Will anyone going to DIS Con II say hello to my son Simon working at Epcot please?

Met Simon and it was a pleasure!! What a cutie and hard to believe he is only 18!
You should be a proud Mum, Carolyn! :)
Another who met Simon! :D He is so sweet, you have a wonderful son. :D I met him at the "Adventurers Club" on Friday night. I loveeeeee his accent! :) ;) :)
I met Simon too! He is so nice & sweet. He hung out with us a couple of times and had some fun with us. We really enjoyed his company.
is a delightful young man...... He gave us a ride back to AKL after a night of fun at Adventurer's club.

I invited him to stay with me if he ever wants to come to California and check out Disneyland.

Yup! Saw lots of him and he was so nice as usual and lots of fun...I'm just worried now that we've all corrupted him!!!! ;)
OH my goodness I can't believe what I am reading you are all so very kind about him. I do wish that I could chat to him about your time together, but with him working all the time and the 5 hour time difference it makes phoning almost impossible. Hey what's all this corruption I keep reading about ?????? LOL Do you know I have not even seen his car yet.All I keep hearing about are the number of times it seems to break down!!!! Anyway thanks again to you all, and yes I am proud, but don't tell him. Carolyn
Originally posted by Disneymad
..I'm just worried now that we've all corrupted him!!!! ;)

Once more for the record. He started it! Did we takes squirt guns? NO WE DID NOT! [..only because I couldn't find them at Target but hey.. :) ]
HE'S ONLY 18??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin and I met Simon on Sunday, Dec. 1st. This was our first day in the parks and we just happened to find him in one of the UK shops. (Luckily, it was too cold for him to be outside squirting people!!) I never would have dreamed he is only 18!!

Nice boy you have there, Carolyn!

I met Simon at Kimono's. He is a real cutie;) If he's working next week, I hope to see him when I'm down there with DD.
Ran into Simon a few times - Sunday he even squirted me - then was nice enough to trade a pin with me
Yes, we met Simon as well and have pix to prove it! Oh, the look on his face when he saw the chocolates Emma (Pixie Power!) brought him!!! Carolyn, he is adorable and such a wonderful young man! I am amazed that he is actually only 18--he is very mature for his age. And he really seemed to enjoy "hanging" with all us "old" people who have kids older than he is!!! Hope to see him again.
Have just read these last posts, and thank you again for all the kind comments. In fact he is one of the youngest on the International Programme, but I guess his size makes him appear older, and he does have a very independent nature. I have managed to speak with him now, and he really told me how much he enjoyed meeting you all and spending time with you. I think it will appear very quiet for the next few weeks but we are all going out to see him just after Xmas, and even his sister said that she is looking forward to seeing him again!!!!!!! LOL


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