Wife's pregnant, which attractions are safe?

My concern with this one would be nausea. I won’t even get on it now, while NOT pregnant, because it looks rather nausea inducing. At 4 months pregnant and always feeling on the verge of losing my lunch anyway? No thanks.

Yeah I didn't do Disney while pregnant but did a merry go round at the mall and I felt so awful afterwards for the rest of the day.
My daughter rode Safari in AK at 7 months pregnant in December 2016, but she rode DIRECTLY behind the driver and said she couldn't understand what the problem could be. She rode it again this September with her 2.5 year old at the very back of the vehicle, and said she nearly bounced out and could DEFINITELY see what the problem could be! I have heard if you are very close to the front on the tamer coasters like SDD (which is VERY smooth, ) or the Safari vehicle it isn't bad. I saw lots of ladies during our September trip with the pregnancy support belt/band my daughter said she wished she had had during her WDW trip when she was pregnant. But as PP's say, better safe than sorry!
An example of the positioning you're referencing: We usually ask to be on the back of the 2nd car at Space Mt. because it jerks you around more. On RnR, we can't stand being in the very back - last time the cage kept hitting my head - and it was way too rough.

Before reading everyone's posts, I felt Safari would be one of the more on the fence attractions. I've heard that Smuggler's is very smooth, and much tamer than ST, which WDW doesn't warn you to not ride if pregnant. But again, I was thinking no way for ST. I always thought of SDD and 7D as smooth, very mild kiddie coasters vs. the jerky old/rough coaster that BTM is.

I think TT was the only one we were for sure going to avoid at EP. Was going to avoid all of the mountains at MK, and wasn't sure on 7D. HS: only TSM was safe for us and I half wondered about SDD. I think we could at the very least, walk through the queue at SR and RotR then exit. AK - think we've been previously thinking FoP was safe and on the fence on Safari, no to Everest, Kali, and Dino.
When you are there, make sure to ask your wife what she wants to do and how she’s feeling. She might say she’s fine to do SDD today, but on the day you’re there if she’s feeling ill because of park food or sun or whatever, please don’t try to persuade her or guilt her into going on what you consider a “kiddie” ride. I think for a lot of pregnant women, it’s day-to-day on how they feel.
I might be in the minority here, but I did Safari at 6mo pregnant and thought it was fine. I've been on bumpier rides in my in car, lol! The biggest issue for me was just being on my feet all day. I so wanted to sit down on the curb at night to watch fireworks/parades, but was literally worried I wouldn't be able to get back up. Be sure to plan plenty of breaks.

I know a lot of people will immediately just tell you to ask your doctor. And while I would certainly recommend talking to them, I think it's worth remembering that drs are people too, with their own biases and opinions. Great example- I had different drs for each of my two pregnancies. The first acted surprised that I was worried about rides at all, and literally told me I could ride anything. He was of the "pregnant women have been riding and falling off horses for centuries, you won't do any worse than that" mentality. The second told me I shouldn't ride anything. Literally. Not even iaSW. Because, you know, I could slip and fall getting into the boat. Both pregnancies were normal, no complications, and my health was fine. Not saying either was right or wrong, but if you ask 10 drs the same question, you may get 10 different answers. Sometimes first hand knowledge from people who have actually experienced that very thing (i.e. this board) is more useful.
Obviously, everyone’s situation is different, but for point of reference, I went to WDW at three points in my most recent pregnancy (14 weeks, 21 weeks, and 32 weeks). The first time I rode 7DMT and FOP without any issue. At 21 weeks, my baby bump wouldn’t have quite fit with the restraints. All three times I rode Safari. But what I did the most was eat lots of yummy food and rest/people watch more than usual. Had they been open at the time, I wouldn’t have done Smuggler’s Run or Alien Swirling Saucers due to the rapid changes and whipping around.

Have a great trip!
bummer on FoP! I know sometimes I sort of don't let it rest - sort of sit up in my seat (after CM does his/her check and leaves that is), but don't recall it ever touching my stomach when being in normal rested position. initial thought was this is more like a movie than and not a violent simulation like ST.
Right, but when you have a baby bump, it may touch!
When you are there, make sure to ask your wife what she wants to do and how she’s feeling. She might say she’s fine to do SDD today, but on the day you’re there if she’s feeling ill because of park food or sun or whatever, please don’t try to persuade her or guilt her into going on what you consider a “kiddie” ride. I think for a lot of pregnant women, it’s day-to-day on how they feel.
Thanks for your input. I won't pressure her on anything. We're attempting to decide ahead of time on most of these attractions. We decided on no coasters, even SDD/7D.
Any ride that might be "unsafe" for pregnant women will have a warning on it. I would avoid all of those and feel free to ride anything without a warning. Only your wife will know how she will feel about the rides. Pregnancy can lead to lots of unpleasant side effects so she may not be up to even the tamer rides. But you won't know that until you get there.

I would try not to overthink it too much at this point. I would just have the mindset of playing it by ear when you get there. Much like when you take small children to WDW, you have to be flexible and be willing to adjust plans and make exceptions. Enjoy!
I might be in the minority here, but I did Safari at 6mo pregnant and thought it was fine. I've been on bumpier rides in my in car, lol! The biggest issue for me was just being on my feet all day. I so wanted to sit down on the curb at night to watch fireworks/parades, but was literally worried I wouldn't be able to get back up. Be sure to plan plenty of breaks.

I know a lot of people will immediately just tell you to ask your doctor. And while I would certainly recommend talking to them, I think it's worth remembering that drs are people too, with their own biases and opinions. Great example- I had different drs for each of my two pregnancies. The first acted surprised that I was worried about rides at all, and literally told me I could ride anything. He was of the "pregnant women have been riding and falling off horses for centuries, you won't do any worse than that" mentality. The second told me I shouldn't ride anything. Literally. Not even iaSW. Because, you know, I could slip and fall getting into the boat. Both pregnancies were normal, no complications, and my health was fine. Not saying either was right or wrong, but if you ask 10 drs the same question, you may get 10 different answers. Sometimes first hand knowledge from people who have actually experienced that very thing (i.e. this board) is more useful.
Completely agree. I asked several times to both our Dr. and nurse, too many times in fact, to the annoyance of my wife, without much guidance. Although they were generally much less restrictive than expected... the Dr. hadn't been to WDW since body wars in the 90's and the OB nurse was more familiar but seemed fine with everything I asked (7D, Safari, all of the questionable ones). I can totally see if we had another Dr., one might say not to go on most anything, like your example of Small World. Many DIS members are the most hardcore disney fans, have 1st hand experiences, more familiar with the rides, and may have had advice from their dr's - better equipped to advise than ours... or at the very least, provide a range of experiences in which to help draw a consensus.
For the record, the falcon isn't suggested for pregnant women.

  • Supervise children at all times.
    Children under age 7 years must be accompanied by a person age 14 years or older.
  • Persons who do not meet the minimum height requirement of 38 inches (97 cm) may not ride.

WARNING! For safety, you should be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by this adventure. Expectant mothers should not ride.
For the record, the falcon isn't suggested for pregnant women.

  • Supervise children at all times.
    Children under age 7 years must be accompanied by a person age 14 years or older.
  • Persons who do not meet the minimum height requirement of 38 inches (97 cm) may not ride.

WARNING! For safety, you should be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by this adventure. Expectant mothers should not ride.
Thank you... I found this out yesterday when discussing this with my wife that I was misinformed by the CM who told me this yesterday. We will check out the queue.
Don't ride the Smugglers Run. You wear a seatbelt across your waist and it is quite bumpy.

FYI, most pregnancy warning on rides are not due to the ride motion per se, but rather what may happen during an emergency stop of the vehicle. Being slammed into a lap bar or seatbelt can have a devastating effect on a pregnancy, whereas most non pregnant people would just end up with bruises.
Disney has advisories posted on rides. The safari is specifically called out as not safe. It baffles me as to why someone pregnant would ride it when it specifically says not to when pregnant. :rolleyes2

I went to Disney at 5.5 months pregnant. My personal view is "why risk it?". Others feel differently (btw- this extends beyond pregnancy and into parenting :) ). But if Disney says don't do it, then really, don't.
Disney has advisories posted on rides. The safari is specifically called out as not safe. It baffles me as to why someone pregnant would ride it when it specifically says not to when pregnant. :rolleyes2

I went to Disney at 5.5 months pregnant. My personal view is "why risk it?". Others feel differently (btw- this extends beyond pregnancy and into parenting :) ). But if Disney says don't do it, then really, don't.

I don't know beyond the obvious ones, which has the signs posted or not. Never paid attention to the signs since this will be our 1st. I suppose it's probably posted on the official WDW site though.

The reason I'm trying to get an idea beforehand and not play it completely by ear, is that we're working on FPs. It's fine if something we decide might be ok today, if she's feeling ill at the ride, to back out at that time. But we're just trying to sketch park plans like we've always done.
I don't know beyond the obvious ones, which has the signs posted or not. Never paid attention to the signs since this will be our 1st. I suppose it's probably posted on the official WDW site though.

The reason I'm trying to get an idea beforehand and not play it completely by ear, is that we're working on FPs. It's fine if something we decide might be ok today, if she's feeling ill at the ride, to back out at that time. But we're just trying to sketch park plans like we've always done.
It's in the app too on each ride. Click on each ride, then "accessibility & other information"


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