Winging it with No Dinning Plan! A Feb. Trip Report

Michelle got her first adult beverage in Disney here sampling the wines.
I love that! It's like the food, there is too many choices to do it all!

I love that you have this picture.
Ha! I have trained Andy well! Rapunzel has always been a favorite movie in our house. So, I think he was excitied to see it. It was our first trip, so it was "extra" magical... ;)

No much here. We lucked out and found colonial tricorn hats several years ago.
I am pretty sure that is what I had put on the sheet. I guess they weren't selling many.

I'm glad they liked it. It's one of our favorite counter serve places.
It was the first time for us!

Poor kids, sounds like they were about done. Epcot seems to be the park for meltdowns
That they were! It was a long day and we were at the end of our trip.

I still think it's crazy that the seats matter as much as they do...kind of wish the original film would return.
It sucks really. We never saw the original version and would love to see it!

Happy to see you were finally able to hop on Spaceship Earth. A perfect last ride of the night.
It is a perfect last ride.
You have me so excited for our WS extravaganza in just a few days :cool1::cool1::cool1:
It says only 3 more days!!!! JEALOUS!!! Have a great time!

Have the girls ever done the Phineous and Ferb thing? Think we may try it or the now emphasis hat challenge this trip to help keep Casey entertained.
We have done the Phineous & Ferb thing. I "think" it is now on the Disney Play app. It is great, as it gets you to explore one of the countries more indepth. You really get to see all the nooks and crannies of some of the countries!

I have also done a scavenger hunt for the girls. Things like maracas in Mexico, wine bottles in Italy. That kind of thing... I am thinking of having the girls take a picture in each country of something that they think represents that country. (That's not too educational, is it?)
Finally caught back up, but I forgot to multi-quote!

We debated ordering a second one, it was so good. And I still wish we had. Also, check out the plate they served it on. It was plastic but totally looked like slate. We may or may not have cleaned it off and put it in my back pack and took it home... And I may or may not have used it a handful of times for parties and what not....
I often think about doing this when it's a super cool plate! And hey, you were helping the planet - Reuse!
Food Breakdown: Day Five

Today we had no sit down meals planned and wanted to try Festival Of Arts items. But we really didn't like the sounds of alot of them. I feel like if it was Food & Wine or Flower & Garden, we would have spent more.

Painter's Palate FOA Booth: $42.72
Mexico Lunch: $40.93
Africa Stop: $18.64
America FOA Booth: $12.25
Japan FOA Booth: $18.70
Fish & Chip: $19.70
Sunshine Seasons: $13.74
Total Cost: $166.42

The dinning plan would have cost us: $1,791.86

Travel Day: Food Total: $37.56
Day One: Food Total: $142.45
Day Two: Food Total: $149.25
Day Three: Food Total: $152.25
Day Four: Food Total: $181.25
Day Five: Food Total: $166.68
Remaining Balance: $962.42

Clearly, we aren't going to open $960 dollar on food in the next day and change! Although, I will say tomorrow is our highest cost per day, day. So, we def saved money by not doing the dinning plan, BUT I do feel like it isn't a completely fair comparison. We do like to do more sit down restaurants than we did this trip. But we were actively trying to save $$ on food this time around.
Day Six: Does this Fan make me look good?

Today was our last full park day, and our last park day. We woke up around 7:30.

Day Six: Plan
Here is our "schedule" for the day. I was super excitied because we had reservations for The Bon Voyage Breakfast this morning! I had grabbed the reservation before we knew for sure if we were going to come this time of year. (I know crazy disney person) but it paid off, because I wouldn't have been able to get that once we finally decided to go.

Once the girls got up, they checked out the Tinerkbell Gifts for the day.
Tinkerbell Gifts Day 6
Park Bound Buttons! I love these. I will probably do some more for our next trip. I especially love the giant buttons for autographs. It is nice and small to carry around and there is a pop up on the back, so you can display them.

We got ready for the day and were out of the room by 8:26. Gwen woke up with a plan for her hair style today. She gave me specific instructions on what to do. And was super pleased wither plan. Pictures of her hair to come later!
Heading out

We decided to take an uber over to Boardwalk. It made the most sense and was def the fastest way to get there. We were at the Boardwalk by 8:48! TOTALLY WORTH IT!
The Boardwalk

I wasn't sure where exactly to go, but didn't have to much trouble figuring it out. We had never been to the boardwalk area, and Andy really liked how the whole area felt.

We checked in and found a seat inside to wait. There was a lot of people waiting around. So, I thought we might have to wait a bit. We checked in at 8:50, not bad for leaving our room at 8:26!!!!

While we were waiting, Flynn came walking by.
Flynn Rider

He noticed Gwen with her fancy hair do and fan. And stopped.
Flynn Rider_Fan

He asked to borrow Gwen's Fan.
Flynn Rider_Fan_02
He said "Does this fan make me look good?..... Of course it does, I make everything look good." It was hilarious!
Gwen was dying laughing and embarrassment all at the same time.

Flynn gave the fan back to Gwen and headed backstage. It was priceless and started our meal off on an amazing note!

We only waited a few more minutes and then we were seated at a table.

Our server came over shortly with our frying pan of pastries!
Breakfast Pastries
Sorry it is so blurry, I had to snap the picture fast before everyone dug in! Morgan and Gwen were negotiating as to who got which pastry.

The Frying Pan
Gwen loved this.

The pastries were super cute and all tasted good. None were AMAZING but all solid pastries.

The girls ordered Orange Juice, I ordered a coffee that I was DYEING to have and Andy got an iced coffee.

The waitress brought out small sides of fruit for everyone. But I did not take a picture of it.
We were all very excitied for this meal!

Our table was a straight shot to where all of the characters came back out. They introduced each character similar to what they do at Cinderella's Royal Table. (or at least that is what they did back when we went there)

So, First was Flynn Ryder....
The Smolder
He came in and posed with his Smolder... Too funny. After his Smolder pose, he headed all the way to the back of the room to mingle with a few tables.

A little later came Rapunzel.
Rapunzel Arrives
And the gentleman that Flynn is, he came back up to the front to meet Raps. They stopped at our table after the little pose photo session!

Rapunzel & Flynn
They came over and started talking with us. I wasn't prepared for this, so, my pics a bit crazy.

Rapunzel_Fynn_The Nose
Flynn meantioned something about his nose in all those wanted photos.

Rapunzel & Flynn
And Gwen just thought this was hilarious!

It was a super short interaction, but again super fun and then they were off to meet some tables in the back of the restaurant. No idea what they are arguing about at the end of that video...

Right after that, our food came out!

Flounder Pancakes
Gwen ordered the Flounder Pancakes with Bacon.

And Morgan ordered the Waffles with Sausage.
Ariel Waffles

These were both just ok. Your standard pancakes and waffles. The girls ate some of it but I think they filled up on the pastries.

I ordered the Shipwreck Breakfast Calazone.
King Triton Calazone
OMG!!! This was sooooo good. I am dreaming about this. And seriously half the reason I am booking this for our next trip is to have this again. It was sooo good.

King Triton's Shipwreck al Forno
Calzone with Scrambled Eggs, Bell Peppers, Salumi, Bacon, Sausage, Blend of Cheeses, and Sunday Gravy
Just reading the description makes me hungry for it!

The waitress asked if I wanted to take a picture of it before she took the King Triton Skewer out. People must have been taking them...

And then Andy ordered one of the Swimmers Delight Omelet.
Andy's Omelet

Swimmers Delight

Egg White Omelet with Smoked Salmon, Goat Cheese, Spinach, Mushroom, and Tomato with Breakfast Potatoes

He said it was good but not as good as my calzone. He did have a few bites of mine, as it was huge!

You can see in that picture the small bowl of fruit that came with the breakfasts. Just a small bowl. Nothing special but a nice touch.

All of the food was really good and we were very happy with all of the food.

Out next came Ariel and Eric. They met right in front us, did a twirl and danced.
Ariel & Eric Arrive

Then they announced that the parade would start. They grabbed some of the smaller kids at the tables and started the parade.

Morgan and Gwen joined in the parade. They only were kind of into this... But they went with it.

After the parade, we got a chance to eat a bit before anyone made it over to our table again.

Flynn was the first to arrive. And it was an Epic meeting!

Gwen was just totally embarrassed by him. It was hilarious.

She was giggling so much, that when I took this picture, her face is all blurry.

The video above, I thankfully caught this amazing moment when Flynn gave Gwen "The Smolder". She was sooooooo embarrassed. So funny! (I think Morgan was SOOOOO glad she was sitting where she was)

After our smolder, we got a proper photo with Flynn before he moved on.
Flynn_The Girls+02

Eric was next up. I have to say Eric was kind of drab... He didn't stop long to talk and he seemed to be moving through the room pretty fast.
Eric_The Girls_02
But it didn't matter, we were still on our high from meeting Flynn.

Ariel was next. She also wasn't the greatest. Ariel is so bubbly and a happy, and this Ariel was just ok.
Ariel_The Girls

The girls got some hugs from Ariel and ask Ariel where Melody was. (Melody is Prince Eric & Ariel's daughter in one of the sequel movies they made. Morgan and Gwen love that stupid movie.) Anyway, She just kind of mumbled something about her being in school. And said good bye.

Again, we didn't really care too much, we had already had so much fun with Rapunzel and Fynn.

And last but not least Rapunzel came back around. She was great!
She was super excitied to meet the girls and talk with them.

I managed to capture most of the interaction with Rapunzel. They talked about Gwen's hair do, the button that they had her sign or draw on, and Gwen showed her our annual photo shoot in front of her bathroom. She was a great sport about all of it.

Rapunzel_The Girls
They got a photo with her as well.

And goodbye hugs.

After Rapunzel, we had pretty much finished our meal. Our waitress came and made sure we had met everyone and if we wanted to wrap anything up. I think I grabbed the leftover pastries and pancakes to go. I figured they could munch on them a little later if they got hungry.

We got the bill, paid and headed out. We stopped at the bathrooms before we left. And I just loved the theming in the area. By now it was about 10:00. Breakfast took about an hour, which for us is pretty good. We tend to somehow take an hour and a half at sit down restaurants. We didn't feel rushed in any way. I highly recommend this as a character meal. It was excellent food and Flynn was THE BEST!
Day Six: Heading to Magic Kingdom and an EPIC MELTDOWN!

After our fantastic breakfast, we needed to head to the Magic Kingdom. But Gwen wanted me to take her picture as we decided she looked like Sailor Moon. And she wanted me to send it to my sister. So we grabbed her photo outside on the boardwalk.



I tried to get a picture of Morgan also.... I got this...
XXXXX by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr

We headed to the bus stop for the boardwalk to see what the wait time was for Magic Kingdom.

We got there at 10:11 and the sign said 10:15!
So, we waited and it came right at 10:15! Transportation WIN!!!

There was a family waiting there as well. And the Dad had a shirt on that said Dad of Girls #ournumbered. Andy loved it. And I have to remember
to find and order one for Andy for Christmas.

Our bus ride over was uneventful and we were at Magic Kingdom by 10:44! Security at this time of day, wasn't bad. thankfully. Gwen wanted us to rent her a stroller today, but we said no, as Magic Kingdom we don't use it that much.

I had booked our first fastness for 10:45 - 11:45. Talk about perfect planning! Andy even commented on how good I was at this whole planning thing!

We made our way past Town Hall, towards Space Mountain.

We managed to get on the ride at 11:00.
IMG_1393 by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr

Morgan wanted to sit in the front this time. As Gwen almost always gets the front.
Gwen didn't really want to let her but in the end she did.

And Andy got to ride by himself again.

The whole ride I could hear Gwen saying "This is boring". And when we got off, it was the first thing she said. I was SOOOOO angry! Really she was mad that Morgan got to sit in the front. But she was all angry and sad at the same time and all she kept saying was how boring the ride was.

I was super made at this, and threatened to take her back to the hotel, where she could sit in the hotel with no tv or toys. And then she could tell me what was more boring. We sat on the bench outside of Space Mountain for awhile not talking after that. Morgan was Freaking out thinking that our last day was going to be a bust!

We sat there for a good 10 minutes and let Gwen calm down. And then we talked it out. That we weren't getting stroller and that if she was too tired to walk then we needed to go back to the hotel. She was tired and it had been a long trip. But it was our last day. We left it up to her, that those were her options. After a bit, she said she would try keep going. We decided to go and get a snack. They hadn't eaten too much at breakfast. And it gave us some more time to rest Gwen's legs and feet a bit.

Up next, our snack and whether we headed back to the hotel or stayed at Magic Kingdom!
Everyone raves about that calzone! I have got to get myself over there and try it for myself.

I'm glad Flynn and Rapunzel were great character interactions. I still think it's great that they have a place on property where you can meet them both. But a bit of a bummer that Ariel and Eric weren't up to par.

Poor Gwen, sounds like the previous days of park touring were getting to her. That last day can be hard since you're tired and sad that your vacation is almost over.
Poor all of you! Glad the moment was brief, even if it was epic. I know when I’m tired I can be less than pleasant, so I’m glad you guys were able to rally and Gwen chose to stay, rather than head back to the resort.

Man, I love TaF. I’m sorta bummed we didn’t book it for this trip, but I am definitely gonna do it again when we go in May. Glad you guys had a great experience!
The interactions with Rapunzel and Flynn look amazing! I love Gwen's little giggle when Flynn is showing her the smolder! Glad it was a good meal too!

I'm sorry Gwen was being a little cranky. I'm sure the long trip was catching up to her (and everyone probably)! Hopefully she was able to soldier on!
This is such a fun idea!! My husband would totally get annoyed with me if I really made him do this in every country!!

That's how I look when anyone suggests riding, too!!! :) LOL

I have found SO many uses for plastic sandwich bags in the park! Gwen never eats all of her food and then says she is hungry like 5 minutes later. So, I carry them to throw her chicken nuggets in and can pull them out later.
I am a huge believer in this, too! I always pack ziplocs in various sizes when we travel to WDW. I impress myself with all the ways we end up using them!

Mexico_Hats around the World
We all picked the giant hats.... except Gwen, which I think makes it that much funnier.

The little hat is what totally makes this picture!! :)

LOVE THIS! especially because it's total purpose was revenge for his children being a pain :)

We had both worked hard on loosing some weight, so he wanted a comparison shot. I think we did pretty good. But NOW, I want to try and loose some more before our next trip! I started this week. And I want to love another 5-10 pounds before we go. We will see if it happens. It is HARD and the will power is rough! But I wanted to share with you guys to give me a little accountability.
You both look great!! I just started a Clean Eating Week Challenge in addition to the Squat Challenge I finished up earlier this summer. I think being accountable to other people really helps me, too!! I feel like people may be annoyed hearing about my clean eating and weight loss, but the more people I tell, the more I feel like I HAVE TO follow through with it!
We decided to take an uber over to Boardwalk. It made the most sense and was def the fastest way to get there. We were at the Boardwalk by 8:48! TOTALLY WORTH IT!
Seriously! Ubers are the best at WDW!

Flynn Rider_Fan_02
He said "Does this fan make me look good?..... Of course it does, I make everything look good." It was hilarious!
Gwen was dying laughing and embarrassment all at the same time.
Oh so cute!

Breakfast Pastries
Sorry it is so blurry, I had to snap the picture fast before everyone dug in! Morgan and Gwen were negotiating as to who got which pastry.
I wonder why they don't bring out more of these pastries for larger groups. Like if I went solo, I would end up with the same amount of pastries as your whole table did! Though of course because I'm picky I'd only like a couple of them!

The video above, I thankfully caught this amazing moment when Flynn gave Gwen "The Smolder". She was sooooooo embarrassed. So funny! (I think Morgan was SOOOOO glad she was sitting where she was)
Haha - sounds amazing!

I tried to get a picture of Morgan also.... I got this...
Oh Morgan...
Hi Ariella tagging along. Love your family. The girls are so cute. Only on pg 10 but this Dis is getting ready to go down for the night, so wanted to say hi before I got kicked off. I haven't quoted anything since I'm so late to the game but that picture of Morgan looking up at the camera while in line for EE is adorbs.
Park Bound Buttons! I love these.
These are SO cute!!!

He noticed Gwen with her fancy hair do and fan.
You did an amazing job with Gwen's hair! Love it :thumbsup2

He said "Does this fan make me look good?..... Of course it does, I make everything look good." It was hilarious!

I ordered the Shipwreck Breakfast Calazone.
A calzone for breakfast!? This sounds AMAZING!!!

You sure left us on a cliffhanger with the outcome of the meltdown... hope it went in a good direction after the snack! :goodvibes
The hats around the world challenge looks like it was a hit! You guys did an awesome job balancing the best of the festival with a "regular" Epcot experience. It's too bad you haven't made it to the end to see Illuminations yet, it's my favorite!!!

While grabbing the hats, Gwen nocked over ALL of the hats, which in turn made Andy angry
Im sure this was not really funny at the time but it sounds like something that would happen in a cartoon! I hope you can laugh in retrospect as it sounds like quite the experience!

Spaceship Earth Jesus..

:rotfl: So glad space Jesus is catching on!!!!
Wow that breakfast looks yummy! I have to say Ariel and Eric were looking a bit "off" that morning. Glad Rapunzel and Flynn were such great interactions!

It's not a disney vacation until there's at least one meltdown! Poor Gwen (and poor mom). My money is on a Gwen rally after snacks!!!
Everyone raves about that calzone! I have got to get myself over there and try it for myself.
It is so good. I think it helps that it is a good Italian restaurant so the red sauce is yummy. And the meat in it is really good. It's making me hungry just thinking about it.

And Landon would love the characters for sure!

Poor Gwen, sounds like the previous days of park touring were getting to her. That last day can be hard since you're tired and sad that your vacation is almost over.
So, true. She was def also sad that it was the last day.

Man, I love TaF. I’m sorta bummed we didn’t book it for this trip, but I am definitely gonna do it again when we go in May. Glad you guys had a great experience!
I know. I debated waiting a trip before going again, but I booked it for now. We will see if we keep it.

I love Gwen's little giggle when Flynn is showing her the smolder! Glad it was a good meal too!
I can watch that video a million times. And I know when they are older, it will be a cherished video to watch at how embarrassed she was.

You both look great!! I just started a Clean Eating Week Challenge in addition to the Squat Challenge I finished up earlier this summer. I think being accountable to other people really helps me, too!! I feel like people may be annoyed hearing about my clean eating and weight loss, but the more people I tell, the more I feel like I HAVE TO follow through with it!
You can do it! I have been really good. And it is so hard! Mostly, I miss beer. Is that bad?

I wonder why they don't bring out more of these pastries for larger groups. Like if I went solo, I would end up with the same amount of pastries as your whole table did! Though of course because I'm picky I'd only like a couple of them!
Hmmm. I wonder if there were 5 or 6 of us if there would be more. It was a fine amount for us, it was a decent amount in the frying pan. I didn't feel like we needed more.

Oh Morgan..

Hi Ariella tagging along. Love your family. The girls are so cute.
Thanks for joining along!

I haven't quoted anything since I'm so late to the game but that picture of Morgan looking up at the camera while in line for EE is adorbs.
Thanks. She was super excited to ride!

You did an amazing job with Gwen's hair! Love it :thumbsup2
Thanks. She had VERY specific instructions on what she wanted. I can never say she Don's know what she wants.

A calzone for breakfast!? This sounds AMAZING!!!
It is so good. And 75% of the reason why I booked it for our next trip.

You guys did an awesome job balancing the best of the festival with a "regular" Epcot experience. It's too bad you haven't made it to the end to see Illuminations yet, it's my favorite!!!
Thanks. As you know the Festival of the Arts isn't quiet Food & Wine level just yet. But it was fine with us. I am hoping we can get to see Illuminations this trip. We will see.

Wow that breakfast looks yummy! I have to say Ariel and Eric were looking a bit "off" that morning. Glad Rapunzel and Flynn were such great interactions!
It's ok. I am sure it is all about who is there that day. Flynn made the whole breakfast. If he had been so so, that would have been different.

It's not a disney vacation until there's at least one meltdown! Poor Gwen (and poor mom). My money is on a Gwen rally after snacks!!!
Oh, sadly, isn't it true... There is always one epic meltdown.
You can do it! I have been really good. And it is so hard! Mostly, I miss beer. Is that bad?

LOL! NO! I miss it SO much!!! I've been really good the last two weeks in preparation for tomorrow. We have a block party and I plan to treat myself!! :) I've lost 4 lbs over the last 2 weeks, so I like the feeling of that!! My clean week ends this Sunday, so I have to figure out my plan to stay accountable after that. I don't want to pay a ton of money to keep with the group I'm doing as a free trial....they are supposed to reveal pricing options today....we shall see!
Day Six: Recovering from the Meltdown

I left off with Gwen and her epic meltdown. And now that I think about it, Gwen does this every trip. She is sad that it is the last day and starts the day off crabby.

At any rate, we decided to go over to Launching Pad, since it was right there. I ordered a soft pretzel and a frozen Fanta for us to share.
Snacks_Frozen Fanta & Pretzel
As you can see Gwen had Pringles as well. Pretty sure she lived off Pringles this trip! I think I pulled out some of the pastries that I took from breakfast as well.

We sat for another good 10 minutes just resting and letting Gwen calm down and recuperate. The park was really crowded today. Gwen wanted to do the People Mover, which you would think would be a good option, right? Nope, THERE WAS A LINE for the People Mover!

So, Gwen asked to do Carosel of Progress, and we could see there were people waiting.

So, we figured a new show would be starting shortly. So, we got up and got in line right before they opened the doors for the next show.

The girls actually enjoy this show as much as Andy and I do.

COP_Mother Ironing
I don't know why but I always think this scene is funny. My girls barely know what an iron is!

COP_Look at all the Wires
I must have noticed before but I loved all of the wires in this scene. Wires everywhere!

I always love the retro kitchen. You can probably still find some kitchens that look like that.

COP_Grandma playing VR
Does anyone know, when this scene was put in, was VR a thing yet?

And I practically laughed out loud about the voice activated oven. I mean with all of the Alexa's and Siri's it is no longer the future.

COP was a perfect thing to do next, it allowed us to Cool off and for Gwen to rest a bit more. There was a lady behind us who was FULL on asleep. Like snoring and all!

We came out of COP and the People Mover still had a line. So, we headed over to our next Fast Pass of Peter Pan.

Spray Station
We let the girls play in the spray area on the way.

Spray Station_02

I gave Gwen a piggyback ride over to Peter Pan to help rest her feet. Fun! By now, we had mostly recouperated. But it was a crowded and hot day. I wasn't sure how the rest of the day would go for us. But we continued on!

We rode Peter Pan next. But I have no photographic evidence, they were all blurry...

It's a small world said 30 minutes, so we decided to do that. It was so crowded, we figured anything 30 minutes or less was a win. So, we hopped in line for IASW.

The line moved fairly quickly. which was nice. We only waited maybe 10-15 minutes and before long we were on a boat!

IASW_Touch Your NOse
We noticed this kid holding up a sign. Which I thought was super cute. I have since learned that you can ask CM for the signs. They have them at the restaurant.

IASW_Gwen touching her nose
Gwen played along!

Sorry they are both blurry, I snapped them super fast and apparently not very well.

We always love IASW!
IASW_Happiest Cruise
On our way on the Happiest Cruise!

Gwen always loves the Dancing Dolls in France.

IASW_Does he have a face?
So, awhile back @ariane37 mentioned that she wondered if these guys had faces... I tried to lean over and get a picture... This was the best I got. Mystery still not solved... :(

Gwen tried to be a Hula girl in this video.

When we were in line the clock had gone off, but I couldn't get my phone out in time to take a picture. Boo. So, I tried to get one from the boat.

IASW_Clock Better
That is a bit better.

Andy wanted to get our annual picture next! Up next, The best bathrooms ever!

Day Six: Our Annual Photo!

So, if you are new to my trip reports, a very quick history. Our very first trip to Disney the girls were super little. And after dinner at Cinderella's Castle we wondered over to the Rapunzel Bathroom Area. Morgan had a Rapunzel Dress on, they had the music playing. And the girls just started dancing and dancing. And Andy just happened to snap a picture of them in the area. They next trip that we were there, Morgan remembered that picture and suggested we take the picture again. And a tradition was born! We have done it every trip since and I really hope that they will do it when they are in high school!

Rapunzel Pic
At first they weren't too excited about taking the picture.

But we got them to cooperate eventually.

Rapunzel Pic_From Afar

Gwen got one by herself as well. (Morgan was NOT up for that!)

Here is there progression over the years. They were both shorter than the sign and now look at Morgan!

While we were getting the picture, there was another family getting pictures in the area. And the mom and grandmother had the same shirt on as me. So, we commented on our great sense of style. The family tried to cheer Morgan up when we first started taking the picture as she was being a "nudge". Which made her worse of course. I always appreciate when people try and help Morgan with her mood, but it literally makes her worst.

The family was from Minnesota, and we chatted about how cold it was at home. It was -20 degrees for them! YIKES!

Morgan did rally and we got the picture. We used the bathroom and then tried to decide what to do next. It was too hot! And it was now really effecting Morgan's mood.

I suggested we go get some dole whips and go watch the Enchanted Tiki Room. This was a huge hit of a suggestion. So, that is what we did!

I gave Gwen ANOTHER piggyback ride over that way.

Surprisingly, the line wasn't bad at all! And we soon had some yummy cool treats in our hands.
Dole Whip Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Andy went with the Dole Whip Upside Downcake.

Morgan's Dole Whip
Morgan went with the good old regular Dole Whip.

Gwen's Dole Whip Float
And Gwen and I shared a Dole Whip Float.

With treats in hand, we got in line for the next show.

Instagram_Dole Whip Float
I tried to get an instagram worthy photo of the float...

Tiki_Water Fall
While we were waiting, Gwen kept saying how the fountain opens up. We also heard a bunch of people comment on how it was a good idea to have the treats. And one dad offered to go and get some.

It's Opening!
Then this started happening and Gwen got SUPER excited. She kept saying I told you!


Just in case you need a little Tiki Fix, here is a short video of the birds inside the "secret" Waterfall.

We were eventually let in for the next show and found a seat. The girls wanted to sit in the front row. Which really isn't a great place to sit but we didn't care. We saw the family that we were just talking with in there as well. Great minds think alike I guess!

Tiki Birds
We enjoyed the show.

Tiki Drums
So, I have the Disney World music and it does have the beginning music for Tiki Room. But I love the drum part. Does anyone know if you can get the other songs somewhere?

We enjoyed our visit with the birdies. But it was about 2:00 by now, and we were kicked out by those birds!

The girls wanted to do Swiss Family Treehouse, so we headed that way.

The girls stopped to get a "Spit" on.
Camel's Spit

Camel's Do Spit
The girls always love this. I know it is kind of a traffic blocker, really the whole ride is. But we usually try to stop.

Next up stairclimbers-r-us!


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