Why don't people ask Disney these questions?

I have to agree, the questions people are asking here they should be contacting disney for that info... I mean there is so much conflicting info on these boards that I don't see the point in asking if your not getting solid answers to your questions. I think people are bored and just want to talk so they ask the most tideous questions to spark a conversation. Not to mention asking the same questions in a 1000 different ways. (geesh)

wow, quite an opinion from someone who's been a member here for 2 whole months. Spend some time here before you start commenting on what and why people post. Pretty snarky for a newbie.
Funny thing, a bit off topic but it was mentioned in this thread that the CM's at the call centers, who are a scattered everywhere around the country is no joke. Friends of ours had called recently to book a quick trip and the gentleman they were speaking to, after he asked for their mailing address told them that he was currently living only a few blocks away. My friend was confused until he told them that he was retired and does this on the side, working from home.

So beware, the Disney call center could be right next door
I thought of this very same question recently when I was trying to figure out something about our tickets. So, I emailed Disney via their website. 2 weeks later I finally received a response...and it turned out it was incorrect. I could've had my question answered (correctly) on the DIS MUCH faster than that! ;)
Come up with a question. Now call Disney 10 times and see how many times you get the same answer. For example... "what time will we be able to get into Magic Kingdom with MNSSHP tickets?" Then report back here on what happens.

You will find that the things one would expect to be able to ask Disney employees don't always get the same answer from said Disney employees.

Here though, you have people who may have actually dealt with the situation and thus knows what actually happens. We also have CMs that post here that work reservations, the ticket booths, greeters, and in the restaurants. CMs that are not on the phones answering questions, but that are actually on the front lines. They know what REALLY happens out there.
And it goes back to the part that was supposed to be implied in the original question:

Why is it acceptable that Disney is unable to provide answers?
And it goes back to the part that was supposed to be implied in the original question:

Why is it acceptable that Disney is unable to provide answers?

It's not acceptable at all. But would I rather complain about it being unacceptable and maybe even take my time to file a complaint with Disney (which I'm sure they already know), or would I rather take a few seconds on here and get my answer. I chose to ask my questions on here. It's quick, it's easy and probably 99% accurate. And even if I get a wrong answer, obviously I could have gotten the same wrong answer from the call center or from the Disney moms. I think I still like the odds better on here.
The cast members at 407-Disney who have never been to a park?:eek:

I have been a member here a very long time.

Or the lovely kind sweet fellow that answered my DME phone call the other day...he goes to the parks every weekend, and told me just where to get a fabulous margarita!

However, he told me that to arrange for DME back to the airport, when I would be staying at a DVC resort by then (the first part of our stay we're at CBR so he took care of that), that he needed to put me through to DME themselves. So he did. And on their outgoing message, they stated that DVC members had to contact Member Services; that DME wasn't the place to call for it.

Great happy guy who is there all the time, but didn't read the memo that DVC members with a DVC stay have to go through MS for DME.

And YEAH you have been a member for a long time!

Why is it acceptable that Disney is unable to provide answers?

I worked in a call center for a large company. I know that the FACT is that there are plenty of CS reps for all sorts of companies that aren't EVER going to read or remember all the info they are given. There will always be people who answer based on old info or poorly remembered or understood info. Perhaps someone took a 2 week vacation and just didn't have the time to slog through the thousand official work emails that came in to their inbox, by the time they got on the phone for their shift. Perhaps the first 10 people who asked X got the wrong answer until they'd read the first 100 emails, and found out that the answer to X had changed...so the next people got the right info, but the 10 the rep talked to before reading it got bad info. And so on.

Human nature is what it is. Corporate nature (keeping things close to the vest) is what it is.

I don't really CARE about it being acceptable or not...I can get the most accurate information here and I'm glad for it.
wow, quite an opinion from someone who's been a member here for 2 whole months. Spend some time here before you start commenting on what and why people post. Pretty snarky for a newbie.

"newbie" and your point is? I'm just saying most questions are a bit "redundant" I'd say 80%.
Once in a while you come across something worth reading/posting.

Sorry don't mean to offend. Just my observation.
"newbie" and your point is? I'm just saying most questions are a bit "redundant" I'd say 80%.
Once in a while you come across something worth reading/posting.

Sorry don't mean to offend. Just my observation.

The point is - if you don't like repetitive questions, you will be long gone before you're out of Earning Your Ears status. You just have to roll with it and try to answer nicely or if you don't want, just ignore those threads. I have many less posts than the long-time DISers and I'm sure I've answered about 500 ticket questions (probably the same 5 questions asked in different ways) and 200 Photopass questions (probably the same 3 questions).

Mostly it doesn't bother me, or those who answer the same questions over and over, and on days it does, I just ignore those or try to point someone to a sticky, the search engine, whatever. Almost all questions are worth posting - at least to the person who's posted it - even mousemerf with his rhetorical and passive-aggressive questions meant to stir things up and criticize Disney.
I am fairly new....read tons but post not much....I will say this board has helped me plan my family vacation in many ways. I LOVE this information forum. I can find out what food looks like, where the 'best' place to find something is, and so on....I have had opinons given and offers of help to find cheap flights. More then any travel agent or Disney agent has done for me. They were always helpful yes....but as said, not consistent when I ask questions. I thank those who post here....I can't wait to experience Disney for the first time with my family and have some idea of how to experience it in a planned fashion!!! :goodvibes
I come here to share in peoples experiences as CM's may have never stepped foot in a park, ran around with 3-5 kids, had a Free dining experience and etc.
The point is - if you don't like repetitive questions, you will be long gone before you're out of Earning Your Ears status. You just have to roll with it and try to answer nicely or if you don't want, just ignore those threads. I have many less posts than the long-time DISers and I'm sure I've answered about 500 ticket questions (probably the same 5 questions asked in different ways) and 200 Photopass questions (probably the same 3 questions).

Mostly it doesn't bother me, or those who answer the same questions over and over, and on days it does, I just ignore those or try to point someone to a sticky, the search engine, whatever. Almost all questions are worth posting - at least to the person who's posted it - even mousemerf with his rhetorical and passive-aggressive questions meant to stir things up and criticize Disney.

I'm not talking about geniune questions people ask, who are looking for true answers. What about the questions with 2 replies and 500 reviews... but wait the title is what suckers you in "Help! help! help! help! here's goes...what color shirt should I wear to MK?....You get my drift.
I'm not talking about geniune questions people ask, who are looking for true answers. What about the questions with 2 replies and 500 reviews... but wait the title is what suckers you in "Help! help! help! help! here's goes...what color shirt should I wear to MK?....You get my drift.

I had to call twice to get the Desert Party because the CM said that it was extended past August. So I called back and the CM checked and sure enough the party dates were in the system.

This whole discount code frenzy has me exhaused. For 3 days I've tried to get a discount. I really want to stay at the Poly, so I booked a few months back hoping a code would come out I could use. So they finally came out the begining of this week. I call to see if it applies to me and nope, it sure doesn't. Then another one comes out, does it apply to me? According to the CM nope again. Well finally I went on the pass holeder section and did some playing around and I got the date, and resort I wanted, I just had to extend my vacation by a day and ended up saving over $600 and got an extra day out of it.

I called to add dinning to my reservation, not free dinning, and I'm a passholder so you can add dinning to a resort only reservation. Well after an hour with the CM asking her manager questions she finally got it. I called back the next day to check to see if one of the new discounts applied to me and my reservation had been cancelled. I didn't have a reservation at all.

That's why if I have any question I either come here to ask it or check on allears.net.
Funny thing, a bit off topic but it was mentioned in this thread that the CM's at the call centers, who are a scattered everywhere around the country is no joke. Friends of ours had called recently to book a quick trip and the gentleman they were speaking to, after he asked for their mailing address told them that he was currently living only a few blocks away. My friend was confused until he told them that he was retired and does this on the side, working from home.

So beware, the Disney call center could be right next door

So true. I have called and heard a baby cry as well as a dog bark. I thought it was my imagination until I heard it more than once.
I pretty much get all my information from official Disney sources. However, I have been interested in things Disney for many years. So when I am having a slow time in a ticket booth I am looking at a lot of the policies and procedures in the system, and keep up with what is going on.

Sometimes I know things in advance of the release date, but since I don't want to get fired I don't say anything until information is officially released.

Last year my Disney income was about 4% of my total income. I spend more at WDW in a month than I make there. So I am able to give lots of information because I study and know what is going on.

For too many of the people, especially in the call centers, it is just a job and they do the minimum to get by. And they will often guess at answers.
...For too many of the people, especially in the call centers, it is just a job and they do the minimum to get by. And they will often guess at answers.

Cheshire Figment, thank you for being a dedicated employee! it's refreshing to hear of people who have the right work ethic, are passionate about what they do and care about who they do it for. Not to get into anything political (the following statement has nothing to do with any political establishment)...

i believe the best stimulus to our economy, during good and bad times, is work ethic. This applies to management and ownership as well, possibly even more since i believe in the saying "it starts from the top and works it's way down". If people worked smart, worked hard, cared about their reputation in whatever they do, do everything to the best of their ability - that would go a very long way in stopping wasted time, effort and resources in cleaning up other's "messes". It makes working along side your peers or for your supervisor much more enjoyable when people take responsibility.

Too many people just "do" their jobs. They thinkg that if it's not paying enough or is not a high level job that it doesn't matter. It does matter! Character is everything.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.
I would rather ask a question here than to Disney for one major reason:

Honest answers.

If I ask Disney, "Is MNSSHP worth the money?" do you think they are going to say, "Well, honestly, if you already have a busy week, your kids won't be missing anything if they don't go"???

But here, people are giong to give honest opinions and evaluations of what is worth the money, worth the time, worth waiting in line for, a waste of time, etc.
for the same reason people buy "the Unofficial Guide to WDW" instead of (or besides) Disney's Birnbaum Guide.

at home, you read reviews of a restuarant. you also listen to people who have eaten there.

we share our experiences, good or bad.

I have no problem posting an answer to a "newbies" question, even though I might think the answer is obvious. It's only obvious to me. not to them. the DISboards helped me when I was a newbie, and I love to help others now.

re: which resort?
depends. a childless couple will find my opinion helpful. a couple with 4 kids will find another poster's opinion more helpful.

the Disabilites section. I don't spend much time there, but those with disabilites will garner much info from others in the same situation.

the gay and lesbian section. same thing. I spend little time (if any) on the section "Disney for Families' but I like the "disney for adults" section.

but, when I get to bring my grandkids, you better believe I will be spending more time over there,(families) cause I'm sure there's lots of info I'm not aware of (since I've gone 17 times... 15 sans children, and my boys were older anyway)

just helpful advice from helpful people.:wizard:


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