Wk of Apr 8--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hello everyone, I wanted to introduce myself quickly- I don't know if anyone will see this since a new thread will soon be started, but here goes.

I started my running journey on December 17. Today, April 14, I ran my first ever 5K- the longest I have gone so far. It wasn't a race- I just mapped out a course with a few hills near my house, and went for it! I have tracking my progress on the journal board, but I wanted to make it more "official" and join the WISH racing team! Here is a link to my journal- Lisa's Journal

I completed my first ever race on March 25th- a 2 miler. I came in 3rd in my age (there were only 5 of us, and 1 didn't finish, but hey- I got some bling out of it ;) ) . My next race is coming up on May 4th, but I am hoping to maybe add a race before the end of the month if possible- I will have to see what is going on.
FirstTimertoDiz That is SO awesome! Congrats for your 5K and all of your runs to come :) Keep us all posted w/ your progress and races. I'm planning my first "race" on June 10th (a 5k, although I'm more of a walk/jogger) and I'm super excited but really nervous.

It's so nice to be a part of the WISH race team :lmao:
:welcome: Lisa and CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST 5K finish!!!! :yay:

It's nice to "officially" have you as part of the team. Keep us posted how things go!!!

Hey everybody!! It is really hard to keep up with this thread! So today I did my LR/W of 7 miles!! That is the farthest and longest I have ever done!! I decided to do it on the treadmill because my 4 miles yesterday was tough because of the wind. My time was only ok. Do you find that you go faster outside? I definately do.

I have a problem I am hoping some of you can help me with. My right leg where it meets my body (what is that area called?) is extremely sore. It started getting bad during mile 2 today. Anybody have any experience with this pain and any suggestions as to what I should do? Ice? Heat? Both?

Thanks for any help!


Are you talking about where your leg meets your body on the front, back, or side?? Or maybe like in the hip area. If it's on the front/hip area you might want to do some really good hip flexor stretches, if I don't do them regularly, it kills me.:scared1: No matter what side it is on definately good stretching is going to help!!

Memo to me: never run the upper fields at Babson again. Repeat: NEVER RUN THE UPPER FIELDS AT BABSON AGAIN!!! They are dirt and grass and as such so choppy that I had to chop my steps to go over or around bumps, divits, remnants of riverlets, tree roots, fallen branches and rocks. My legs are so beat up right now! They hurt, big time. I've taken the ibuprofen etc but they just plain hurt.

That said, I did run 9.5 miles in 100:50 for about a 10:35 pace. The first 3 miles were 10:40 pace. I was disappointed so stopped looking at my watch. I obviously sped up but I don't know when. DH (Calcio) said it was too fast for that distance on the fields. But once I get a pace going, I cannot speed up or slow down for anything. Well, 3 weeks to the Minnie race and I ran further than the distance. At least I know I can do it.

Jackie: WAY TO GO!!! :banana: and no pain! Awesome!

Kiena: hope you find a way to fill your free weekend! The rollerblades in your scenario would keep you well in front of me, though. But I'd love to see your cat in the stroller! I have this picture of Morris the cat with a baby bonnet on...

Dave: :welcome: and thanks for the cookies!!

Lisa: :welcome: and congrats on the first ever 5K!!

Becky: :thumbsup2 on your 7 miles!! Woo-hoo! Thanks for sharing it with us.

For anyone running the Boston marathon on Monday--or any other race this weekend--very much good luck!! I'll be sending happy thoughts your way. Let us know how you do.

Good luck to everyone training this weekend, too! Be safe.
Thanks Angie! The pain is in the front, not as high as my hip bone. I don't think it is my hip. I am trying different stretches and I currently have a bag of frozen veggies on it. I definately don't want to do anything to injure myself so close to my first race!

Martha - I have said this before, but I have to say it again. I LOVE YOUR SIGGIE!!!! :thumbsup2 I am a VERY goal oriented person, and I thrive off of seeing progression, it gives me motivation and that SIG is such an awesome way to do it. AWESOME job on sticking it out under stinky conditions. :yay: IT's a good feeling to know that you can finish the distance of the upcoming race.

I know many, many people never go past 20 to 22 miles when they train for a full, but that terrifies:scared1: me. I already told DH that when we do the full at Disney this year we will do 26.2 at least once prior, just so I know that I can do it.

Going out for a little run now myself.

HI everyone, I am back from my 5 Miler race. It was my first race since Disney and it felt great. I posted the report on the report thread.

Dave - Last fall I ran my first 10K in 30 degree drizzle with 30-50 miler per hour wind gusts. I cried a bit because it was so miserable. I had on gloves and an ear warmer. 30 minutes before the race I almost drove home, but I stuck it out and finished. AND I got a medal for 2nd in my age category... there weren't very many in my age category, BUT WHO CARES, I got the medal!!!

Becky, don't know about that pain, I get a pain in hip and butt area. But it is related to a back injury. Stretching does wonders for me (plus losing weight). Do a search online for stretches for the area that hurts.

Martha - GREAT RUN. I am no where near as fast, so I think you are doing fabulous!!

OK, gotta give the family some attention!!!
I went on my LR today...I was originally only going to do 9 miles but I decided to do 10 since I missed a run this week. I felt pretty good at the end of my 10. I finished in 1:34:19...with an average pace of 9:25. I am pretty excited about my half marathon in 2 weeks!

The most exciting part of my run today was meeting a fellow disboard member on the trail!! Amy, if you are reading this, it was great meeting you!! Thanks to my WISH shirt, and her WDW marathon shirt, we were able to chat for a brief minute. I was really psyched to meet somebody from the boards!

Ok, now to catch up with everybody!
Now to catch up:

Mike--Great job on your LR! You are flying!

Martha--Great job on your run...sorry to hear the location was no good. I am surprised the fields at a college like that are in such poor condition.

Jennifer--WELCOME!! to the Boards! Good Luck at the Minnie!

ChiFive--WELCOME!! to the Boards! I hear you about not being able to run with headphones, I gotta start getting used to that if we are not going to be able to wear them!

Jackie--WTG for getting a run in!

Kiena--nice job on your LR...you aren't too far off of the pace you are supposed to keep!

Windwalker Dave-YIKES! Not sure i would want to be running in a sand storm!

Lisa---so glad to see you came on over to the Weekly thread...can't wait to read your journal to see how your run went!!

Becky-Good job on getting your 7 Miles...isn't it an awesome feeling to get your longest run in!!! I always thougth I would go slower on the TM, but I can go way faster on the TM than outside.

Jen--Glad you felt great after your race, can't wait to read about it on the race thread.

Sorry to those I missed! To those getting all this bad weather today and over the next couple of days....hang in there!
Martha - I am joining you in the NOTE TO SELF category:


I know that all of you who are freezing in the cold and snow probably do not feel sorry for me right now (cause the beach was super nice :cool2: ) but I could not make it 4 miles and I am sitting here trying not to puke!!

It's hot here already, I can't wait to see what MINNIE is like in 3 weeks.!!!!

So it is going to cool off a little tomorrow, we will try again then!!

Oh no! My DH thinks I have a pulled groin muscle! Anyone have any experience with this?

Congrats Jen on the race!

Yikes, is it really that hot in FL already Angie? You're making me nervous for the minnie!

Becky-I am an athletic trainer (aka sports medicine)- while it's really hard to help you very much without seeing you in person to do the special tests, manual muscle tests, etc, I will give it a shot-

First, where exactly do you feel your pain? Is it directly in front of your leg, or off to one side a little bit? How high do you feel pain on your leg? How large of an area- ie, does it extend all the way down to your knee?

Second, when does it hurt? Does it hurt to walk? Are you limping? If you stand up, and lift the affected leg straight forward (as if to take a step forward), does that make it worse? Does it bother you if that leg is behind you (like when you are walking- does it hurt when that leg is extended back before it swings through to take a step?)

Another position to try to see if it is painful- sitting in a chair, take that leg, and "cross" it over the other almost like you are sitting "Indian style"- if you drop your knee down, does that hurt?

Do going up and/or down stairs bother you?

I am assuming you didn't feel a "pop" or anything during your run- anything though, where you felt like you ran off the road, or came off a curb wrong or anything?

Is anything swollen or bruised? Check you knee too; sometimes swelling isn't as apparent in a muscle as it is the next lowest joint.

As far as treatment, I would say go conservatively at first- anytime you have an acute injury, go with ice for at least the first 48 hours. If you add heat, you increase blood flow to the area, which increases swelling and bleeding. You can also take ibuprofen for pain/inflammation. I would maybe hold on any aggressive stretching for a day or so in case it is a muscle strain- if you overstretch a strain, it can increase pain/swelling since the muscle tissue has tearing to begin with. I always tell my athletes that they can stretch very gently if it feels good, but the second they feel any pain, back off.

Over the next couple days, you can gradually work up to more stretching- post how you are feeling, and I can try to help you decide when to add in the stretching again. What is your running plan this week? Can you take a day or two off? Let us know how you are feeling?

PS- Do you have access to a pt at all? It may be a good idea to work on a HEP afterwards to strengthen hip flexors/groin muscles. Theraband exercises work really well. It is also a good idea to get a gait analysis check to make sure there isn't any compensation going on when you are running that can aggravate it- maybe discuss any modifications you need to make.
Woo hoo, last workout for the week, and it was a good one :)

Broke out the new Garmin 205 and went on a 5K. I was able to hold a 15:53 pace (finishing in 50 minutes). That's where I hoped to be in June! I even through in two short jogging bursts on the way home (like 40-50 yards each).

New shoes felt great and the high tech gadget certainly makes you want to work harder. I'm hoping the weather holds so I can do a nice long, relaxed walk tomorrow (4.5 to 5 miles). But I'll let you know on next week's thread :)
Finished out the week with 6 miles today, just an OK time, but felt pretty good during and after.

bekkiz - you are definitely on target for your coming race


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