Within 24 hours I left my job, my boyfriend, and life behind to go work for Walt Disney World!

All the positive thoughts and pixie dust I have to spare for you...
My husband's grandfather came here from Greece not speaking a word of English. He was maybe 13. He settled in central Pennsylvania, got a job in a restaurant, and eventually bought his own. He supported countless other Greek immigrants and gave them a place to stay and a job until they could make it on their own.

Loved seeing your update and happy photos!
Great story - classic American Dream! :goodvibes OP, I hope you have stirrings of how to "pay it forward" for the amazing blessing your hosts have been in this whole adventure. :wave2:
When I first started reading I thought, 21 is the age to do it! Then when your car broke down I was seriously thinking logically and thinking, "nope!" But you made it and I hope everything works out wonderfully for you.

I finished high school early, met my now husband at 17, bought my first house at 19 and got married at 23. DH got his first job at 14 and hasn't been without a job since. We were the epitome of responsible. I kind of wish we had a few years of having fun and exploring the world - even living abroad. Our first real vacation was our honeymoon.

We make sure to vacation several times a year now but we never had a carefree, young adult time.

Have fun!
I'm glad to hear training is going well and your friends are helping you get to/from work and have some fun!
Old Town USA sounds like fun ... I love Disney, but I definitely wish they had some of those corny carnival rides!

I hope you can get access to a car soon and can have even more fun Orlando adventures!
HELLO EVERYO-The car situation is still really up in the air. Thankfully I've been getting rides to and from work because I made friends in training and we have the same hours - but that won't last long. Options are being talked about, but for now there's no magical car that fell out of the sky. I am SO happy down here. I just can't wait to be working more, making magic, and saving money!! hahaha.

Thank you again for all the support! Most of my family isn't too supportive of this decision,3

and I thought that I was so close with my coworkers back home - but not one has texted me asking how things are. :( It makes me really sad. Which is why you words have been helping me so much, THANK YOU INTERNET FRIENDS. Come visit me soon <3

Unfortunately-work friends sometimes are there only when you are around

I think after a while, you might realize why your family might not support the "lets give up my life and follow my dream"-when its hard to really make a living working part time at Disney.

I have followed several people's stories on blogs and message boards who sold everything and moved to Orlando to work for Disney. Frankly, they found its hard. and these are people with a car and some back up money to tide them over. Some went back home-others juggle a few jobs.
Disney , having so many eager workers, has gotten smart, and only hires part time employees for most park positions, to save on Insurance costs.

I am really amazed by the amount of people who wished they did this
-when its hard to really make a living working part time at Disney.

I thought it was hard to make a living working Full Time. :)

But I feel the same way. The other kicker is that this a seasonal position. I'm assuming it could convert to "Full Time" but how many people are looking to fill those jobs.

One other thing for the OP. I know some people are saying you can maybe get some part time cosmetology work. You would probably know this more than I but what are licensing requirements? And can you easily transfer your licence.

Now others brought up BBB, well that would be easy since I've heard they don't use licensed cosmetologists.
Khalee!!! So happy things are looking up!! When I was 22, I got a job on a cruise ship and they flew me overseas to meet the ship with instructions that read, "Make your way to the ship. I had never been out of the country, nor on a cruise ship...Thank goodness, I was flying into England where they spoke my language but I still had to navigate the transportation system with no direction...It was like planes, trains, and automobiles. I flew to Heathrow, rode the metro, hopped a bus, and then a taxi to the cruise terminal. When it was over I was exhausted but so proud of myself and ready to start my adventure. It was totally worth it!! I had the most amazing adventures around the world and would not trade it for anything.

Keep your head up and follow your dreams!
Unfortunately-work friends sometimes are there only when you are around

I think after a while, you might realize why your family might not support the "lets give up my life and follow my dream"-when its hard to really make a living working part time at Disney.

I have followed several people's stories on blogs and message boards who sold everything and moved to Orlando to work for Disney. Frankly, they found its hard. and these are people with a car and some back up money to tide them over. Some went back home-others juggle a few jobs.
Disney , having so many eager workers, has gotten smart, and only hires part time employees for most park positions, to save on Insurance costs.

I am really amazed by the amount of people who wished they did this
Working full time isn't a piece of cake, having two jobs while working full time at one and part time at another isn't that great either. But if a person is determined to make it work, give it a shot. Most people can go back to their mundane, pre-planned lives with no problem.

What would all the Disney nuts do on here if it's wasn't for the part time workers at Disney? Plus multiple part time jobs, are designed for young unencumber people or those like me who can be retired AND work at a fun job....if only I didn't have so many responsibilities. That's what people are saying, it's a dream that a lot of people have but never act on. It's her life and one she is just embarking on, don't be such a Debby Downer. She's worked in Disney before (DCP still gives her insight to what it's all about) Don't try to be the 'voice of reason' (our own reasons that is)that's not our place to do so.

Plus Disney has ALWAYS been smart about their hiring practices.
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Hon, please understand that perspective is EVERYTHING. Those that are able to frame your experience in relation to their own desires to have a similar opportunity are obviously all about the :thumbsup2 and :cheer2:; perhaps vicariously wishing to share in your potential success. Those that frame your experience in relation to how they would be feeling if one of their children did what you are doing are :scared1:. Very few of us would be able to honestly say that the risks/rewards are balanced enough to tolerate watching our kids go through it.

Either way, the beauty of being fully accountable is also having complete freedom and that's YOU! Nothing anybody on this board says (either for or against) can change your ability to make your own decisions. And whether we like it or not, I'm sure everybody here ultimately wishes you well.

P.S. This is a message board; not a blog platform. Anything you post here will evoke comments and as people become more invested in your story, the closer they will scrutinize the details - not because they're trying to find something to call you out on, more because they want to understand. Don't be offended when requests for clarity are made when things don't seem to be jibing - people want to be sure they're not missing or misunderstanding anything. That's why there's been so much discussion about the money - perhaps either be more clear or much more general about details like that.
I'm quite frankly neither a rah rah or everything is wonderful type of person, quite the opposite. However I encouraged my children to follow their dreams whatever they might be. If they're armed with certain skills they have every chance to succeed. I'm doing the same with my grandchildren. Do I worry? Sure, but I'd worry if they lived down the street, that's a parent's prerogative.

It's pretty insulting to categorize those of us saying we may have had that same dream or telling her to go for it (now that she's already done it, she may as well make it the best she can) as being cheerleaders who aren't amongst those saying how they would be feeling if it was their child. Many on here who have been encouraging (again as she has already DONE the deed) have children.
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Love following along on your adventure. I'm sure you already know how valuable it is to be skilled in a trade. I imagine once you are finished training and able to get a car it will be easy to supplement your Disney income doing hair. You're obviously talented and driven. Hakuna Matata my friend :)
I'm quite frankly neither a rah rah or everything is wonderful type of person, quite the opposite. However I encouraged my children to follow their dreams whatever they might be. If they're armed with certain skills they have every chance to succeed. I'm doing the same with my grandchildren. Do I worry? Sure, but I'd worry if they lived down the street, that's a parent's prerogative.

It's pretty insulting to categorize those of us saying we may have had that same dream or telling her to go for it (now that she's already done it, she may as well make it the best she can) as being cheerleaders who aren't amongst those saying how they would be feeling if it was their child. Many on here who have been encouraging (again as she has already DONE the deed) have children.
Did you perceive the characterization of cheerleading as being derogatory? Why? It wasn't meant to be, any more than saying the people who find it difficult watching their kids go through hardship is derogatory, nor do I think I stated it that way. Just different, and both can be equally interested in the OP's situation and equally concerned for her welfare in their own way.
Once upon a time, two newlyweds, age 20 & 25, packed everything they owned & moved halfway across the country. One of their (old) cars lost its transmission on the way there. The apartment they had lined up fell through and they had to take another place sight unseen - for more $, of course. Then the A/C died in the only working car (in Florida), and needed extensive repair. On paper, none of it made sense or was even doable. But their faith in God never waivered, even through the tough times.

Almost 17 years, countless moves, & car repairs later, those two crazy kids are still happily married, have two awesome kids, and a very different perspective on life than they would've without those hard experiences.

No matter what happens with the job or the car situation, Khalee, your life will never be the same. Learn from it and remember the lessons always!

Good luck, and I hope you're still there in the fall to take our family's photo!

I am now a follower of your blog! I LOVE your story and I LOVE your perseverance. I think it is a brave thing you did and I am proud of you keeping going despite your challenges along the way. Every mistake you make and every challenge presented is an opportunity and is part of living your life. No one said life was easy and you may sometimes regret the things you've tried but you'll more often regret the things you don't. Good for you for embracing the bad with the good! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures and as the previous OP said, I hope I get to meet you in the fall for our Disney Vacation! :flower:
Coming down to see you in August from New England. Already have our Memory Maker. Let me know if you need anything from New England....LOL!
Khalee! I just read through your entire adventure. I moved to Orlando from Wisconsin at the beginning of May and would love to meet up and talk about our journeys and such! If you ever need anything, I'd be more than happy to help. You are awesome for being so brave, so just let all the haters hate.
Hello my loves!
I am done with my training and out on my own taking pictures on Main Street USA! IT IS SO MAGICAL. Yesterday was my second day out there on my own and I took two proposal photos already!!! Ahhh it's so amazing! Working on main street is deffinetly a lot different than Animal Kingdom! There is so much traffic with the trolleys and shows- soooo much going on! It is a lot to get used to- I'm not used to being at MK so early! On vacation I'd always sleep in and get there around 3pm! Besides almost getting ran over by a horse a few times it has been amazing! I didn't wear sunblock and got an awful red lobter face yesterday! Also, I've just accepted the fact that it's impossible to wear makeup! It just melts off. :(

The amazing family that I am staying with helped me sooooooo much. THESE PEOPLE ARE ANGLES. We talked about how I don't have any money saved up, and my family can't afford to help me either and they told me that they want to help me somehow and that we would figure it out.... Maybe help me get me a beater car for now, or maybe they can get a new van so I could have their old vehicle. Well, Wednesday afternoon I came home from a long day at work (they let me borrow their car to get to work) and I saw a new van sitting in the driveway..... I walked in and was like,... " DOES THIS MEAN WHAT I THINK IT MEANS?!" And gave them the biggest hug ever. I NOW HAVE A VEHICLE!!!!! A 2004 Ford Escape!!!! AHHH I AM SO BEYOND RELIEVED AND OVERWHELMED WITH EMOTION. These people barely know me, we only met a few times before I moved in with them a few weeks ago! I was already BEYOND greatful that they were putting a roof over my head (with my own bedroom and my own bathroom mind you!!!!) and now this.... I can't believe it. They are letting me pay them for the car over time however I can afford it, as well as add up the hours that I babysit for them to help take what they they would of paid me off of the car payment!! AND they said not to feel like they own me and I have to babysit every single time they ask, if I already have plans let them know...(YEAH RIGHT! I'd cancel any plans for these people! Haha)

Gosh, I can't believe how lucky I got. I am SO glad that I kept going strong through my breakdowns (littleraly and mentally haha ) and It looks like everything is going to be okay!!

Thank you to all of you who have helped me keep going strong!!! I hope to meet everyone of you that plan on coming down here!! I am so excited to keep working more and making magic! For those of you that listen to the dis unplugged, I do agree with Pete that the Disney level of customer service has been declining over the years, and I hope to be part of the solution! My ultimate boss is Walt, and I work for him and his dream! I love making people have the most fun and magical experience possible. I love my job and i am SO happy I changed my life up! Sometimes I just stop and look around me.... I can't believe I acually did this and I am here. Dreams do come true!!!
I have been reading along about your journey, I am so happy that things worked out so well for you.. you have truly been blessed with the people you are staying with..will keep following along, keep on dreaming!!
Wow what a wonderful surprise! I hope they gave you a great price for the car being it' s an older car? So you should have it payed off in no time babysitting. Bummer about the sun burn, FlorIda sun is brutal. We find that after three days of the summer heat we look like this :crazy2:!! I'm glad some good luck came your way, keep us updated and enjoy the magic around you!


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