Why Not Now? Reaching weight loss and fitness goals in 2016--All Welcome!

@5xdisneyfans Lots of research out there shows how stress/cortisol release can stall weight loss! So be proud you didn't gain anymore than you did!

Last week I had gained 1.5lbs and was really disappointed, but decided to keep going on the path that I have been on and did the same exact number of work-outs and ate the same number of calories. This time I lost 3lbs! So hang in there, as you never know what your next weigh in might be!!
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Thank you for the support everyone. I am struggling today but not giving in to my usual self sabotage. Really hoping that next week I lose it and a little more. Basement is still leaking but borrowed a dehumidifier to help with the dampness. Hoping it will stop and dry up in the next day or so. We had a crazy rain storm last night a ton of rain with crazy winds so hoping it is a fluke. Leaving in 6 days and don't want to worry while we are away and can't afford to rip up all around my house to fix it. DS appointment went well today but not sure if he will get into the dentist to get the temporary filling replaced before we go since our dentist has no open appointments. That was an very expensive tooth. Trying to just say it had to be done and there is nothing we could do about it so no pint in freaking out about more charges to the CC. I am not going to answer any messages from this sabotager this week before I leave and going to let those conversation get erased from my head.
So, I had to look back at January to figure out whether or not I met my February goal and.....
I did. Just.
I literally lost 10 pounds on the nose. lol.
I had lost 10.2, but I gained 0.2 after Easter. I'm okay with that. :) :)

So, my current weight is 180.
I can't wait to fall into the 70s and see the 60s looming on the horizon.

This week is probably going to be hard, so I really need to focus. Yesterday, we traveled five hours one way to take our daughter to a college visit. Two meals were provided by the school (doughnuts and pastries and fruit at breakfast - ugh - and parm crusted chicken with veggies and potatoes at lunch.) We followed that up with a stop at Texas Roadhouse on the way home. I didn't eat a lot, but I'm sure I was over on my points, I haven't figured it all out yet. So, I'll need to be on my game for the rest of the week if I want to show any kind of loss this week.

On the plus side, I really liked this college. It was her first choice, so I'm glad we are all in agreement on which school is for her. Her program will be pretty competitive, but I think she can handle it. The built in living-learning communities should help since she'll have study groups on her doorstep. The hardest part about this school is how far away it is...

I've got a lot to look forward to in the coming months, so I hope that will motivate my weight loss. Vacation in June. Graduation and Grad Party. Another vacation in January (to Disney! :) :) ).... so I'm just trying to keep my momentum alive.

5XDisneyFan - Just keep the detractor at bay. I haven't had too much of that....but my daughter started WW also. She doesn't have a lot to lose, maybe 10 or 15lb,but she wanted to get a handle on her eating before college, and she has had a ton of detractors. It's very hard. Her friends, some family. And she has gotten a ton of "you don't need to lose weight" "you need to have a cheat day once in a while" (when she was less than a week in)... "this won't hurt" Just people constantly encouraging her to overeat, and eat garbage, and undermining her efforts. It's pretty frustrating. Grrr... You can do this, just don't engage in conversation with this person.

Good Work Everyone!!! Keep it up! We can do this!!!

I would love to hear how everyone else handles the Detractors/Underminers/Sabotauers.... I know from the past, that can really make watching your diet difficult. What do you do with those types of people??
How's it going everyone? We are back to business as usual after spring break. The kiddos being home threw me off. I did fine, but slacked some. I've been up a pound or so for the past week. So I'm going back to basics and simplicity this week. Protein shakes and simple meals. I went out for a walk last night and as soon as I left the house I decided to run. I surprised myself with my distance and time. It was my first time outdoor running in like 4 years. I've been only on the treadmill for the past month. I was looking on eBay last night and kinda "accidentally" bought a garmin. It was going up and up in the last few min. and I threw in a bid with a minute left, knowing that they'd been going for a good 10 bucks or so more, and no one bid behind me. Whoops! I so know better than to do that! Now I have to tell my husband. o_O
OMG! I was so good on the weekend but yesterday and today I lost focus. Stress again. I have had sore tooth so I went to the dentist yesterday and had to get an emergency root canal before our trip. We leave early Friday. So in one week both DS and I have had root canals. Zero dental coverage right before our trip is not good. I hate going to the dentist just for a cleaning. It was a long time in that chair today and now I have a sore jaw and a killer head ache. I won't be counting calories on my trip since there won't be any wifi and hard to find calorie amounts. Hoping when we get home all this snow is gone and we are back into double digits. Wanting to start to add running into my workouts. No runs planned as of yet. I have not found any in my area that offer any bling. I was hoping to do the GSC next year but don't think it will happen now because it costs so much for the whole trip. Anyways I am rambling. I may not be back on until after my trip now so I will have to catch up then. Everyone take care and TTYS!
@5xdisneyfans Havr a great trip! Do you mean double digits as in temperatures? OMG! I hope you get to start running soon. It's my favorite exercise and it's driving me crazy that I'm having to take such baby steps into it. But I ran for a mile and a half nonstop today! Felt GREAT! I can't wait to do it again!
I sure hope you got some good pain meds--i wouldn't count calories after that for sure. Dang! You've had a terrible week! :(
Yes it has been a really bad week here and can't wait for vacation. Yes single digits in April. It is like a long lasting bad April fools joke. Snowing like crazy right now outside. I can't run in the snow. My fear of falling or slipping basically makes my run into a tip toeing walk. Ever since I broke my ankle and wrecked all the tendons I am so scared I am going to get hurt. Treadmills are not for me when it comes to running. I feel like five minutes in it has been an hour. Lots of advil and doing last minute errands today.
Hi everyone! :wave:

I'd like to join this challenge/thread-it is time for me to get some support and get serious about my weight loss goals.

I've always been a few pounds overweight but active and athletic, but that has slowly crept up and this week I had a doctor tell me that I need to lose about 25 pounds to keep my health in check (high blood pressure and diabetes runs in my family).
I exercise and run 6 days a week but REALLY struggle to make good food choices, so my goal is to log my weight and track all my calories and be accountable...I am really hoping to find some friends to help make me accountable!

My ultimate goal is to lose the 25 pounds before I go to WDW in November to run my 10th half marathon at Wine and Dine weekend!
Not doing too well this month. My best friend and I are gym shopping and trying to make some accountability plans on working out together. Her Dr wants her to lose 75 lbs for a condition she popped up with recently and I have at least that but maybe another 50 or more on top of it. We both need it. And the local buddy for working out. She has paperwork on one but I want to look around $37 a month is kinda high if you ask me but that is where the one she's looking at runs. I don't want a contract(that is financial fears not the fear I wouldn't go ;) I just fear something will happen financially and I won't be able to keep the payments going) but it seems they all have that. The one she pick doesn't require the checking account at least. I have a debit card through a Visa paycard account but no actual checking router info. She says they take that. I had looked at Planet Fitness for $10 a month($20 for unlimited massage chair and all locations) but they require the routing info way.

I'll research it scared I'll get a month I can't pay or something but I'm really going to get 100% on full time job search and hopefully what I find will be an increase in hourly pay too. Exciting though to have a commitment partner that is close in location and relationship wise. I've known her since high school so we know each other well. And I know she needs it just as much. She's been in a fragile like state of depression and other problems and I think this is my way to kinda be there for her too, finally.
Is it too late to join? I've been wanting to lose weight for quite some time but am having an incredibly hard time getting motivated. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 and I feel like being home is such a temptation. The kitchen is RIGHT THERE! :laughing: We have a Disney trip scheduled in November for DS's 3rd birthday and I would love to fit into some of my cute Disney shirts that I wore on our last Disney trip. Right now I am at 185 and I would love to get to 155 by November.

I have such high hopes every day and then I eat some cookies and feel like I have messed up the whole day and tell myself that I will start tomorrow. It's always, "I'll be better tomorrow". I'm really not pleased with the way I look or feel. I really want to make a change but am having a really hard time. Maybe being able to talk to you all on here will help. :goodvibes
Is it too late to join? I've been wanting to lose weight for quite some time but am having an incredibly hard time getting motivated. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 and I feel like being home is such a temptation. The kitchen is RIGHT THERE! :laughing: We have a Disney trip scheduled in November for DS's 3rd birthday and I would love to fit into some of my cute Disney shirts that I wore on our last Disney trip. Right now I am at 185 and I would love to get to 155 by November.

I have such high hopes every day and then I eat some cookies and feel like I have messed up the whole day and tell myself that I will start tomorrow. It's always, "I'll be better tomorrow". I'm really not pleased with the way I look or feel. I really want to make a change but am having a really hard time. Maybe being able to talk to you all on here will help. :goodvibes

Not too late at all!

Though the thread has slowed down, I'm still on track. My first goal back in January was 20 lbs by today. I made my goal yesterday! Lots of hard work. I now am 21 lbs down, 19 to go. Next goal is 19 by Labor Day.

How's everyone else doing?
Not too late at all!

Though the thread has slowed down, I'm still on track. My first goal back in January was 20 lbs by today. I made my goal yesterday! Lots of hard work. I now am 21 lbs down, 19 to go. Next goal is 19 by Labor Day.

How's everyone else doing?

good job! I bet you feel great! Weekends are always hard for me, as DH is home and we tend to do a bit of snacking with the kids and he picks up dinner for us somewhere on Saturday nights. I'm going to try to really get started tomorrow. Mondays are my grocery shopping days so I'm planning to get a lot of healthier options.
good job! I bet you feel great! Weekends are always hard for me, as DH is home and we tend to do a bit of snacking with the kids and he picks up dinner for us somewhere on Saturday nights. I'm going to try to really get started tomorrow. Mondays are my grocery shopping days so I'm planning to get a lot of healthier options.
Weekends ended up being what was holding me back from my weight loss goal. I was so good Monday-Friday night. But the snacking and grazing on weekends and eating out, "undid" all that I had done during the week! It wasn't until I started using myfitnesspal on weekends, not just weekdays, did I suddenly see the weight start to drop off!
Didn't realize it had been so long since I posted....sorry.... Whole family got sick with a couple of different bugs, on top of my middle son graduating high school and signing up for the Navy. Seems like life has been nonstop cough cough, sniff sniff, and crazy.

Last time I weighed, I was 154.4. I've recently bought a fitbit so I'm hoping my motivation will come back at some point.

As of this week, I'm only going to allow myself to drink wine when my husband and I go out to eat (which is usually once a week), and he's been told to make me keep it to one glass. We are still mainly vegan, but do have occasional eggs so technically we are non-dairy vegetarians....

I need a kick in the butt--Hawaii is 143 days away and I have jiggly parts that need firming.


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