WISH Away the Pounds January Challenge -- Jumpstart the New Year -- Everyone Welcome!

Mary•Poppins;50361809 said:
Hey Jill, I have thought of you too and wondered about your guys and school/work too.

Here is to a brand New Year everyone and new beginnings.:cheer2:

Work is about the same and, come to think of it, so are my kids lol. Other than getting a year older, not much is different here. Are you still teaching and running?

Hello! I rarely post anymore but I am still around and I am in for January. I managed to end the year with a small loss for the holiday season :cool1: but I also ended the year +3 so I need to get back on track. We moved from Colorado to northern CA and my weight definitely suffered.

I am starting the year off with the Tinker Bell and Princess Half marathons. So I would like to lose 4.8 by Princess. It is good to see so many of you again and I promise to try to stay out of lurkdom!

Hi Lisa and welcome back :)

Happy New Year and welcome to our January challenge! :yay:

This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow you need to PM me your starting weight and goal if you haven't already. :goodvibes

QOTD January 1, 2014: Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goals for the challenge and the rest of the year. You don't have to share numbers, it can be general.

Bonus QOTD January 1, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday -- give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did today week to help you with your goals. :woohoo:

I'll be back tomorrow with my :woohoo:

Hello :) I am Jill, 37 years old, married, and have DS10 and DS7. I am a History and special education teacher at an alternative education program. I just looked back through my PMs and I started here with the original BL threads in Sept of 2011! I have pretty much maintained my current weight all of 2013. I don't have much to lose, but I'd really LIKE to lose 5-10 more pounds and maintain without starving myself and having to workout all the time! I guess what I am saying is that if I could maintain my exact weight minus 0.6 pounds in 2013, I'd love to maintain about 5-10 pounds less without struggling to stay there. Anyhoo...I love working out and like to try new activities but struggle with eating too many sweets. I'm hoping to find more of a balance in 2014.

Woo Hoo Wednesday~I have made 2014 the year of ME! I have always wanted to run a half marathon and this will be the year. I walked a half in 2013, but really enjoy running, so I am planning to get back into it. I wish I could afford a WDW race, but I'm thinking 2014 isn't the year. So I am shooting for Princess 1/2 in 2015. So, for 2014 I am deciding between the Akron 1/2 (OH), the Air Force 1/2 (OH), or the Wineglass 1/2 (NY). They are all in the fall so I have more time to train. I am also joining a new gym and trying to add more 5ks in my schedule.

Goals for 2014:
lose the last 45 pounds by 12/31/14
Hit the gym 5 times a week
do something nice for myself once a week

Great goals Buffy! It's so nice to take care of and treat yourself :)

hello ladies i am on the slow real slow weight loss program........... last year i managed to loose and keep off 7.4lbs.......... but i will see that as a victory.......

Welcome! A loss is a loss~Here's to hoping 2014 treats you well!

Woohoo Wednesday!
Telling my hubby we needed to register everyone for the 5K and book airfare. He snorted at me and I told him to bite it, we are going to WDW.

:rotfl2: You tell him!

I am lovetoscrap/LTS/Scrappy-- most just call me LTS, it helps prevent that pesky mix up with the positioning of the "s".

Oh yes, that tricky "s" :lmao: Even though I know your name, I sometimes still read it wrong and :rotfl2:

It is the first day of the brand new year-- everyone have a GREAT on plan day! :cheer2:

Thanks! I hope you did, too.

My Woo Hoo Moment for the day is that I've started measuring all of my portions! This is a big step for me! :)

That is a huge step and so, so important in my opinion. Sounds like you're off to a great start. I, too, would love to know the background of XrayChicken!

Hi everyone and a Happy New Year!

I am sorry that I did not get to post the end results for December yet - and now I am off to 6 days in Paris. So it will be a while, but I promise that you will get them!

I will be back to sign up for January when I am back from the city with the wonderful food - I am afraid of the unpleasant number that I will have to report then...

See you all soon!

Omgsh! Have a great time in PARIS :yay:


I am off to a good start since I am checking in :thumbsup2

I have had a wonderful 12 days off, but alas, all good things must come to an end and I go back to work tomorrow. My own kids are in a different district and they don't go back until Monday, those lucky ducks. We have a winter weather advisory for tonight into Friday and a wind chill warning for tomorrow into Friday :headache: If the wind chill is as bad as they are saying (feeling like -10 to -15), we will probably have a 2 hour delay Friday (which I won't complain about :)).

The plan for today included going to the gym and getting all registered and paid for a new membership, but I did some online training while the kids were at the in laws, then we shoveled snow at home and at my mom's, and went to the in laws for dinner. I guess I will pack a bag and go tomorrow right after work.

I am going to get going to get organized for tomorrow and get ready for bedtime. Have a great night!


I am back! Been a long time since I last joined you all! Looks like Feb 3013 was the last Challenge I signed up for but wasn't able to stick around for long. I am hoping to be around longer this time and enjoy the company and support of friends old and new. :goodvibes

I am currently at the lowest weight I have been in as long as I can remember (probably at least 13 years) but I do have a ways to go as you can see from my tickers.

So good to see how well you have been doing! Awesome!

2013 was not kind to me, but I learned a lot and I am feeling good and back on track. Apparently, I went through menopause this year. Believe it or not it was kind of a shock.:rotfl2: My biggest and worst symptom--ridiculously and over the top moody. Think your worst day of the month every single day. I didn't want to be around people, didn't want to talk to anyone, cried way too much, and felt like I was going through the motions and faking it every single day. And my eating was HORRID! Anyhow, the last six weeks or so I have been starting to feel like myself again, so hoping for a great 2014!

So happy to hear that you are doing better now, and yes 2014 will be awesome :cool1:

Happy New Year and welcome to our January challenge! :yay:
QOTD January 1, 2014: Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goals for the challenge and the rest of the year. You don't have to share numbers, it can be general.
Bonus QOTD January 1, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday -- give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did today week to help you with your goals. :woohoo:

Hi! :wave2: I'm Amanda, 32, with two great kids and an amazing soon-to-be DH! Wedding date is March 17th so it is fast approaching. I am a social worker for the state, I love my job in theory but in practice it can be crazy stressful and time-consuming. Oh well, just keep swimming! I have always struggled with my weight and I imagine I always will in some form. But I think I have made amazing strides in putting my health first... I exercise regularly now! That is huge for me! So my goal for this year is to put my health first, physical and emotional.

Myt woohoo for today is that even though the Y was closed for New Years Day, I still did something today, even if it was only 10 mins of exercises on my "well girl" challenge :)

I'm Buffy, aka BAMB. I'm the co-moderator of the Creative Community here on the DIS. NeverAHM of 4. Married 20 years to my wonderful DH.
I turned 40 this year and have decided it is the year of the Mom. The kids are older now and more self sufficient. It's time to take care of myself for a change.
I've done so many BL challenges I've lost count. I tend to fall of the posting wagons depending on what sports season it is, but my peeps welcome me back with open arms every time I come blazing through.

Goals for 2014:
lose the last 45 pounds by 12/31/14
Hit the gym 5 times a week
do something nice for myself once a week

Great idea! Year of the Mom.... Brilliant! And I love your goals too :)


Well here I am again! Happy to be here! I did pretty well over the holidays, except maybe the last week. I didn't quite make my goal this month, I ended 2 lbs heavier than I had planned, but I still ended 2013 down by 37 lbs overall (lost almost that much early in 2013, found it, and lost it again in the past 3 months) so I am happy! Also, I am now tied with the lowest weight I have been at since 2010, I was also at this weight when we took our first Disneyland trip in July 2012. My goal had been to beat that weight but I am satisfied with what I have acheived (so far) :) I really have to lose another 12 lbs in order to fit into my wedding dress (without major alterations) but I am positive I can do that! I am hoping to lose 30 lbs total before the wedding, not positive but I am hopeful about that number... So here's to an amazing and healthful 2014!

Thanks for hotessing Lisa! And I would be happy to host February!
QOTD January 1, 2014: Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goals for the challenge and the rest of the year. You don't have to share numbers, it can be general.

Hi! I am Fran. I am 47 and have three sons. Two are in college and (knock on wood) are doing great. My youngest son now gets to be an only child at home. He says there are pros and cons to this! :rotfl: I have been married to my wonderful husband for 23 years.

I "think" I have participated in the BL thread for 2 years. I have lost weight on here ... then put it back on ... then lose it. BLAH! I want to make a change this year and keep it off.

I am a teacher and will also be heading back to school tomorrow.

Hey Jill, I am still teaching. Work has been hectic this year. A fellow teacher retired last year and they didn't replace her.

I was running and completed the Tower of Terror in October. I loved it. (I could really get hooked on Disney races.) Unfortunately, after the race, I quit running. I just signed up for the Pittsburgh 1/2 marathon. I think I need a race to keep me focused.

One of these days I am going to meet you in person at a race around here! LOL
Hi! :wave2:

My name is Stacey and I am a yo-yo weight loser. I vowed in 2010 that each year of my 20s I was going to do something awesome. Every year, I think that awesome thing is going to be finally losing the weight I've been dreaming about and becoming a happier, healthier me... and each year it gets pushed away when something else comes along.

Last year started off well - I lost 20 pounds in the first 6 months of 2013 doing Weight Watchers and felt totally ready to keep going to my goal... I then proceeded to go on an 80 day road trip around the country to visit 48 states... Needless to say, between the hours in the car and the foods that I just "had to taste because when I was ever going to come back to (insert random place here)," I gained every pound back... and then some. Funny how it took me 6 months to lose it, and only 3 to gain it back :rotfl2:

Anyway, this year is the Year of the Horse! I was born in the Year of the Horse - so I'm convinced that this is the year that it is going to come off, and stay off. I just finished reading Secrets of a Former Fat Girl and I'm really really ready! Biggest tip I learned from it was to get a support system of strangers that won't ask you if that chocolate cake is "part of your diet" the way my friends do. =P SO, here I am!


I've been a runner (or a Jeff Galloway walk/runner) in the past, but running was always about the mileage or the timing for me, and I found I rarely lost weight with it. I love running a lot, and I do miss it - I actually did the Tower of Terror 10 miler in 2012 and a 5k the year before that. (Side note - did anyone on here do the ToT in 2012 and then again in 2013? I'm curious if the weather was less horrible and if they changed the route so that you weren't running on banked highway ramps?)

But, this year, I'm starting out with Power 90 (the lesser known, less crazy prologue to P90x) in hopes of finding a healthier me so that when I start running again, it is for the joy of running - of making that PR and finishing that race - and not about the worry of what the scale will say at the end of the week. I'm convinced that if I can make exercise a habit this year, instead of a chore, I can be healthy again.

So - my goal for 2014 - to get to the "normal" BMI range! Since you guys all seem so great and supportive, my other goal is to stick with the WATP boards all year long, so that I get a chance to be in "maintenance" which is something I've never been in before!

I'm very excited! They say January 17th is when people give up their New Year's resolutions so good thing we all have a weigh-in that day! :)

Sending good vibes out to everyone and excited to e-meet you all!
Hi! I used to be so focused and love to journal my food etc but last year really stunk. I did ok just not losing like I want. I'm sure it's harder as I get older (42). I have 2 young boys so that of course keeps me busy. The last 2 weeks of the holidays was killer on me and I've gained 8 lbs since thanksgiving :scared1: I'm hoping some of that is high sodium and water retention.

I haven't been on my treadmill in over a month and I feel cruddy!

I'm going to get back focused with some journaling and maybe a few smoothies in the vitamix to do a little cleanse. I can't do full cleanse - I get angry w/o chewing my food for a couple days :thumbsup2. Definitely make time to get back on the treadmill and running.

I have a family vacation in June so need to get in shape!
Well, I do xray for a living. I once had a tshirt that had a chicken on it and the words "Xray Chick". Loved that shirt. Anyway, on any message board I've ever joined, Xray Chick is always taken. So, purely out of frustration and refusing to come up with something else, I started using Xray Chicken. It works! No one else is weird enough to think of it I guess. :)

I wish I had a cute story about xraying a chicken or something but it's nothing that funny unfortunately.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

It's so fun to read everyone's intros but it has put me a tad behind so I will post the QOTD now and then work on those PMs and replies. ::yes::


We DISboards planning types know understanding the ins and outs of FASTPASS is a great way to help you get the most out of a trip to Disney and take in lots of attractions while other people are stuck waiting in line.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a FASTPASS to help you with your weight loss?

What if I told you there was something that you could do to help you lose TWICE as much weight than you would otherwise?!? Would you be interested? Would you be willing to try it? Well, you can! And all you have to do is keep a food diary!

A 2008 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that dieters who tracked their food intake in a "food diary" lost twice as much weight as those who didn't track their food. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0708080738.htm

It is incredibly easy to underestimate the number of calories that you consume and overestimate the number of calories you burn when exercising. It is a real eye opener when you first start tracking.

Here is a link to an article on sparkpeople.com about how important keeping track of your food can be on this journey to good health. http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/...les.asp?id=394

Which brings me to the QOTD.

QOTD Thursday January 2, 2014: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

I'll be back with my own answer and some replies. :goodvibes
hello ladies i am on the slow real slow weight loss program........... last year i managed to loose and keep off 7.4lbs.......... but i will see that as a victory.......

:welcome: njcarita! Any year that you end at a lower weight than when you started is a winner in my book. Congratulations!

We are watching football today (Go Gamecocks!) so lots of fun food choices, but I am going to work very hard on portion control and enjoy the day.

:woohoo: on making good choices and still having fun cheering on the home team! Not to mention all the great exercise you started your day off with. :thumbsup2

Happy New years everyone!
For my first day, I did 30 minutes of exercise so far with a Jillian Michaels game on my my wii, and eating good so far. My problem will be is maintaining this over the course of the month. Sure hope I can do it! I have a lot to lose!

:woohoo: for a good start to your month. Don't worry about what you have to do next week or even two weeks from now. Just take it one day at a time. You can do it! ::yes::

Woohoo Wednesday!
Telling my hubby we needed to register everyone for the 5K and book airfare. He snorted at me and I told him to bite it, we are going to WDW.

That is a big :woohoo: for sure, Buffy!

I was able to lose over the holidays! :yay: I did stray from my plan but still had enough restraint to not go completely overboard. It was only a .5 loss but that is way better than a gain, which is what I expected! I also enjoyed a few things last night that I shouldn't have but today I am back strictly on plan and hopefully I will have at least a small loss.

A loss during the holidays is definitely a reason for a :woohoo: LTS!

My Woo Hoo Moment for the day is that I've started measuring all of my portions! This is a big step for me! :)

That is a big :woohoo: Kami! So sorry for your loss. :flower3: I can tell 2014 is going to be a better year for you.

I am *in!* PM sent, I'm on board. Happy New Year, everyone!

Around Memorial Day of 2012, I started a Couch to 5K program, sure I'd hate it but wanting to try a truly "portable" exercise. I got *hooked.* I ran my first 10K that August, my first 10-miler (Tower of Terror) that September, and my first half (the Donald) in January 2013. I ran 6 half marathons and a few 5Ks in 2013, and I'm a week away from the Dopey Challenge at WDW, which will be my first (and last) full marathon. I think full marathon training is part of what's thrown me off my food game this fall - I've found ten pounds that I swore I'd never put back on, and I'm bound and determined to get rid of them all by April 1st (major college reunion-like function the first weekend in April and a WDW vacation over spring break!).

My Woo Hoo Wednesday is the 4 miles I ran this morning despite a mild hangover. :) It was the best cure and really shook the cobwebs out, even though I *really* didn't want to go at first! Now DH and I are off to a couple of New Year's parties (food alert! food alert!) - DDs are still at MIL's, probably having too many Happy Meals and too much Sonic. But that's what weeks at Grandma's are for. :)

That is a big :woohoo: to run after a big night of partying, Liz! I can't believe that it is almost time for Dopey! You're going to do great! :cheer2: This stage of race training is a tough one for weight loss for sure.

BRB I'm sure I'm going to run into the smilie police any time now. :lmao:
QOTD Thursday January 2, 2014: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?

Yes, definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

80% of weight loss is managing what goes in your mouth. 20% is exercise. (These are my personal "statistics" not scientific)

It's too easy to forget where you stand at the end of the day and if you can "afford" that snack you're eyeing unless you have written things down.

I've been a yo-yo dieter for 10 years. When I fail it's because I wasn't keeping track and fell into my old ways and before I knew it I've been off the diet again for weeks.

This time around was different. I started using my fitness pal and I can honestly say I haven't put a bite in my mouth before I added it to MFP since August.

No more yo-yo.

Almost 30 pounds lost. :hippie:
Woohoo Wednesday...well, I've made soup to see me and OH for lunches to the end of the week, and have taken down all of the decorations and put them in the attic until December comes around again. Just off to pack my gym bag as I'm going straight from work tomorrow.

:woohoo: for taking care of your meals for the rest of the week and being ready to start a new year!

I did not exercise or step on the scale in December...bad ohMom. BUT -- my woo hoo that I'm claiming is that I did go down another size in my jeans!! I truly have NO idea what the scale will say tomorrow, but I gotta face it and move forward.

my goals for 2014 -- reach my goal weight by 10/11/14, which will be two year anniversary of my adrenal surgery; I hope to be able to shave some time of my powerwalking pace this year too. Continue to progress in less processed, more natural foods and GF as much as possible. gluten really flares up my IBS. and most importantly I really do not want to have ANY surgery this year!!! LOL

thanks to our hostess and coaches!!!! i'll check my calendar for the available dates still needing a coach

:woohoo: for losing a jeans size in December, Molli! That is an accomplishment for sure.

Thanks for volunteering to coach -- there are two slots open. :thanks:

Hello all!

After having a successful September and October on the WISH, I became way too busy with work to participate actively during the last two months, but i am back! I found about 5 pounds over the last couple of weeks, and am ready to get them off and continue my weight loss journey.

My name is Bryana, and I'm 24. I work full time in the shipping department for KNEX and I absolutely adore it. DBF and I are coming up on our 4 year anniversary in a couple of days and have 2 fur babies, a 4 year old grey tuxedo named Kitters and a 5 month old calico tabby that I just call Bub. I too am a runner and will be doing the glass slipper challenge next month (!!!) at WDW. In 2013, I ran my first (and second!) half marathon. In 2014, I'm strongly debating doing a full marathon but I'm really kind of awful at training so I worry about committing to it, lol. I am going to set my goal a little low this month to ease back into things but I feel good about getting back into the swing of things on here again.

Woo Hoo Wednesday: I kicked off the year with getting a good, solid 3 miles in this morning outside before the snow storm tomorrow. It was the first time I've been able to run outside since I ran on thanksgiving and it felt great not being on the treadmill!!

:woohoo: on starting off the year with a great run, Bryana! It's nice to see you again! :flower3:

Hi everyone and a Happy New Year!

I am sorry that I did not get to post the end results for December yet - and now I am off to 6 days in Paris. So it will be a while, but I promise that you will get them!

I will be back to sign up for January when I am back from the city with the wonderful food - I am afraid of the unpleasant number that I will have to report then...

See you all soon!

No worries, Magdalene! :flower3: Thanks for hosting in December! :santa: Safe travels and we will see you when you return.

Woo Hoo Wednesday~I have made 2014 the year of ME! I have always wanted to run a half marathon and this will be the year. I walked a half in 2013, but really enjoy running, so I am planning to get back into it. I wish I could afford a WDW race, but I'm thinking 2014 isn't the year. So I am shooting for Princess 1/2 in 2015. So, for 2014 I am deciding between the Akron 1/2 (OH), the Air Force 1/2 (OH), or the Wineglass 1/2 (NY). They are all in the fall so I have more time to train. I am also joining a new gym and trying to add more 5ks in my schedule.

:woohoo: for the year of you, Jill! You totally deserve it!

Be safe in the crazy winter weather! :cold:

Hi! :wave2: I'm Amanda, 32, with two great kids and an amazing soon-to-be DH! Wedding date is March 17th so it is fast approaching. I am a social worker for the state, I love my job in theory but in practice it can be crazy stressful and time-consuming. Oh well, just keep swimming! I have always struggled with my weight and I imagine I always will in some form. But I think I have made amazing strides in putting my health first... I exercise regularly now! That is huge for me! So my goal for this year is to put my health first, physical and emotional.

Myt woohoo for today is that even though the Y was closed for New Years Day, I still did something today, even if it was only 10 mins of exercises on my "well girl" challenge :)

Great idea! Year of the Mom.... Brilliant! And I love your goals too


Well here I am again! Happy to be here! I did pretty well over the holidays, except maybe the last week. I didn't quite make my goal this month, I ended 2 lbs heavier than I had planned, but I still ended 2013 down by 37 lbs overall (lost almost that much early in 2013, found it, and lost it again in the past 3 months) so I am happy! Also, I am now tied with the lowest weight I have been at since 2010, I was also at this weight when we took our first Disneyland trip in July 2012. My goal had been to beat that weight but I am satisfied with what I have acheived (so far) :) I really have to lose another 12 lbs in order to fit into my wedding dress (without major alterations) but I am positive I can do that! I am hoping to lose 30 lbs total before the wedding, not positive but I am hopeful about that number... So here's to an amazing and healthful 2014!

Thanks for hotessing Lisa! And I would be happy to host February!

:woohoo: for getting in a workout even when the gym was closed, Amanda!

Thank you, thank you for volunteering to host the February challenge. :thanks:

Mary•Poppins;50371522 said:
QOTD January 1, 2014: Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goals for the challenge and the rest of the year. You don't have to share numbers, it can be general.

Hi! I am Fran. I am 47 and have three sons. Two are in college and (knock on wood) are doing great. My youngest son now gets to be an only child at home. He says there are pros and cons to this! :rotfl: I have been married to my wonderful husband for 23 years.

I "think" I have participated in the BL thread for 2 years. I have lost weight on here ... then put it back on ... then lose it. BLAH! I want to make a change this year and keep it off.

I am a teacher and will also be heading back to school tomorrow.

Hey Jill, I am still teaching. Work has been hectic this year. A fellow teacher retired last year and they didn't replace her.

I was running and completed the Tower of Terror in October. I loved it. (I could really get hooked on Disney races.) Unfortunately, after the race, I quit running. I just signed up for the Pittsburgh 1/2 marathon. I think I need a race to keep me focused.

One of these days I am going to meet you in person at a race around here! LOL

:woohoo: on doing the Tower of Terror in October, Fran! There are several WISHers who do the PA races so you might be able to see a few folks at a race this year. :cool2: So nice to have you back! :goodvibes:

Hi! :wave2:

My name is Stacey and I am a yo-yo weight loser. I vowed in 2010 that each year of my 20s I was going to do something awesome. Every year, I think that awesome thing is going to be finally losing the weight I've been dreaming about and becoming a happier, healthier me... and each year it gets pushed away when something else comes along.

Last year started off well - I lost 20 pounds in the first 6 months of 2013 doing Weight Watchers and felt totally ready to keep going to my goal... I then proceeded to go on an 80 day road trip around the country to visit 48 states... Needless to say, between the hours in the car and the foods that I just "had to taste because when I was ever going to come back to (insert random place here)," I gained every pound back... and then some. Funny how it took me 6 months to lose it, and only 3 to gain it back :rotfl2:

Anyway, this year is the Year of the Horse! I was born in the Year of the Horse - so I'm convinced that this is the year that it is going to come off, and stay off. I just finished reading Secrets of a Former Fat Girl and I'm really really ready! Biggest tip I learned from it was to get a support system of strangers that won't ask you if that chocolate cake is "part of your diet" the way my friends do. =P SO, here I am!


I've been a runner (or a Jeff Galloway walk/runner) in the past, but running was always about the mileage or the timing for me, and I found I rarely lost weight with it. I love running a lot, and I do miss it - I actually did the Tower of Terror 10 miler in 2012 and a 5k the year before that. (Side note - did anyone on here do the ToT in 2012 and then again in 2013? I'm curious if the weather was less horrible and if they changed the route so that you weren't running on banked highway ramps?)

But, this year, I'm starting out with Power 90 (the lesser known, less crazy prologue to P90x) in hopes of finding a healthier me so that when I start running again, it is for the joy of running - of making that PR and finishing that race - and not about the worry of what the scale will say at the end of the week. I'm convinced that if I can make exercise a habit this year, instead of a chore, I can be healthy again.

So - my goal for 2014 - to get to the "normal" BMI range! Since you guys all seem so great and supportive, my other goal is to stick with the WATP boards all year long, so that I get a chance to be in "maintenance" which is something I've never been in before!

I'm very excited! They say January 17th is when people give up their New Year's resolutions so good thing we all have a weigh-in that day! :)

Sending good vibes out to everyone and excited to e-meet you all!

:welcome: Stacey! I love your goal of sticking with the WATP boards all year and getting to be a maintainer this year -- that is one of my goals, too. ::yes::

BRB smilie police trouble again. :rotfl:
Hi! I used to be so focused and love to journal my food etc but last year really stunk. I did ok just not losing like I want. I'm sure it's harder as I get older (42). I have 2 young boys so that of course keeps me busy. The last 2 weeks of the holidays was killer on me and I've gained 8 lbs since thanksgiving :scared1: I'm hoping some of that is high sodium and water retention.

I haven't been on my treadmill in over a month and I feel cruddy!

I'm going to get back focused with some journaling and maybe a few smoothies in the vitamix to do a little cleanse. I can't do full cleanse - I get angry w/o chewing my food for a couple days :thumbsup2. Definitely make time to get back on the treadmill and running.

I have a family vacation in June so need to get in shape!

:welcome: Nice to see you again. It sounds like you are focused and ready to get back on track -- that pesky holiday pounds will be gone before you know it. :thumbsup2

Well, I do xray for a living. I once had a tshirt that had a chicken on it and the words "Xray Chick". Loved that shirt. Anyway, on any message board I've ever joined, Xray Chick is always taken. So, purely out of frustration and refusing to come up with something else, I started using Xray Chicken. It works! No one else is weird enough to think of it I guess. :)

I wish I had a cute story about xraying a chicken or something but it's nothing that funny unfortunately.

Actually I think this is a cute story! :goodvibes

QOTD Thursday January 2, 2014: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

I'll be back with my own answer and some replies. :goodvibes

For me tracking is vital to weight loss. It is so easy to underestimate what you are eating and overestimate how many calories your workout is burning. It's not my favorite thing to do but if I don't track I don't lose. Thanks to wonderful tools like e-tools on WW for tracking and ActiveLink I have an accurate measurement of what is going on.

Have a great day all! :goodvibes
QOTD 2nd Jan........yes, tracking food is definitely key.

I keep a 'food diary' as part of my weight loss programme. I simply buy a pretty page-a-day diary and keep it with me (I'm willing to keep it with me and fill it in because it is pretty!!...I'm so shallow!)

I write down everything I have consumed, along with the 'syn' values etc (a bit like WW points I think, but a different plan) then I write about my day, not just food related stuff but other challenges and victories, what made me feel good, what made me feel bad etc. Doing this helps me loads when I am having a bad time - I can look back for food ideas, exercise tips, see what worked and what didn't, and can also track ToM issues!!!! I'd recommend it to anyone.

My Slimming World leader finds it a bit freaky and thinks I'm far too obsessed with it, but I just reply that she should be proud of my 71lb loss under her guidance!!!!
QOTD Thursday January 2, 2014: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?

Yes, definitely! It's the only way I have ever lost weight over the years.

My husband has been wanting/needing to lose 50 pounds for the past 9 years. I always nagged him to kept track of what he was eating and count his calories. He found out in October that he was pre diabetic (no surprise really) but it scared him enough to try to lose weight.

He started writing everything down and counting his calories and guess what? He has lost 30 pounds since October! Now he is my inspiration! :)

AMEN to this! This is the way I lost 18 lbs. between July and November of last year. Tracked everything and watched my fats/carbs/protein balance.

BTW, I am back after an absence of several weeks. Now that the holidays are past I am determined to lose the final 5 lbs. The good news is that while I was "away" I only went up 1.5 lbs. from my lowest weight in November.
Good morning, ladies!

I am so not ready for the winter storm that is about to hit the mid-atlantic/northeast tonight into tomorrow! And on top of that, my little sister is supposed to fly in from Milwaukee for her christmas visit tomorrow morning! :scared1: Someone get me to florida ASAP! lol


Another firm "yes" from me! I find that since I started tracking calories, I am pretty decent about what I eat even when I don't do it because I have more of an idea of what most things are. I maintain pretty well when I don't track, but I am another one of you that if I'm not tracking, I'm not losing, and that's been my biggest problem over the last month or so. :sad2: I fired up my trusty MFP account the other day and while I haven't been trying to stay under my calorie goal (just getting back in the swing of logging everything), I have already felt so much better about everything because it really makes you think. ::yes::
I wish I had a cute story about xraying a chicken or something but it's nothing that funny unfortunately.

I think that's an adorable story! How cool!

QOTD Thursday January 2, 2014: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

Yes - definitely! The only time I successfully lost weight was with Weight Watchers. Yes, it started out all about portion control for me - but it ended up being about accountability. Tracking my food on WW was like having a friend that I had to tell what I ate that day. Once I got in the hang of it, I found the days that I slipped were the days that I didn't track!!

There are definitely days where I specifically DIDN'T track (*ahem* New Year's Eve), but I always feel great about it when I do. :)

Hope everyone's excited about this east cost Nor'easter! Seems like here in NYC, we'll only be getting a few inches :(
Morning, everyone!

QOTD: I absolutely think tracking is critical. It's one of the most black and white things about weight loss for me - if I track, I lose. If I don't track, I don't lose. Even knowing that, though, it's hard for me to track all the time, especially around holidays and travel times when my routine is upended. Just going to work on doing the best I can!

Speaking of travel, I'm heading to a short conference in Philly tomorrow. I'm driving up, as it's not that far for me, and I'm going to go early to try and catch a break on the weather. Should be interesting...I think Philly is south enough that it won't be too bad, but I'll be glad to get to my hotel and just chill out until my work starts!

Stay safe and warm, everyone - I'm looking at you, New England and New York!

myweegirls said:
Morning, everyone!

QOTD: I absolutely think tracking is critical. It's one of the most black and white things about weight loss for me - if I track, I lose. If I don't track, I don't lose. Even knowing that, though, it's hard for me to track all the time, especially around holidays and travel times when my routine is upended. Just going to work on doing the best I can!

Speaking of travel, I'm heading to a short conference in Philly tomorrow. I'm driving up, as it's not that far for me, and I'm going to go early to try and catch a break on the weather. Should be interesting...I think Philly is south enough that it won't be too bad, but I'll be glad to get to my hotel and just chill out until my work starts!

Stay safe and warm, everyone - I'm looking at you, New England and New York!


We're supposed to get 4-10 in Philly (depending on what forecast you're looking at, lmao) with the majority of it happening overnight. Be careful on your drive!!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

QOTD Thursday January 2, 2014: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

I'll be back with my own answer and some replies. :goodvibes
YES !! I need to track to be successful.. I plan on starting that again..

I assume we already did intro, I don't have time to go back the 4 pages to see .. I just got back after being off from work from 12/20 YAY.. but busy busy..

I am Michelle - Wife to Hubs of 5 yrs, Mom to DD 20 and DS 17 and Hunny our new 3 yr kitty we adopted from the shelter just before Thanksgiving.. I like to read, watch TV and wish I could be a hermit in the Winter.. Today is the prime example of why - we are getting 2-4 inches of snow during the daytime hours and 9 - 14 more inches after dark and into tomorrow morning!

I am using my WI 178.4 lbs for both 1/1 and 1/3 and hope to lose 2.4 by month end. Hope that if I post this I'll be held just a bit more accountable.. and that should be an attainable goal..

Hubs and I are starting at they gym on 1/6 (he needs medical clearance -as he had epilepsy) and I am thinking we can go 4 days a week Mon, Tue, Thur and Fri to start for at least 30 mins and work up to an hour in a few weeks - we are both couch potatoes even though Hubs is a chef and on his feet all day.. the new Zumba Classes start on 1/14 and I might do that as one day of my "gym" while Hubs is on the treadmill or bikes or whatever he is going to do..

I am not sure if I'll just be watching and tracking what I eat or if I'll try to go back to atkins.. I think it'll be a combo of low carb, portion control and exercise.. I have been feeling really out of control and BLEH for weeks know that it's my bad habits so time to fix it!

I'll see you all next week! Happy New Year everyone! Michelle


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