Wk of Dec 2--WISH Walking/Running Club

MickeySP said:
Kristi - I am running for A-T myself. It is a great organization. Maybe I will see your Mom at the get togethers, tell her to look for the chubby chick who looks like she can't make a mile - never mind 39.3!

Are you going to the A-T dinner on Saturday night?
We'll be there with my Mom that night - maybe we'll see you!
I got the email, too, but we are definitely not going to be doing that, especially since it is labor day. I am still fantasizing about doing the race for the taste, just to have something between the Minnie and the 2008 Marathon weekend.

Howard called me with GREAT news this morning -- after my call to Disney's Hilton Head resort last night, we got a call this morning saying that they found my Garmin. I am so relieved and thankful. :banana:

No workout this morning. Was up till almost 2 -- got the Christmas tree up and a lot of the other decorations, including my snowman collection. I think Andrew is going to work on lights on our bushes/shrubs today (we've never done that but he is very into it). Howard is done 2.5 final exams and studying for the other 1.5. I also got 5 sizes worth of clothes sorted and disseminated -- a box sent to a good friend; bags set aside for a friend who will visit over Christmas; tons to Goodwill yesterday (thanks, hon!) and 57 items to Dress for Success. So, the safety net is completely gone and I'd better get myself over to the 'working on weight loss during training" thread to keep on track -- otherwise I'll have nothing to wear! :eek:

Working today for about another 5 hours, then picking Jenn up on campus for a quick trip home, making 5 trays of lasagna for holiday dinners at our house and my office, and wrapping presents for our friends who are visiting tomorrow to celebrate Hannukah/Christmas with us.

Did I say "no workout" today? :teeth:

Hope everyone is enjoying their LRs today. Christa -- I know you wanted to do that half, but I'm glad you aren't out in that cold. :hug:
Braved the cold this am (for us southerner's it was cold--upper 20s) I thought I had dressed too warmly, but it worked out great. Ran 8 in 75:00 with the only other one of our group that showed up--what wimps! ;)

Just a quick question for those that might know--since I'm not doing the marathon this year, when do they open registration for 2008? Want to register early so I have that goal in the back of my head and don't slack off after my marathon in March.

Hope everyone had great runs this weekend! :sunny:
I think last year, Judy registered on the day of the 1/2 marathon. So, I would think 2008 registration will open 1/6/07, but I am not certain.
Good Afternoon Everyone-

Wow, what a beautiful day for a run. The sky was so blue. It was 18 degrees out when we started out. Lucky for me, my husband is an avid bike rider and he loaned me his balacava that covers his whole face. I wore 3 layers on top, loose tights on bottom and I was fine the entire run.

I never even had a sore muscle the whole time. I felt good from start to finish! A little tired at the end, but not too bad. I stuck with just powerade like I had planned and it was enough.

20 miles in 3 hours 21 minutes. Including some blistering hills.

Now all my really high mile runs are behind me - until the marathon that is!

I hope everyone else had good runs today!
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

OK, step back week for me this week. I was scheduled to run 8 miles in MfM, but I found a local 10K to run so I ran that. I ran 1 mile to warm up before the race (in 9:49 min), and then I ran the 10K - 6.27 miles/65:49 min (10:30 mpm). I took 1 min walk breaks at every mile point. Here's a picture of me finishing the race. I finished 203 out of 220 runners and DFL in my age group.


The weather was cold. It was 30 degrees at the 10:00am start. That wasn't so bad, but the bad thing was the wind. The wind was about 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. The last mile of the race was directly into the wind. It was difficult and cold.

So can I say something? This is going to seem extremely trivial, especially when so many of our team mates are dealing with such severe injuries and such. Anyway, here goes. I feel like I'm getting slower, not faster. In May I ran a 10K with 10:06 mpm, and in October I ran a half-marathon with 10:14 mpm. I know I took walk breaks in this race, but I think I had to. I don't think I could have ran the whole 10K without stopping. Now can someone assure me I'm getting into better shape? Is it just the cumulation of my training, the fact that I ran a 20 miler the week before that is taking a toll on my legs?
Mouse Skywalker said:
Now can someone assure me I'm getting into better shape? Is it just the cumulation of my training, the fact that I ran a 20 miler the week before that is taking a toll on my legs?

Yes, yes, & yes. At least that is what everyone keeps telling me. Several of our group were struggling yesterday and the coaches kept reminding us (from their nice warm cars) that it won't be this hard on race day. All the experience marathoners assured us that we would be faster on race day than we were yesterday. You are going to be fine. :)
Another week, another race report! Well actually I didn't race last week since I did that first ever 16 miler, and I won't be next week since I'll be doing the first ever 20 miler. But today my plan called for a sort of tune up race, it's been a step back week between those two hugely long runs, so it was to work more on speed.

The race was the Holiday Half Marathon in Point Clear, AL. It was by far the flattest half I have ever done, pancake flat down a highway next to the bay, right out onto this peninsula with the bay all around you and a great view, turnaround then hang a right up another road, turnaround and right back onto the main road back to the finish. There was also an 8k which my wife ran as she builds her long run back up in preparation for the half.

Weather was coooold, almost wore warmups for the race but decided against it, my legs warmed up fast enough as it was so shorts were fine. I did wear the "balaclava" (sp?) someone else mentioned that I normally wear snowboarding, minus the face mask I just tucked that into the top of the hat. Definitely kept my ears warm, and I wore gloves as well as my long sleeve DL half t-shirt.

Didn't really have any specific goals, was just hoping to still get sub 2 hours like a few weeks ago, and be somewhere around 9mpm. Went out much too fast as usual, and the last few miles I felt like I was REALLY fading, opposite of that previous race. There were only a few water stops and only 1 had gatorade, so that might have been part of the problem. Was pretty happy with my even splits for miles 2-8, and even though I was reeling coming in, I didn't lose as much time as I expected.

Mile splits: 8:26, 8:48, 8:52, 8:55, 8:51, 8:49, 8:48, 8:53, 9:02, 8:59, 9:08, 9:20, 9:16, 1:17 (garmin said 13.19)
Total: 1:57:30 PR! :banana: 8:54mpm avg

Beat my old time by about 1:20. Really sore today, but that's because afterward we went to an outlet mall and various other errands all day and I never got to ice bath. I think I ran so well because it was almost a non-running week, all I managed was a 3 miler on Tuesday after last Sat's 16, and then rested 3 straight days before the race. I was on the night flying schedule during that period, leaving around 11am and not coming home until between 2-3am and basically instantly falling asleep until it was time to go again, so fitting in running was pretty impossible.

This week is supposed to be 5, 3, R, 4, R, 20, but the highest I've gone in mileage so far is 26, so 32 seems like too much of a jump. Probably will shorten and/or skip Monday or skip Tuesday. I certainly wouldn't have been able to go much farther than I did yesterday at that pace, so sub 4 continues to be unreasonable, and my goal of 4:22 (10mpm pace) continues to seem realistic.
"Is it just the cumulation of my training, the fact that I ran a 20 miler the week before that is taking a toll on my legs?"

I would sat definitely. I took 1 day off after my LR and could barely manage 4 miles. It really took everything I had to get through it.

But it gave me a great idea of what I need to do for the Goofy. So next weekend, I am gonna try to LR back to back.

Now I need some advice. I keep getting a blister on the same toe. I never had this problem until the DL half, now it seems chronic. Any ideas on what to do?
I am afraid this will crop up in WDW.
Good morning everyone!

Congrats to all of you getting your training runs in, and running races, this weekend.

Ran 8 slow, slow miles on the TM this morning. No problems encoungtered. And, after a long search, and much trial and error, I think I've finally found a shoe and sock combination which agrees with my feet.
Vic So, you didn't come over and do the North Okaloosa Hospital 10K yesterday? At 7:30 it was 20 degrees!!! I wonder how many showed up. It would have fit perfectly with my training schedule, but we were unsure whether we would be in town this weekend. I thought I might go and late register that morning, but when I saw the temperature.. :sad2: . I figure it might be cold at WDW, but no way was it going to be 20 degrees! So, I ventured out around 10 when AOL said it was 50 degrees. I wore long sleeves and long pants and gloves and it was great. So glad your ankle is healing up nicely! :thumbsup2
Dave :cheer2: :cheer2: Congratulations! :cheer2: :cheer2: STOP that "I'm getting slower" nonsense, Dave!!! Did you have shin splint pain afterward??!! You are doing so great!! Plus, you did the 20 miler last week. When we taper, you'll be so ready to go on Jan. 7th!!
Matt Way to go, speed demon! :woohoo:
Colleen where's that race report? Knowing you'll do great.. :goodvibes
Matt - woo hoo!!! :cheer2:

Dave - you are doing great & not injured to boot!

I'll have to go back & skim some more, just wanted to post my walk/run quickly. I did 5 miles today. Was going to do 6, but I am time-management-challeneged lately. I went out too late, and Chad had to leave for work.
14:00 (yikes!)
11:55 (Gu must have finally kicked in! ;) )

I was all over the place! My training isn't what it should be. I guess it's catching up with me. I am going to try to eat better & train better this week. I have a 10 miler scheduled for Friday! :scared1: Maybe all these :rockband: have been getting in the way...? :scratchin :teeth:

I have to run & get ready now, I will try to catch up with you guys later. We are having a little gathering at my nephew Nate's gravesite this afternoon. Not sure what is going on, but it is like a little Christmas 'celebration' for lack of a better term, I guess. I think we are singing Christmas carols or something. :sad1: I guess they haven't heard my singing yet! ;)
Thanks for all of the well WISHes :grouphug: and encouragement. I must have been too melodramatic in my post. I assure you I am not in constant pain. Last week was very hard but I'm optimistic that it won't last.

As for training, I only managed two runs (no cx) for the "step back" week. I did a 6 mile TM run on Friday and a 12 mile LR and absolutely nothing else.

Great job, Cecilia, Matt and Dave (and anyone else who was racing this week). :thumbsup2

I've had a crappy weekend. As careful as i've been trying to be, I've caught a cold! :sad2: I have congestion in my head and chest. Working out is not an option. I'm huffing and puffing just walking around the house. Hopefully, another day or two and it'll work it's way through my system.

Then yesterday, we had our family Christmas gathering. Since some family live about a 2 hour drive away (and didn't want to drive both ways on Christmas day) we decided to have an early get-together so the family could all see each other. It was going fine until about 1/2 way through the day when we had to take my Mom to the hospital. She thought she was having a heart attack! She spent the night in the hosp. and they ran several tests. They weren.t sure if it was a heart attack or possibly a blood clot that went to her lungs. Luckily, it was none of those things. Turned out to be a pulled/strained muscle in her chest. She was very relieved (as were we all).
It was a hectic weekend and I wasn't thrilled with spending hours in the hosp. (I kept thinking I'm already sick, I don't want to catch any more germs here!).

maherae said:
Vic So, you didn't come over and do the North Okaloosa Hospital 10K yesterday? At 7:30 it was 20 degrees!!! I wonder how many showed up. It would have fit perfectly with my training schedule, but we were unsure whether we would be in town this weekend. I thought I might go and late register that morning, but when I saw the temperature.. . I figure it might be cold at WDW, but no way was it going to be 20 degrees! So, I ventured out around 10 when AOL said it was 50 degrees. I wore long sleeves and long pants and gloves and it was great. So glad your ankle is healing up nicely!

Nope. I'm about two weeks behind with the Christmas decorations, so I stayed home, put up the tree and the outside lights. Trying to find my Christmas spirit. I've yet to find it this year. :rotfl:

Terri - Glad to hear your mom is ok.
Hey guys! Guess what? Only two weeks till Christmas!! What? Christmas? What's that?? Ok, here's a better one--only 26 days till marathon weekend! :woohoo:

Terri--so glad everything worked out with your mom. What a scare!

Dave/Matt--great job on your races this weekend! Dave, I wouldn't worry about getting slower. As you build up mileage, that tends to happen, and it makes sense, really. The more long, slow runs you do, the more your body gets accustomed to the long, slow running. But hey, you're building distance right now, not speed, right? I've noticed that my pace has slowed slightly over the past two months, but I'm not too worried about it.

Vic--I thought I was the only one that was this late putting out Christmas decorations. I spent an hour and a half last night throwing (almost literally) lights on the bushes outside. Didn't want to be the only house on the street with no outside Christmas lights. Although some days, I just want to put a sign in the yard that says, "We're training for a marathon. Deal with it." :)

Sunny--good to hear from you again.

The weekend runs went well. It was a taper back, so I had 7 yesterday and 12 today. It felt good to give the legs a rest this week after last weeks high mileage. Only one more monster week left....

Krista said to tell everyone hi. She said she would post tonight, but she's up to her ears in cookie dough. She's baking all the cookies that she plans to bring to all of our family get-togethers over the next few weeks. I secretly think she's been eating half the cookie dough before she bakes the cookies, because when she takes the tray out of the oven, there are only like 3 or 4 cookies on it. :confused3 :rotfl2:

Hope everyone had a great weekend and to everyone nursing injuries and other high stress situations--get some rest. Talk to you all later.



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