WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

An update on my experiment.

Yesterday the scale said 161. I promised my daughter that at 160 we would go to Raising Canes for dinner. For those who don't know what that is, it's a yummy fried chicken fast food type place. She works there. Yesterday, she asked if I was at 160 yet. I told her u had a pound to go but it was close enough. So we went. I only ate half my meal and saved the rest for another day. This morning, scale said 160.4. Go figure.
An update on my experiment.

Yesterday the scale said 161. I promised my daughter that at 160 we would go to Raising Canes for dinner. For those who don't know what that is, it's a yummy fried chicken fast food type place. She works there. Yesterday, she asked if I was at 160 yet. I told her u had a pound to go but it was close enough. So we went. I only ate half my meal and saved the rest for another day. This morning, scale said 160.4. Go figure.

I've noticed on the one day of the week that I allow myself a little bit if a "cheat" with a few extra calories, the scale ALWAYS moves the next day. Go figure. I've actually researched calorie cycling a little bit. I might try it eventually, possibly when I hit my first wall. :)
I've noticed on the one day of the week that I allow myself a little bit if a "cheat" with a few extra calories, the scale ALWAYS moves the next day. Go figure. I've actually researched calorie cycling a little bit. I might try it eventually, possibly when I hit my first wall. :)

Whatever it is, I won't complain. ;-)
:love: Raising Cane's and I get a kids meals there...its still like 580 calories though!
Good evening friends :)

I just have a quick second so I wanted to check in & say that I hope everyone had a great weekend. Travel soccer ended today for DS10 & I thought I would gain my weekends back, but he has decided to play indoor soccer about 25 minutes away (games on Saturday afternoons). DS7 may also play in an indoor rec league Saturday mornings (luckily only 2 minutes away), so I guess I may get my weekends back for a couple weeks in February before spring soccer starts! Anyhoo, I'm getting my kids to bed & then going to watch some tv. I swear all that's ever on in our living room is cartoons. I'm going to watch some football & Big Bang Theory reruns :) Have a great night!

I'll try this again!! My first attempt went poof!

I arrived at the 5K about an hour before it stared. Registration went well and was short so I still had about 50 minutes until the race started. I had already stretched so I did a few warm up laps to warm up. The race started for 7, so we lined up about 10 minutes before. Since it was my first race, I wasn't really sure where to out myself, I knew I was running. But how fast? I stuck myself in the front, not the first line, but the front all the same. It was chilly, but not freezing so I felt okay. The race started and all of a sudden they had these huge speed bumps in the road! No one has warned us, thankfully no one tripped! I started out well, but I noticed so many people passing me up, had I got too far in the front? Or did people not pace themselves? It was the latter. About 5 minutes in, Runkeeper told me my pace, but I couldn't hear it! So I was feeling well, I decided to keep that pace. Soon I passed the 1 mile mark and suddenly felt so excited, this was it! All the hard work was finally paying off, I literally couldn't stop smiling! Soon mile 2 came and I was still feeling okay, thankfully they were giving out water so I walked for a minute to drink. This really recharged my system and I was feeling ready to see that finish line! Runkeeper came back on, and told me I had been running for 20 minutes and I was keeping a 10 minute mile!!!! This was my fastest time ever, and I was already into mile three!! I then decided I was going to put my all into this last mile, and I was going to finish in 30 minutes! I hadn't set a goal time, I just wanted to finish, so to have this well of a time was amazing to me! I could have cried!! So I ran! And soon, I could see the finish line, I was feeling my ankles at this time but I was so close! So I ignored those and picked up my pace! Then suddenly I saw a nice woman who handed me my medal and I was done! My happiness left quickly when I realized my family had figured it would take me longer to finish and had left to go get food. So I didn't have anyone to congratulate me or take my picture, or anything. Here's where I cried, I had totally forgot about my finish time, but I finished in 28 minutes. About 5 minutes after my Dad showed up, he was upset he had missed me and took me to get a water. I know they didn't mean to miss it, but it hurt all the same.
Hopefully next race someone will be there for me. I am excited to have finished and I am so proud of my time, and mostly myself! :)

Thank you all for listening to me rant about my race! I think I will start a running diary this week! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

What a fantastic first run experience and what a great time! Well done!! I am sure next time everyone is going to be there at the finishing line!!!

An update on my experiment.

Yesterday the scale said 161. I promised my daughter that at 160 we would go to Raising Canes for dinner. For those who don't know what that is, it's a yummy fried chicken fast food type place. She works there. Yesterday, she asked if I was at 160 yet. I told her u had a pound to go but it was close enough. So we went. I only ate half my meal and saved the rest for another day. This morning, scale said 160.4. Go figure.

First of all: Well done for eating only half the meal! :thumbsup2 And the scale has its own ways. I firmly believe that it does not really matter what you do one day, the body needs time to get to its own fat and metabolise it. What counts is the calorie deficit over a longer period of time.

:love: Raising Cane's and I get a kids meals there...its still like 580 calories though!

Great idea as well - there are many ways to still be able to enjoy a treat now and then while not doing too much damage!

Good evening friends :)

I just have a quick second so I wanted to check in & say that I hope everyone had a great weekend. Travel soccer ended today for DS10 & I thought I would gain my weekends back, but he has decided to play indoor soccer about 25 minutes away (games on Saturday afternoons). DS7 may also play in an indoor rec league Saturday mornings (luckily only 2 minutes away), so I guess I may get my weekends back for a couple weeks in February before spring soccer starts! Anyhoo, I'm getting my kids to bed & then going to watch some tv. I swear all that's ever on in our living room is cartoons. I'm going to watch some football & Big Bang Theory reruns :) Have a great night!


Oh, sorry about your weekends!! But it's great for your kids to have a sport that they really enjoy! Hope you had a great evening with the TV!
A happy Monday to all of you!! It is going to be an eventful week: Halloween and the end of this challenge. I guess these two don't work very well together... I must admit that I am quite glad that we don't have Halloween here in Germany as that means that I don't have to deal with the temptation of Halloween candy. But I hope all of you will get through the week!

QOTD for Monday:
When losing weight it is important to not just save calories, but to actually look at what caused one to put on all this weight. Only trying to eliminate these causes will help us to maintain the healthy weight once we are at our goal. There are so many little changes we can make to our lifestyle which will help us in the future. Have you made any changes yet that you plan to keep? Or have you identified problem areas that still need to be worked on?

One thing I have changed is that I am now eating breakfast regularly - usually fruit, yoghurt and müsli. Something I still need to work on is eating more slowly.
First of all: Well done for eating only half the meal! :thumbsup2 And the scale has its own ways. I firmly believe that it does not really matter what you do one day, the body needs time to get to its own fat and metabolise it. What counts is the calorie deficit over a longer period of time.

It's something I have to be able to integrate into my lifestyle. We don't eat out very often but I do cook all the time (food network is one of my best friends). So realistically, I have to be able to eat other things than just salmon and vegetables for the rest of my life.

So we did Raising Canes for the 160 mark. We are going to do Papa Johns (pizza) for the 150 mark. And a place called 5 Guys Burgers and Fries at 140. My family is patiently waiting! I haven't decided what to do for 130. Maybe Melting Pot. Anyway, the way I see it, it's not rewardingly self with food, it's slowly bringing back occasional treats so that I have something to look forward to and still be able to lose/maintain.

QOTD: I have definitely gotten back to portion control lately. And chips and sweets are not part of my daily diet. Dessert was a hard one for sure. I'm a sweet tooth. But it had to go, so it went. I never have been an emotional eater, unless you count loving food emotional eating. For me it's just loving to eat good food but now learning to eat less of it. And to pick your battles. For example, I'd rather have a delicious dinner of steak and potatoes than to eat pancakes in the morning. If I ate both, it would be bad. If I pick one, dinner definitely wins out. I can do that!
Hi ladies!

I'm going to go through and get caught up on my 15 minute break at 8:45 but just wanted to check in and let you all know I haven't forgotten you!

Following the busy end to my week two weeks ago, I came in last Monday to find out Marketing had decided to run one of our products as the Value of the Day on Walmart.com and we were hit with 2,500+ orders. Eek! As if that wasn't enough, another product was the value of the day on Wednesday, just in time for when we finally got caught up on the orders from the first. Every day was 10+ hours so needless to say, my bed was also seeing me for another 10 hours, lmao.

I am happy to report that I lost a little bit more this past weigh in, and while I don't think I'll hit my goal (need another 2lbs) this month, I am just happy to finish it being down. My 4.6 pound goal was a bit ambitious. :)
Hi everyone! I am going to be your coach through to October 30th! My name is Magdalene. After I managed to not be overweight anymore thanks to my weight loss success during the first half of the year, I am now struggling to get down to a weight that I will call my goal weight. October hasn't been easy for me, but I intend to finish strong and hope you all will join me in some outstanding last five days of the challenge!!

Question of the Day (for the weekend):

Here in Europe we already fall back this weekend to winter time. This means that we will get an additional hour. Unfortunately since it is in the night, I usually just sleep through it. But I was wondering what would be a better way to make use of that additional hour. So the question is: If you had a true bonus hour suddenly appearing this weekend which you could use for whatever you wanted, what would you do in that hour? Like me, catch up on sleep? Do something useful? Do something for yourself?

Hi Magdalene - thanks for coaching this week..
we get our extra hour this week and and I am sure to be sleeping thru it however it was this past weekend it would have been spent scrapbooking - at my Fri/Sat event I finished 31 pages! I was happy with that becuase I happened to be sitting next to a very chatty lady - she was nice but boy could she talk! and she was hogging up a bit of my table space! LOL Oh well my next one is 11/16 and I hope to get as many done

A happy Monday to all of you!! It is going to be an eventful week: Halloween and the end of this challenge. I guess these two don't work very well together... I must admit that I am quite glad that we don't have Halloween here in Germany as that means that I don't have to deal with the temptation of Halloween candy. But I hope all of you will get through the week!

QOTD for Monday:
When losing weight it is important to not just save calories, but to actually look at what caused one to put on all this weight. Only trying to eliminate these causes will help us to maintain the healthy weight once we are at our goal. There are so many little changes we can make to our lifestyle which will help us in the future. Have you made any changes yet that you plan to keep? Or have you identified problem areas that still need to be worked on?

One thing I have changed is that I am now eating breakfast regularly - usually fruit, yoghurt and müsli. Something I still need to work on is eating more slowly.

Well lets see I have changed my mind set that I am not on diet, this needs to be forever because I have to keep my sugars under control.. and I am still working on not stress eating LOL ..
Morning all! I'm home today, but of course have a MOUNTAIN of stuff to do after being gone all weekend!

I did myself a favor even though I got back near dinner time last night, I took the time while making last night's dinner to prep the veggies for today's crockpot stew, got everything sauteed and seasoned for tomorrow night's steak fajitas, and planned all of my meals for the rest of the week! Thursday night will be an easy yogurt parfait night since DS and I leave for ORLANDO on Friday!!:thumbsup2 Wishing it was for Disney, but it will still be fun

I've got Provencal beef stew cooking away here today, thanks to lisah0711 and it already smells delicious! I'll let you all know how it turns out! I'm anticipating it will be great, so I took the remaining tomato paste and froze it into 3 2-Tb. containers so it will be ready for this recipe next time! And of course, I overbought on zucchini (and under-bought onions) so we are having low carb stuffed zucchini on Wednesday, taking a tip from bigsis1970 !! Thanks all of you ladies for your continued recipe sharing and meal inspirations!

Off to do a bit of reading and replying before I dash off to continue laundry and such!.............P
I'll try this again!! My first attempt went poof!

I arrived at the 5K about an hour before it stared. Registration went well and was short so I still had about 50 minutes until the race started. I had already stretched so I did a few warm up laps to warm up. The race started for 7, so we lined up about 10 minutes before. Since it was my first race, I wasn't really sure where to out myself, I knew I was running. But how fast? I stuck myself in the front, not the first line, but the front all the same. It was chilly, but not freezing so I felt okay. The race started and all of a sudden they had these huge speed bumps in the road! No one has warned us, thankfully no one tripped! I started out well, but I noticed so many people passing me up, had I got too far in the front? Or did people not pace themselves? It was the latter. About 5 minutes in, Runkeeper told me my pace, but I couldn't hear it! So I was feeling well, I decided to keep that pace. Soon I passed the 1 mile mark and suddenly felt so excited, this was it! All the hard work was finally paying off, I literally couldn't stop smiling! Soon mile 2 came and I was still feeling okay, thankfully they were giving out water so I walked for a minute to drink. This really recharged my system and I was feeling ready to see that finish line! Runkeeper came back on, and told me I had been running for 20 minutes and I was keeping a 10 minute mile!!!! This was my fastest time ever, and I was already into mile three!! I then decided I was going to put my all into this last mile, and I was going to finish in 30 minutes! I hadn't set a goal time, I just wanted to finish, so to have this well of a time was amazing to me! I could have cried!! So I ran! And soon, I could see the finish line, I was feeling my ankles at this time but I was so close! So I ignored those and picked up my pace! Then suddenly I saw a nice woman who handed me my medal and I was done! My happiness left quickly when I realized my family had figured it would take me longer to finish and had left to go get food. So I didn't have anyone to congratulate me or take my picture, or anything. Here's where I cried, I had totally forgot about my finish time, but I finished in 28 minutes. About 5 minutes after my Dad showed up, he was upset he had missed me and took me to get a water. I know they didn't mean to miss it, but it hurt all the same.
Hopefully next race someone will be there for me. I am excited to have finished and I am so proud of my time, and mostly myself! :)

Thank you all for listening to me rant about my race! I think I will start a running diary this week! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Great job on your race! :cool1: You did awesome!!! :thumbsup2

QOTD for Monday:
When losing weight it is important to not just save calories, but to actually look at what caused one to put on all this weight. Only trying to eliminate these causes will help us to maintain the healthy weight once we are at our goal. There are so many little changes we can make to our lifestyle which will help us in the future. Have you made any changes yet that you plan to keep? Or have you identified problem areas that still need to be worked on?
I have been incorporating the WW suggested behavior of having a fruit or vegetable with each meal or snack. It helps me stay full for a longer period of time, and I tend to eat less junk since if I want a snack I don't usually want a fruit or vegetable PLUS something else. I can often be satisfied with just a F or V.

I've got Provencal beef stew cooking away here today, thanks to lisah0711 and it already smells delicious! I'll let you all know how it turns out! I'm anticipating it will be great, so I took the remaining tomato paste and froze it into 3 2-Tb. containers so it will be ready for this recipe next time! And of course, I overbought on zucchini (and under-bought onions) so we are having low carb stuffed zucchini on Wednesday, taking a tip from bigsis1970 !! Thanks all of you ladies for your continued recipe sharing and meal inspirations!

Wow! Great job on all the prep and for planning. I really have to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

I had such a great weekend as far as "life" goes, but was just a disaster on the food front. I know what I did "wrong" and why. Now I just have to re-seize control and get back into the good habits I was doing so well on building.
I'll try this again!! My first attempt went poof!

I arrived at the 5K about an hour before it stared. Registration went well and was short so I still had about 50 minutes until the race started. I had already stretched so I did a few warm up laps to warm up. The race started for 7, so we lined up about 10 minutes before. Since it was my first race, I wasn't really sure where to out myself, I knew I was running. But how fast? I stuck myself in the front, not the first line, but the front all the same. It was chilly, but not freezing so I felt okay. The race started and all of a sudden they had these huge speed bumps in the road! No one has warned us, thankfully no one tripped! I started out well, but I noticed so many people passing me up, had I got too far in the front? Or did people not pace themselves? It was the latter. About 5 minutes in, Runkeeper told me my pace, but I couldn't hear it! So I was feeling well, I decided to keep that pace. Soon I passed the 1 mile mark and suddenly felt so excited, this was it! All the hard work was finally paying off, I literally couldn't stop smiling! Soon mile 2 came and I was still feeling okay, thankfully they were giving out water so I walked for a minute to drink. This really recharged my system and I was feeling ready to see that finish line! Runkeeper came back on, and told me I had been running for 20 minutes and I was keeping a 10 minute mile!!!! This was my fastest time ever, and I was already into mile three!! I then decided I was going to put my all into this last mile, and I was going to finish in 30 minutes! I hadn't set a goal time, I just wanted to finish, so to have this well of a time was amazing to me! I could have cried!! So I ran! And soon, I could see the finish line, I was feeling my ankles at this time but I was so close! So I ignored those and picked up my pace! Then suddenly I saw a nice woman who handed me my medal and I was done! My happiness left quickly when I realized my family had figured it would take me longer to finish and had left to go get food. So I didn't have anyone to congratulate me or take my picture, or anything. Here's where I cried, I had totally forgot about my finish time, but I finished in 28 minutes. About 5 minutes after my Dad showed up, he was upset he had missed me and took me to get a water. I know they didn't mean to miss it, but it hurt all the same.
Hopefully next race someone will be there for me. I am excited to have finished and I am so proud of my time, and mostly myself! :)

Thank you all for listening to me rant about my race! I think I will start a running diary this week! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I got goosebumps listening to your race story! I could totally understand your excitement and your pride in your race and your never-ending smile! Sorry you didn't have anyone right there at the end, but how exciting that you finished so strong!! Congratulations!!

A happy Monday to all of you!! It is going to be an eventful week: Halloween and the end of this challenge. I guess these two don't work very well together... I must admit that I am quite glad that we don't have Halloween here in Germany as that means that I don't have to deal with the temptation of Halloween candy. But I hope all of you will get through the week!

I just keep reminding myself that it a "children's" holiday.... not an adult excuse to overindulge!

QOTD for Monday:
When losing weight it is important to not just save calories, but to actually look at what caused one to put on all this weight. Only trying to eliminate these causes will help us to maintain the healthy weight once we are at our goal. There are so many little changes we can make to our lifestyle which will help us in the future. Have you made any changes yet that you plan to keep? Or have you identified problem areas that still need to be worked on?

Some of the things I had to work on were portion sizes, lots of excuses to overeat (anything special, any holiday, any long weekend, season finale of my favorite tv show, long car trip, etc was an excuse to eat junk and too much of it in the past), and NO exercise. I've tackled most of those pretty successfully except I continue to struggle with regular exercise..... even after nearly 6 years nonstop on this journey.

It's something I have to be able to integrate into my lifestyle. We don't eat out very often but I do cook all the time (food network is one of my best friends). So realistically, I have to be able to eat other things than just salmon and vegetables for the rest of my life.

So we did Raising Canes for the 160 mark. We are going to do Papa Johns (pizza) for the 150 mark. And a place called 5 Guys Burgers and Fries at 140. My family is patiently waiting! I haven't decided what to do for 130. Maybe Melting Pot. Anyway, the way I see it, it's not rewardingly self with food, it's slowly bringing back occasional treats so that I have something to look forward to and still be able to lose/maintain.

I love this way of thinking!

QOTD: I have definitely gotten back to portion control lately. And chips and sweets are not part of my daily diet. Dessert was a hard one for sure. I'm a sweet tooth. But it had to go, so it went. I never have been an emotional eater, unless you count loving food emotional eating. For me it's just loving to eat good food but now learning to eat less of it. And to pick your battles. For example, I'd rather have a delicious dinner of steak and potatoes than to eat pancakes in the morning. If I ate both, it would be bad. If I pick one, dinner definitely wins out. I can do that!

Hi ladies!

I'm going to go through and get caught up on my 15 minute break at 8:45 but just wanted to check in and let you all know I haven't forgotten you!

Following the busy end to my week two weeks ago, I came in last Monday to find out Marketing had decided to run one of our products as the Value of the Day on Walmart.com and we were hit with 2,500+ orders. Eek! As if that wasn't enough, another product was the value of the day on Wednesday, just in time for when we finally got caught up on the orders from the first. Every day was 10+ hours so needless to say, my bed was also seeing me for another 10 hours, lmao.

I am happy to report that I lost a little bit more this past weigh in, and while I don't think I'll hit my goal (need another 2lbs) this month, I am just happy to finish it being down. My 4.6 pound goal was a bit ambitious. :)

Great job continuing to lose, even with your crazy busy schedule! Glad you are getting enough sleep though!!

Hi Magdalene - thanks for coaching this week..
we get our extra hour this week and and I am sure to be sleeping thru it however it was this past weekend it would have been spent scrapbooking - at my Fri/Sat event I finished 31 pages! I was happy with that becuase I happened to be sitting next to a very chatty lady - she was nice but boy could she talk! and she was hogging up a bit of my table space! LOL Oh well my next one is 11/16 and I hope to get as many done

Where is your next crop? I'd LOVE to schedule a crop weekend into my life some time soon!!

Well lets see I have changed my mind set that I am not on diet, this needs to be forever because I have to keep my sugars under control.. and I am still working on not stress eating LOL ..


Well.... I didn't go all the way back due to time constraints, so I am very sorry for everything I haven't replied to.... that being said, I did READ everything! Hope that counts for something.

TTYL after I get a few more things done here!.............P
WoW Pam thanks I am off to check all those recipes out!!!

my next crop is for the day 11-16 8am -8pm is right in my home town - Standish Me at our HS for project Grad.. the next weekend crop that I'll be going to is March 14-16 2014 at the Ramada Inn in Saco Me (right off the turnpike) by my Creative Memories Consultant (who also has rooms blocked for us for $70 + tax a night) if you want info let me know and I'll hook you up
WoW Pam thanks I am off to check all those recipes out!!!

my next crop is for the day 11-16 8am -8pm is right in my home town - Standish Me at our HS for project Grad.. the next weekend crop that I'll be going to is March 14-16 2014 at the Ramada Inn in Saco Me (right off the turnpike) by my Creative Memories Consultant (who also has rooms blocked for us for $70 + tax a night) if you want info let me know and I'll hook you up

You are a bit further away than I thought. I mapquested it and Standish is 2 hr 45 minutes and Saco is 2 hr 30 minutes. But I would be willing to drive it for an overnight crop probably. If you want to send me a PM from your CM consultant that would be great!


Okay friends.... beds made, bathrooms cleaned, laundry all hanging outside in the breezes. Dinner is simmering away (and smells delicious) and I've had part of my lunch. Now to work on the travel journal I am trying to whip together for this weekend with DS!

Thank you to everyone for all the kind words about my race! I have caught the running bug big time!!
For today's QOTD-
I have finally learned to eat enough calories during the day to drop weight. It is so odd the way our bodies work sometimes! One thing I can work on is lowering my carb intake!

Finally going to the doctor today to find out the results of my glucose tolerance test! Hoping for answers!
Originally Posted by DisneyJillian18
I am excited to have finished and I am so proud of my time, and mostly myself!
hooray for you "speedy Gonzalez!!" wow - what an accomplishment :yay:

Originally Posted by HippieChickadee
Yay! -I just did my first 10K today.
Hooray for you too - :cool1:
Hope you both heard my applause for you :banana:

seems like I am hungry today - gotta keep busy and drink some h20!

off to wrap some Christmas presents ::yes:: it's next up on my to-do list!

WISHing everyone a great week !
Arg! I just ate far too many cookies!!! Normally I don't have them at home at all to prevent this. But I was at the new place after work to work a little on my Ikea furniture (what made me buy this chest of drawers which appears to have 5.000 screws that are needed to put it all together????) and I had seen these christmas cookies last weekend and they looked so cute and I was in the mood to buy cute things for the new place. So I had to try one after all the hard furniture making. The one became far too many...

I think I better go and put on my running shoes and go for a short run at least!
Arg! I just ate far too many cookies!!! Normally I don't have them at home at all to prevent this. But I was at the new place after work to work a little on my Ikea furniture (what made me buy this chest of drawers which appears to have 5.000 screws that are needed to put it all together????) and I had seen these christmas cookies last weekend and they looked so cute and I was in the mood to buy cute things for the new place. So I had to try one after all the hard furniture making. The one became far too many...

I think I better go and put on my running shoes and go for a short run at least!

I met up with my old best friends Ben and Jerry this weekend! I felt so guilty!! I told my teen daughter not to even bring it in the house because I would eat it. She didn't believe me until she went to the freezer to get it and it was gone, lol! It didn't cause a gain but it slowed down my loss for my weigh in with WW today!


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