WISH Away the Pounds January Challenge -- Jumpstart the New Year -- Everyone Welcome!

Hi all! Sorry for being MIA all weekend. It is not a good time right now. :(

My heat in my apartment is so inconsistent and no one can seem to figure out why. Its NYC so no rebates on the days without heat, and honestly, I'm broke. I can't buy a space heater because I can't afford the electricity bills.

The worst part of it all is that my company is very slow right now, meaning that the chances of my salary getting raised anytime in the next 9 months is incredibly low.

Right now, its getting me SO down. I'm trying so hard to stay strong, and I really have been very good about not indulging in comfort food during this time. But, here I am, 10 pounds lesser than when I started, and I haven't purchased new clothing in YEARS. I haven't needed to, but now, I'm so bundled up under all my layers to keep warm, and everything is big on me.

I guess I just need to get up the courage to quit my job and find something new. If only my father wasn't the boss of the company... :(

aaaaand end rant!

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, I am trying to take pride in the NSV of not eating my feelings, but I just needed to vent a bit.

In fact, on Friday, instead of going out to an Italian restaurant, I offered to cook for my friend. Some whole wheat pasta and store bought sauce meant I knew exactly what I was eating, and I could eat exactly the portion I wanted to - and have leftovers for this week! It was a good move on our part!

BBL with replies and some daily holidays!

I'm so sorry you are going through all of this! If it is something that the landlord should be fixing and isn't, can't you go to a some sort of State department of housing or something and get them to work on it??

Anyhow.... SO PROUD of you for not eating into your feelings!! I'll bet having that VICTORY over the food made your feel better on Friday!!

Kind of a silly thought, but do you pay for hot water or does your landlord? If it is part of your rent, turn the shower on high and hot to warm the apartment up!

It maybe time to look into a part time job or a shift in your spending if you are really struggling. :hug: Not judging, just feeling badly. If you were my DD, I would say the same thing. Maybe time to eat some cheaper foods (but still healthier) for a while to redirect some money from the grocery bill to the electric bill?

For the time being, drink lots of hot tea (and cradle the mug to keep your hands warm), invest in one of those warm packs that are filled with rice or buckwheat. Just a minute or two in the microwave and it will keep your neck or feet warm for an hour! And remember.... being cold helps burn calories! :thumbsup2


TM time is DONE, laundry is moving along, bathroom sinks are soaking with ammonia and hot water, beds are made. Time to grab some lunch and do my WW studying so I can move on to more cleaning and decluttering!........P
Lisa I just checked my ADR's and we are free for the meet up Friday!! I don't have a WISH shirt :( but I'm sure I can figure something out. I'll go buy a lime green shirt if I have to.

I hope I get the bling!!! I'm so nervous, it's not funny.

I did get 11 miles in Friday though, and even though I had to walk the last 2 miles (blister and bum knee) I still maintained a 14:04 pace. I just hope it's enough.

Buffy, the WISH meet is Saturday so hopefully you are available. It is a lot of fun and doesn't take a ton of time.

I've never met anyone because of a LGMH but I've met people all over at DLR and WDW wearing my WISH shirt.

If you are doing 14 minute miles now you are golden so stop worrying and start planning on all the fun you are going to have. :hippie:

It's no fun being swept but it is not the end of the world. They give you plenty of warning and the important thing now is to get yourself to that start line uninjured and ready to rock. :rockband:
I'm so sorry you are going through all of this! If it is something that the landlord should be fixing and isn't, can't you go to a some sort of State department of housing or something and get them to work on it??

The Housing department is in my contact list haha! They take about 48 hours to respond, and the heat is usually back on by then, so there's not much they can do. I tried looking into legal action, and unfortunately, I'd have to pay a lot of money I don't have for a lawyer to try my case. I was also told that by the time I can even get a hearing, it won't be winter anymore. :(

Anyhow.... SO PROUD of you for not eating into your feelings!! I'll bet having that VICTORY over the food made your feel better on Friday!!

Thanks! It did feel great to just enjoy my meal rather than stressing about it.

Kind of a silly thought, but do you pay for hot water or does your landlord? If it is part of your rent, turn the shower on high and hot to warm the apartment up!

Funny you say that, as I don't pay for hot water, and that's exactly how I heat my apartment lol Problem is if I go longer than 30 minutes, the paintings on the wall start falling down from all the humidity! :rotfl2: But, yes, I start every day with a hot shower, I've covered my doors and windows with blankets and cook with my oven whenever possible lol

It maybe time to look into a part time job or a shift in your spending if you are really struggling. :hug: Not judging, just feeling badly. If you were my DD, I would say the same thing. Maybe time to eat some cheaper foods (but still healthier) for a while to redirect some money from the grocery bill to the electric bill?

That's the problem, I'm on my last dime. I don't eat out, I only buy the cheapest brands, the cheapest foods. I cook with generic everything. There are things I'm badly in need of that I haven't bought in ages simply because I need to eat. =/ And no judgments, I truly thank you for the advice. With what I'm making - which is a fulltime job and then teaching Saturdays, babysitting Saturday nights, minus rent, minus internet, electricity, transportation and paying back student loans, I'm left with about $150 each month for food and anything else that might come up. In Florida, that was easy to live in. Here in NYC, I go to three grocery stores to get the best deals haha I really just need a higher paid job. OY.

And remember.... being cold helps burn calories! :thumbsup2

It does?!?! Maybe that's why I've been losing so steadily this month!! :rotfl: Honestly, though, my heat was completely off this morning, but with the rise in the temperature to 39, I didn't even notice!!! It felt like it normally does in my apartment. It wasn't until I got out of the shower that I noticed it was way colder than normal!


But thanks for the sage advice, pjilla. It was a nice pickmeup for today. :hug:

QOTD 1/26/14--Favorite thing to do outside at WDW or DL in the sunshine that does not involve a ride or attraction?

Oooh. This is a tough one. At Christmas time, I like to walk around the hotels and look at all the decorations. When its very hot and empty at MK, I like to watch the cleaning staff draw Disney characters with water on their brooms. My favorite is when Cinderella's castle is decorated for the holidays. When the show happens around 6:15, and the castle gets lit up, I turn around and look at all the people. Their faces are priceless.

Also at Christmas, my friends and I used to love looking for the Black Cat at Osborne Spectacle of Lights!!! For those who don't know, most of the lights came shipped from Osborne's family, and when they first did the lights, they opened them all, and they found this black (well, purple) cat. They tried to make sense of it for weeks, but when they finally called him up, it turned out it was a Halloween light that got snuck in there by accident. Every year they put it up in a different place among the lights. UGH I miss WDW at Xmas.

I don't know if this counts as an attraction but the 5:15 Flag Lowering Ceremony is the easiest way to make me cry. It is a wonderful moment that most people miss, and it is really beautiful to see all the vets looking on.

I also love going to the Polynesian at night to grab a Dole Whip down by the beach and then watch the fireworks. They also usually have a movie going on the beach.

Jeez, I really could go on, but I won't! haha

[Bold]QOTD 1/27/14 I have been trying all weekend to figure out how to ask this question. How are you dressing/taking care of yourself? Are you presenting yourself positively to the world or letting yourself go until you get skinny? Makeup? Hair? Clothes? [/bold]

I wish I could say that I'm presenting myself positively, but I'm not. =/ My work environment is casual, which hasn't made for a big push to dress nice, and honestly, I just don't think I'm ready yet. I am slowly building up my confidence as I learn to love myself, and I think its going to take some time before I'm ready to put on something that makes me feel good and wear that bit of makeup before walking out the door. Right now, my baby steps are to wear my hair down more often lol

I hope I get the bling!!! I'm so nervous, it's not funny.

I did get 11 miles in Friday though, and even though I had to walk the last 2 miles (blister and bum knee) I still maintained a 14:04 pace. I just hope it's enough.

Do NOT be nervous!! You got this! And don't worry about the pace. If you are doing a 14:04, the adrenaline will make sure you are nowhere near 15.

The pace people always start in the last corral and they make it very clear that they are the pace people. In the ToT 10 miler, they didn't sweep behind the pace person until the 7th mile. My friend was behind them, and she said the woman kept saying things like, just run hard for 2 minutes and then go back to your normal speed, and you'll be fine.

You are gonna ROCK this race and its going to be AWESOME!


Today is National Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is also the day we celebrate Thomas Crapper - you know, the reason we call it "the crapper." LOL

He didn't invent the flush toilet, but he did hold numerous patents to help modernize indoor plumbing. But, his advertising was so widespread that crapper became synonymous with toilet. :rotfl:

Also, if you can believe it - it was FOUR years ago today when the iPad was unveiled.

Tomorrow it is national blueberry pancakes day, and also Fun at Work Day! So, do something fun tomorrow at work - maybe bring in blueberry pancakes. =P
Maintaining is great.... don't underestimate it! :thumbsup2

Isn't that the truth? ::yes::

Enjoy your busy day today, Pamela! :flower3:

Just wanted to say congrats on Tink! You must feel fabulous! And it will be even better after the Princess and your C2C. I have been lurking on the Princess thread and reading a lot of running reports here as a very beginning runner with a goal to run the 2015 Princess. You guys are so inspiring! Keep it up!:cheer2:

You will have a blast! princess:

Hi all! Sorry for being MIA all weekend. It is not a good time right now. :(

My heat in my apartment is so inconsistent and no one can seem to figure out why. Its NYC so no rebates on the days without heat, and honestly, I'm broke. I can't buy a space heater because I can't afford the electricity bills.

The worst part of it all is that my company is very slow right now, meaning that the chances of my salary getting raised anytime in the next 9 months is incredibly low.

Right now, its getting me SO down. I'm trying so hard to stay strong, and I really have been very good about not indulging in comfort food during this time. But, here I am, 10 pounds lesser than when I started, and I haven't purchased new clothing in YEARS. I haven't needed to, but now, I'm so bundled up under all my layers to keep warm, and everything is big on me.

I guess I just need to get up the courage to quit my job and find something new. If only my father wasn't the boss of the company... :(

aaaaand end rant!

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, I am trying to take pride in the NSV of not eating my feelings, but I just needed to vent a bit.

In fact, on Friday, instead of going out to an Italian restaurant, I offered to cook for my friend. Some whole wheat pasta and store bought sauce meant I knew exactly what I was eating, and I could eat exactly the portion I wanted to - and have leftovers for this week! It was a good move on our part!

BBL with replies and some daily holidays!

So sorry about the tough times. :hug: I'm so proud of you for making good choices even when everything else seems to be going against you. :flower3: That shows real perseverance and will power! :thumbsup2 I know you can work through these issues one step at a time time. Hang in there! pixiedust:

hey everyone - just a quick fly by today - I am soo BUSY at work! but I wanted to check in.. I just pm'd my weight to Lisa which was down about a lb.. so that was good.. On Wednesday afternoon I signed up for my at work WW program.. we get our materials and do our first WI on Wednesday - I will be swaping to a traditional meeting on Sat am's as I love that Leader.. Hubs and I made it to they gym on Tues (me for Zumba/he worked out) and on Wed (I got a strength plan- holy ouchie!!/he just worked out on the machines again) we had planned Thurs as well but when we got home Wed we had no water -- part of our pipe doesn't have heat tape apparently so now in 20 or less degree weather we leave the cold water dripping as to not have that happen again.. We plan on going to the gym Tues, Wed and Fri this week..

QotD -- well tough one, I do now wear clothing that fit for the most part - not loose baggy stuff.. I do not wear make up but then I never did before either.. I do blowdry and curl my hair everyday (if not then I look like this when i get up :clown: haa) I guess my style has changed slightly .

Hugs to everyone that needs one.. Michelle

Sounds like the new workout regime is working great for you! ::yes::

I hope that you like WW. It's really helped me to lose weight and keep it off, even though it doesn't come off as quickly as I would like. That I think is more a statement of me and my efforts than the WW program. :rolleyes1
Bad day at my house. :( I forgot to take my workout clothes to work which ended up being a good thing because I had to rush Sugar (our 15.5 yo daschund) to the vet. This morning she was fine, but when I got home from work she was missing huge chunks of hair off of her back. The vet thinks it's a bacterial infection. Or could be an auto immune disease causing a bacterial infection. Anyhow, it was really stressful, and now I am sort of crying and having a martini. And pizza. And fries for dinner. The wagon is a long way off tonight, but I am ok with that. I know that Sugar's days are limited. We got her when DS was starting second grade, so he grew up with her. Thanks for letting me share.

Sorry I have been MIA lately.

I went to DL last weekend and ran the Tinker Bell Half Marathon. I even managed a PR! :cool1:
Congrats Lisa!

I love laying around the pool with a tropical drink in my hand. I love to people watch and watch my kids splash and laugh while they swim. I also enjoy hanging around Downtown Disney as long as I don't go overboard in Goofy's Candy Company!!

DH and I were thinking of driving to Maine to take the kids on a whale watching trip this summer. If anyone has ever been, feel free to share everything you know! There's a ton of different companies/trips and leaving from all different locations, so I'm a tad overwhelmed!
There is just something about hanging out in the FL sunshine! :goodvibes
A trip to Maine sounds like a lot of fun!

QOTD 1/27/14 I have been trying all weekend to figure out how to ask this question. How are you dressing/taking care of yourself? Are you presenting yourself positively to the world or letting yourself go until you get skinny? Makeup? Hair? Clothes?

Attempting to send with formatting from my phone so forgive me if this looks funny.
Busy day but I plan to do replies tonight. Have a super Monday!
I posted this because I find that as I put weight back on I become guilty of "letting myself go." And I think it then becomes a big spiral downhill.

Thank you to Lisah for a great reply to this question!

I do take care of my appearance. I have a cute short haircut that is easy to do and wear makeup and jewelry every day. My clothes fit and my old baggy clothes are gone. I'm not particularly fashionable but I do try to maintain a professional appearance, not just for me, but I have found that the worse I look, the more people I will run into that I know. :rotfl:

This is one of the things that is so important for us to do every day -- especially days when we don't feel our best. Not just for our appearance but for EVERYTHING. Do not wait until you are at goal weight to start living the life you want, live the life you want NOW. :hippie:


Happy Monday all!
Great response!

Now all of that being said.... I kind of wish I had taken better care of myself when I was heavier. I might have felt better about myself wearing something prettier that fit well rather than just "getting by".
I think I am really guilty of this. Or was. I see old tendencies sneaking in there again so time to nip things in the bud and take better care of myself.


I hope I get the bling!!! I'm so nervous, it's not funny.

I did get 11 miles in Friday though, and even though I had to walk the last 2 miles (blister and bum knee) I still maintained a 14:04 pace. I just hope it's enough.
You can do it Buffy. Just watch those stops--make sure if you stop for a bathroom break or a picture that your watch is not pausing. Stops add up so quickly. Your pace right now is great and you should have no problems!:goodvibes

Hi all! Sorry for being MIA all weekend. It is not a good time right now. :(

hey everyone - just a quick fly by today - I am soo BUSY at work! but I wanted to check in.. I just pm'd my weight to Lisa which was down about a lb.. so that was good.. On Wednesday afternoon I signed up for my at work WW program.. we get our materials and do our first WI on Wednesday - I will be swaping to a traditional meeting on Sat am's as I love that Leader.. Hubs and I made it to they gym on Tues (me for Zumba/he worked out) and on Wed (I got a strength plan- holy ouchie!!/he just worked out on the machines again) we had planned Thurs as well but when we got home Wed we had no water -- part of our pipe doesn't have heat tape apparently so now in 20 or less degree weather we leave the cold water dripping as to not have that happen again.. We plan on going to the gym Tues, Wed and Fri this week..

QotD -- well tough one, I do now wear clothing that fit for the most part - not loose baggy stuff.. I do not wear make up but then I never did before either.. I do blowdry and curl my hair everyday (if not then I look like this when i get up :clown: haa) I guess my style has changed slightly .

Hugs to everyone that needs one.. Michelle
Sounds like a busy, good week!

Also at Christmas, my friends and I used to love looking for the Black Cat at Osborne Spectacle of Lights!!! For those who don't know, most of the lights came shipped from Osborne's family, and when they first did the lights, they opened them all, and they found this black (well, purple) cat. They tried to make sense of it for weeks, but when they finally called him up, it turned out it was a Halloween light that got snuck in there by accident. Every year they put it up in a different place among the lights. UGH I miss WDW at Xmas.
One of our favorite things to do is find the cat!
Morning all! Already broke my rule for today that I would be off the computer by 9:30. DH needed some help with some stuff before he left for Maine, so that ate into my schedule.... so time to revise today's schedule!

On today's schedule is TM time, posting stuff for sale on the computer, laundry (always), and getting ready for my "Simple Start" certification tomorrow morning. If there is any time left after that I plan to clean out under my bed! :scared1: Far too much CRAP residing there with the dust bunnies!

BB at lunch time to chat!................P

Thanks for all the info on Maine. We were looking at Boothbay Harbor for a couple nights. Have you ever been there? Although, the whale watching boat from there doesn't get the best reviews. I'll look into all the places you suggested. Thanks again :)

Did you clean under the bed? Schools here are cancelled for tomorrow due to extreme wind chills (-20), so I started to "spring clean" DSs rooms. I started with those stinking Legos! I know you feel my pain. We have too many and it's out of control. Luckily we are to the point of being done with Legos :thumbsup2 But, I did find some dust bunnies under DS7's bed along with socks, a shirt, a pair of jeans, and 3 pairs of underwear :confused:

I hope I get the bling!!! I'm so nervous, it's not funny.

I did get 11 miles in Friday though, and even though I had to walk the last 2 miles (blister and bum knee) I still maintained a 14:04 pace. I just hope it's enough.

I have no experience with a Disney race, but I think you're good to go. Just take care of yourself and you'll be blinging away soon. Congrats on all your hard work!

Hi all! Sorry for being MIA all weekend. It is not a good time right now. :(

My heat in my apartment is so inconsistent and no one can seem to figure out why. Its NYC so no rebates on the days without heat, and honestly, I'm broke. I can't buy a space heater because I can't afford the electricity bills.

The worst part of it all is that my company is very slow right now, meaning that the chances of my salary getting raised anytime in the next 9 months is incredibly low.

Right now, its getting me SO down. I'm trying so hard to stay strong, and I really have been very good about not indulging in comfort food during this time. But, here I am, 10 pounds lesser than when I started, and I haven't purchased new clothing in YEARS. I haven't needed to, but now, I'm so bundled up under all my layers to keep warm, and everything is big on me.

I guess I just need to get up the courage to quit my job and find something new. If only my father wasn't the boss of the company... :(

aaaaand end rant!

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, I am trying to take pride in the NSV of not eating my feelings, but I just needed to vent a bit.

In fact, on Friday, instead of going out to an Italian restaurant, I offered to cook for my friend. Some whole wheat pasta and store bought sauce meant I knew exactly what I was eating, and I could eat exactly the portion I wanted to - and have leftovers for this week! It was a good move on our part!

BBL with replies and some daily holidays!

So sorry you are having such problems with the heat and finances. It's sad when people work hard and can barely make ends meet. It just doesn't seem fair :confused3

It sounds like a new job may be just what you need. I would search around and see if you can find something better. I hope your dad understands if you move along to bigger and better things. Good luck!

Great job with the pasta party. It saves on calories and money! That's definitely a win-win :)

hey everyone - just a quick fly by today - I am soo BUSY at work! but I wanted to check in.. I just pm'd my weight to Lisa which was down about a lb.. so that was good.. On Wednesday afternoon I signed up for my at work WW program.. we get our materials and do our first WI on Wednesday - I will be swaping to a traditional meeting on Sat am's as I love that Leader.. Hubs and I made it to they gym on Tues (me for Zumba/he worked out) and on Wed (I got a strength plan- holy ouchie!!/he just worked out on the machines again) we had planned Thurs as well but when we got home Wed we had no water -- part of our pipe doesn't have heat tape apparently so now in 20 or less degree weather we leave the cold water dripping as to not have that happen again.. We plan on going to the gym Tues, Wed and Fri this week..

QotD -- well tough one, I do now wear clothing that fit for the most part - not loose baggy stuff.. I do not wear make up but then I never did before either.. I do blowdry and curl my hair everyday (if not then I look like this when i get up :clown: haa) I guess my style has changed slightly .

Hugs to everyone that needs one.. Michelle

Congrats on the loss :)

I also love going to the Polynesian at night to grab a Dole Whip down by the beach and then watch the fireworks. They also usually have a movie going on the beach.

Yummmmm...Dole whip :love:


Today is National Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is also the day we celebrate Thomas Crapper - you know, the reason we call it "the crapper." LOL

He didn't invent the flush toilet, but he did hold numerous patents to help modernize indoor plumbing. But, his advertising was so widespread that crapper became synonymous with toilet. :rotfl:

I learn something new everyday! Thanks!

Also, if you can believe it - it was FOUR years ago today when the iPad was unveiled.

Tomorrow it is national blueberry pancakes day, and also Fun at Work Day! So, do something fun tomorrow at work - maybe bring in blueberry pancakes. =P

Tomorrow my school is cancelled, so I think it will be the best Fun at Work Day :) And, maybe I'll make the kids blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I still have tons of blueberries in my freezer from my grandma this summer.

QOTD~I multi-quoted Rose's question but it went MIA. I think I do pretty well. As far as clothes go, I am wearing much better fitting clothes. And, I feel good about myself in the clothes. I always wear makeup (not a lot). I never wear fingernail polish because it seems to chip instantly (I have soft nails). I actually do not do much with my hair as far as coloring or anything. I keep a simple cut that is easy in the mornings and I can also pull back when working out. I do need a trim, though, so thanks for the reminder :)


No school tomorrow=cleaning days! I did a bunch in DS7's room but need another hour in there. Then it's to DS10's room. I am cleaning it with no help from him because he will not get rid of anything. So in order to purge some stuff and deep clean, he cannot be anywhere near me!

We are going to watch a family movie tonight since the kids can stay up a bit later, so I am going to run. Have a healthy day!

Just wanted to say congrats on Tink! You must feel fabulous! And it will be even better after the Princess and your C2C. I have been lurking on the Princess thread and reading a lot of running reports here as a very beginning runner with a goal to run the 2015 Princess. You guys are so inspiring! Keep it up!:cheer2:

Aww, thanks so much! I hadn't even heard of Run Disney when I started the BL challenges here over 3 years ago. Then I read about Corinna (another WISHer) running the DL half and Rose running the Wine and Dine and I was inspired. I wanted to run the DL half as my first half, but then Tink was announced and I knew I had to do it! I got so much help and support from the ladies here. And I've made some amazing friends along the way. You can definitely do it!

Liz Congratulations on being Dopey. What an amazing accomplishment!

LTS Congratulations on your weight loss!

Buffy Your pace is just fine, you will make it! I was so nervous before my first half so I get being concerned about the sweepers. Everyone told me not to worry, but I didn't fully believe them. When we were in the corral before Tink, Lisa turned to me and said I would never even see the sweepers and I finally believed her. I took it easy, enjoyed the race, and still finished way ahead of the sweepers. And I was slower than you in training! Its going to be a fun weekend.

Pamela One kid out of the house and you are as busy as ever!

willflytodisney I'm sorry about the budget troubles, it sounds like you are making good budget decisions.

Rose I'm sorry about the crappy weather. My family in Ohio has been complaining about the gloom too.
Hi, all! I am slow to write again, but I am still here - and going strong! I lost enough this week to make my January goal! :cool1: Now to keep it off through the end of the month - and keep going. :)

I felt a little throat tickle Thursday night after my rehearsal...and sure enough, it moved into full-blown cold over the weekend. I spent almost five hours in bed on Sunday afternoon and then slept another eight hours last night. Unheard of. I'm coughing a bunch and am hoping this doesn't go into bronchitis-land. Ugh. Tomorrow is my commute day, and we'll be back in the single digits by the end of the day. I'm so done with winter!

So the cold has slowed down my exercise, for sure. Between the headache, the sore throat, and the exhaustion, I haven't done much in the past few days except slug around the house. I got on the bike Friday before dinner, and I've stayed true to points, so I'm hoping my formal WW weigh-in tomorrow is still a good one. Fortunately, my next half is still far enough away (March 15) that I think I'll be fine having missed my 6-miler this weekend.

Sending good vibes to everyone out there who needs 'em - I'm thinking of all of you, whether it be a furry loved one, busted heat, or a job that doesn't catch your full potential. I'm glad you're all here to share with us!

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
I don't think I will need a bathroom break, I didn't need one during my 11 miles, but we will see when I do my 14 miles next week.
I don't plan to do much in terms of stopping for characters unless the lines are short. I do want to get pics of the mile markers.
Any ideas on when we will get corral info?

Lisa, I made sure I put the right date in my calendar for the WISH meet.
I wish I had gotten a shirt. ERGH!!! Next time! I do have my WISH head bands though.
QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

I woke up at 3:30 and since I deleted Candy Crush I decided to hit the gym hard this morning. I knew deleting CCS was a good choice! Anyhow got in 90 min of cardio and I'm ready for the day.

If anyone is in the path of this storm be careful! Last weekend we were in Charleston, SC and it was in the upper 50s/low 60s. Today they are getting a 1/2 an inch of ice! They have so many beautiful live oaks in Charleston, so I hope it is not as bad as they think because ice is so hard on trees. DS's university in Columbia SC preemptively cancelled classes for the day because they are getting snow. They will probably cancel tomorrow too. They have no snow plows. I think it is supposed to be back in the 60s this weekend so it won't stick around long. :)

We are missing this storm!:cool1: It's still freezing (0 when I went to the Y) but our temps are hopefully going to start moderating over the next couple of days.:goodvibes

Be back tonight with replies.:goodvibes
BUFFY!!! you will do great!!! you are well prepared!

I've fallen behind in the chatter. so sorry. I've been busy, ending up working yesterday, and now I need to pack for my trip! so last night I spent trying on clothes to see what was fitting now. and it amazed me that earlier in the day I was feeling great about my progress (compliments from co-workers) then trying on clothes I got really bummed about my steroid belly and that not everything I thought would fit did. the emotional roller coaster. it's too late to fret over it now, it won't change in a week! so today i'll workout and try not to beat myself up for not being where I wish I was. it WILL happen... I'm just not patient :blush:

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

my lack of organization in planning my meals hinders my progress

oh yea, and I think my WI Friday will be crap too...I've had to adjust my meds to avoid an electrolyte shock with the temperature difference in FL and not I'm retaining a lot of water. I knew this would happen, but if I don't change it now i'll feel horrible when I get there...so it's the right thing to do
Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Feeling much better today - probably from feeling all the WISH love from you all. Seriously, thank you to everyone for your support yesterday, I really needed it.

I got a bunch of calls from the Housing Department with automated messages last night on how to stay warm, and to confirm my heat was still off. It wasn't, but it was on very low, so I told them it was off anyway haha

I kept my shower on a low, room temperature level for... longer than any environmentalist would care to hear about LOL BUT, when I turned it off, it was actually comfortable in my apartment. Vents that normally don't have heat once it gets too cold, had HEAT! It wasn't much, but it was enough to be just a bit chilly, rather than FREEZING! Baby steps lol

Today is a sad day, though, for me. Pete Seeger died yesterday. I know its strange to be so sad when someone like that dies, because I didn't know him, and he wasn't still producing music. But, his music really shaped most of my life and so I'm spending most of the day listening to all my CDs of his.

On a totally unrelated note, today is also difficult because my nieces are selling girl scout cookies again! I have decided that I don't have the money nor the willpower to not eat an entire package of thin mints in one sitting, so I am NOT getting them this year :thumbsup2

This weekend in my search to find a healthier alternative to my favorite thing in the world - bread - I bought a package of whole wheat tortillas. So far, my sandwiches have been awesome, and a whole tortilla is 2 whole points less than 2 slices of bread!! Tonight's test will see if PB&J works in a wrap... will let you all know how the experiment goes! :scared:

Happy Fun at Work Day! I've decided to make my fun in applying for other jobs so that every day can be fun at work day! :rotfl:

Tomorrow is National Puzzle Day - which I am very excited about! I love puzzles of all shapes and sizes, so I think I'm going to do EXTRA puzzles tomorrow. :) It is also Curmudgeons day! That's right - a time to celebrate the Grumpy in all of us! But, if you don't need another excuse to be grouchy, maybe try and make a grump you know laugh! :thumbsup2

Bad day at my house. :( I forgot to take my workout clothes to work which ended up being a good thing because I had to rush Sugar (our 15.5 yo daschund) to the vet. This morning she was fine, but when I got home from work she was missing huge chunks of hair off of her back. The vet thinks it's a bacterial infection. Or could be an auto immune disease causing a bacterial infection. Anyhow, it was really stressful, and now I am sort of crying and having a martini. And pizza. And fries for dinner. The wagon is a long way off tonight, but I am ok with that. I know that Sugar's days are limited. We got her when DS was starting second grade, so he grew up with her. Thanks for letting me share.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope Sugar feels better soon and I'm sending good wishes to you and your family during this difficult time. :hug:

So the cold has slowed down my exercise, for sure. Between the headache, the sore throat, and the exhaustion, I haven't done much in the past few days except slug around the house. I got on the bike Friday before dinner, and I've stayed true to points, so I'm hoping my formal WW weigh-in tomorrow is still a good one. Fortunately, my next half is still far enough away (March 15) that I think I'll be fine having missed my 6-miler this weekend.

Feel better!!!! I'm sure you are on your way to recovery. Your body will thank you later for not trying to run 6 miles when you are mentally and physically exhausted. You can do this.

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

Hmm... I am very organized with my life, disorganized with cleaning LOL But, my organization definitely affects my weight loss. Sometimes it is little things, like when I know I will be out all day, so I pack lunch and snacks the night before. But, sometimes it is organization that allows me to be flexible for the big things. I woke up this morning to my sister calling to rant about her latest fight with her husband. Needless to say, there went my workout time haha

But, because my schedule is organized, I was able to move things I had planned to do tonight and do them while I let her rant on the phone, and this way when I get home from work, I'll be able to workout.

Honestly, its when I'm disorganized and chaotic that I end up ordering food because I'm starving, and making VERY poor choices. In other words, its why I gained so much weight in college. :lmao:

I woke up at 3:30 and since I deleted Candy Crush I decided to hit the gym hard this morning. I knew deleting CCS was a good choice! Anyhow got in 90 min of cardio and I'm ready for the day.

Hold up - 3:30, as in 3:30 AM?!?! Is that what time you normally wake up?!?!?! If so, :worship:

And good for you for deleting Candy Crush! Maybe that should be my goal for February - to stop wasting time playing it!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Did you clean under the bed? Schools here are cancelled for tomorrow due to extreme wind chills (-20), so I started to "spring clean" DSs rooms. I started with those stinking Legos! I know you feel my pain. We have too many and it's out of control. Luckily we are to the point of being done with Legos :thumbsup2 But, I did find some dust bunnies under DS7's bed along with socks, a shirt, a pair of jeans, and 3 pairs of underwear :confused:

Hope that you had a good cleaning day, Jill. :goodvibes Some of you guys are going to be going to school in July at the rate things are going. :sad2:

Aww, thanks so much! I hadn't even heard of Run Disney when I started the BL challenges here over 3 years ago. Then I read about Corinna (another WISHer) running the DL half and Rose running the Wine and Dine and I was inspired. I wanted to run the DL half as my first half, but then Tink was announced and I knew I had to do it! I got so much help and support from the ladies here. And I've made some amazing friends along the way. You can definitely do it!

Liz Congratulations on being Dopey. What an amazing accomplishment!

LTS Congratulations on your weight loss!

Buffy Your pace is just fine, you will make it! I was so nervous before my first half so I get being concerned about the sweepers. Everyone told me not to worry, but I didn't fully believe them. When we were in the corral before Tink, Lisa turned to me and said I would never even see the sweepers and I finally believed her. I took it easy, enjoyed the race, and still finished way ahead of the sweepers. And I was slower than you in training! Its going to be a fun weekend.

Pamela One kid out of the house and you are as busy as ever!

willflytodisney I'm sorry about the budget troubles, it sounds like you are making good budget decisions.

Rose I'm sorry about the crappy weather. My family in Ohio has been complaining about the gloom too.

We never did see any sweepers during that Tink race! :tink:

Hi, all! I am slow to write again, but I am still here - and going strong! I lost enough this week to make my January goal! :cool1: Now to keep it off through the end of the month - and keep going. :)

I felt a little throat tickle Thursday night after my rehearsal...and sure enough, it moved into full-blown cold over the weekend. I spent almost five hours in bed on Sunday afternoon and then slept another eight hours last night. Unheard of. I'm coughing a bunch and am hoping this doesn't go into bronchitis-land. Ugh. Tomorrow is my commute day, and we'll be back in the single digits by the end of the day. I'm so done with winter!

:woohoo: on making goal this month and hope that you are feeling better soon, Liz! :flower3:

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
I don't think I will need a bathroom break, I didn't need one during my 11 miles, but we will see when I do my 14 miles next week.
I don't plan to do much in terms of stopping for characters unless the lines are short. I do want to get pics of the mile markers.
Any ideas on when we will get corral info?

Lisa, I made sure I put the right date in my calendar for the WISH meet.
I wish I had gotten a shirt. ERGH!!! Next time! I do have my WISH head bands though.

I hope we do get corral information for the Princess soon but I bet it won't be today with DL registration going on. princess: No worries on the WISH gear for the WISH meet -- there usually isn't much at the Princess meet but I could be wrong. :confused3 It will be fun no matter what! :cool1:

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

I woke up at 3:30 and since I deleted Candy Crush I decided to hit the gym hard this morning. I knew deleting CCS was a good choice! Anyhow got in 90 min of cardio and I'm ready for the day.

pixiedust and :hug: for you and Sugar, Rose.

I am reasonably organized although I'm sure I could do better especially when it comes to planning ahead so I have good food choices around when things get hectic. It's a work in progress for sure! :hippie:

Yes, I gave up the Candy Crush at level 70 but I will send goodies to friends when I remember to sign in.

BUFFY!!! you will do great!!! you are well prepared!

I've fallen behind in the chatter. so sorry. I've been busy, ending up working yesterday, and now I need to pack for my trip! so last night I spent trying on clothes to see what was fitting now. and it amazed me that earlier in the day I was feeling great about my progress (compliments from co-workers) then trying on clothes I got really bummed about my steroid belly and that not everything I thought would fit did. the emotional roller coaster. it's too late to fret over it now, it won't change in a week! so today i'll workout and try not to beat myself up for not being where I wish I was. it WILL happen... I'm just not patient :blush:

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

my lack of organization in planning my meals hinders my progress

oh yea, and I think my WI Friday will be crap too...I've had to adjust my meds to avoid an electrolyte shock with the temperature difference in FL and not I'm retaining a lot of water. I knew this would happen, but if I don't change it now i'll feel horrible when I get there...so it's the right thing to do

Hang in there, Molli! :flower3: It is a sign of real progress when you can anticipate changes in your medication needs and be prepared for whatever you will experience! ::yes::

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Feeling much better today - probably from feeling all the WISH love from you all. Seriously, thank you to everyone for your support yesterday, I really needed it.

I got a bunch of calls from the Housing Department with automated messages last night on how to stay warm, and to confirm my heat was still off. It wasn't, but it was on very low, so I told them it was off anyway haha

I kept my shower on a low, room temperature level for... longer than any environmentalist would care to hear about LOL BUT, when I turned it off, it was actually comfortable in my apartment. Vents that normally don't have heat once it gets too cold, had HEAT! It wasn't much, but it was enough to be just a bit chilly, rather than FREEZING! Baby steps lol

Today is a sad day, though, for me. Pete Seeger died yesterday. I know its strange to be so sad when someone like that dies, because I didn't know him, and he wasn't still producing music. But, his music really shaped most of my life and so I'm spending most of the day listening to all my CDs of his.

On a totally unrelated note, today is also difficult because my nieces are selling girl scout cookies again! I have decided that I don't have the money nor the willpower to not eat an entire package of thin mints in one sitting, so I am NOT getting them this year :thumbsup2

This weekend in my search to find a healthier alternative to my favorite thing in the world - bread - I bought a package of whole wheat tortillas. So far, my sandwiches have been awesome, and a whole tortilla is 2 whole points less than 2 slices of bread!! Tonight's test will see if PB&J works in a wrap... will let you all know how the experiment goes! :scared:

Happy Fun at Work Day! I've decided to make my fun in applying for other jobs so that every day can be fun at work day! :rotfl:

Tomorrow is National Puzzle Day - which I am very excited about! I love puzzles of all shapes and sizes, so I think I'm going to do EXTRA puzzles tomorrow. :) It is also Curmudgeons day! That's right - a time to celebrate the Grumpy in all of us! But, if you don't need another excuse to be grouchy, maybe try and make a grump you know laugh! :thumbsup2

My DH prides himself on his grumpiness so I will be sure and let him know tomorrow is his day! :rotfl:
I'd like to join in this challenge, but I see Im really really late. Any chance this will be continuing in February for new participants??? Id like to lose some weight for my upcoming trips...
I'd like to join in this challenge, but I see Im really really late. Any chance this will be continuing in February for new participants??? Id like to lose some weight for my upcoming trips...

:welcome: It's never to late to join one of our challenges but you are right there isn't much time left in this one. Read the instructions in the first couple of posts and send me a PM if you want to join for this month. There will be a challenge in February and you are certainly welcome to chat with us for the rest of the week if you don't want to join now. This is a great group! ::yes::
Sorry Rose about Sugar--dachsies are the best!

QOTD 1/26/14--Favorite thing to do outside at WDW or DL in the sunshine that does not involve a ride or attraction?

Off to the Y. Back later with replies. :)
Looking for kitties and feeding them at Disneyland!

QOTD 1/27/14 I have been trying all weekend to figure out how to ask this question. How are you dressing/taking care of yourself? Are you presenting yourself positively to the world or letting yourself go until you get skinny? Makeup? Hair? Clothes?

Attempting to send with formatting from my phone so forgive me if this looks funny.
Busy day but I plan to do replies tonight. Have a super Monday!

Great question. Was getting frustrated with hardly any pants fitting so I ordered leggings until I am a more reasonable size-- they are cool looking ones with wild patterns and colors. Problem being there's not much to them--brr cold. Have noticed I'm starting to fit better in pants already though. And for me everything else suffers if I don't have great clothes. I'm always in workout clothes so I'm starting to look for better work out clothes but I so want to fit into my old stuff and go out looking good again....

Finally feeling better. Made peace with grumpy butt last night, hopefully things will be back to normal around here. Am down a few pounds-- of course being sick and not having any activity would be the shock to my system needed lol. Will not trust that number though and stay on it the rest of the week. Fianlly made peace with the fact that I just can't eat very much for awhile but once I lose the weight I can eat a little more. It just seems so punishing! Am already not needing as much to drink at night by a 1/3 so that's good and am not eating as many snacks either. Pretty sure my potential uti scare is over although it was back and forth the last few days I'm pretty sure I would have got one if it weren't for the d-mannose I take daily. I upped the dose and took more cranberry and of course I was drowning myself being sick. Have to take my kitty to get his last shot-- cya guys later.
Oh how it makes me CRAZY when my posts disappear! Anywho, I wanted to show you this beautiful guy who showed up in our lake last week!

Neither me nor the DH have ever seen swans on our lake before. It seems word has gotten out that CocoLake is the place to be! :banana:
Did you clean under the bed? Schools here are cancelled for tomorrow due to extreme wind chills (-20), so I started to "spring clean" DSs rooms. I started with those stinking Legos! I know you feel my pain. We have too many and it's out of control. Luckily we are to the point of being done with Legos :thumbsup2 But, I did find some dust bunnies under DS7's bed along with socks, a shirt, a pair of jeans, and 3 pairs of underwear :confused:

No school again! Are you getting snow? Hope the cleaning went well.
I have rubbermaid containers full of Tom's legos. He keeps saying we don't need to keep them, but they were so expensive. I feel like we should save them for if we ever have granchildren.

Liz--hope you are feeling better! :hug:

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?
I am both organized and disorganized. At work and with our finances--very, very organized.

I think I can be a little ocd, so when I am not organized I get a little crazy. But most of the time it's my own fault. I am terrible about getting my lunch and workout clothes ready to take to work, even though I always have a plan for workouts and take my lunch every single day. I think sometimes I almost set myself up to fail when it comes to the weight loss stuff by being disorganized.

BUFFY!!! you will do great!!! you are well prepared!

I've fallen behind in the chatter. so sorry. I've been busy, ending up working yesterday, and now I need to pack for my trip! so last night I spent trying on clothes to see what was fitting now. and it amazed me that earlier in the day I was feeling great about my progress (compliments from co-workers) then trying on clothes I got really bummed about my steroid belly and that not everything I thought would fit did. the emotional roller coaster. it's too late to fret over it now, it won't change in a week! so today i'll workout and try not to beat myself up for not being where I wish I was. it WILL happen... I'm just not patient :blush:
:hug: I am sorry about the steroid belly Molli. I have a glutened belly right now and it is no fun (cross contamination). I hope you are able to relax and feel better about your upcoming trip.

willonlyflytodisney I hope the heat is fixed soon! And no, usually get up around 6:00. But I had developed such a bad habit of playing CCS. So today when I woke up so early I had no excuse to not go to the gym. :)

I am reasonably organized although I'm sure I could do better especially when it comes to planning ahead so I have good food choices around when things get hectic. It's a work in progress for sure! :hippie:
Planning is the key. You would think I would have figured that out by now!

I'd like to join in this challenge, but I see Im really really late. Any chance this will be continuing in February for new participants??? Id like to lose some weight for my upcoming trips...
Welcome! :) I see Lisa gave you a reply about jumping in.

Please feel free to introduce yourself if you would like.:goodvibes

Glad you are feeling a little better Susan! :)

Beautiful pictures Kimberley. :)

Hope everyone is having a great night!
QOTD 1/29/2014
It's Wahoo Wednesday! What are you most proud of this week?

That's really a tough question for me as so far there is not a lot to be proud of this week. But I think it is in times like this that it is important to sit back and find something positive to stay motivated. So: My thing to be proud of is that I packed an apple as a snack every day! Not a huge thing, but snacking on apples prevents me from getting something else, so it is a small step in the right direction!

Even though things should be easier this week, I am still not back into a real diet mood. I did track yesterday, but then ended up finding lots of candy when I got home... So hopefully today will finally be a day that is fully OP! I only have about three months before my cruise and I am determined to board the ship weighing less than when I boarded the Disney Wonder last time! :thumbsup2 I really need to be serious!

I am contemplating getting a fitbit - anyone have any experience with it? I would love to get the WW activelink that Lisa loves so much, but that is not available in Germany and I asked WW but they say there are currently no plans to introduce it in the near future. I am thinking of getting the fitbit one as I don't want a wristband, but I like the sleep feature it has.

I am also thinking of trying out something that WW introduced here in Germany just this month called something like "my simple start". It is a two weeks meal plan. I am normally not big on following a meal plan, but think that this would help me to adjust back into WW mood and also hopefully bring some results that motivate me!


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