Why Castmembers Hate DVC Members!

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JUDSON said:
actually, i think greenban did mean that literally ("...While I freely admit to, and most other members on this board will attest, to being classless...")

no matter, classless or not it was an excellent response :)

I'm a teacher for the local blood bank here on Long Island. I just finished teaching one class and don't start another until Friday. So I am 100% Officially Classless at present. :rotfl: :banana: :rotfl2:
idratherbeinwdw said:
I'm a teacher for the local blood bank here on Long Island. I just finished teaching one class and don't start another until Friday. So I am 100% Officially Classless at present. :rotfl: :banana: :rotfl2:

What do you teach at the Blood Bank?? I used to work at a pretty large one in S FL. Interesting industry :) .
Apparently you've never seen a three-year-old Twinkie eater smear chemically engineered cream filling all over a brand new couch.
Good point, but I don't lick the couches at the BWV's either, so as long as its wiped off, it don't bother me none. *insert smiley face licking a couch here*
Muushka said:
What do you teach at the Blood Bank?? I used to work at a pretty large one in S FL. Interesting industry :) .

Actually the Learning and Development Dept of NYBC (ny blood center) is small, so I teach a real potpourri of courses. I teach respect VS harassment, ethics and GMP to the new hires during orientation. All the lab personnel have to take a class called visual inspection of blood products, I teach that too.

But my favorite classes are the Donor Specialist (DS) classes. That's the name we use for the people who do the health histories and draw the blood from the donors. (not sure if you use the same name in FL). Besides knowing the ins and outs of how to do the job, the course deals heavily in customer service skills. Matter of fact, I use WDW examples when it comes to customer service! It's no secret at work that I am a WDW nut, and more than one class has given me a Disney related gift, LOL. You should see my office, full of Disney posters and Memorabilia. Once the DS's have been there a while they can move up in ranks to precept the new hires once they leave my class, and eventually can move up to being in charge of a blood drive. I teach the preceptor and in charge classes too.

Long answer to a short question! BTW what did you do for the blood bank in FL? :wave2:
idratherbeinwdw said:
Actually the Learning and Development Dept of NYBC (ny blood center) is small, so I teach a real potpourri of courses. I teach respect VS harassment, ethics and GMP to the new hires during orientation. All the lab personnel have to take a class called visual inspection of blood products, I teach that too.

But my favorite classes are the Donor Specialist (DS) classes. That's the name we use for the people who do the health histories and draw the blood from the donors. (not sure if you use the same name in FL). Besides knowing the ins and outs of how to do the job, the course deals heavily in customer service skills. Matter of fact, I use WDW examples when it comes to customer service! It's no secret at work that I am a WDW nut, and more than one class has given me a Disney related gift, LOL. You should see my office, full of Disney posters and Memorabilia. Once the DS's have been there a while they can move up in ranks to precept the new hires once they leave my class, and eventually can move up to being in charge of a blood drive. I teach the preceptor and in charge classes too.

Long answer to a short question! BTW what did you do for the blood bank in FL? :wave2:

:wave: Hi back! Your job sounds very interesting, and fun. I was involved in the processing-all those yucky HIV/HEP/ABO/Rh...blah blah blah tests. The only time we saw a unit was to stick a blood type sticker on it.

I worked for the large blood bank that was just bought up by another one. Like I said, interesting industry-selling people's blood!
Boy, I got confused there for a moment with all the posts on blood banks...thought I had accidentally clicked on a different thread. ;)

I wanted to add my two cents to the smoking/nonsmoking debate. I may be naive but since it now seems many cities are outlawing smoking even in BARS...that hardly anyone ever comes to my home and even looks for an ashtray. THey always ask if they may smoke outside...and I live in Colorado at 9000 ft and it gets kinda cold for deck smoking!!!!

So, I really DONT think that too many smokers would smoke if all the Disney rooms became smokefree. Just like in the parks, couldn't they have areas in the hotel, or little bench areas outside where smoking is allowed? I noticed that people weren't supposed to smoke at AKL on the balconies...and I thought that was cool for nonsmokers around the smoker room, but probalby done in an effort to protect hte animals.

I only have one friend who still smokes but stayed with her at Disney in December and she always went to the designated areas in the parks to smoke and never smoked in the room...or even in her own car when there were other passengers. And yes, she is a gem...but I think we need to give more credit to smokers and just hope that they will respect the rules. If there is NO smoking then they can't use the justification that since they didn't get a requested smoking room that they will just sneak a cig in a non smoking room.

Of course, if they get caught smoking, I say feed em to the alligators and tigers!!!!!
Colorado Belle
During our most recent stay @ BCV we were assigned a non-smoking room. Upon arrival the first thing I noticed was the trash can under the sink had not been emptied. Inside was an empty cigarette pack. From that point on, two things happened...1) I was worried housekeeping would think it was from us and we were smoking in the room. 2) The room smelled like cigarette smoke. The power of suggestion :sad2:.

Anyway, even as a family of non-smokers, I feel there should be a limited amount of smoking rooms at the resorts. The "smokers" paid just as much for the their points and annual maintenance fees as I did. Smoking brings enjoyment/satisfaction/etc. to the people that do it. They shouldn't be treated like second-class citizens because the have a habit I don't. Plus, we have to remember that there are a lot of European DVC owners and smoking is much more prevalent in their countries.

That being said, I would like to see DVC management do a better job of determining what percentage of smoking rooms are actually needed and plan accordingly. I would also like to see DVC members being completely honest and not use the "non-smoking rooms for medical reasons" trump card unless that is truly the case (and believe me, I understand this as my daughter is Asthmatic).

I would also like smokers to be just as honest/understanding and realize if they are given a non-smoking room, that means there were no smoking rooms available and they need to be responsible enough to not smoke in the room.

If everyone would just be mature enough to do the right thing, I don't think it would be a problem at all.

I know...I live in a dream world (but hey, that's why I love Disney so much!).
If you are a smoker, the fact that smoking is allowed at DVC resorts may have been a determining factor in your decision to purchase.

I know our contracts have statements to the affect that DVD reserves the right to make changes as they see fit - ala adding a slide at OKW - but that deals more with the physical structure rather then member lifestyles. DVD can do things to add value to the property. If they replace sofa beds, they must be of equal or greater value then the ones in existance when we purchased. Adding a slide may not please everyone, but it does add value to the resort.

IMO if DVD tried to ban smoking, the smokers could possibly sue. Suddenly not being able to enjoy an after dinner cig in the living room of your Villa could become a serious issue. I think the smokers would win.
And that would be fine w/me (no offense to anyone)
I have just read first page or two of posts so I don't know what all has been said.

If the CM keeps a list of who is naughty or nice I must be on the nice list. I have been upgraded from a standard to preferred view at BWV several times. Also to a 1 BR from a studio once. (it was at the end of the hall though.)

Oh no. :sad2: We just got home from SSR and no upgrade. Does that mean we got moved to the naughty list? :confused3

Plus4206 said:
IMO if DVD tried to ban smoking, the smokers could possibly sue. Suddenly not being able to enjoy an after dinner cig in the living room of your Villa could become a serious issue. I think the smokers would win.
There would be no basis for a suit. There was no offer of smoking options implied or otherwise. The fact that they allowed smoking in some of the units would not have any support to a suit of this nature. One would only be wasting their money, even if they could find a lawyer that would take the case, which I doubt one would. DVC would not be the first, or likely the last, to go all NS. Some of the newer Marriott's are going from all smoking to all NS over time and are not expecting any legal implications either. WM has already gone all NS and I'm not aware of a single law suit. Actually I haven't seen a single complaint on TUG about this related to WM though I could have missed it.
I'm sure the smokers could sell their Disney points if it came to Disney becoming non smoking. I mean years ago workplaces had indoor smoking areas and now they don't, you can't really sue for that.
Nah, just like non-smokers are not guaranteed access to NS rooms, smokers are not guaranteed access to smoking rooms.
doesn't seem like anyone requesting a smoking room should have a hard time getting one.
The banning of all smoking rooms would be an issue for the individual resort's home owners association, I would think. If so, then I would bet people that smoked would show up to that annual meeting :bitelip:

Of course, someone may be able to get this on the ballot if they wanted to.
DVC can't start dictating lifestyles. If they can ban smoking, then they can ban drinking. They could make it heterosexual only. They could make married heterosexuals only.

And the idea of not finding a lawyer to take the case ? How's that possible ?
Plus4206 said:
DVC can't start dictating lifestyles. If they can ban smoking, then they can ban drinking. They could make it heterosexual only. They could make married heterosexuals only.

And the idea of not finding a lawyer to take the case ? How's that possible ?
Sorry, but that is nonsense, nobody is banning non-heterosexuals, your anology is beyond far fetched. And, whether you like it or not, there are dry counties and dry cities where alcohol sales are banned. For a Disney related example, Alcohol is not served any place in the MK I believe. Several cities have made public establishments non-smoking. One I know of is Columbus Ohio. You cannot smoke in a downtown restaraunt or bar. DVC could choose to make a resort non-smoking.

Certainly if DVC is responsive to it's members and they conducted a survey, I think there would be plenty of support for the implementation of a non-smoking rule by the majority of DVC members. No lawyer real or pretend could win against that kind of data. They haven't won against voters in Columbus.
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