Why Castmembers Hate DVC Members!

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I guess I fall into the new naughty class of DVC Member since I purchased in 2001. I didn't buy so that I could come to Orlando and make CM's lives miserable. I bought DVC so I could take my wife and kids to Disney and have larger rooms and unhotel like accomadations. I have never thrown a fit. I do not request views. Give me a non-smoking room and I am happy.

wdwzues, :badpc: , maybe Disney should transfer you to a position where you deal with none of the public. You don't sound like someone who likes people that much!
Wow, quite a bit of hostility out there! Hate is a very strong word!

We are DVC members and have stayed at quite a few DVC resorts in the past. I have never encountered a rude CM, most of them have been over the top kind to myself and my family. Also, I have never met a rude DVCer, most of them are very friendly and kind. However, I don't work as a CM, so am I not meeting new DVCers every day.

That being said, I have to say I am rather offended by the the posters generalization of DVCers. I am disappointed to find out there is a list out there of rude DVCers, how sad :(

I do hope you feel better that you have vented, and am sorry that DVCers have made you so bitter. Humans make mistakes, people have bad day, CM's and DVCers both!!! It sounds like you might be having one today :)


Tipper, DVCer, Middle Class, and overall kind person (my family is pretty nice too!!!)
Interesting post... One question though:

What does a DVC member do when they encounter a 'naughty' CM?
First, it seems obvious the OP has chosen a new registration for the purpose of this negative post and I understand why.

I think a lot of the OP is justified but let me point out a few items. Remember I'm pointing out problems or issues contrary and not defending rude or inappropriate behavior. There are a lot of positives I could post but it seems the thread calls for the honest and negative issues. DVC and the resorts put CM in the predicament sometimes. Most good and successful timeshares work out a reasonable way to give members most of their requests most of the time. DVC and the CM directly involved, have set up a system that currently is just as likely to hit NONE of the requests as any of them. Suggesting one should just sit back and take it seems inappropriate. And from reading these boards and even what I get from the OP, it appears little effort is put forth by DVC and the CM involved to correct this issue or even to perform appropriately within the current request system. And while I understand that requests are not guaranteed, putting someone who has problems with cig smoke, as an example, in a room that smells of smoke is simply unacceptable as would paying a $25 fee in that type of situation. Or having a member in front of you who ask if a room is smoking/NS or HC or not and misleading them while sending them off to that room knowing full well what's happening, is also unacceptable.

There is no excuse for rude behavior but there is also no excuse for a CM lying, misleading or even "punishing" a member just because they don't like their job as you seem to suggest happens. As for tipping, you aggregate several items. The standard etiquette in tipping is to tip when the car is delivered and when the bags are delivered to their destination, you seem to suggest that you and other CM expect otherwise. Disney considers housekeeping to be a non tipped position. I'd expect more if I bought a Mercedes than a Kia.

While I'm sure there's a large dose of reality in the OP, it's as much a reflection on the CM's as the member's.
I think this post is really interesting actually. I'm actually *not* really offended, believe it or not. It sounds to me that obviously this poster definitely needed out of the resort he was at, and it's probably better for him and for DVC members that he is no longer working there. However, I have to say this for my own good....there are many complaints on this DVC board in my opinion about the resort service or experiences. People are extremely picky, and mind you I can put myself in this own category because we all have paid several thousand dollars to be members :) But correct me if I'm wrong here....wasn't there a member on here that placed a Cheerio under the bed at VWL and waited to see if it would be picked up by room service on their specified day?? LOL I mean come on you guys, that's the kind of crap this poster is talking about I'm sure!! :laughing:

However, I must add that I have not exactly encountered the friendliest CM's either and so that's why I think the tone of the original post is a little out of line. I disagree that *most* members are the bad ones....but I could see where several of us could be pain in the rears if things don't go a certain way. Seems to me that OKW members complain the least, but JMO. BTW, I own at BCV and VWL. :earboy2:
i agree with you ...........some of the things posted in here do seem petty and i guess that is what is upsetting the CM's............but there is still a better way to get that message across..........and the fact that the CM did it this way i am in complete agreement that they needed to go somewhere else..............
I have to admit that before I found the DIS, I had no idea room views could be requested, nor would I actually ever think to request them. Now, I do feel like I want to get the "best" room, when in reality, I'm on vacation and it's the "best" no matter what! HOWEVER...I'm never ever rude to a CM. I never demand anything, never use the DVC name in vain, and I think the majority of us are like that.

I hope the OP is enjoying their new job. And I haven't been called naughty since I was 5!
I was told by a lifeguard at SAB that no one can stand DVC members either. He said that SAB used to have a much higher class of guests and he thought DVC going in at the YAB club brought in the "riff-raff". He told me, "anyone can own DVC and except for you guys, most members are lowlifes"...

Perhaps this is an attitude that is being generated amongst cast members, I do not know but I must admit, I have heard this before. It is unfortunate in my opinion if other members have caused this opinion of us to become a belief between cast members.

wdwzues said:
This is not meant to offend just inform and educate please take this with a grain of salt!
These are the people who either bought into DVC at the very beginning when only people of culture and class could buy in, or they are the ones that just are good wholesome middle class families that want to spend quality time together and enjoy WDW (a lot of you might thing you fall into this category but just wait your probably don’t). The naughty members are ever increasing as Disney makes the mortgage terms easier to meet and makes loans easier to qualify for.
When this comment was made, that DVC in the beginning only allowed "people of culture and class buy in", and as a member only since 2002, when "Disney made mortgage terms easier to meet and make loans easier to qualify"-it sounded to me like I was being categorized as classless, and I stopped reading. That is, assuming I can read! I strongly resent this generalization.
Hey, Jeff Foxworthy, I might have a new one-"If you're a new member of Disney Vacation Club, you might be a redneck." I hope not all front desk CMs prejudge us.
I hope we fall in the "good DVC member" classification, but maybe not?!?!

We always try to treat CM's with kindness, courtesy and respect when on vacation at WDW-DVC (or otherwise) since that's how we want to be treated. We acknowledge good service by tipping well, over tip when service is outstanding. We tend to never take away a tip as we know that the pay isn't good, but there have been instances when the service provided was well below par...in a few of these cases, we've taken note of the person and avoided them if at all possible if we returned to the establishment. We've written thank you notes and submitted names of those providing excellent service. When we find problems with our rooms, we ask for help in solving the problems within a reasonable timeframe (broken toilet, leaky sink). We've always been treated well by WDW employees, though some CM's were so new that they really didn't know what they were doing without asking a lot of repeat questions.

We know that everything won't turn out right every visit so sometimes we live with issues that I know cause others to go off. We only joined DVC in 2000 but we've enjoyed EVERY DVC vacation we've taken though not all have been perfect. Our family motto when something goes wrong...."Who cares - life is good, we're on vacation!!" :cool1:

We've definitely seen some of those "classy" or "bad/naughty" DVC members you described. The winners for me was the DVC family whose young child pooped floaters in the main BWV pool forcing EVERYONE to have to get out the pool on a beautiful warm day and leaving the lifeguards/CMs to clean up their child's mess. But no it didn't end there, they moved over to the quiet pool by the community hall and proceded to yell at the Community Hall CM's because there weren't enough chairs for their large group around the pool. WOW...now that's class! :earseek:

My husband's has a problem with those rude DVC members that think that they are more important than everyone else and feel compelled to conduct business on their cells phones at the pool when others are trying to relax. He's around ringing phones all day long and it drives him insane when he has to listen to their phones and conversations. He especially liked the man that abused one of the wait staff that politely asked him to sign for the drink that they brought him while he was on his cell phone conducting business.

Our teenage daughter votes for the mom that brought a nanny with her to watch her children while they were at the pool then proceded to yell at the nanny & the lifeguards for not controlling her children while she proceded to get blitzed on pool drinks.

Sorry you felt compelled to leave the DVC resorts, but trust that we understand why you would feel this way.
well i was one those early DVC buyers and the post has me steaming the more i read here..............i guess i should be happy because the author's implication was favorable to me, but i cant..........i think the intent and tone were deplorable...........and even if DVC standards have fallen, which i dont believe either...........what happened to the customer is king????
I'm sure there are quite a few people that act in a way that is disrespectful towards the CM's. I've never been one of them, but have witnessed it. Whether those people were DVC members is beyond me. I'm sure that regular old vacationers as well as DVC members can be rude.

The one thing I'm curious about is why when you mentioned 'jerks' they were from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Why were those states singled out? I'm from NJ and take offense to that. My family is the most laid back while on vacation, nothing bothers us and we complain about nothing. So, to single out like that, I felt offended, that was a generalization.

I think everything else that was said was fine and hopefully will be helpful to some DVC members. (I'm not one yet, waiting for ROFR)

bongo59 said:
well i was one those early buyer and the post has me steaming..............i guess i should be happy because the writer implacation was favorable to me but i cant..........i think the intent and tone were deplorable...........and even if DVC standards have fallen...........what happened to the customer is king????

This is exactly what the poster is referring to. I'm not saying this is how you feel because I think you used a generalization...the customer is always right type of thing. But I can see where many members would have this front--like "I paid x number of dollars and I want this view, or this room, or I have these expectations and if they aren't met I'm going over your head." DVC members aren't just vacationers, they invested money in an ownership and depending on the person that can impact how easy or difficult they may be to deal with.

I agree, the intent and tone were deplorable, but like I said, i can see where it would be difficult to work at a DVC resort. Daydreamin pointed out some interesting situations to reflect on that.
hey daydreamin - were we on the same trip!!!

In this land of everything should be said the most politically corect way! I can't believe no one else has scene what the original Op or Daydreamin was referring to.

It amazes me what goes on, the family that bothered me was the ones that thought it was alright to cannonball the quiet pool at VWL for hours, while they just ate and drank the entire time. No matter how many times you told them to stop, the kids kept doing it and the parents couldn't have cared less. Unfortunately, no CM's or lifeguards around to watch. We left and went over to the big pool, advised what was going on, but not sure if anything came of it!
N&B'smom said:
I'm sure there are quite a few people that act in a way that is disrespectful towards the CM's. I've never been one of them, but have witnessed it. Whether those people were DVC members is beyond me. I'm sure that regular old vacationers as well as DVC members can be rude.

The one thing I'm curious about is why when you mentioned 'jerks' they were from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Why were those states singled out? I'm from NJ and take offense to that. My family is the most laid back while on vacation, nothing bothers us and we complain about nothing. So, to single out like that, I felt offended, that was a generalization.

I think everything else that was said was fine and hopefully will be helpful to some DVC members. (I'm not one yet, waiting for ROFR)

i have info that says the majority of DVC owners are from the NE corridor so i think the author also knows it as well..............
I'm not offended by this, nor surprised. At least I now know the other side of the coin.

I've stayed at VWL exactly once, and probably won't again. I have known since then that the CM's resent the existance of a DVC property there. I had a very minor problem I needed help with. I had brought a device to unload pictures from my digital camera, but it required a video input on the tv. Surprise, the tv in the studio we were in doesn't have those. So I went back up to front desk to see if there was anything to do about it. I was all but told off. No help whatsoever. And there were other minor interactions that I won't bother going into detail that all summed up to the fact that there was a certain dislike towards the villas from the WL cm's.

I'm sorry there are so many people that are owners who treat the cm's so bad. Guess the guests feel they are entitled to because they own there. I personally feel no entitlement beyond a nice place to stay and that's about it. Any thing else I reward properly, and will continue to.
niks81 said:
This is exactly what the poster is referring to. I'm not saying this is how you feel because I think you used a generalization...the customer is always right type of thing. But I can see where many members would have this front--like "I paid x number of dollars and I want this view, or this room, or I have these expectations and if they aren't met I'm going over your head." DVC members aren't just vacationers, they invested money in an ownership and depending on the person that can impact how easy or difficult they may be to deal with.

I agree, the intent and tone were deplorable, but like I said, i can see where it would be difficult to work at a DVC resort. Daydreamin pointed out some interesting situations to reflect on that.
Maybe i am lost.........cause i dont see the analogy your trying to draw..........i know in my business if i treated most of my customers badly i could not afford to buy DVC ..........much less go on vacation. I think the guy had some points...........but my issue was with the delivery of the message.............
bongo59 said:
Maybe i am lost.........cause i dont see the analogy your trying to draw..........i know in my business if i treated most of my customers badly i could afford to buy DVC ..........much less go on vacation. I think the guy had a point...........but my issue was with the delivery of the message.............

I was just drawing on your "what happened to the customer being king?" comment. I don't think that's how you personally feel, just putting that into perspective because I personally feel that several members may act that way, as example by other posters show.
As Dallastxcpa pointed out:

<Are there unpleasant DVC guests? Yes. Are there unpleasant guests at non-DVC resorts? Also yes.>

I'd like to add:

Are there unpleasant CM's? Obviously!
I find in interesting that all of the people are asuming that just because you are at a DVC resort you are a DVC Member. One comment was that a lifeguard said the DVC members were mostly lowlifes, unless he was handing out towels at SAB he would not know the difference between a DVC & a Y & B guest. 5% (I think) of the DVC rooms are also reserved for regular rental as Developer points so those staying in rooms near you could also be paying guests. I am one of the lowlifes that purchased later, 2003, but I have never complained about what room I received and even though I had to wait until 5 pm last October for a room we were patient and did not bother the desk between 1 & 4 while we waited. After 4:30 I started to ask what the delay was, I thought that was a reasonable expectation. This post seems to be a person that does not need to be in the public eye. I work daily with clients and I deal with the bad and the good. That's what we call customer service if you can't do get out.

Don't label a person DVC (or classless) unless you really know what you are dealing with. Someday you may be the target of the same disparaging opinions, with or without cause.

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