WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

Bellerunner - How "soon to be NC?" I'm doing the Charlotte Motor Speedway half with my daughter as well. Wanted to do Flying Pirate, but I'm doing Raleigh Rocks on 4/1 and RunRaleigh on 4/15, and it seemed a little much to add a third that month. And I'm trying to keep the travel to a minimum if I can.

Eddie - I agree with Maura. I think you may be one of the fastest WISHers! The injury free goal is definitely the most important - without that one, the others are pretty tough!

- I've heard LOTS of good things about OBX. There are 2 versions now - the Flying Pirate Half in April, which is the first half of the OBX full course, and the Half and Full in November. Many of our Galloway group run the fall race. I'm considering a back to back half in November - had originally planned to do Richmond and OBX, but then found out there's a new race in Norfolk the same day as OBX, and that would be much simpler geographically. Decisions, decisions!

Last year my goals were simple - recover from hip surgery and complete the MCM marathon in October, and finish in better shape than I did in 2010. I only did one other race - a half two weeks before MCM. But overall, I'd grade the year a B+, since I didn't start running until mid-March, was running pretty much back to pre-surgery levels by mid-summer, and finished MCM with a PR and smiling. My mileage totals for 2011 were higher than any year since I started running.

Goals for 2012:
1) Achieve total mileage of 1000+
2) Move up at least one level in the Half Fanatics
3) Run a full marathon in 5:30
4) Run a half marathon in ??? - I'm still undecided on this one. My PR is a 2:26, and I'm just not sure what I feel comfortable trying for this year. My running buddy and I had planned to run together in our first half the end of this month, and she WAS shooting for a 2:15, but this morning our group director told her he thinks she's capable of a 2:10. I KNOW I can't do that! So maybe a 2:20...

Thanks Maura and Jackie. I hold my own for someone who used to be over 300 LB's. It's nice to feel like an athlete.
Bellerunner - How "soon to be NC?" I'm doing the Charlotte Motor Speedway half with my daughter as well. Wanted to do Flying Pirate, but I'm doing Raleigh Rocks on 4/1 and RunRaleigh on 4/15, and it seemed a little much to add a third that month. And I'm trying to keep the travel to a minimum if I can.

I will be moving on February 28, literally right after I get back from the Disney Princess Half Marathon (well, the day after...). I am relocating to work. I am looking forward to being able to run outside without having to worry about freezing cold (sub zero temperatures) or snow and ice. I am looking for good areas to get my long runs in.

MikeofRose&Mike- Yes, a few more people know in the running community, but only one of my friends in real life knows!
I will be moving on February 28, literally right after I get back from the Disney Princess Half Marathon (well, the day after...). I am relocating to work. I am looking forward to being able to run outside without having to worry about freezing cold (sub zero temperatures) or snow and ice. I am looking for good areas to get my long runs in.

MikeofRose&Mike- Yes, a few more people know in the running community, but only one of my friends in real life knows!

Not sure where you will be living, but there are many safe neighborhoods and some greenways. This has been a great fall and winter for running. I played golf twice last week and got my long run in and will long run again on Tuesday with sun and 60's. I trained for the WDW full and had great weather every week for my LR's. But two years ago, I trained for the Princess on a treadmill as winter was cold. Not so friendly for cycling. My DH does quite a bit of that. Many good races...a great 15k in October, and a couple different Thanksgiving day events. And Thunder Road has moved to November. I'm close to the speedway, but don't have an interest in the race there.
I was just bragging on the 'Ohana thread about how what a wonderful place Raleigh was to live in terms of parks and greenways. We've opened miles of new greenways just in the past year, and there are more under construction. I'm so grateful for a community that considers that a priority.

Joan - The weather has been wonderful this winter. I was not at all sorry to be injured last winter when it was freezing almost every weekend and my friends were running in teens and twenties!

Eddie - Even more of an accomplishment! Weight loss AND speed. Congratulations on making a positive lifestyle change. And a fun one at that! It is addicting.

Liznboys - We're doing the race because DD wants the medal. The lights were too much for her to resist. Ironically, she's an Indy racing fan and hates Nascar, but she'll agree to run on a Nascar track since the medal is so amazing. Hope your foot is better soon!

Liznboys - We're doing the race because DD wants the medal. The lights were too much for her to resist. Ironically, she's an Indy racing fan and hates Nascar, but she'll agree to run on a Nascar track since the medal is so amazing. Hope your foot is better soon!



Yeah that medal looks awesome!!
Goals for 2012:
1) Achieve total mileage of 1000+
2) Move up at least one level in the Half Fanatics
3) Run a full marathon in 5:30
4) Run a half marathon in ??? - I'm still undecided on this one. My PR is a 2:26, and I'm just not sure what I feel comfortable trying for this year. My running buddy and I had planned to run together in our first half the end of this month, and she WAS shooting for a 2:15, but this morning our group director told her he thinks she's capable of a 2:10. I KNOW I can't do that! So maybe a 2:20...

Goal #3 - COMPLETE!

Jackie Congrats (again!). A 20 minute PR must have you floating still.

Hope everyone else is still hanging in there. I am still (3+ weeks later) trying to shake some hip stain issues and have stopped running. Hey, if walking bother me, running is bound to (although I have had situations where this wan't true). I am doing a lot of stationary cycling, whichis beginning to drive me nuts, but at least it's cardio.

In better news, I got my confirmation for entry into NYC marathon, so I have one thing on my race calendar!

Happy Valentine's Day all. Check out this amusing poster from Runner's World.


Yeah Jackie :cheer2:

Nice valentine link Maura :love:

AFM-Getting some runs in for the Princess...look forward to a weekend with my DD. I will let her "pace" us. Hope she doesn't go too fast. :hug:
Jackie - congrats again!!

Maura - although I race walked more than ran before the surgery, I am finding my knee gives me less trouble post surgery when I jog. Dunno. Weird.

Only 6 more weeks until I can get back to ALL activities ...most importantly back into my bike shoes and clips! :cool1:
Maura - Galloway question. I'm working on the Marathon to finish, after doing several halves. The 3 mile steps from 14 to 17 and 17 to 20 were some of the most difficult runs I have done. Is that normal? Do other people have that issue. I am assuming slower pace and more walk breaks is the answer.


Mike Wish I could help, but I am not a Galloway-er.....Gallloway-an.....Gallow-whatever!! The best person to ask would probably be Jackie (MouseDogMom). I'm sure she'll have a great answer for you.

Jackie - Congrats! What an awesome PB :)

Maura - I did a lot of work on a recumbent bike last year after I sprained my ankle. I thought it was boring too but it let me catch up on email while I was on it. Lots of pixiedust: for your hips! A massage might be good too - at least they always make me feel mentally better. And congrats on the NYC entry!

Liz - Do you think you'll start jogging once you're cleared in 6 weeks?

I'm slowly getting back into things. I have a half planned for the first weekend in May but haven't been that motivated to go out running :blush: I'm hoping to finally get that (elusive) 2:00 half. I've been doing speed work on the TM and metabolic training in the gym. I'll probably incorporate some hill work in there as well...
Vicky - I've been cleared to run for quite a while however all plant-foot-rotate type activities like tennis, skiing, using my cycling shoes/clips, were all off limits until I hit the 9 mth mark post surgery. That will be the end of March. :banana:

Didn't realize just used to the clips I had gotten until I had to ride again with out them. Foot won't stay in right place, slides on pedal, can't pull up. ;)
Mike - During the season, we only do 2 mile increases in our long runs. But there is at least one distance during every season that seems to be almost impossible. It's usually around the 18 mile mark for me. I struggle through it, question why I even think I could run a marathon, promise myself if I finish that I won't do it again, that I'll switch my entry to a half... anything to get through it. Then it's over and the next long run seems to go much better. So a couple of suggestions. If you have the time before your race, alter the plan so that there aren't 3 mile increases and just do 2 miles. We usually do 10, 12, 10, 14, 10, 16, 10, 18... you get the idea. Last year the backdown weeks were only 8 miles instead of 10. And yes, slow the pace. It's about doing the distance, not making any time goals. If it's at all warm, slow down even more. And walk as much as you need. If our group is running 3:1 intervals, we'll drop to 2:1. Once we reach the late miles, we may even drop to 1:1. I've finished a couple of runs doing :30/:30. Whatever it takes to get it done. And it's perfectly okay to walk the last mile or two. It actually helps the recovery afterward. The miles still count, but the body doesn't argue quite as much if you tell it that it only has to run 18 and walk 2 instead of running 20, particularly if you're having a rough day.

Last weekend was my 6th marathon, and the longest run I did prior was 18 miles, and it was one of the worst runs I've ever had. And we walked the last mile. And I whined, whimpered, complained, threatened to quit, all multiple times. So don't be disheartened. Just keep going!

Maura - I honestly think walking hurts more than running in many cases. I know last weekend as we hit the upper miles, my legs were beginning to cramp, but only during the walk breaks. It didn't hurt nearly as much to run, but I knew if I stopped the breaks, I'd never make it to the end! And congratulations on the NYC entry!

I have a week to figure out what I want to do next weekend. My running buddy isn't sure she's going to feel up to shooting for the time she'd originally planned, so I can set whatever goal I want. Have to decide if my body is sufficiently ready to tackle a blazing (for me) pace! I'm feeling a little crazy...

Goals for 2012:
1) Achieve total mileage of 1000+
2) Move up at least one level in the Half Fanatics
3) Run a full marathon in 5:30
4) Run a half marathon in ??? - I'm still undecided on this one. My PR is a 2:26, and I'm just not sure what I feel comfortable trying for this year. My running buddy and I had planned to run together in our first half the end of this month, and she WAS shooting for a 2:15, but this morning our group director told her he thinks she's capable of a 2:10. I KNOW I can't do that! So maybe a 2:20...

Goal #4 - COMPLETE!



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