Wine-ing my way to a Half journal


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2011
Today, I had a crazy idea that I want to run a half-marathon. I'm not a runner and I never have been. I was inspired by a couple of W.I.S.H threads and started doing some research. If you're reading this (I'm shocked) and Thanks - I need all the help I can get!!

Today, I've taken a giant leap of faith in myself, with my husband Tom's help! We signed up for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon, so there's no going back :lmao: We also "bought" our free airfare.

This morning, while doing said research, I happened upon Jeff Galloway's plan for beginners and I thought, "I can do this"! (I have no idea if I can, but I'm going to try!). AND - what better motivation can there be than a trip to the happiest and most magical place on earth!?

My current weight is 138, I'm 5'1" and a size 8. I just recently started doing regular aerobic activity at my local Y and I'm feeling pretty good, though I still get sore when I push myself. I'm a dorky engineer and I work for a major agribusiness. I tend to work between 10 and 12 hours a day and I'm worried my work schedule will become a roadblock! I have two wonderful sons who are full of energy DS5, Gabe and DS2, Patrick. We're a military family - my husband just got back from Afghanistan in January and he came back in great shape! That's a big motivator for me to get back to pre-prego form! We were in my SIL's wedding 2 weekends ago and I saw some of the pictures, and while I looked good, I couldn't help but see the pudge I need to get rid of.. :scared1:
OK - enough about me!

This week, I'm travelling for work and I'm worried about being able to start this routine while I'm eating out every day and staying at a hotel. :sad2:

My husband mentioned I need new running shoes and I have no idea where to start!:confused3 I'll try to hunt down a good shoe store in Minneapolis...and while I'm out of town, I plan to shop at Target for some new workout clothes - I figure looking good will help me stay motivated!

I'm also unsure of how to easily do the run/walk approach on a treadmill?

And, I have Nike GPS for my iphone, but...someone mentioned there was an app that tells you the intervals so you don't have to keep track of time, but I can't find it...?

I can't wait to get started! I'm going to do Wed. Fri. Sun. instead of Jeff's Tues. Thurs. Sat. I assume that'll be ok. I need to do some major investigation on how to eat during this training journey.

I just hope I don't lose my motivation before my first running day comes! :goodvibes (T-3 days)
Fabulous plan! Congratulations on starting! I'm in week 6 of c25k and I'm switching over to Galloway's training program because I actually realize that I run-walk faster than I run! Go figure. Anyway, the Galloway app is called lolo Ultimate 5K. There are also a bunch of couch to 5 k programs but they focus on getting you up to continuous running.

Good luck getting those shoes (try googling "running shop near X" where X is your town. It's worth getting fitted by a professional, even if the shoes are a little more expensive.

Keep us posted! I'm looking forward to hearing your progress.

Thanks so much for posting, Cate! I wish you the best on your transition to walk/run. Do you have a journal too/how fast are you currently able to go?

I did find that Jeff Galloway App thanks to Cate. It's downloaded and ready to go. I'd like to download the music, but haven't had the time yet. Has anyone listened to this? Any good?

Today! I bought new shoes! I found a great running shop in Minnetonka: My shoes feel great! I can't wait to try them.

After getting shoes, I promptly went to Target and got cheap, but fabulous work out clothes (at least compared to what I have now!). Nothing like a new neon colored bra to get you revved up to sweat it out :yay:...and man - those tight black spandex pants...I bet they can make just about anyone look good! :rotfl:

I did attempt to eat moderately healthy today. I'm travelling, so it's not the easiest:
Breakfast: Water, 1/2 a bannana nut muffin from Starbucks, 1/2 of a small coffee
Lunch: Panera Cobb Salad- no bacon, balsamic vinagrette dressing, 1/6 of a cup of soup (I got full!) and half of a baguette, unsweet iced-tea
Snack: Bottle water, 10 almonds
Dinner: Grilled Asparagus (mmm! - Redstone in Minneapolis is WONDERFUL), Rotisseree Chicken - palm size; it was on a sandwich, but I just at the meat...and here's where I get bad...I had 1/4 of a piece of chocolate cake with a small scoop of ice cream :thumbsup2:sad2:

I drank almost my allotted water for the day. The nutritionist recommended 1/2 your body weight but in ounces. For me - it's about 68 ounces...I got in 50, which is pretty good for me! It's something I still need to get better at!

Running begins in...T-2
So...last night after dinner I was feeling guilty. To get rid of the little devil on my shoulder, I went to the hotel gym and did 3 circuits of activities that were in a magazine I brought with me. I felt great!...but didn't get enough sleep ;)

Today, I haven't worked out...I just got done working and it's 11pm central. We went to a great place for dinner - and I tried not to eat a ton, however, I did eat unhealthy stuff! I tried to balance it with good stuff for breakfast and lunch.

Tomorrow is running day :goodvibes Wish me luck!
Good luck Leslie that WDW races are a blast! Keep coming here for motivation it works. Everyday 10-12 hrs? That would put me in a fog for sure

Have a good one
Yay Leslie!

I totally relate to the working too much thing. I live on the news cycle, so I never know when I need to work and when I don't :lol:.

My best advice is to schedule a time during the week every day you want to run that you stick to--that's the only way I really stick to my plan. In a sense, running has become my significant other, and I only skip it unless I absolutely have to, and even then I'd rather get a little in than none at all.

I'm excited for you for your first WDW race because they are AWESOME! Can't wait to see your progress--best of luck!! :)
So, it's been a few days since I managed to update my journal. However! in that time, I completed my first run. And, my second!

After having a fabulous dinner at Chino Latino in Minneapolis, my stomach couldn't handle running. However, I had told everyone on this board and everyone in the class I was attending that it was run day #1. So, even though I *hate* working out in the morning and getting up early to do so - I did exactly that. Being 12 hours behind schedule will happen from time to time, I figure.

This first work out occurred on a treadmill in a hotel gym. First, I will say when I was done - i felt GREAT. I had so much energy for the next several hours, it was amazing! :banana: What I didn't like was always changing the speed on the treadmill. It was not easy and it was even a sophisticated treadmill. My new running shoes felt great and did manage to look halfway good in my new running clothes even though it was the crack of dawn and I had rolled out of bed to do it. I was shocked that there were only 2 other people in the gym at that time and they were at least 30 years older than me. I expected to see quite a few folks!?

So my stats: 16.5 min/mile, walking 45 seconds, running 15 seconds for 30 minutes

My second work out was yesterday at a paved, fairly flat walking track at a local park. My boys played at the park with their dad while I exercised. It was SO much easier :worship: I *love* running outdoors, I've decided. The worst part is I was having trouble with my app and it kept playing the same 3 songs over and over, which I didn't like. I was trying to fix it while I was running, but it wasn't happening. I finally figured out the problem several hours later: the "select a song for you based on your workout" was on and it wouldn't let me listen to anything good! I turned it off, against the phone's recommendations. :scared1: I'm also disappointed I can't run Nike GPS and Galloway's app... By the time I got done, I was shocked that I felt like I could keep going! :woohoo:

my Stats: 16.5 min/mile, 15 seconds running, 45 seconds walking, 30 minutes

Yesterday, in the shower, I noticed my right knee was swollen. I took Ibuprofen and iced it. The knee is a long story, but I might as well share it now - it's one of the reasons I never thought I could do this (running). It's the only thing that will potentially get in my way, in my opinion.

I started dislocating my knee when I was 4 years old. The first time I remember, I was at a babysitters doing cartwheels in the back yard - over and over in a row. I landed on my right leg wrong and dislocated my knee. No one knew what had happened at that time. For the next 12 years, I would dislocate my knee 3 or 4 times a year. The doctors didn't want to do anything about it while I was still growing. 3 days before my 16th birthday, the doctor realigned my bones and screwed the pieces together. My knee has not dislocated since.

About 2 years ago, my knee started swelling very badly. I ignored it at first, but after about 6 months of the problem escalating, I went to another specialist. He told me I have arthritis very badly from the strain of having my bones realigned. I will probably need a knee replacement by the time I am 40, he said. I am 30 now. I had a scope to clean out my knee and then went through physical therapy. My right leg, which had almost no muscle is now fairly similar to my left leg, though I still favor it. This is the reason I was so happy to find a partially walking program!! :goodvibes

In other news, my husband got to go to a running store (Second Sole in Delaware, OH) and pick out shoes for his feet. He had wanted to do this, and I got him the special shoes for father's day (yes, early:laughing:). I got some good socks too - I can't wait to try them! I love the little tabbies that are now at the heal so even though your socks don't show, your achilles is still protected from rubbing!

Today is supposed to be run 3, but I'm kind of wondering if I should go ahead and do it - running 2 days in a row - or give myself a day off...? pondering? advice?
Yay Leslie!

I totally relate to the working too much thing. I live on the news cycle, so I never know when I need to work and when I don't :lol:.

My best advice is to schedule a time during the week every day you want to run that you stick to--that's the only way I really stick to my plan. In a sense, running has become my significant other, and I only skip it unless I absolutely have to, and even then I'd rather get a little in than none at all.

I'm excited for you for your first WDW race because they are AWESOME! Can't wait to see your progress--best of luck!! :)

Thanks for the advice! It's exactly what I'm going to do! And, I'm having my friends and husband help keep me accountable - I'm a perfectionist - I don't like to not do something I've committed to!
Good luck Leslie that WDW races are a blast! Keep coming here for motivation it works. Everyday 10-12 hrs? That would put me in a fog for sure

Have a good one

Thanks, Linda! This board IS so motivating!:lovestruc I just got a promotion, but it splits out my responsibilities, because I had been covering for another job a well. Hopefully, that means the work load goes down! :goodvibes
Welp, I did it - ran my "long run" today - which, I was undecided about right up until I did it :lmao:

I hit the target pace of 15 minutes per mile and did 3 miles, which is an extra mile compared to Galloway's plan AND it's a week early! Maybe, I will make it :goodvibes

I'm icing now and took Ibuprofen. I could feel my knee after about the first mile and a half.

My favorite cool down music for the moment? Adele - 21. What're you playing?

I'm also looking for any good tracks to run to? I do a lot better at running when I'm singing along to a song I like in my head!

I hope everyone out there in Disland had a great weekend!...Now - 2 days of rest :)
Hey Leslie
Love Adele -Rolling in the Deep has been huge around here and great to get you pumped.

My playlist is probably not traditional for a 45 yr old but with 2 teenage DD you hear it and start to like SOME of their music.

Keep up the great work
Today, to mitigate my whining, I drank a great glass of Wine. :sad2:My knee is still swollen from running on Sunday! I've been taking Ibuprofen, icing, and elevating - with little luck. I ordered a knee brace to wear...but I started looking in to ChiRunning too.

Has anyone ever tried ChiRunning? I'm debating on whether I should contact the ChiRunning instructor in Columbus...

On a side note, I did still do my 30 minutes today. I just walked the whole time. I did manage to do 2 miles at just less than 15 minutes per mile. That makes me much happier than thinking about the first paragraph!:goodvibes
Today, to mitigate my whining, I drank a great glass of Wine.

Don't get down about that! We all need a glass (or two...or three...) every now and then. Just be careful the week before you run!

It sounds like you're making awesome progress. Keep up the great work!
Don't get down about that! We all need a glass (or two...or three...) every now and then. Just be careful the week before you run!

It sounds like you're making awesome progress. Keep up the great work!

You're absolutely right about that (one...or two...or three)!! :thanks: Thanks for the encouragement!

I did run/walk the second run day this week - Friday. I did the 30 minutes called for with about 14 minute miles. I wore a cho-pat double brace. It felt a lot better than running without it! I'm still debating whether I should go see my orthopedist. I don't want him to tell me to stop training :rotfl2: I found the brace on-line and decided to try can't make things worse, right :lmao:

Today was running day 3. To interject some commentary - my mom came to play with my boys at the park while I ran. They got bored after awhile, so I quit at the 3 mile mark even though I was supposed to do 4. :sad2: Why was my mom over, you ask? My DH travelled to DC for Tara's funeral. Who's Tara? She was one of the service members killed in Afghanistan by the Afghan pilot about 2 weeks ago. That was my husband's unit...and if that had happened 3 months earlier, he would have been in that room. His replacement wasn't hurt (thank goodness), but DH still seems to have a little survivor's guilt as well as - I bet I could have changed something - guilt...

On to brighter news, I've finished week 2 and this week we closed on our VWL DVC :cloud9: ...just waiting to be entered in to the system!'s the stats from day 3. I'm guessing a little bit, because they got lost and I have a blank run for history in my app. Distance: 3 miles Time: 45 minutes Result: feel great, bored grandma and kids
Let's see, where should I begin!?

Wed., 30 mins., 2.66 miles, 11.3 mins/mile
Fastest miles to date!! :goodvibes

Fri., 37 mins., 2.33 miles, 16 mins/mile
Slow Pocarino and felt like poo! I ate like crap that day...hmm.. :idea:

Sat., cross-trained w/kettlebell pump, 35 minutes
felt great and could see muscles in the mirror! :rolleyes1

Sun., 42.2 mins., 3.67 miles, 11.4 mis/mile
Longest run to date!! :cheer2: and I even did it in the rain

Honestly, the running is going better than I ever expected!

I've made all of my ADRs for our trip! I *think* we're going to do 2 days of deluxe dining, Wed-Fri and then no dining Fri-Mon. My reservations are:
On the dining plan (I have too many booked, once I figure out more details I will go back and cancel):
Lunch, Coral Reef (2) 12:15pm
Chefs de France (1) 6:30pm
Artist Point (2) 7:50pm

Lunch, Tony's Town Square (1) 11:45am
Tusker House (1) 12:00pm
Jiko (2) 6:05pm
Citrico's (2) 7:20pm

Friday: prob going to MNSSHP on military pricing :woohoo:
Boma 9:45am (1)
Liberty Tree Tavern 4:15pm (1)

Non Dining plan reservations
Sat (marathon day!!)
Ohana's 9:30am
Narcoossee's 7:45pm

And now, post run and re-hydrated - a glass of wine is waiting for me :cloud9:

I hope all is well in your running world, if you're with me - THANKS! I'm greatful for the support
May 18: 2.74 miles, 36 minutes (6 mins warm/cool), 12 mins/mile

May 20: I missed :eek: ok...I tried to do 5 minutes, but we were at Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio for an Air Force Reserve Yellow Ribbon Event (Reintigration from Tom's trip to Afghanistan). We ate dinner at 5 guys and then had dessert at Graeter's - yeah, I was done for.

May 22: 5.85 miles, 1'07", 11.9 minutes/mile :cool1:Almost halfway to a half marathon! ...and, it's only MAY! BTW - I'm still doing 30 seconds running and 45 seconds walking

I commented to my husband after this run: I burned 506 calories. My husband said, "Wow, I burn twice that - you're a little person". My two year old promptly states: "No Daddy, Mommy is a big person just like you" :rotfl:
(I'm 5'1", my husband is 6'4")

In other exciting Disney news - I made Christmas plans with our DVC points at Disney!! It'll be our first holiday season there ever. We're going to AKL Dec 9-13 and BCV Dec 13-16. I can't wait!

And, I convinced a good friend that she could start running. She and a teammate signed up to do the Disney relay half marathon. She wasn't sure she could handle 13 miles after never really running before. I think she can - she just needs to build a little confidence and stamina. Jeff Galloway has helped me get over those fears and barriers! :worship:
Hi Leslie!

I have been lurking but wanted to drop a note and say HI. I am also running the Wine & Dine Half Marathon. It will be my first half, and I am really excited!

It sounds like you are going well with your training! I was never a runner but in April on 2010 and made the decision that I was just getting to big (a size 18 was getting tight), so I starting moving. 30 minutes with 30 second jogging sessions in between walking was a challange. 13 months later I average about 7 miles of jogging every other day, and maintain about a 10.5 minute per mile pace. I am down to a size 6 and have lost 75 pounds. I also try to stay at between 1200 to 1500 caleries per day.

Do you have a droid or iphone or windows 7 phone? There is this great App called runkeeper which I use and just love. It monitors your pace, distance, activities, heart rate, can be used with GPS or manual entry, and has various couching sessions on it if needed. I highly recommend it!

And hey, thanks for mentioning MNSSHP! I totally didn't realize there would be one on Sept. 30th and now I think I am going to have to convince my party to get tickets!

Where are you staying at WDW during the marathon? Have you been to the Wine & Dine Half thread yet? It's pretty active and it looks like there are a number of us that will be first time half marathoners! Yay! :goodvibes

- Carey (30, Oregon)
Hi Leslie!

I have been lurking but wanted to drop a note and say HI. I am also running the Wine & Dine Half Marathon. It will be my first half, and I am really excited!

It sounds like you are going well with your training! I was never a runner but in April on 2010 and made the decision that I was just getting to big (a size 18 was getting tight), so I starting moving. 30 minutes with 30 second jogging sessions in between walking was a challange. 13 months later I average about 7 miles of jogging every other day, and maintain about a 10.5 minute per mile pace. I am down to a size 6 and have lost 75 pounds. I also try to stay at between 1200 to 1500 caleries per day.

Do you have a droid or iphone or windows 7 phone? There is this great App called runkeeper which I use and just love. It monitors your pace, distance, activities, heart rate, can be used with GPS or manual entry, and has various couching sessions on it if needed. I highly recommend it!

And hey, thanks for mentioning MNSSHP! I totally didn't realize there would be one on Sept. 30th and now I think I am going to have to convince my party to get tickets!

Where are you staying at WDW during the marathon? Have you been to the Wine & Dine Half thread yet? It's pretty active and it looks like there are a number of us that will be first time half marathoners! Yay! :goodvibes

- Carey (30, Oregon)

Hi Carey! What an amazing and inspirational story! :goodvibes Thanks for posting with me. It'd be awesome to meet another first timer in the queue - maybe we'll run in to each other!

We're staying at AKL (I'm a little bit worried about it not being a marathon hosted resort, so I'm going to have to figure out the transportation thing!) I have started lurking on the Wine & Dine half thread!

I do have an Iphone :-)love:) - I have the Jeff Galloway App and WalkJogRun (which so far, I really don't like! It doesn't seem to be able to play music while in use...or I haven't figured it out yet!). I might have to try out the runkeeper app!

It sounds like you're ready for the half, but I'm still wishing you strength, stamina, and good health!
:goodvibes Leslie
This week has been a week of being off track!

First, the weather rolled in and it was BAD! :eek: I missed my Wed. running day altogether. It was also work week from H E double hockey sticks! My engineer was on vacation and we had just put in new equipment...I'd go on, but then I'd just be Whining!...where'd I put my glass of wine!? -->:coffee: (that's not coffee in there...)

Friday, I did run. I was also :sick: I felt like poo, but did 2.5 miles in 30 minutes, which is my standard 12 minute pace. :goodvibes
The other problem with Friday, was that I did power yoga in the morning. :hippie: Yoga and running will no longer happen on the same day:rotfl:

Sunday, I ran too and with my husband for the first time! We were at my in-laws and had a big dinner with WINE and it was great family time! However, we started running less than an hour after dinner and I thought I was going to die from the cramping :lmao: I was super slow!! 14 minute miles...I did 3.5 plus a little on the warm up...ah well, at least it was something :cheer2:

We had lots of family fun mixed in too, which made for a wonderfully exhausting weekend! We went to the Utica Ice Cream Festival and had Velvet Ice Cream at the mill. It was like the first day of summer! HOT!
We also got to cool down by swimming in the DMIL's pool.

Up next week...trying to fit in running while functioning as a single parent :thumbsup2 (Single parents manage to be superstars daily...while I do it as the military calls for it, I have a lot of respect for the full timers!)


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