Within 24 hours I left my job, my boyfriend, and life behind to go work for Walt Disney World!

I cannot wait to hear the rest of your story, and all the negative people can just leave right now !!
When I come down there I will look for you and shake your hand !!
I cannot believe the negative comments on this TR. Why does anyone care or have the time to add up all of the things the OP has spent money on and compare it to the original amount she said that she had available? I also think it might be a little too late to tell her that her parents shouldnt have let her go on this trip, she is an adult and she made the decision to go. Even if she did check the car out before hand and do a thorough inspection (which come to find out she actually did) why would she post about that? Cars break down all the time and just because she is "young" in your eyes does not mean that her car breaking down is her own fault. If you dont believe that she should have gone on this trip then stop reading the TR. I think that the OP has done something that 90% of people in this world will not do and gave up her life to follow her dreams and do what she wants to do in life. I know i never had the courage to just get up and leave everything behind to follow my dreams. This is an inspiring TR, look at all she has been through and still made it to Orlando, still kept a positive outlook on everything, and is still following her dreams. This is exactly what inspiring is, will everything work out? Who knows, but even if it doesn't the OP and anyone reading will learn from this experience and be a better person from it. And when everything does work out the OP should be very proud of having the guts to do what she has done.

Thank you for this! And thank you to everyone else who has said similar things! I am here to share and inspire! A passion of mine is to inspire and ignite passion in others, and I hope my story does this for most of you! I am still nervous about the car situation and why lays before me, but I wouldn't take back the risk that I took!
I've been following for awhile but yet to say anything and sending positive thoughts your way!
I'm 21 and I don't think I could have done this. But now it's almost got me thinking of applying for the professional internship Disney has in my field of study after I graduate and put off grad school for a year. Major kudos to you. :-)
I was 21 years old when my roommate and I headed out from Massachusetts to San Francisco to follow a boy (my roommate, I was along for the ride). We drove in a beat up VW Bus which got us there but eventually died. I ended up living in California for 3 years, and while it wasn't perfect, I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. For you naysayers, 21 is the age to do things like this. OP is following a dream, if it doesn't work out she'll have a life lesson.
Taking risks is a great part of life. Some pan out, some are just learning experiences. I have taken many risks, rarely regret any of them.

Big ups to you on following your heart....everyone should be so lucky!
That's awesome that you're staying positive! I wish I had the courage to do what you did when I was 21. Keep writing and posting updates :D

Hopefully, seasonal turns to perm and you're there in September and we'll see you there!!
Khalee, let me say this as a Grandmother (old enough to be YOUR grandmother): A life well lived is not without a few risks.

Most of those on here are too young to know that many of us (or our parents)either came to this country with just a few dollars in their pockets or moved to cities from farms/ranches with NOTHING. Or you've chosen to forget this.
Yes I know it's probably a more dangerous world out there, but ours was not without it's own dangers. IF we all would have feared every waking moment, been skeptical of everything, then this country would never have become what it is today. Many people used and still use public transportation out here where I live in the wild wild West, so as she said, she does have that option.
For those 'overplanners' on here (sorry no offense but I read about how some people plan what rides they're going on or what food they'll be hungry for 6 months in advance) that route isn't for everyone.
For those of you speaking about an older automobile and the issues, trust me I've had issues with newer cars more than some of my old reliables. Now days cars aren't like they were back when.
Khalee's dream isn't for everyone and no one is asking anyone else to live it. But, I sort of think that a lot of us are a bit envious of someone living this dream that many of us have had (yes I wanted to work at Disney after College when it was a very new and uncertain place to work, but I had responsibilities and expectations put on me, that seem more unreasonable now than this dream of Khalee's). Khalee seems like a self sufficient young woman and even those types are allowed a good cry now and then.
She has her reasons for this move and we may never know what they are. In reality though, young, unencumbered people set off on adventures every day, heck even back in my time when I graduated college a lot of my friends were backpacking in Europe or working their way cross country. No it's not for everyone but it's fine for those with the intestinal fortitude to try it.

If you don't approve or don't believe her, then there are a few thousand other threads out there to read. Happily ever after everything in Disney is Magical type threads.
The one thing a lot of people seem to forget is the young lady has a skill set that she can earn a decent living with.

Carry on Khalee!!
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Just found your report and I just wanted to let you know that I love your positivity! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventure! I'll be there in July!
Oh good lord. I'm not going to argue with people on YOUR post. Just going to say that I hope things are working out for you, and hopefully you'll still be there in October when we come down. :)
Being realistic, this is a recipe for disaster. Sorry, you have been adding allowances as you go.

That's ok. Risk taking is not for everyone.

Me? I'd wither away from "what if" if all I did was play it safe. Sounds like the OP is similarly situated.

But the world needs both types...no need to draw lines in the sand here.
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I've been reading this since you started.

When my 82 year old grandmother was 17, she moved to Chicago from EXTREME rural Missouri with her friend. They stayed with her friend's sister and her husband in a tiny apartment for a month until they had money for their own place. I know she'd tell you it's hard but worth it.

When I was 21 I was married with a new baby. At 23 I had two babies. At 24 I was divorced and alone. I never had any opportunity to be young and free. You got there. You're working. You did it.

We'll look for you in July :-)
You didn't need it anyway. Your personal auto insurance would cover you. Same as with rental cars. Always skip the insurance if you have your own!

Good luck! Wish I had had the cojones to do something like this when I was your age. I drove from Mattoon, IL to Lexington, KY to visit friends in college, and that was my first big roadtrip on my own as an 18 year. Scary stuff at the time!

This is true and untrue. If you purchase the insurance from a rental car company you will not be subject to deductibles nor will you be responsible for loss of use which is the lost revenue they experience while the car is being repaired or replaced. Also, as long as an incident report is not made out by an officer there will not be any impact on your insurance rates since there is no claim being placed. If you waive the insurance you are subject to your own auto policy and it's deductibles and there may be a very good chance you will not be covered for loss of use since many insurance companies do not cover this. I never purchase the insurance because my Visa card will pick up these costs. One needs to know the risks and make a decision that is best for them. I say this as a person who had 23 years experience as an agent/owner of an insurance agency representing a major insurance company until I sold my business a couple of years ago...

To the OP, I'm sorry to hijack your thread. Your story has kept me glued to this trip report. I truly hope and look forward to you sharing how everything has turned for the better for you.
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I have read all of this and all I can say is wow! You have been through a lot over the last few days/weeks. From what I can gather just by your writing is that if this had to happen to someone it happened to the lack of a better word right person. Because MOST people (like myself) would have really cracked under pressure and gave up on their dream over something like this. You didn't/haven't. Which is admirable. Keep up the persistency. Never give up. I am looking forward to seeing this experience turn around for you as I believe it will. Have fun with life and don't let the dream crushers, kick you when you are downers, scaredy cats get you down. Just be you!!

You made me cry...you are an inspiration! Hang in there and keep following your dreams! I have car troubIes all time and have called AAA within 20 mins of my home/ job so it happens no matter where you are. I had dreams at 21.. If I had been brave enough to follow them I know my life would have been totally different..but the path I followed has led to life lessons Im sure were ment to make me a better women/ mom. To all the naysayers....she is learning things that only life can teach her! I totally support you and if you are still there in Oct ...this momma with her DD 8 will gladly share a hug and say " I'm proud of you" ..keep smiling and keep us updated!


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