't go to fast at first, pace will pick up later. Keep your strides short so you do not over extend. Go for short periods until you find yourself able to sustain longer times. Push yourself within the target heart rate, try not to go above that. Ideal is quick foot turnover both for walking and running (as Lisa has so kindly offered info on this oh so long ago). It really does get easier over time.

I feel I must say thank you to the Tri-Charlotte team for posting your schedule. I followed the part with the short runs/long runs on the every other weekends and it actually worked perfectly for me. As you know by now, I am Goofy! :cloud9:
Tiff - I haven't yet stayed at the Candy Cane, we used to stay at the Coast Hotel a bloack further south but it's being renovated so I thought I'd give them a try. They're always incredibly well recommended on the CA board and there's only one bad review on tripadvisor (and even that made me laugh as it seemed to involve a rodent coming through the ceiling - someone searching for their six foot relative maybe!). I do however know exactly where it's situated and it's incredibly near the walkway to the Maingate. There's a 7-11 next door for emergency goodies and a number of fast food places across the road (the 4 lane road) opposite - less than five mins away are a number of other resturants etc and, of course, you've got Downtown Disney.

I'm glad there's lots of Wishers staying there as, even though it's really near and they'll be hundreds of people around I was a bit worried about walking to the start on my own on race day - but now we'll have a posse. CAM/Lisa - quick, get your ressies done, and we can have pool parties!!!! Helen
Thanks for all of the tips and suggestions everyone. I am going to try just a bit of running today with my walk. I have a couple of additional questions if you don't mind. Since coming back from the 1/2 I can't seem to stop thinking OK where is the next place I can go (local 5K, etc.) to help improve my time, etc. Is it normal to want to do more now that I have finished two 1/2's? How do you choose what you want to participate in since you can't do everything that is around you. How do you train for multiple events? Then I also found a 1/2 at the Outerbanks in November. If I was to do the 1/2 in November would that cause a problem for me wanting to do the 1/2 in January at WDW? Sorry I know that was more than a couple of questions. My mind is just going wild this morning. :hyper:
littlegreydonkey said:
I'm glad there's lots of Wishers staying there as, even though it's really near and they'll be hundreds of people around I was a bit worried about walking to the start on my own on race day - but now we'll have a posse. CAM/Lisa - quick, get your ressies done, and we can have pool parties!!!! Helen

OK OK OK--Reservation made....BUT and that is a big BUT (not to be confused with my big butt :rotfl2: )....I am still unsure if I can go. But at least I have a room if I am able to do so. Would take some scrimping on my part--as hubby is already working on paying for that trip to Hawaii in October. Evidently he is not made out of money and it doesn't grow on trees :confused3 . :rotfl:

ETA: Misread your post and booked Candy Cane Inn--just checked Coast via the Disneyland website and it is booked for all options :(. I guess if I make it, I'll have to....



MelR - What cute boys you have in your life! ;)

Howard - Thansk for stopping by with an update. Cam keeps us updated, but it's good to hear from you too! Good luck on the new job! Glad you're doing better!

Anyone following MfM reverse taper and have aching legs? Is it really withdrawl? :o Darn aliens!

I want to go to DL!!!! Gosh, how do I convince dh that he wants to do DL and that he wants to do an add-on without him knowing?
wtpclc said:
I want to go to DL!!!! Gosh, how do I convince dh that he wants to do DL and that he wants to do an add-on without him knowing?

Ditto Carrie, my DH says he is Disneyed out! I think I may need to convince some friends to go with me!

Good morning, everyone!! Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sunny:

So, I ran for the first time last night since the half, my legs are sore!! I knew that would happen, I didn't think it would feel like I just started running for the first time. I did 30 minutes on the dreadmill and I ran 2.43 miles, not an impressive start, but I'm okay with it. I put the incline on 1.5 (I usually set it on 1.0), to start my hill work for the Country Music Half Marathon, I'm guessing that attributed to lower milage (that's what I'm telling myself anyway :teeth: ). Does anyone have a guess as to what incline I should set the treadmill on to simulate hills? A couple of years ago when I used to walk on the treadmill for "fun", I kept the incline between 3.0 and 4.0, but I was also walking at 3.5 mph--way different than running at 5.5 mph!!

MelR--What a cute picture! I especially love the too big helmet. So cute!!

Lily--Glad that you made it back! When is the Columbus half? I'm looking for a half in the fall and I'm only an hour and a half from Columbus. You know, I think I saw you Thursday night (1/12) sitting on the Boardwalk around 9:30 or 10:00. Stephen, my parents, and I were on the Boardwalk eating pizza and looking at our pictures on the laptop (I know, hillbillies :teeth: ) and I could have sworn you were at the table next to us. I didn't want to say anything and look like a dumb-dumb. So if that was you, :wave2:

Howard--I'm glad that you are feeling much better! And :cheer2: on the new job!

I should go, I actually have work to do today. Imagine that, Gold Medal doesn't want to pay me for being on the Internet. They are a bunch of fuddy duddies!! ;)

Oh, I almost forgot, here's the list of my upcoming races:

4/29--Country Music 1/2 Marathon, Nashville, TN
Fall--1/2 Marathon, looking for one
Thanksgiving--10K, Cincinnati, OH
1/7/07--Walt Disney World Full Marathon

Plus various 5k's, not nearly as heavy as Lynne's schedule, but it's enough for me!! Happy training everyone!

Krista princess:
TammyNC said:
Then I also found a 1/2 at the Outerbanks in November. If I was to do the 1/2 in November would that cause a problem for me wanting to do the 1/2 in January at WDW? Sorry I know that was more than a couple of questions. My mind is just going wild this morning. :hyper:

I don't think doing the 1/2 in November would be too much of a problem ,as long as you are properly trained up to that point and you make certain to recover well in between the 2 races.

Not to dissuade you from the OBX marathon, but I have a friend who did it this year and swears never again. First of all, it's touted as a flat course but apparently contains some killer hills, including a rather large bridge (I don't know for certain that these are on the 1/2 course, as my friend did the full, but it might bear a close look at the course map if this bothers you). Second, it was an out and back course designed in such a way that you're almost guaranteed a headwind on the return leg (again, not certain how much impact this wold have on the 1/2). Just some thoughts to consider...
aladdinsgirl said:
Lily--Glad that you made it back! When is the Columbus half? I'm looking for a half in the fall and I'm only an hour and a half from Columbus. You know, I think I saw you Thursday night (1/12) sitting on the Boardwalk around 9:30 or 10:00...I could have sworn you were at the table next to us. I didn't want to say anything and look like a dumb-dumb. So if that was you,
Krista princess:
Oh Krista, I am so sorry and disappointed! I did not recognize either of you and did see you guys looking at pics as I was leaving. I had MAJOR pic/computer envy at that exact moment in time. If I would have known...
Next time please go up to that person, I've had many ask me if I were someone they thought they knew, I think I look like everyone :teeth: and have really had some interesting conversations because of it. I never think badly of someone for asaking me.

The Columbus 1/2 is April 1st, many of us will be walking. I know you have an event at the end of the month, come walk with us, or stop by at least.

Tammy, so how'd that first run go?
hey all! my week has had alot of ups and downs!

Ups are I have continued to kick the smoking habit! 11 days here! and i feel so good about it! I have been to the gym 11 out of 12 days! and have hit the TM again. i have done 3 miles a day the last 3 out of 4 days! I even got to run outside one night this week ( I have never done that before ) :cool1:

Downs are I gained a pound! But, i wont let it get me down! :goodvibes

As far as training, I have a MFM questions for those of you who follow this plan!

To be quite honest, I just dont have the $ right now to buy this book. I would like to train for the full! When should I begin training for this according to the book?

In other words, how much time do I have to train for this event? Are there different plans for the time you allow yourself?

renee :wave2:
Renne - I'm so happy for you! Keep it up!

MfM - The trainign program itself requires 16 to 20 weeks of real training. However, you shoudl start "training to train" now. WHich you are doing. If you run or walk 2 times a week 30 to 40 minutes, tehn do 1 long one a week (3 to 7 miles) and cross train 2 times a week (30 to 40 minutes). You should be golden.

The first week of MfM is 40 min/5 or 6 mile runs. So, if you're at or a little above that, you shoudl be golden. We plan on being somewhat cyclical form 5 to 7 miles on teh weekends (more if we schedule halfs). I think firs tweek of teh half is mor like 20 to 30 minutes and 2 miles for the long run.
Renee-- :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: for being 11 days smoke-free, that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I love John Bingham's training plans, I used the run/walk for the half and I plan on using the run (or actually my goal is r10/w1) for the full. The full plan is 20 weeks long, I haven't counted the weeks yet, but it's got to be around the end of August. As far as the training plan, it is on his website, www.johnbingham.com, you have click on one of the marathons on the left-hand side and for each marathon website, there is a training guide. His books are also at the library (at least mine, so that is an option too). Good luck!!

Lily--I SO wish I had said something, GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I was just on Runners World website, they have a list of all the marathons for 2006. I saw there is another Columbus half on Oct. 15, can I talk you into that??? :teeth:

ETA: Renee--I just looked at John Bingham's website, you have to click on John Bingham Racing and then pick a marathon (Chicago, Columbus, or Arizona, I don't think it matters which one) to see the training schedule.

Krista princess:
Thanks to all who replied about timing your intervals. Another silly question, does your watch beep when you are suppose to change? Does the Garmin beep? Or do you just periodically look at your watch based on feel? What interval do most of you do? 4:1? 9:1?

Thanks for everyone's help. I am realizing intervals would be best for me. I am confident that I can run the 5k, but I think the intervals would be best for gaining endurance for the half marathon.

I ran another 1.5 miles yesterday. It didn't feel as good as it did before, but I guess those days will happen. Today is my rest day. Tomorrow, run and pilates.

My list:
March 18, St Patty Day Run 5k - Chicago, IL
May 13, local 5k
June 18, local 5m
August 13, Chicago Distance Classic, Chicago, IL
January 6, 07 - Disney Half

Have a great day!
Thanks for all your kind comments about my pics. I pretty much work to support my horse. But that's OK, she deserves it. :cloud9: She's been taking my big ol' butt around for 18 years now. :teeth:

BTW, we have 5 bedrooms and a pullout couch in the living room and in the rec room. Sooo....... :wave2:

Hey wanna hear something amazing?!?! Even though I have only lost six pounds I have lost an inch off my waist! I wondered why my skirts were getting loose. I find this totally amazing! :teeth:
Congrats Judy!!!

Maggie - Both the Garmin and the interval watches beep when time to change. GArmin has different beeps for time to walk, time to run (Countdown tyoe beeps), time alarm and distance alarm.
o.k has anyone spotted the hidden Mickey in our Donald medal? DS8 found it this morning. I never even noticed it. Turn the medal upside down & look at the loop. The open circle for the neck strap is the face & there are 2 closed circles on each side. HOW COOL!

I did 6 miles on the bike. It's a start anyway. Didnt bother my ankles. I have an appt with sports ortho next Tues.

I'm going right now & book the Candy Cane Inn. That will be so cool to have a big WISH party by the pool!
Forgot this one:


This is Christa. She said hi as she zoomed by us. We said she looked great and she told us that's because she was walking in 30 seconds. Passed her again, but once she started running again, she was gone! WTG!
Help! I am so confused on what to do :confused3

i just returned from a visit with a new chrio. My PT said to go ahead and see one because of the problem with my upper back. He looked at all the xrays and took a few more to try and find the overall problem. Once it was pointed out it was easy to see that due to L4/L5 being twisted in my back my sacrialic joint is the cause of the pain. He worked on all of this and I hurt more now that ever but he said to expect this and to ice and move around so I don't stiffen. I have to go back and have this done again as it will take a bit of time to correct. He is also considering a heel lift because on leg is slightly shorter than another. Anyone ever here of this :confused3

So my question is this: Should I cancel my sports ortho apt (which I'm leaning towards doing), and keep with the new chiro or the PT :confused3

I'm hurting so much now I just don't know what to do.



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