Will DIS Unplugged Discuss the Disney Corporate Policy Controversies?


Earning My Ears
Jul 4, 2015
Not looking to discuss everything controversial with Disney Corporate but will DIS Unplugged taken on some of the tough questions about these decisions on one of their Shows?
I don't know what tough questions you are talking about?
Pete never shies away from discussing all things disney, even if it is something very negative. He has always been honest and tells it like it is. I love the dis for this reason. Since Pete owns DU, I respect him for reviewing negative things even if they might affect his business.
Not looking to discuss everything controversial with Disney Corporate but will DIS Unplugged taken on some of the tough questions about these decisions on one of their Shows?

What specific decisions are you looking for commentary on? Several of the recent weekly shows have touched on current high profile issues.
Pete is pretty vocal about trying to a certain point to not get overly political on his shows.
What specific decisions are you looking for commentary on? Several of the recent weekly shows have touched on current high profile issues.
I'm looking for an entire show discussion (respectful) concerning all, if not most of the Disney Corporate Decisions that have impacted the experience of guests, Disney's public reputation, the mess Disney continues to get into by getting involved in issues that may/may not be considered Disney related, etc. The public opinion of Disney is divided and not good at the moment. It's as divided as this country is. It's supposed to be a place where we and our family can enjoy ourselves. Instead it's turned into a constant center of drama. A show discussing how all the Disney Corporate noise is/isn't helping/hurting the overall experience/value, reputation, attendance, profits, etc. Maybe none of it matters because for many "it's magical" no matter what. Pete addressing this in pieces isn't really addressing what is going on. Will Chapek make it through all of this craziness is something I'd like to hear discussed. I'm a big fan of Pete but is this a topic he'd be willing to take on?
I'm looking for an entire show discussion (respectful) concerning all, if not most of the Disney Corporate Decisions that have impacted the experience of guests, Disney's public reputation, the mess Disney continues to get into by getting involved in issues that may/may not be considered Disney related, etc. The public opinion of Disney is divided and not good at the moment. It's as divided as this country is. It's supposed to be a place where we and our family can enjoy ourselves. Instead it's turned into a constant center of drama. A show discussing how all the Disney Corporate noise is/isn't helping/hurting the overall experience/value, reputation, attendance, profits, etc. Maybe none of it matters because for many "it's magical" no matter what. Pete addressing this in pieces isn't really addressing what is going on. Will Chapek make it through all of this craziness is something I'd like to hear discussed. I'm a big fan of Pete but is this a topic he'd be willing to take on?

I'm sure there are other podcasts breaking all this down. That's not really the aim of the DIS network of shows.
Not looking to discuss everything controversial with Disney Corporate but will DIS Unplugged taken on some of the tough questions about these decisions on one of their Shows?
Of course you are! Why else would you post this question here? For my part, I sure hope so. And I hope Pete will do better with this issue then with his Gay Days comments.
Check out the March 22 Youtube podcast.
Yep. Pete just talked about the Florida law that is likely the root cause of this thread a week ago. He was pretty clear during that discussion that he stays away from these subjects because politics is not part of the DIS.

I'm looking for an entire show discussion (respectful) concerning all, if not most of the Disney Corporate Decisions that have impacted the experience of guests, Disney's public reputation, the mess Disney continues to get into by getting involved in issues that may/may not be considered Disney related, etc. The public opinion of Disney is divided and not good at the moment. It's as divided as this country is. It's supposed to be a place where we and our family can enjoy ourselves. Instead it's turned into a constant center of drama. A show discussing how all the Disney Corporate noise is/isn't helping/hurting the overall experience/value, reputation, attendance, profits, etc. Maybe none of it matters because for many "it's magical" no matter what. Pete addressing this in pieces isn't really addressing what is going on. Will Chapek make it through all of this craziness is something I'd like to hear discussed. I'm a big fan of Pete but is this a topic he'd be willing to take on?
Is it? Because you can certainly visit the parks and have no idea about any of this "drama."
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I'm looking for an entire show discussion (respectful) concerning all, if not most of the Disney Corporate Decisions that have impacted the experience of guests, Disney's public reputation, the mess Disney continues to get into by getting involved in issues that may/may not be considered Disney related, etc. The public opinion of Disney is divided and not good at the moment. It's as divided as this country is. It's supposed to be a place where we and our family can enjoy ourselves. Instead it's turned into a constant center of drama. A show discussing how all the Disney Corporate noise is/isn't helping/hurting the overall experience/value, reputation, attendance, profits, etc. Maybe none of it matters because for many "it's magical" no matter what. Pete addressing this in pieces isn't really addressing what is going on. Will Chapek make it through all of this craziness is something I'd like to hear discussed. I'm a big fan of Pete but is this a topic he'd be willing to take on?
Ugghhh ….no offense, but I hope not! He spoke his peace in a recent episode and I think that addressed enough(for me anyway!)
They most definitely did touch upon this on a recent episode. I will agree with others that
that was enough for me. After all they are a travel agency. Judging from the crowds doesn't
seem to have an impact. I just got back from DW and the only grumblings I heard were about
rising prices....genie+ and RIDE BREADOWNS.

That is what is affecting guest experience right now.
Maybe I’m in the minority but it’s Pete’s show and Pete is allowed discuss or not discuss whatever the heck he wants.

In other words- don’t like it, don’t listen
He can say anything he wants. And I can criticize him for what he says. See how that first amendment works.
You can but to criticize him on his board that he provides to us for free seems a little petty but have at it.
The whole show is about the team providing opinion on all things Disney. I think it is petty to criticize someone critiquing one of those opinions. I have never encountered social groups like Disney groups who are so unwilling to accept even the most soft stated criticism. It is almost the same kind of unquestioned loyalty required from a cult.
I hope not. I did not enjoy the most recent episode where they discussed the controversy. I listen to Disney podcasts to escape the real world. If I wanted to hear people talk about all the drama going on in the world, I’d put on the news (that I quit watching two years ago).
So much this.

And I believe a majority of the people feel very similar but are unfortunately getting swept into all this drama because it's essentially impossible to escape it. And THAT'S why it was so bad for Disney to do this. Disney is ripping down the magic curtain. It's like the Wizard of Oz now we see behind the curtain. It's sad for many of us who want Disney to remain their special place and it's becoming harder and harder to do that because the executives just don't feel like staying in their lane...the entertainment lane.


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