Wk of Feb 10th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Friday morning to everyone!

Krista--I know that was a little scary for you & Steven as well. I pray everything is ok w/you and the baby. Please let us know how your doctors visit goes.

Jeff--I'm w/Carol...I'm so jealous about where you get to run!

Not too much to report here. I did do 3 miles on the dreadmill last night. Hopefully next week will be a much better week for me. It seems that LTO in a major way this week. I finally joined a gym though so I hope to get that started Monday. I've NEVER taken a spin class so I'm a little nervous about that. I need a beginner's beginner class, haha.

I have a question about ice baths. When do you start taking them?

Have a great weekend everybody.
Back from a 5 miler - 10:34 pace. I'm glad this week is over. All four runs this week seemed tough and this was supposed to be a recovery week! :scared1: Next two weeks are gonna be big for me... :headache:
Cam - Holy cow! OCngrats ont eh PR!
. . . .

I meant to say thank you, Carrie! :love: I know it might not seem fast to the faster walkers and more accomplished runners, but building up to that speed has been very rewarding for me. :hug: And it puts me more than 4 minutes ahead of the Minnie sweepers! :scared1:
Krista: OMG...:hug: I'm so glad to hear you're ok. And I'll repeat what the others' said....please post here when you get a chance. Would love to hear how the doctor appt went.

Cheryl: As for ice baths...i usually do them after my longer long runs...or based on how I feel. So I may do one after an 8 miler if my legs felt heavy. But typically I don't do them until 10 mile or longer runs. Spin class is awesome...I was SOOO nervous to do it but now that I've taken a few I really *LOVE* them. Great cross-training activity.

Carrie: Thanks for asking about my arm. It was doing better earlier this week but after teaching my 7th class (this am) it's sore again. More so in the elbow area than the shoulder now. I think it's some form of tennis elbow except I guess I should call it yoga-elbow LOL! I believe it's from doing plank, pushup and downward dog (no comments from the peanut gallery on that one) so much during the week.

Jeff...I'm soooo jealous. Someday I will get to Hawaii. :goodvibes


As for me....just did my normal week. Went to spin class again yesterday. :goodvibes LOVE IT! I've been teaching and taking pilates classes all week...but surprisingly I don't feel so bad. I still have to head to the gym to do my 3 mile speed work training (building up slowly)...I'm really easing back into training. The Minnie is a perfect race to train for because I feel like I can give my running muscles a bit of a break and build up nice and slow.

I hope everyone has a great weekend :).
Hey all... Been a busy crazy week for me. Lots of issues at work and home. we are going to HS Musical on Ice tomorrow. Total suprise to the girls. We also may make a visit to Lambeau field (GO PACKERS) since it is next door to the ice arena.

Cam - That is awesome. No matter what I do, I have a hard time improving my pace on a TM. You should be proud.

Krista - Take care, glad to hear you are OK!!

Carrie - You sure do battle issues on the TM, so glad you were safe during this one. Last week I dropped the TV remote and I skipped up to not step on it and it flew off the back. I too stayed safe!!!!

Sorry for not hitting everyone, but there are many posts and I have so little time!!!! Have a great weekend everyone. We are yet again in a freeze here in Wisconsin. It's no wonder my training is suffering. I hope that going to Disney on Ice will be considered cross training!!!
I meant to say thank you, Carrie! :love: I know it might not seem fast to the faster walkers and more accomplished runners, but building up to that speed has been very rewarding for me. :hug: And it puts me more than 4 minutes ahead of the Minnie sweepers! :scared1:

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

YEAH!!!!! Congratulations on the PR Cam.:dance3:

Happy Panda:hippie:
Jen -- Thank you, sweetie! :love: BTW, there is a Disney bride-to-be on the Disney weddings & honeymoons forum here on the DIS who is IN HSM on Ice with her fiance! How cool is that? They are absolutely adorable and the pix from the show look awesome! Enjoy!!!

Thanks Dave! :hug:
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I just back from the doctor, the baby is fine. :) :rainbow: The doctor checked the heartbeat, it's at 150--does any one want to make a guess if the baby is a boy or a girl??? ;)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I just back from the doctor, the baby is fine. :) :rainbow: The doctor checked the heartbeat, it's at 150--does any one want to make a guess if the baby is a boy or a girl??? ;)
So glad both of you are alright!! Girl:lovestruc
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I just back from the doctor, the baby is fine. :) :rainbow: The doctor checked the heartbeat, it's at 150--does any one want to make a guess if the baby is a boy or a girl??? ;)


Glad to hear you guys are ok.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I just back from the doctor, the baby is fine. :) :rainbow: The doctor checked the heartbeat, it's at 150--does any one want to make a guess if the baby is a boy or a girl??? ;)


Great news Krista!!! :goodvibes

Have you narrowed down the names yet? I'm guessing girl btw!
Well Krista, unless you have ultrasonographic evidence (or an amnio) the only way to tell is....shhhh....it's a secret...when you go into labor and they hook the toco monitor to your belly, if during your contractions, the baby's heartbeat dips way down then comes back really fast, it's a boy. If the heartbeat stays fairly steady with only small accels/decels, welcome girl. My DD's heartbeat was 130 and so was my DS's so no way to tell until the bitter end. GOOD LUCK and so, so, so glad to hear you both are okay.
Glad to hear, Krista. :goodvibes

Well, if it's a boy, it's going to feel awfully funny being named "Little Judith Anne." :lmao:
Well Krista, unless you have ultrasonographic evidence (or an amnio) the only way to tell is....shhhh....it's a secret...when you go into labor and they hook the toco monitor to your belly, if during your contractions, the baby's heartbeat dips way down then comes back really fast, it's a boy. If the heartbeat stays fairly steady with only small accels/decels, welcome girl. My DD's heartbeat was 130 and so was my DS's so no way to tell until the bitter end. GOOD LUCK and so, so, so glad to hear you both are okay.

And surprises happen.

My coworker's wife was told that based on the ultrasound it was a girl. And out comes.. A BOY! There was some gift returning!
Krista: Thank goodness everything is okay with you both. Take care, and go easy!

Enjoy the write up in today's Honolulu Advertiser on the Great Aloha Run (8.15 miles).

I keep telling people, yeah someone has to live in Hawaii, so it might as well be me.

I'll post some photos from the Great Aloha Run on Monday.

If anyone is considering the Honolulu Marathon in December, send me a note, and I can give suggestions on the race and what to do in Hawaii.

Icebaths Get used to doing it now after your long runs, that way it's not a complete shock when your in pain after a race. Sit in cold water, and slowly add in ice cubes to your tolerance level. Sit in there for 10-15 minutes. It's a big help in recovery from aches, pains, and injuries.


Happy training everyone!
I meant to say thank you, Carrie! :love: I know it might not seem fast to the faster walkers and more accomplished runners, but building up to that speed has been very rewarding for me. :hug: And it puts me more than 4 minutes ahead of the Minnie sweepers! :scared1:

You know how I feel about that, but there are alot of newbies here, so I want ot share.

We are all different paces and, while a bad day for one, might be an awesoem day for another, we're still really just competing wiht ourselves. We all know what bad days and good days feel like and teh joy and teh pain are the same no matter if you're and 8 mpm or a 20 mpm person. We all want comfort when we have those bad days and I lvoe sharign in teh joys of teh good days, expecially PRs!

Krista - Thansk fo reporting back. SO glad all are ok!

Sandy - My friend has a son at NIU. I saw teh news, but was watching a move on my palm and could not tuune in. Thank God, he was not only ok, but has been interviewed in at least 3 papers (from her to LA) because he helped some victims with first aid. HOpe all your son's friends are ok. Way too scary!
Well, if it's a boy, it's going to feel awfully funny being named "Little Judith Anne." :lmao:

Maybe I'll start a trend! If there are girls out there named Logan and Ryan, I can certainly name my son Judith Anne! (Love the "e" at the end--very Anne Shirley :) ) ;)

CarolA--That's why regardless of what the u/s says, I plan on buying gender neutral bedding, car seat, stroller, etc just in case. :)

Amy--Everyone keeps saying they think it's a boy, but no one can say why they think that. Well, one lady at work told me she noticed my butt is getting wider, which I guess to her means a boy. :mad: But I am happy to say I have only gained like 7lbs so far, hoping that is normal and not too much! I do have names picked out, for a boy it's definitely Carter Stephen after my grandpa (which is funny because if I were a boy I was going to be Stephen Carter :) ). We're still up in the air with the girls name, I love Susannah, Stephen is still on the fence about it, so who knows. But if it were up to me, it would be Susannah Carol (my Mom and Stephen's Mom are both named Carol, so that's easy).

Thanks again for everything! I love this team!

I have a kind of odd request, but it never hurts to ask, right?

Does anyone, by any chance, have a picture of the porta potties on Marathon Weekend?


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