WISH Away the Pounds -- Fantastic February Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

The Mystery Machine said:
Good Morning Wishers!!! :cool1:

Well, last day of the month. I want to extend many thanks to all of you for your stories, help, and encouragement. A special thanks to lisah0711 for hosting this month!!!!!!!!

I made my goal weight. Now can I do it next month? That has me scared because I have not been below this weight in 5 yrs.:scared::scared::scared:

I am going to go for it though. However not sure if I should strive for a pound a week?

Hmmmm...what to do. Have to think on it.

Oh wow! Congrats! That must feel great! Did you lose a pound a week this month? If so, I say go for it!


Started using my armband last night. It is super cool, just have to figure out all the synching it does with my phone and the online account. Used it during a workout, got in a great workout too. 65 minutes, 35 of strength and 30 on the treadmill. Found that My Fitness Pal's estimates for my calorie burn during strength is right on, but on the treadmill was way off. Burned about twice as many calories. Looking forward to today to see how many steps I can get in, I've never worn a pedometer before. Wondering if I should keep it on all day, I have court this afternoon and I need to testify. I think I might look silly wearing it on the stand? I don't really have any shirts that would cover it up... Well we will see.

Okay, hope everyone has a great day! Be back later to check on the posts and updates :) Off to take my final weigh in and measurements :scared:
Mary•Poppins;47638224 said:
Now, trying to avoid the Girl Scout cookies that I bought. They have come in and my sons are not eating them fast enough. They keep calling my name. I have already eaten 6 samoas ... not good. Just made myself some herbal tea to drink instead.

I've stopped buying them all together. Just too much of a temptation. DS bought himself a box of Thin Mints this week though.... and I had just 2. Delicious, but I really didn't feel the need for any more. In the "old days" I considered a full sleeve to be a serving!:rotfl:

And on a funny note, I have homework tonight. Given to me by one of my students who is 6! She loves the movie Hotel Transylvania and keeps telling me all about it. I told her I haven't seen it. Well today she marches in my room first thing in the morning and gives me the DVD and tells me I have to watch it tonight. Well I know it just came out and asked her if her mom knows she brought the DVD to school and she said ... oh, yes she knows. (I keep wondering what she told her mother ... something like "My teacher asked if she could watch the movie ...." Anyway, off to do my homework!

Hope it was good! DD gave one of her teachers a DVD to watch this week as well (from our Netflix queue, so no one else has been able to get a movie this week!).

No, my back is just a weak core/back combined with a tendency to roll my hips forward all the time. So then when I did core exercises, I always eventually ended up hurting my back. The theory is that the weak core/back muscles are causing my piriformis to have to overwork which is leading to the spasms and chronic back issues. This is happening both when I run and do other strength workouts. I have learned a bunch in physical therapy. It is still not perfect, but it is improving and I am slowly increasing my miles and learning more strength exercises. The best part, she is making sure I have good form, and we don't move on until I have it down. I ran 3 miles yesterday and 4 today, so far so good.

It really will get better, but for my foot it took about 10 weeks until I was back to my old activities, and even then I was still icing for months afterwards. Just be patient and trust the process. Some of the stuff they have you do might not make sense, but it really is a process. Also ask lots of questions if you don't understand what they are asking.

Sage advise there! Glad you are improving every day Rose!

Aww, so sweet, you inspire me to have spend some quality time with my kiddos too

Well... as they get older I am really realizing that they will be GONE so soon! DD will be away this fall at college and DS is just kind of "pulling away" from me in a "teen boy" sort of way. It makes me sad. And honestly, he was a bit of a pill last night during our "date" because I wouldn't let him have an "M" rated video game. This is a debate that has gone on since before Christmas. I was sad that he wouldn't let it go last night. I understand that as a teen it is his job to challenge EVERYTHING that I say.... but sometimes you need to hear "because I said so" and let things go! Ended the evening with smiles, but it was rough going in the middle.

Good answer! I totally agree about Pamela... wish I knew Dr.Girlfriend and could be inspired by her success!

Oh gee... thanks!:thumbsup2

This made me :lmao: sounds JUST like my 6 yr old! Her teacher and and after school care provider each have stories about her almost everyday! Her teacher said she was going to start keeping a journal of all the things she says and does!

And good luck avoiding the call of the samoas... my FAV!


Had a pretty good day We had awesome weather and got in 3 workouts! 45 mins on the crosstrainer this am, another 25 mins of strength while my son did his GTS class at the Y this afternoon, and then another 35 mins strength while watching my DVR'd Biggest Loser this evening! Felt great! Did good with my eating too so I am double happy. Now here's to a great day tomorrow too (though I doubt I will have time to get to the Y...)

GREAT day! Three workouts? WOW!

How is everyone doing on the minichallenge lists? It takes awhile to come up with a 100 things. Don't make it more complicated than it has to be, the idea is to think of something that might help you avoid eating when perhaps you are eating for a reason besides hunger or at least pause before you eat something that you shouldn't. :goodvibes

1. Figure out the points of what you are thinking about eating.
2. Read a magazine.
3. Look at Pinterest for a new recipe.
4. Load/unload the dishwasher.
5. Take a walk around the block.

I thought it would be easier, but I barely got past 3!! Still thinking about it though!

My over 40 role model is a real WISHer, too, Wendy. Her user name is on the Disboards escapes me now. I met her for the first time at the TinkerBell in 2012. She had done 30 half marathons in 30 states in 301 days and the TinkerBell Half was her last race of that series. Wendy has a great attitude, too, she is always having the time of her life, dresses up for all the races and even when she is having a bad run she is enjoying herself.

Amazing! I think I remember her being around!

After growing up in CA I'm not fond of la-la land and the whole Hollywood scene -- that is not reality IMHO. Although I do think Jane Fonda looks great for a 75 year old broad.


Oops! Time to go to the gym. Be back later with the rest of the replies!

Just reading about everybody's ailments is making me start to feel sore too! I haven't had the PF, piriformis, back issues, but believe me, my knees always have me worried. I always believe in finishing strong, but at the end of last year's Wine and Dine, my knee felt so unstable, I thought if I sprinted, I would fall on my face :guilty:. So I just slowed down and made it across, and that's all that mattered. You get that race bling either way! One tip I have been taking advantage of after the last few longer runs, is a bath as cold as I can stand right after. I know many of you are living in frozen tundras right now, and sitting in cold water isn't high on the list of priorities, but the lack of pain and soreness the next day has been priceless! I don't know if it will help any of you, but you might want to give it a shot.

I could NOT do a cold bath. I've seen ice baths in movies, etc, but I KNOW I couldn't do it. I"m far too whimpy! If I needed to ice I could just to lay in a snowbank!:lmao:

I am scheduled to host WATP in April, and I am going to step down at this time while there is plenty of time to find a replacement. Just wanted to throw it out there early. Thank you so much to everyone who hosts the monthly threads.

Thanks for giving us plenty of time to find a replacement. We totally understand and hope that you can still join us in the chatting!

quotd 2/27--Wed.

Was watching Dr. Oz last night and found out you didn't need to stretch before exercise. I had read some research on this but didn't really trust it until Jillian told me so lol. It actually affects your strength. So that will actually save me some time lol.

Getting back:

Name one diet related thing you have found out to not be true.

"All calories are the same." Sure, 100 calories of Oreos and 100 calories of spinach salad are still just 100 calories.... but they react differently in your body, they burn differently, and they DEFINITELY affect your brain and brain chemistry differently.

I have returned from the couch!
I was not as successful as I had hoped in exercising and good eating choices in the weeks following my knee surgery. But now it's time to get back on the proverbial horse (or recumbent bike, as it were)! I've been to a few yoga classes and one elliptical workout in the last week or so.

Hope the knee is improving more and more everyday!

The other big stress has been switching my daughter's school. I was really torn about leaving her school, but she was miserable and I was done with the behavior problems of the other students. We tried an urban school for its diversity and unique program (foreign language), but it just wasn't the right fit for DD. Imagine having your day be in a foreign language, and yet you are still bored from lack of challenge. After much doubt, disappointment, and research, we decided to switch. In MN, we can do "open enrollment" into other public school districts that have room. I can't believe our luck with this one! I almost cried when I got the notification that there was a spot. A lot of pixie dust! The school is stellar both on paper and in the classroom, plus it's only 15 minutes max from our house. Today was her first day!

Good luck to her on her first day!

Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a great last day of the month weigh in. I did not. I only lost 2.5 pounds over the course of the month. Not happy, but I guess I have to live with it. And at least I am lighter than at the start of the month. I can also really feel it with my clothes that fit much better than they did two months ago. I just hoped to be able to have faster progress.

Had a great workout with my DVD yesterday. Felt so great that I decided to restart level 2 today already as I think I did not lose nearly as much strength as I thought I would. So I need something more challenging. And level 2 is quite challenging! :scared:

Looking forward to the new month and a new beginning tomorrow!!

It was still a LOSS for the month! :thumbsup2

Muscle does not weigh more than fat! A pound of muscle and a pound of fat each weigh a pound. Fat has more volume than muscle, as illustrated by this picture that makes us all go "ewwww!"


It's kind of like that old joke you tell the elementary kids..."What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks??" :p

This leaving to go to the gym at 4:30 a.m. is a little tough but it is so, so nice when I hit my activity goal by noon. ::yes::

Have a great day all!

I am NOT sad that most of my 4 am mornings are behind me. That said, there is a definite feeling of satisfaction in having a big workout done before most folks are out of bed!

Good Morning Wishers!!! :cool1:

Well, last day of the month. I want to extend many thanks to all of you for your stories, help, and encouragement. A special thanks to lisah0711 for hosting this month!!!!!!!!

I made my goal weight. Now can I do it next month? That has me scared because I have not been below this weight in 5 yrs.:scared::scared::scared:

I am going to go for it though. However not sure if I should strive for a pound a week?

Hmmmm...what to do. Have to think on it.

Definite food for thought.... but big CONGRATS on hitting your goal!

For those interested in my foot saga, I will recount the details of my physical therapy yesterday.;)

I got there and then they put my feet in a whirlpool tub, which was heaven. After that he did "cold laser" on my left foot arch with PF. He then did my toes mainly focusing under the ball of my big toe on the right foot. He explained the cold laser REPAIRS damaged tissue. (How I have no idea, must look that up.)

Then he did some "ultrasound thing" on my feet.

He was not sure about the PF diagnosis on the right foot. He thinks it could be something else.

Next week, I am going to get reflexology on my feet first and then PT right after. He is a reflexologist and assures me that he can loosen my tendons with his techniques. He explained that he does the calves + feet. Basically does below the knee.

So that is it so far. So far things feel the same. Oh and bad news is NO exercising that causes me pain in the foot or puts stress on the feet. I am going to have to find some exercises that do that. Swimming, cycling, etc. However I do not belong to a gym so that is a little difficult.

Maybe Pilates?:confused3

I did a Pilates workout yesterday that I recorded from Veria Living television network. It was a full hour, but I admit I fast forwarded through the commercials, so about 40 minutes. It was a great core/ab workout and there was almost NOTHING that was done with weight-bearing on the feet. I would DEFINITELY look into a Pilates workout! Also, how about those things that look like bicycles for your arms? That would be some cardio. Maybe you could buy one used or rent one?? Good luck with whatever you find to do. Get those feet HEALED UP!:thumbsup2


Okay friends! I'm caught up a bit, but missed a few QOTD. As I mentioned, the March challenge is up and ready, but I have some anxiety about messing up the stats and such. I am just TERRIBLE with math, so you will all need to be very forgiving! I see I have 2 new PMs so I will see what those are and then clean out my box.

This is a busy weekend for me, so I'm making excuses right out of the box for March. DS's big robotics competition starts today for 3 days and then on Sunday I have to attend an "accepted students day" down in southern RI with DD. And of course, school starts up again Monday and I am STILL trying to get some training done for my new job (that seems like it will never really start!).

As I mentioned above, I did get a short "date night" with DS last night, but it wasn't exactly the wonderful memory maker that I was hoping it might be. He doesn't understand my reasoning behind saying "NO" to M rated video games.... because of course "all" his friends have them. I just don't feel right about it.... too much gore, violence, guns, etc. So I put my foot down. But he is making it hard. Oh well.... I need to stand by my convictions.

I am officially sick.... the sore throat that I've been wishing away for a few days is worse and now I'm coughing and it sounds icky. But no time to be sick! Hopefully it won't linger into the weekend.

After all of the talk about juicing we had been doing here and watching a few new healthy eating videos and TED talks, I pulled my juicer out of temporary retirement and got it going again. I made a big batch of juice for DS Monday night for him to drink on Tuesday.... but when I got home he hadn't drank more than 2 swallows. He said it was just too strong tasting of the greens (despite being about 50% apple juice). I mixed it about 50/50 with some Green Machine juice (Naked Juice Co.) and he was able to get most of it down that way. :sad2:

Made another batch this morning with less greens... cucumber, celery, carrot, apple, with just a bit of parsley. He was able to get down a whole glass of that. I made another batch for DH and myself to share.... cucumber, celery, parsley, kale, carrot and just one apple. It was pretty good! :thumbsup2 And I made another batch for either tonight or tomorrow morning with the above mentioned items plus papaya. I try not to make it too far ahead, as I know the air can oxidize the goodness out of it, but the process takes time and clean-up isn't much fun, so I try to make enough for at least 24 hours.

For those who are inclined to pray, please include my SIL Sandy on your prayer list. She has just been diagnosed with her 3rd recurrence of cancer (metastatic from breast cancer originally diagnosed in about 2000) with lesions in the bone (skull and spine this time). Obviously this isn't good. She is a single Mom to a 16 year old boy and lives way far away from us down in NM. She has started chemo again. That's about all I know for now.

Well.... my breakfast is eaten and I'm finishing my 2nd cup of coffee, so it must be time to go do laundry!:rotfl2: I'll read my PMs, clean out my box, and be ready for MARCH! :) ............................P
I did a Pilates workout yesterday that I recorded from Veria Living television network. It was a full hour, but I admit I fast forwarded through the commercials, so about 40 minutes. It was a great core/ab workout and there was almost NOTHING that was done with weight-bearing on the feet. I would DEFINITELY look into a Pilates workout! Also, how about those things that look like bicycles for your arms? That would be some cardio. Maybe you could buy one used or rent one?? Good luck with whatever you find to do. Get those feet HEALED UP!:thumbsup2

I think am going to start Pilates and in addition use my exercise ball. I just have to find the right system for me.

My core is weak so it is probably a good place to start for me anyway. I am going to hold off on the cardio for now.

When the weather clears up, I am going to get my bicycle down and start there. Unless of course I find some used equipment for sale. Flea markets/Swap Meets/Garage Sales are right around the corner!!!!

Thanks for the well wishes and advice. And away we go!!!!!:dance3:
Congrats on Juicing Pamela! I start my juice fast tomorrow through my yoga place. I pick up 3 juices in the morning and 3 more in afternoon. 6 juices per day. They have about 12 flavors to choose from and for an extra $1 a day you can add in a shot of wheatgrass. The fast lasts 3 days. I'm excited to start :)
I just hoped to be able to have faster progress.

I think a lot of us feel that way. :hug: Sometimes it is harder to remember to celebrate what we have accomplished than other times. We should all take a minute today at the end of the challenge and celebrate our successes and our tenacity when most people have ditched their healthy lifestyle weeks ago. :hippie:

Good Morning Wishers!!! :cool1:

Well, last day of the month. I want to extend many thanks to all of you for your stories, help, and encouragement. A special thanks to lisah0711 for hosting this month!!!!!!!!

I made my goal weight. Now can I do it next month? That has me scared because I have not been below this weight in 5 yrs.:scared::scared::scared:

I am going to go for it though. However not sure if I should strive for a pound a week?

Hmmmm...what to do. Have to think on it.

I'm sure you can accomplish whatever goal you set for yourself! :thumbsup2

Good morning everyone!:wave2: I had login issues with the DIS yesterday :confused3 so I don't know if the March thread has been started yet. Anyone know? Thanks!:flower3:

It's there but stay here with us for today! :goodvibes

Good morning all! The March challenge is up and ready for us to begin! I'm going to go clean out my PM box (yet another chore for today :rotfl:) and be ready for the messages to start rolling in!

Off to read and reply!.............P

My helpful hint for keeping that PM box cleaned out is email updates. :thumbsup2

Started using my armband last night. It is super cool, just have to figure out all the synching it does with my phone and the online account. Used it during a workout, got in a great workout too. 65 minutes, 35 of strength and 30 on the treadmill. Found that My Fitness Pal's estimates for my calorie burn during strength is right on, but on the treadmill was way off. Burned about twice as many calories. Looking forward to today to see how many steps I can get in, I've never worn a pedometer before. Wondering if I should keep it on all day, I have court this afternoon and I need to testify. I think I might look silly wearing it on the stand? I don't really have any shirts that would cover it up... Well we will see.

Okay, hope everyone has a great day! Be back later to check on the posts and updates :) Off to take my final weigh in and measurements :scared:

Sounds like you are getting some great information right off the bat. :cool2: I would wear the body media myself. It wouldn't bother me if I had someone on the stand but YMMV. Even after practicing more than 20 years, anytime I am in court I always feel :scared: so you might burn some extra calories you wouldn't know about otherwise.

Congrats on Juicing Pamela! I start my juice fast tomorrow through my yoga place. I pick up 3 juices in the morning and 3 more in afternoon. 6 juices per day. They have about 12 flavors to choose from and for an extra $1 a day you can add in a shot of wheatgrass. The fast lasts 3 days. I'm excited to start :)

Good luck with your juicing! :goodvibes Be sure and tell us how it goes on the March thread. Have you had wheatgrass before? It's very organic. :flower2:

Thanks for all the kind words about hostessing. :thanks: Even though the scale was a bit stubborn I had a great NSV today -- wearing pants in the next size down and they are actually very comfortable. I haven't worn this size pants for 20 years! :yay:

Post 3 is updated through all PMs received so far. Don't forget to send in your number if you haven't already and thank you to those who did!
Not sure if I'm still supposed to be providing a quotd....try to think of one anyway I guess lol. If I'm butting in on someone else's hosting sorry.

I really tried to combat my water retention yesterday, 1/2 hour in the sauna, good long exercise session (btw-really like not stretching first--I did feel stronger) had homemade coleslaw with lots of apple cider vinegar and for my snack at night sliced banana on toast with a tiny bit if peanut butter mmm. Bananas and cabbage being natural diuretics--didn't know that--.
Anyway it worked I'm down a pound. I've been tracking my vitamins from vitacost and they should be here today, I can't wait to try them. Got pretty organized with my vitamins last night, I'd got a pill organizer from the dollar tree in a grab bag and was going to just take it to the free table at the pool but got energetic last night and dosed out all my meds and vitamins for the coming week. I even did the Dr. Oz thing and cut my multi in half so I take 1/2 in the am and 1/2 at night.
Misty is getting Huge-- I have no idea how big she'll get lol. Found some Purina One kitten dry food (surprisingly good ingredients) at Grocery Outlet last night and she likes that so that's good, plus she likes the Felidae canned for cats and kittens which is one of the cheaper canned foods that is really good as far as ingredients go. Got my new camera together last night so will be posting a pic of her soon. Was inspired when I went in to visit her last night and she was standing on her cat post checking out the lava lamp-- big belly sticking out--lol but she moved darn it
Well-- better get going to the gym, have to work at 4.
quotd Thurs 2/28

I was looking at some calorie quizzes online yesterday and bombing horribly....how well do you think you know your calorie counts? Scale of one to 10. I think right now I'm about a 5.

When I was a teen I had a little mini book I'd carry around with a calorie chart. I knew the amount of calories in Everything. Now-- I think I need to get re- acquainted.

Here's a link to a good one:
Wanted to give my final report for the month on the plank a day. I didn't plank everyday, but I did remember most days. Plus at the beginning of the month I could only hold for 32 seconds. Today I held it for a full minute:cool1: I'm going to try and keep up with it next month and even try to do another set. Bring it on, March!
dismagiclover said:
Wanted to give my final report for the month on the plank a day. I didn't plank everyday, but I did remember most days. Plus at the beginning of the month I could only hold for 32 seconds. Today I held it for a full minute:cool1: I'm going to try and keep up with it next month and even try to do another set. Bring it on, March!

Congrats! Awesome accomplishment :)
Unless of course I find some used equipment for sale. Flea markets/Swap Meets/Garage Sales are right around the corner!!!!

Thanks for the well wishes and advice. And away we go!!!!!:dance3:

I bet you can find some bargains from people who's good intentions have gone by the way side. ::yes::

quotd Thurs 2/28

I was looking at some calorie quizzes online yesterday and bombing horribly....how well do you think you know your calorie counts? Scale of one to 10. I think right now I'm about a 5.

When I was a teen I had a little mini book I'd carry around with a calorie chart. I knew the amount of calories in Everything. Now-- I think I need to get re- acquainted.

Here's a link to a good one:

It's always good to refresh your memory on those calorie counts. Restaurant food is one that always surprises me -- I always think shouldn't it taste better for those kind of calories? :confused3 And now I'm learning the WW point system. Luckily there are plenty of apps on your phone that can help. MyFitnessPal has a great database. myfitnesspal.com and it is free! :teeth:

Thank you, Susan, for coaching this week for us! :thanks:

Wanted to give my final report for the month on the plank a day. I didn't plank everyday, but I did remember most days. Plus at the beginning of the month I could only hold for 32 seconds. Today I held it for a full minute:cool1: I'm going to try and keep up with it next month and even try to do another set. Bring it on, March!

Woot on the plank! :yay:

Numbers are updated through all PMs received so far today. Check out all the pretty colors! :rainbow: And a big :woohoo: for all our WISH lime green peeps! :thumbsup2
Ooh--I'd want to track down one of those boxes.
I got it at my local Aldi. Not sure they'd be everywhere but might be a place to start if you really want one!

Welcome to the exciting last day of the Fantastic February WATP Challenge! :cool2:

Congratulations you all made it through the whole challenge! :cool1:

Please PM your final weigh in number to me today. I will be updating the colors tomorrow morning and after that Pamela will be hosting the March challenge. We have to have a final cutoff to ensure a smooth transition. If you are going to use your final February number as your first weigh in number simply include Pamela in the PM. As always those dates and numbers in the subject line help me -- i.e. "Weigh in 2/28 150"

It's been a pleasure being your hostess this month. Thank you to all of our coaches this month! :flower3:

Weigh in sent!!! I made my goal!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

Good Morning Wishers!!! :cool1:

Well, last day of the month. I want to extend many thanks to all of you for your stories, help, and encouragement. A special thanks to lisah0711 for hosting this month!!!!!!!!

I made my goal weight. Now can I do it next month? That has me scared because I have not been below this weight in 5 yrs.:scared::scared::scared:

I am going to go for it though. However not sure if I should strive for a pound a week?

Hmmmm...what to do. Have to think on it.
Congrats on reaching your goal!!! I think a pound a week is perfect assuming you feel you still need to lose weight. 1 pound a week is my goal. However if you feel good where you are right now you could try to maintain for a month and see how that goes. Good luck next month no matter what you decide!

quotd Thurs 2/28

I was looking at some calorie quizzes online yesterday and bombing horribly....how well do you think you know your calorie counts? Scale of one to 10. I think right now I'm about a 5.

When I was a teen I had a little mini book I'd carry around with a calorie chart. I knew the amount of calories in Everything. Now-- I think I need to get re- acquainted.

Here's a link to a good one:
I haven't done the quiz you sent but I think I am pretty good. I can't give you exact numbers but I can give you a range that is usually right. Comes from starting to diet in the 2nd grade. :( So its kinda sad actually. If I eat something 'bad' I know exactly how many calories I am eating I just don't care.

Wanted to give my final report for the month on the plank a day. I didn't plank everyday, but I did remember most days. Plus at the beginning of the month I could only hold for 32 seconds. Today I held it for a full minute:cool1: I'm going to try and keep up with it next month and even try to do another set. Bring it on, March!

Congrats on planking! I think I planked everyday. I may have forgotten a day or two but its pretty much a habit now. :)

Congrats to all who lost/maintained this month! I really enjoyed following along. I know I didn't post much but I subscribe to the thread and would usually read the email while at work and I wouldn't always get a chance to reply. Thanks for the support!!

Good luck next month! :flower3:
Evening all! Ready to make the change to March? Then reserve your seat on the March challenge right now! Plenty of great seats still available!

First of all HUGE congrats to everyone who completed the plank-a-day challenge for March! I missed a few days mid-month....just plain old forgot! But overall I stuck with it. That being said, my neck pain/headaches have been worse this month and I suspect that planks may have been a contributing factor...so I am holding off on continuing the challenge into March.

If you participated and stuck with it, PM me your snail mail address for a PRIZE! (But be patient...it takes me forever to get to the P.O.)

I will just say up front that the March challenge will start slowly because of the busy robotics weekend. I don't know anything about spreadsheets and will have to wait til the first part of the week to get help from the family. But keep sending me your starting weights and goals for the month!

Cold and sore throat aren't great right now. I cut back my TM time because I felt like I was going to start wheezing and then I would end up coughing. I did 30 minutes on the track and then 20 minutes of incline work on the TM.

Would adore a cup of coffee or tea right now, but don't feel like going out to get one (I'm at the Y until 9:15). Oh well.

Belly feels really gross and bloated right now...not sure why. Felt like this for several days lately. Maybe too much fiber and /or too many beans?

Off to chill while I wait for DD....really tired tonight......P
It's no longer February, but I wanted to at least come back here and say thanks you so much to Lisa for hosting and to Susan for coaching this last week!

Now off to new challenges!!

Weight Loss Participants:
3Gsandme 32%
50sjayne 117%
akhaloha 57%
amready2go 10%
araes2102 83%
BernardandMissBianca 104%
cclovesdis 44%
Desiree 104%
DisFam95 88%
dismagiclover 80%
Eliza32 114%
fitgirl36 38%
Flossbolna 50%
goofyfigment 36%
Greenfield1984 100%
iheartjuppy 92%
jillbur 60%
liesel 0%
lisah0711 0%
MaryPoppins 60%
mikamah 103%
momofdjc 40%
NightAngelX 100%
njcarita 100%
nocomment711 18%
penguin1102 30%
pix13dust 163%
plutobaby 33%
quicklabs 113%
Rose&Mike 50%
sskem96 43%
tiki23 55%
TheMysteryMachine 100%
tinkerbye 40%

Maintainer Participants
myweegirls 4/4

A big WATP thank you to all our coaches and participants for a successful February challenge! :thanks: See you all on the March thread. :thumbsup2


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