Why a Gay Board

A lady friend of mine from Maine who was visiting me - standing in the middle of a gay bar just admiring all the "goods" she proclaimed - "It's like being in a candy store without any money!"
...do I hope that one of my children is gay? No way in Hades! Why? I don't wish the hardships that they would have to endure. I know for most of you it has been (and will continue to be in this society) a much harder life than you would have ever wanted as well.

Luv4Mickey - If one (or more!) of your children turns out to be gay, wish for them a life of love and blessings, same as you would for your other children... and pray silently that they will have the strength to endure all that life will toss their way, same as you would for your other children.

Although I trust that your sentiment is coming from a good place in your heart, there are few gays and lesbians who would say that they would rather be straight than gay. In fact, I'd venture to say that most of us would RATHER be gay! The only way to avoid enduring hardships in this life is to be a rich, white, straight, christian, adult male - and even then there are no guarantees. Besides, I probably wouldn't wish that for my child either!

The real hardships I have had to deal with in my life had nothing to do with being a lesbian. I'd have to say that the education and support I've received from being part of a lesbian community made it possible for me to make it through those hard times. That's not to say that bad things don't happen to gay people just because they are gay. But that is true of any oppressed group. It's hard for me to hear people say they would not want their children to be gay, no matter what the reason. For me, being gay is a reason to celebrate! I love being a lesbian! Besides, we're so "in" right now!

Barrie- I have to ask if you have children? As a parent, most want their children to do better, have better than they did as a child. Along with that you want to shelter them from all of lifes hardships. NO, that is not realistic, but in your heart that is what you want to do.

I personally have about a dozen G&L friends and each one of them has said that life would have been so much easier had they been straight. Does that mean that they would want to be straight? Not necessarily, just that they wish that they didn't have to endure a lot of the things they went through, especially growing up. So, that is why I say I don't "wish" for that to be one of my childrens lifestyle, just as I don't want them to be obese, have horrible acne, skin discoloration..etc. Anything that makes them the butt of ridicule in this society.
I WILL love them regardless of their sexual preference, choice of race in their partner, decision to have (or not to have) children. I will only judge when there is an issue of any type of abuse. I will also PRAY that they have the strength to tolerate and overcome all obstacles that are put before them since I cannot protect or shelter them from all.

I celebrate being alive, not being straight. I celebrate being in a country that is supposed to be free to choose who you want to be. Maybe by the time my children are older I won't have to worry about society and it's expectations.
Education is the key, we must educate people to the things they don't know or understand. That doesn't mean that they have to agree, but tolerate, not hate. :love:
Luv4Mickey, a lot of us on this board are parents. I know I speak for many of us when I say that we want our children to feel free and safe to be themselves; we DON'T prefer for them to be straight if straight is not what they naturally are. And if we could choose the orientations of our children in advance, we'd leave that up to fate. It's the world that needs to change, not the child. Besides, being gay is a great blessing. It teaches you compassion for those who are oppressed and challenges you every day to be your truest self. Add me to the list of people who are glad to be gay regardless of the hardships. I might have felt differently in 1950, but probably not.

The analogy between being gay and having severe acne feels strained to me, since one is who you are and the other is something that happens to you (something undesirable at that, probably even for someone who lives alone in the woods because of the discomfort, but certainly nothing anyone would think reflects on your character or renders you less deserving of love or civil rights), though I understand your point about stigma. But you really can't compare the two types of stigma; nor is it right to compare being gay to a medical problem.
I personally have about a dozen G&L friends and each one of them has said that life would have been so much easier had they been straight

My life would be so much easier if i were rich, and thin, and a genius, and popular too, however i dont wish for those things in my kids.If they happen, thats great, but if they dont so what? Are they happy?Are they contibuting to society?Are they good people? Thats what i really care about.

Personally i dont care if they are straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, or transgendered.

I'm not saying you were conciously making homosexuality a lesser choice, but whether intentional or not, saying "No way in hades" is in fact making it seem such.I think you really meant it to sound better than it does.It's difficult to see it as such unless youre in a position to have such a thing said to you.

Look at it this way.Take out the word "gay" in what you said.Replace it with "woman".Now how would you feel about saying it to a young girl.Sounds awful, yes?

This is my first post on this board.I've been a lurker for some time. But i am a mother - and a lesbian.

Do i regret being gay?Not one bit! The only regret i have is that i didnt figure it out sooner - before i married a man who surely deserves to have a partner that loves/needs/wants him...Thankfully he has been my number one supporter since the day i came out!!I wouldnt change a thing.If nothing else, its taught me a lot about who i really am and who i want to be... something i may have never learned if i had just accepted "passing as straight"

Okay, so apparently when I read what I write it sounds better to me than it does to everyone else? Or at least some. I have received PM's from people who have never even posted that have told me what a great post I had. So, I guess some people are getting "my version". I don't know.

I am not equating being gay as the end of the world. I am a very open, loving and accepting person. Like I said, I will love my children regardless of what they discover themselves to be in life. I was just simply stating that most people wouldn't choose the "difficult" experiences in life. I know that many things I have experienced in life I have learned from, but at the time I would have done anything not to be going through whatever that issue was!
Unless society changes gay and lesbians, transgenders, bi-sexuals, etc. will be considered "against the norm" and treated differently. That is the sad, sad truth, and NO I wouldn't want my child to have to endure the ridicule of society based upon their lifestyle. BUT if that is the case, I will love and respect them just the same. Just as I would want all people treated equally with equal rights.
I was not trying to offend anyone by any means, and I am sorry that it may have been taken that way. I want to educate the world so that people learn that in the end we are all just that...PEOPLE. Regardless of race, sexual orientation, religious background, etc., just people. People that love, laugh, work, have problems, families, pets, and go to DISNEY...just people. :flower1:
Luv4Mickey - No worries, I know your intent was not to offend. Really, I did get the spirit behind your post and very much appreciate the sentiment.

I know I'm splitting hairs here but I think if you truly want to be an ally you need to be open to hearing how your words make people feel. It doesn't feel good to me to hear that you wouldn't want your children to be gay, even when said with the best of intentions. I am gay and there's nothing wrong with being that way. I know that's not what you meant but it is what you said.

I liked it much better when you said "I wouldn't want my child to have to endure the ridicule of society based upon their lifestyle". That felt so much better to me because in this statement you are saying that what you want is for society to be different.

Please know I think you're great for speaking up in support of people that are gay. And I believe that you are an open, loving and accepting person. Barrie
i agree with Barrie, i knew you didnt mean for it to sound bad, it just rubbed some the wrong way.I was merely trying to point out to you how it could be accidentally hurtful.I really believe you were trying to be positive! I dont think your a bad person at all and i just wanted to make that clear.
You know it's funny.. maybe I've lived a charmed life.. but for the most part -- whatever drama I've 'endured' as a result of my sexuality .. all happened before I accepted it.

Once I accepted it and just put it out there, it's been relatively no big deal. Now mind you, I didn't live in SmallTown USA either... But still.. It really hasn't been a big deal to anybody in my life that I'm aware of.

OP - Why the need for a gay board?

Well, if you are going there then why the need for a "disney restaurants" or 'theme park strategies" or "disney resorts". It's meant to help people find what they are looking for easier and for GLBT and straight people to discuss issues that pertain to us here such as "any gay friendly bars in PI" or "do CM make a big deal if you get one bed as opposed to two"

and let's take it a bit further..

why the need for a constitutional amendment, why the need for random acts of hate, why the need for don't ask don't tell.

Why the need for close-mindedness, hatred, and spitefulness.

We are all the same here and it's so encouraging to read comments on here from people who realize this.

If you'd really like a forum for "men who like blondes" or whatever, then go ahead make a website up and do it.
I'll actually be down next week and then I might go again for a quick trip in August to Poly (always wanted to stay there).

I'm definitely going next year though, my schedule didn't work out this time. I've never been so I want to check it out.

Have you ever been?
personally, i don't believe that your post could have been any more rude. we are NOT children, and that is NOT how true moseketeers should conduct themselves. if someone wants to celebrate disney, their sexual preference should not limit them. there is NOTHING wrong with having a link for "the gays," or, as i like to call them, people.. if the first week in june is inevitably going to be called "gay week," then why shouldn't there be a gay LINK? what's it to you? :confused3 surf something else. as i always like to say, "against gay marriage? don't get one and be quiet."

we're all fans in MICKEY'S eyes! :love:
xcountryusa said:
Why do we need a site just for gays?

If we are going to have boards based on sexual preferences I want one for guys who like big chested blonde women.

Why do gays need to be treated different?

Why do gays need to be treated different?: that's a good point
Homosexuality isn't an opportunity to be treated differently, or to receive benefits; however, i think many people are not terribly accustomed to homosexuality just yet, and if there is a link encouraging people to be more open about their sexuality, in public, in WDW, etc., then that DOESN'T mean anyone is being treated differently. It would be like classifying "cheap people" in the Budget Board category. It's a thread to talk about, not to earn prizes or advantages or special treatment. It's a link that ANYONE can click on and feel comfortable in the surroundings of ANYONE who feels the same, whether the thread be about homosexuality, freebies, best hotels, or pool hopping. It's a thread. Not a lifestyle change. :earsboy: + :earsboy: = :love:
gays are people to and deserve to be treated like humans not looked at like animals in a zoo if u hold something against the gays then why are you even in this forum?? Some of ma best m8z are gays and some of the most talented people are to. Frankly that is a very rude thread and the matter realy doesn't concern you. if u dont like it then dont come on here.
Im just another "Straight" big chested brunette checking in. hhahaha
Why is there a board for gays and lesbians? I think a better question is why not? Everyone has the want/need to be loved and accepted. Who are we to tell them who to have in their bed?

Some dont like seeing public displays of affection of homosexuals. Personally, I dont like to see Hetrosexuals fully makin out either lol Nothing nastier than walking past a couple tryin to swallow each others tongues ahha
You might as well ask 'Why a board for those in the UK?" - they're all going to the same parks.. why do they need their own board? Or why do those disabled folks get their own board? Or the Canadians - why are they so special?

ANSWER: Because there are issues and matters of material concern for those members that merit a board on its own, that most other members of this board would not be interested in.

It really IS that simple.


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