Wk of Feb 25--WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
Chernabog#1Fan FL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload Dawn GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
eeyore45 Sandy IL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
Jen117 Jen WI
jodistar Jodi CT
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
panthergirl Susan NC
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
RunningLilo Dena FL
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
I'll be brief tonight...we just got back from somewhere I won't mention since I don't want KristiRed to hate me :smickey: :rolleyes1

Monica...congrats on the grandbaby!

Minnie...glad you still have power! Sounds like some ugly weather :umbrella:

Kim10110...congrats on your half today!

Laurie...great pace!

Jen...wow...you get the official Lightning McQueen title for this week! :car:

Stephanie...glad you were able to get out there and get that last LR in! Great pace!

Jackie...nice job finishing the run...even if it was a stonker! Do you have asthma? DH has to take a hit off his inhaler before a run.

Cecilia...wtg on your 12.2!

Lily...sorry that date night didn't work out! We've been using our date night for working out at the Y too.

Matt...good luck on your race in NOLA! Can't wait to hear about it!

OptiMike...yep...good ol' vitamin L. When I worked hospital, everybody was on IV Levaquin :rolleyes: I was afraid if I stood still in the hall too long, I'd find myself hooked up to one ;)

Someone asked about Crocs for narrow feet. The Crocs website says the Cayman model is designed narrower than the Beach model. I think mine are beach...they're very roomy, but I wear socks with Crocs so the extra space is okay for me.

I finally got my running skirts yesterday. I did not love them and have already sent them back. Shoulda known...I rarely wear dresses IRL, not sure why I thought running would be any different. The biggest problem for me was that the compression shorts under the skirts were completely sheer! :blush: Definitely no commando with those...and I wasn't sure what to wear under them since they were totally see through! Seems like I end up sitting on the ground at some point either at the beginning of a race, so the skirts were probably not a good idea for me. :sad1:

I re-read Non-Runners Marathon Trainer this week to help with the mental aspects of training. The book focuses on visualization and self-talk techniques. They recommend developing a "video" that you can play in your head when you get tired and a paragraph you can repeat to yourself that helps through the rough spots. I'm still working on mine, but I borrowed something Sunny said and added to some suggestions they had in the book:
"Yes, I am an endurance athlete. One more disbelieving look and I'll sit on you. Then I'll take you out for a gentle 10-miler and see what you think. I am a marathoner. I love to run and I never quit on a run. With every run, I fight against my genetics and set an example for my daughters. I am strong and getting stronger with each step. I am an endurance athlete."

Have a good training week everyone!
Kristi-- If Chad's race album is full of Goo-Goo dolls I think there might be marriage counseling in your future
Sunny - Funny you mention the race album & GGDs - I spent most of today scrapping Chad's race memoriibilia (bibs, certificates, ASI pics, etc.) from 2002 on. I did my 5k race from last fall also. Then the last couple hours I spent finishing up pics from a GGD show on a boat in Boston Harbor last April! You don't even want to know how much I spent in the store since I was there for 12 hours. :rolleyes1

Jen - you are flying, woman! :cheer2:
Wow! What was it, national LR day?

Great job to everyone on getting out there and putting the miles in.

Colleen and Jen - Great job on the fast times!

HockeyKim - Good advise taking it nice and easy with the R/W intervals. Don't be in too much of a hurry to pick up the speed. Listen to your body.

Jackie - Congrats on hitting a new distance milestone. Just think, from now on those little 5 miles will be nothing.

Laurie - Excellent job keeping at it even though you "weren't feeling it". That's the kind of thing that gets us all where we want to be.

Cecelia - Great job on the 12 miles. Very fast BTW.

Dave - How was your run?

Lily - Did you make it outside? I hope the weather cooperated.

Mel - I hope you had fun your undisclosed location :earsboy: . The UA floss wouldn't do the trick under the skirt?

Nothing to report for me. I'm off-sync with the rest of the running world and do my LR's in the middle of the week. Today was a welcomed rest day.

Take care all.
Hello Everyone

Not much to report in the way of training this week, in fact I only ran twice and it was pretty uneventful. I guess I was feeling a little burnt out after to 1/2 's in 6 weeks time.

DH on the other hand is so pumped up after Gasparilla that he has decided that he is doing the Sarasota 1/2 next Sunday with a friend from the Fire Department :firefight So the kids and I will go and cheer him on!! Mel maybe we can find you there!:cloud9:

I probably would do it with him but I am running the 5k at Epcot next Saturday morning with a friend who does not run very much but asked me if I would do it with her. Of course I said sure, any excuse to run at Disney. Saturday night I'm taking the kids to the Luis Palau festival at Ray Jay in Tampa so a 1/2 marathon Sunday morning will definately not work, but we will be glad to cheer the boys on!!:yay: :firefight

Now I will try to catch up with everyone from last week and stay caught up this week.
Jim How did those races go? Did DS eat your dust? :car:
Dave How did the long run go? Good I hope! I think that's awesome that DD wants to run. Both DS want to do 5k next year at Marathon weekend!!:yay:
Kim Great Job :thumbsup2 I agree with you, these boards are so motivating!! And everyone is so encouraging with everything!
Martha It's really cool to see your progression in time at the bottom of your post. I love to see accomplishments in people it is so AWESOME!! I really do feel bad for you and the weather. I complain all of the time about the heat here:beach: because sometimes it feels like we don't even get a break, but I was on the boat today and got a sunburn and you are freezing your tooshie off, I'm so sorry!!! :headache:
Lily I'm sorry your date night fell through, it's so hard when we can't even find time to stay connected. pixiedust: Here's hoping that you find time soon.
Cecilia Good job on the long run !! :woohoo:
JEN THAT'S AWESOME!! We push and push and then something happens !!!!:cheer2: and it feels so good!!
Jackie I'm sorry that your run did not go the way you wanted, but you are absolutely right, at least you did it. If there is one thing I believe, it is that we have seen such improvement in our runs because we just keep doing it no matter how many bad ones we have in a row!!:love: I'll bet the next one will be great.
Stephanie :worship: As usual your times are awesome!! You are so going to rock next weekend. Just ENJOY THE RIDE!!! Are you doing the 15K at the minnie, maybe my goal will be to try to keep up with you.:rolleyes1
DreamBeliever How is the training going? RFTT was my first medal too and I will always think it's the best one. I still can't believe that was only 4 1/2 months a go and now I have 3!! Did you get your question answered about WISH shirt, you might want to ask it on this thread.
Kristi I am so jealous of the crop and I know exactly how much you spent, I have done it soooo many times. I am so sad all of the time that i don't have time to crop anymore, but May 5 I will graduate and I will have time again. You should come to SDV in September, it's at the Contemporary!!

Ok I hope that does it!! Tomorrow, I am going to do 9 with DH to "help" him get ready for Sarasota next week, and then Monday I start back on my 'training quest' to have kick but time at Minnie!!! :yay:

Happy New Week Team! :yay:

I've been lurking around the past couple of days. All walking has been sidelined for me. Like a dodo I sat on the floor 21 weeks pregnant and pulled something female related when I tried to stand up. I'm not sure what all is going on down there but it hurts to take a step. Dr. said to stay off my feet until he can get everything all checked out monday morning. Hopefully everything is okay.

Hope everyone else is doing well! :cheer2:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Thanks everyone for asking about my LR. I had a pretty good LR. I did 12.53 miles in 2:10.27/10:25 mpm. It was cold - 11 degrees when I started and 18 when I finished. My GU was cold and more solidified, and the water in my H20 bottle was literally freezing. For the most part I was plenty warm enough in my running gear, and the wind kicked no chickens. So I was fine. I ran the same course I ran last week, and had no issues with cars. The sidewalks were pretty clear, so I stayed on them when I good.

One wierd thing on this run is that I got really nauseous around mile 7. I was going up a hill, and all of the sudden I had this wave of nausea hit me. My breathing got really short, and I thought I was going to lose it. I walked for a while, and then it passed and I was OK. I took a vitamin before going out for my run, and then I ate a GU at 4 miles. I'm thinking the combination did not sit well in my stomach :confused3, but who knows? Other than that, the batteries on my MP3 (I still want to call it my Walkman - how old am I?) died at mile 9. So I had the last 3.5 miles in silence. It wasn't so bad. I heard many birds chirping away. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 9:59
Mile 2: 10:00
Mile 3: 10:09
Mile 4: 9:33
Mile 5: 10:42 (ate GU)
Mile 6: 9:54
Mile 7: 11:20 (started feeling sick)
Mile 8: 10:37
Mile 9: 10:34
Mile 10: 10:35
Mile 11: 10:47
Mile 12: 10:30
Last 0.53: 5:41 (10:46 mpm)

So I was home by 9:30am yesterday, stretched, changed, and took DD9 princess: to Tae Kwon Do (we're both doing it together). After that hour class, I was absolutely exhausted. Definitely got my exercise in for the day/weekend.

OK, I'm going back to catch up with everyone.
Greetings All:

Cecilia- Thanks for the info on the "Girls on the Run" program. I'll definitely check it out for DD9 princess:. How'd your 12 miler go? Thanks for posting, it seems like you had a good run. What are you training for these days?

Colleen- It's great to hear from you. I've been wondering how you're doing and what you've been up to. I was going to drop you a PM. How fun, you're heading to Disney next week. Sounds like you earned it after your DH has been gone overseas for so long. Have a great time. Nice job on the 6 miles on the TM. Sounds like you and I are at the same pace. I hope you can do the Flying Pig 1/2. It'd be great to run with you again.

Melissa- Hope your kayaks are doing OK.

Stephanie- WISHing you all the best on your foot. Hope it's feeling better. OK, at first I was jealous it's 60 there, but I don't think I'd like to be dealing with tornado warnings. Wow, 5.5 miles in sub 9 min pace! You are flyin' out there. I hope to get down to your pace sometime. I can't wait to hear how your marathon goes next week.

Vic- Good to hear from you.

Kim- Nice job on your 30 min workout. That's fantastic! That's exactly where I was last year. Looking at my training log for 2006 on Feb 22, 2006 I did 2.5 miles on the TM in 37 min.

Martha- Good job on your 50 minute LR. You're doing fantastic increasing your LR every week. Way to stick with it. It will get warm soon, won't it?

Lily- Good luck getting some quality time with DH in. I hope you were able to get outside on the towpath, or wherever your happy place is. Stay warm.

Sunny- I started doing "hill workouts" on the TM a couple of times. I try to do one "hill workout" a week, and I swear when I decrease the incline to 0 after being ramped up between 3-5 it feels like I'm running downhill.

Jen- Whoo hoooo!!!! :cool1: That is an awesome LR pace. WTG! You're smokin'. Congratulations. 10:50 is an incredible mile split. :thumbsup2 Speaking of Crocs, I've been thinking of getting a pair too. It seems like they would feel so good after a LR. I looked at their website online, and now they have Collegiate Crocs. Those Maize and Blue Michigan Crocs (I went to Michigan for grad school) are just calling my name!

Jackie- 5 Miles!!! That is awesome! Congratulations. Don't worry about the times at all. You put your steps in, and you did great!

Laurie- Good job on your 5 miler. I think you and I are pretty close on pace too.

kim10110- Good luck on your 1/2M training. Congrats on covering your first 13.1 miles.

Minnie- Here's hoping you don't lose power.

Monte- Nice job on the TM. How are you holding up out there with the snow?

Lynnda- Sounds like you had a fun family weekend.

Mel- I wanna hear about the "accidental" trip to WDW. I need an update/fix. Hope you had a fun time. I like your paragraph you're coming up with for your self-talk. It sounds great! You most be getting excited for the Sarasota 1/2M next week. I can't wait to hear your report.

Kristi- Sounds like you had a nice day scrappin'. Have fun with your 7 miler today.

Mike/Goofyguy- How'd the trail race go?

Mike/Optimator- Sounds like you had a well deserved rest day.

Angie- You've earned a break too with all the running you've been doing. Congrats again on your sub 2 hour half at Gasparilla.

Dena- WISHing you the best on your pulled muscle. Hang in there. Don't worry about the walking right now. You're doing what you can do. Keep it up!

Matt- Thinking of you with the NOLA 1/2 Marathon. Hope you have a blast!

OK, rest and recovery day for me today. Yay!!! Have a great day everyone.
Hi Everyone-

Dena- Ouch! Don't forget that pregnancy stretches all those ligaments and stuff even without exercise. Don't worry though, even sitting still you are burning more calories than I am. I hope everything is okay.

Dave - great run! But what really gets me is the taikwan do afterwards!! Wow! You are the MAN. I just did a survey for some college that is studying endurance athletes and it asked a bunch of questions about nausea in running. I guess its common. I got picked because I am registered for the ING Georgia half marathon.

Matt- Can't wait to hear how things went in NOLA.

:banana: Today is a rest day. :banana:
I have been fighting fatigue for almost a week now so I am really looking foreard to some down time. I am just gonna do some laundry and clean out some drawers.

Have a great day everyone!
My 4 miler when good yesterday, but the best part about it.......IT WAS OUTSIDE Boy had I forgotten how much I like it outside when the weather is great! Not as fast as I would like, but it was acceptable & will get better with every day I get to train outside.

In less than 10 weeks I will be at WDW:yay:

We just booked the 4 day Wonder cruise for fall break:woohoo: And the kicker is we get back on the Thur before the RFTT so I am hoping to hop on over to WDW for a few days & get me a new medal for my collection. It's becoming sick how I have started scheduling our vacations around races. But RFTT just happens to fall on the last weekend of their break. I think its fate!

Mel-boy am I jealous that you get to just hop over there at will!! (but I could never hate you :hug: ) I love your paragraph!!!

Dave-DS9 has also gotten into running which I love since he doesnt seem to like team sports. He has done something really cool that you may want to look into for DD. Kids marathon. They do 25.2 miles at home and then the day of the full marathon (for us it's the Country Music Marathon in Nashville) they do the last mile on the actual course. They get goody bags& tshirts we pick up at the expo and a finishers medal given to them when they cross the finish line. Very cool! DS keeps saying he's done a full marathon & I havent:laughing:

Colleen-good to "see" you again. Have a great trip.

Anne-where are you?!?! I miss you!!!!!!!

Lynne & Erin-I know you are busy, but if you are out there lurking DS is joining a swim team this summer. (he's the one that talked to you about Ironman) I found a developmental team he can join so he can get in the practice of swimming 3x/week & doing meets once a week. We are very excited about it!!

I am having trouble keeping up with everyone here so I'm sorry for missing so many. Have a great Sunday everyone!
Good Morning everyone! I did not get here much last week-sometimes real life is really a pain:sick: :sick: The boys had a stomach thing this week and we never really got back into our routine.

I did a 3K yesterday with one of my friends who is going to do the Minnie. It was her first real race and it was so much fun! We ran 8 mins and walked 2 mins and finished in 21 mins and 35 seconds--we were pleased with the time.

The race was is was put on by the Outback, so after the race we got a plate of Outback food and 2 drinks. :cloud9:

It really got me excited to start my Minnie training this week!!!

Off to catch up on everyones posts.....
Good Morning team!!!!!

Mike Enjoy your rest day

Angie I agree any excuse to run at disney is a good one.:thumbsup2

Dena Hope all is well and you are feeling better soon:wizard:

Dave Great pace, glad your sidewalks are pretty clear, we are still snow covered with more snow coming today. Thank you for the kind words, you have come so far with your training, that is amazing:thumbsup2

Cecilia Enjoy your "rest" day.

Christy WTG on your 3K

Got to hit the TM this morning work out #2 for the Minnie.....

Have a great day all.

Dena: OUCH!! Take it easy lady!

Dave: you LR sounds awesome and that you could go outside is great. Taw Kwon Do with your DD sounds like a great way to bond. I so hope it warms up really soon!!

Angie: thanks for noticing the LR track in my signature!!

Thanks so much to everyone for the words of encouragement! An extra 5 minutes each LR doesn't seem like much but it's getting me to where I need to be and my hip isn't hurting. Thats the important thing.

Off to the gym. Hope everyone has a great workout today!
Race Report - after saying I was going to take 2 weeks off following Gasparilla Marthon, DS talked me into doing a 10K and 5K yesterday. I can't pass a challenge from him.

Bottom line - we tied on the 10K and I beat him for the 5 K. I won the overall!! Two wins and one tie!!! I'll take that. :banana:

The weather was perfect. The 10K started at 7 am. I talked DS into pacing with track runner who I knew was fast. They started out fast, way to fast for DS which is what I was hoping for. I caught up to him at mile 5. We stayed together until the last 100 yards which turned into a sprint. We crossed the line together and not sure who really won.

We had 7 minutes to get to the starting line for the 5K. I ran with some friends, but ended up catching DS at 2.5 mile mark. I stayed behind him and match his cadence so he would not know I was there. His pace was dropping from 8 to 10:30. With .2 I decided not to let it go down to another 100 yard sprint. I pulled out beside and took off. I heard "That is just wrong". A few seconds later he was right beside me "Not bad for an old man." and then "You got me Dad. Go!". That was the best. It gave me so much gas that I kept right on to the end. I beat him by 20 seconds.

We checked the on-line times and it shows us tieing for the 10K, 52:56. Apparently DS emailed the race director to find out who really won because we both think we heard two beeps when coming across the mat.

DS just got an email from the race director:
We only list times rounded up to the second. This is because USA Track and Field has required that for years, for record keeping purposes. This policy is changing to rounding up to 1/10th of a second. The ChampionChip system works to the 1/100th of a second. Amazingly enough, both of your chips crossed the finish line at exactly the same time: 52:55.55. For a rare occasion, I can say that you came in an exact tie. I hope you enjoyed the race.
Life is good!! :rotfl:
Sunny - I thought of you when running yesterday. There is a hill at the end of the race. It's a Florida hill, about an 8 ft elevation. You should have heard the people complaining about it.

Stephane- That was a great 5 mile pace. 8:56. Congrats.

Tiflj - A 4 day cruise followed by RFTR. What a perfect setup, but I don't know if I could run after eating DCL for 4 days.
Greetings and salutations WISHers!
One thing I hate about working nights is that I have trouble sleeping during the day. I worked Friday night (7pm - 7:30am Sat) and maybe got 5 hours of sleep yesterday. Between that and shoveling a nice ice/snow/slush combo off of the driveway and walks, I only had the energy to get in 30 min on the TM. (No Tae Kwon Do for me) If I didn't have the TM, then I would not get any miles in at all. I did trek (we live 2 blocks away) over to my beloved bike path to take a look see at how bad it is and there was a 1/2 inch of ice on the surface....Yep I LOVE my TM. And so far no clothes have been hung on it.
Today I am resting as I'm a little sore from yesterdays shoveling/ice scraping and also from starting my circuit weight routine on Friday (I used very light weight, and no weight for the lower body), maybe I should have stretched out more pre and post.
Dave- Great job on the LR, even with the nausea (especially with as most people of less resolve may have packed it in there):thumbsup2
Mel- I too wear socks with my crocs...I tried wearing them barefoot last month at WDW, but they started to rub a sore on the top of my foot. DW says I look like a dork, but my feet tell me "Who cares, we feel good"
Good luck next week with the Sarasota 1/2. My DD's occapational therapist started running and ran her first marathon a year ago. She used that same book you mentioned (The Non Runners Marathon Trainer) and loved it.
TiffJ- Good job getting out there and getting in 4 miles. As the weather continues to improve, I'm betting so will your times. But hey, just getting out there with our busy lives is a noteworthy task in and of itself.:woohoo:
Angie- Good luck at the 5K at EPCOT. One day I would love to be able to say to my DW, Hey let's jot on over to WDW for a day trip. How FUN!!:banana:

Happy Training to you all!
Quick "run" through.

Andrew, the events that are posted on "The Calendar"--are they your races and shoudl we change them to your name or add you name if you and DW are both doing them.

I wanted to plug the calendar and ask everyone to check it so we can make sure things are correct and we can have a proper cheering section over our events.

Heading out will try to check back later.

Oh and YES! I made it outside yesterday! Wheee! 4 miles 59 minutes it felt great! I'm a bit sore, who woulda thunk? Now it's icy today and we are dealing with that. Gonna slip slide (I hope not) with DH to the gym before NASCAR comes on.
You should come to SDV in September, it's at the Contemporary!!
I guess I don't get going to Disney to crop. :confused3 I mean, I would not be able to be there and not be in the parks - that is just crazy talk! :rotfl:

Besides, could you see me trying to drag down all my 'stuff' to FL? I had to make three trips to the van to bring in (and out) all my stuff I *needed* last night! And then I still bought most of my paper & embellishments there. Chad's race pages are worth alot of money! :eek: :rotfl2:

Off to get ready for my 7 miles. And to show Chad his race pages!
Some random observations:

I know only four people IRL who are at all active (besides Howard): my partner who joined WW and took up running (after hearing how much I enjoyed it); my other partner who plays tennis with his wife each weekend; our friend Jim who runs at least 5 miles almost every morning for stress relief (but doesn’t’ like to talk about it and doesn’t listen to music or own any gadgets like garmins, mp3 players, etc.); and my best friend in the world, Jason, who has taken up walking from 10-midnight at least 5 nights a week and has lost 14 pounds in less than a month. NONE of our other closest friends has any interest or inclination to carve out time to exercise, so it is very hard for anyone to understand why I do what I do as often as I "need" to do it. I mean, I get very "itchy" and a bit grumpy if I haven't had time to TM or get out for a walk. I don't think it is at all strange to want to do that instead of watching TV but nearly everyone else in my world thinks I'm obsessed. :confused3 I mean, I don't work out nearly as much or as long as even half of my friends here. Anyway, it is very comforting to know my WISH teammates are always here to hear about and that you “get it”. :love: :grouphug:

Christa – How great! You really do look that young! And who’d believe you’ve given birth? Speaking of which – how is Bree? Tell her we miss her!

I HAD to get out in the sunshine yesterday. It was hard running on the sidewalks with the many mounds of ice/snow, going up and down driveways and curbs and pausing for traffic at cross-streets, but it just felt so GOOD to be outside, even if it was 38 degrees with howling wind. It was the first time I’d wogged outside since the marathon. It reminded me of how much I LOVE this!
Here are my splits (not impressive, but done):
Mile 1 – 15:03
Mile 2 – 14:47
Mile 3 – 14:50
Mile 4 – 14:12
.27 – 3:14 (12:00 pace)
I jogged the last half mile straight. That was fun. Of course it was into my neighborhood and all uphill to my house! LOL! Can’t wait to get back to the flat track at the state park, hopefully soon.
My goal to beat my PR on next week’s 5K may have to be put on hold. My friend who I did my first 5K (this event) with in 2005 wants to walk it with me and “catch up” and she has a bad knee. So, I’ll look at beating my PR on the 3/17 event instead, I guess. Next weekend will be fun, but just not quite what I’d planned.
Oh, and my bad shoe karma continues. The new shoes are great but the right one developed a loud, obnoxious squeak in the midpoint of the sole. They didn’t’ have another pair in my size. I ordered them on line from roadrunner sports instead and they happened to be on sale for $30 less! And, since they are being discontinued, he encouraged me to order a second pair for another $10 off! They’ll be here later this week, but it was hard going back to my old, "scrunched toes" shoes until the new ones come in. :sad1: I wasn't going to use that as an excuse, though, not to walk this week. ;)

Colleen – congrats on all those sub-10:00 miles, sweetie!

I am a HUGE crocs fan. They literally saved my feet the week after the marathon. Now I have pretty Disney ones too and bought Minnie and Tinkerbell jibbitz to decorate them. Yes, I am SUCH a Disney freak! ;) Oh, and I also have to wear mine wth socks. I got blisters on the top of both feet just wearing them to the expo with no socks 2 days before the marathon. :eek:

Jen – GREAT run, sweetie! :woohoo: You are just blowing it away!

Mel – I am sorry you didn’t love the skirt. I think another brand might be better. Also, you might want to buy a cheap tennis skirt, cut out the shorts underneath (they have those weird pockets to carry extra balls in), and wear the skirt over your favorite compression shorts. That is what I do and I really do find them so comfortable. The trick is wearing long enough shorts so that you are comfortable.

Lily – I hope you and Ted were able to carve out some quality time together. Seems like most of the time I see Howard at home he is in front of a laptop working on a project or homework or sitting in a chair surrounded by textbooks. I know he was really sad when I went out for a LW yesterday while he worked on a take-home test. The time together is important, though, and I hope today brings you and Ted a respite. :goodvibes:

Dena – I hope everything is okay. Take it easy and stay off your feet. pixiedust:

Martha – congratulations on the successful progression! You are going to do so great at Minnie. Just keep strengthening that hip in the very smart way you are doing it! :yay:

Jim – congrats on your WIN! :woohoo: Now you can take some time off while basking in the glow of victory! :lmao:

Gosh, there is just no way to catch up on everyone. Hugs and pixiedust: to all my teammates!
I guess I don't get going to Disney to crop. :confused3 I mean, I would not be able to be there and not be in the parks - that is just crazy talk! :rotfl:

Besides, could you see me trying to drag down all my 'stuff' to FL? I had to make three trips to the van to bring in (and out) all my stuff I *needed* last night! And then I still bought most of my paper & embellishments there. Chad's race pages are worth alot of money! :eek: :rotfl2:

Off to get ready for my 7 miles. And to show Chad his race pages!

I am in awe every year of the women who literally bring all their "stuff", on the plane with them in 3 or 4 suitcases!! It's amazing!
I will admit I am spoiled rotten and due to the fact that we have AP and go to Disney more than any normal human being should go, not going to the parks when I am there for SDV does not bother me.

I can't wait until we go this year because after 7 years of scrapping my kids, I get to do an album for me. Finishing my degree and all of our races, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :banana:

Hope your run went well.



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