Winter Workouts - Dec. 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Woohoo... feeling a little bit better each day. I think the congestion I'm dealing with now is more food related than covid, as I've had quite a bit of self-pity sugar lately and my body is telling me to stop it. So i am going to stop as of today.

Woohoo... I'm on track for being ready for the Christmas festivities Saturday. I need to pick up a few more things for the guy's goodie bags and I need to make one last trip to the grocery store. I think shopping is going to have to wait until Friday as we are having a couple days of super cold temps, so the dustings of snow that keep coming are now sticking to the roads.

And woohoo... I'm back in to doing my nightly yoga and last nights was really satisfying.
Hey Everyone. It has been busy around here. I have so much to do still. Thankfully shopping (other then the grocery shopping) are done. DD has wrapped all the gifts but hers. We still need to make cookies. We have the sugar cookies baked but we need to decorate them. The dough is done for the kolache's and the peanut butter ones with peanut butter cups. Still need to make the ginger snap cookies, snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies. We will get this done tonight (hopefully). Friday will be a big day here. Thankfully we are all off of work. I have a mammogram and ultrasound on Friday and then will get grocery shopping done and then cleaning and prep for Saturday.

The end of this week weather is not going to be great. We are supposed to get rain all day Thursday and then over night it will get really cold (talking up to -30 with the wind chill). Friday our roads will be bad as they will not be able to pre-treat the roads before the rain on the ground freezes. Wind gust could get up 50 mph so the possibility of power outages. And yet I am still planning to get and do a ton of stuff. Thankfully everything is close. Saturday things should start to improve but will still be cold. Friday we are also supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow.

I am woohooing that the kids had there last day of school yesterday. They got out after their finals at 10:55. DD has soccer practice tonight and DH and I work today and tomorrow and then off. I am off for 2 weeks. I can't wait.
❄️❄️Happy winter solstice!❄️❄️

WOO HOO!!! Today was a successful "Frosty the Snowman Day!"☃️ All went well. I gave each student a snowman winter hat, and they looked adorable matching each other. They all wore white, so they actually looked like snowpeople! We started the day with the read aloud and then they made snowflake ornaments. At recess we had an indoor snowball fight which was absolutely hilarious. We watched "Frosty the Snowman" in the afternoon. It was such a fun day.
❄️❄️Happy winter solstice!❄️❄️

WOO HOO!!! Today was a successful "Frosty the Snowman Day!"☃️ All went well. I gave each student a snowman winter hat, and they looked adorable matching each other. They all wore white, so they actually looked like snowpeople! We started the day with the read aloud and then they made snowflake ornaments. At recess we had an indoor snowball fight which was absolutely hilarious. We watched "Frosty the Snowman" in the afternoon. It was such a fun day.
I want to be in your class!
❄️❄️Happy winter solstice!❄️❄️

WOO HOO!!! Today was a successful "Frosty the Snowman Day!"☃️ All went well. I gave each student a snowman winter hat, and they looked adorable matching each other. They all wore white, so they actually looked like snowpeople! We started the day with the read aloud and then they made snowflake ornaments. At recess we had an indoor snowball fight which was absolutely hilarious. We watched "Frosty the Snowman" in the afternoon. It was such a fun day.
Can I come next year?!?!!
Thankful Thursday! This Thursday seems extra special since it’s only a few days before Christmas, hopefully some time off for everyone and getting to do things we enjoy but often don’t have time for during other times of the year!

Today I am thankful that although my family is going through some personal growth and relationship changes we will still all be getting together for Christmas and are able to celebrate with one another. So very thankful for that, I cannot ask for anything more ❤️

I am delighted to report I got so much done last night! Every gift is now wrapped, I got my baby nieces walker put together (it’s also a mini kitchen it’s SO CUTE) and DDs desk chair assembled! Stocked all the kids stocking bags with Nike socks that just got delivered and double checked everyone’s stocking bags to make sure they were complete-happy to report they are and ready for real stockings Christmas Eve! Tomorrow night is DDs desk assembly and then I done!!
Thankful, again, that most winter viruses now are inconveniences. The kids have been passing a cold around...very thankful they are healthy and these will pass quickly with little to be concerned over.

I am at the hairdresser and two older woman who know eachother happened to run into eachother and they are hugging and catching up and it's just darling.

Anyway thankful tonight's storm is going to be rain and not snow. We are supposed to get 1-2 inches of rain...that would have been a heck of a snowstorm if it was going to he colder. We may get a Dusting to an inch when all is said and done but could have been worse.
Well, we continue to be in a deep freeze and the roads are super icy, plus there's another storm coming in later today that will go on into tomorrow and should bring more snow. I am thankful that I don't have to go anywhere, but I am getting cabin fever. It should warm up Saturday, but we've decided to move our gathering to midday Sunday to give a cushion for things to clear up. It is a novel idea... celebrating Christmas on Christmas Day.

That gives me more time to finish up the prep, adding all day Saturday, so thankful for that even tho I'm almost done.

I got an interesting text from my younger Nephew yesterday... who last texted me back in 2019, so this is by no means a regular thing. He wanted to commission me to knit some gloves for his girl friend, but after texting back-and-forth we settled on me teaching him how to knit so he can make a Cowl for her instead. A very interesting turn of events to have him reach out like that, and I'm grateful for the connection.

Happy Friday!!!! Friday before Christmas weekend Hooray!!!!

I am posting tonight because DH and I are both off work tomorrow and heading to the SPCA early to try and get everyone walked before the deep freeze sets in around 1pm!!! Hoping for the best!!

Our church is having Christmas service tomorrow night at 7 which I think is great, we are all looking forward to it. Going to pick my in laws up so they don’t have to drive/park in the cold.

What does everyone else have planned for today?? Anyone still shopping???

Happy Friday to everyone!!! Enjoy it!!!
DS10 has an orthodontist appointment and then it is prep prep prep.

Have to make Christmas crack and oreo balls for tomorrow night. The temp is going to nose dive around 2 so my breezeway will become a refrigerator at that point. Seeing as both desserts need to be stored cold this will be very helpful.
Then it'll be time to snap green beans and get them cooked for Christmas day. I cooked the bacon in the oven yesterday in case the wind knocked out power today. The generator powers everything in the kitchen but the oven.
Got the cheese for the Mac and cheese shredded yesterday.
Will cut up the potatoes and put those in cols water to save some time tomorrow.

Woke up with a headache so I popped a couple excedrin...headache gone and BAM instant caffeine energy spike. Unfortunately that will probably dissipate before I start in the kitchen. Oh well
Quiet day at home staying out of the rain! (Thankfully shopping is done.) Some wrapping this morning, and family movie time in the afternoon

P.S. - I love that you walk shelter dogs!!
LOVE family movies-what are you all going to watch???

We get more from volunteering with shelter dogs than they get from us…I think our hearts grow every time we are there ❤️ But it’s also amazing exercise! Obviously you can walk as little as you like but we stay until all dogs are walked and usually get 5+ miles in!!!
DS10 has an orthodontist appointment and then it is prep prep prep.

Have to make Christmas crack and oreo balls for tomorrow night. The temp is going to nose dive around 2 so my breezeway will become a refrigerator at that point. Seeing as both desserts need to be stored cold this will be very helpful.
Then it'll be time to snap green beans and get them cooked for Christmas day. I cooked the bacon in the oven yesterday in case the wind knocked out power today.
Our lights are already flickering 😳

What is Christmas crack?!?!!
Happy Almost Ho Ho Ho Friday!

As promised we got ice overnight. The windows on the front of the house are coated which I don't remember has ever happened before. By noon it should warm up to above freezing so that we're back to just rain and I'm hoping that by after work the roads will be clear and passable.

I ended up taking yesterday off from holiday prepping... I was going to bake the gingerbread cake but didn't have enough ginger, not something you can skimp on. If I can't get to the grocery store today I'll go early Saturday morning.

It should be a quiet work day, I only have two meetings this morning. Cutoffs for pre-Christmas deliveries was earlier in the week so we're on the downward slide, mostly just keeping an eye on the facilities being impacted by the weather across the country.

I will definitely be getting out for a quick walk as soon as the sidewalks are passable.

🚂🎄🎅Polar Express Pajama Day was a success. They were more naughty than the day before, so it required more energy on my part. We sent home their gifts and books in case we didn't have school today, and it turns out it was a good call. They closed school for severe weather which I have yet to have seen...waste of a snow day. I put my Ugly Sweater away for next year. I have been trying to wear this sweater for three years now, but umm pandemic, online learning, and me actually getting Covid last year stopped that.

I am very grateful that we had our festivities for the majority of the week...first time since 2019. Now the goal is to make it to Christmas in NY with my family I so dearly miss. Here's hoping nothing stops us...🙏
Had such a lovelt moment about an hour ago. I had to bring DS10 to the orthodontist. It has been pouring aince yesterday. On the way home the rain of the local station plays Christmas music all day and Carrie Underwood and John Legand's HALLELUJAH came on.

If you haven't heard it go listen now....I'll wait.....

Anyway as the song was playing I turned the corner toward home and looked up to see a break in the clouds with sun and blue skies shining through briefly...such a beautiful moment of peace....


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