Who's Moving To Florida?


Sep 26, 2005
Okay, that does it, I'm transferring to UCF next fall and moving to Florida, NH was better than MA, but I'm soooo sick of living up here, who else wants to move to Florida next semester?
I've been a FL resident for almost 17 years now. For grad school I am very interested in attending UCF, just to be closer to home and of course, closer to Disney! I think I'd get an annual pass if I went to UCF.
I plan on moving (but unfortunately not until I finish school). So hopefully in a couple of years.
I'm hoping to move in the summer. I'll be graduating in April, just have my internship left to do over the summer which I am hoping it is at Disney. :cool1: All I know is that I want to get out of Michigan. I need somewhere new to call home and Florida looks pretty good to me.
oh man i wanna move to florida badly.
You know, as much as I hate the weather in Wisconsin sometimes, I really don't think I could live in Florida year-round. :confused3
On second though, I don't think that I could leave up here yet, but someday... At least the other day I got my mom to admit that she wants to move to FL, but she said that she'd wait until me and my sister were out of college if she did.
JMHO, but I could never live in Florida. I'd miss the snow. Plus the heat and humidity would just about kill me I think. I dread NH's summers each year; Florida would be hell for me. My stepdad is trying to convince my mom to move there and she keeps telling him "no way" :thumbsup2
I think that's one of the main reasons why I want to move to Florida (besides wanting to work for Disney full time) is the heat. I can't stand cold weather so even though Florida does get cold, it's nothing compared to here. And the heat doesn't really bother me that much.
After this weekend's cold weather, UF is looking really good for grad school and hey, it's only two hours north of the World :)
I'm coming too! I'm very tired of the cold snowy winters up here in the UP. I've nearly fallen everyday on the ice just trying to walk to class. I'm graduating in May, so I hope to move within a year or so.
I personally would love to live in Florida.... my hair, however, would probably protest.
My daughter is currently working at WDW on the college program and LOVES Florida, and her job. I'm just checking in to make sure her name isn't on this list. :teeth:

I miss her so much, and can't wait for her to come back to Indiana, if only long enough to finish college.
Jana49 said:
My daughter is currently working at WDW on the college program and LOVES Florida, and her job. I'm just checking in to make sure her name isn't on this list. :teeth:

I miss her so much, and can't wait for her to come back to Indiana, if only long enough to finish college.

Haha...good one.

I too am planning to attend the another CP this Fall and stay there... I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! I'm a mom with a kid in Disney right now and I really expected to see my kids name on this list! I was surprised not to. He's already told me he isn't coming home :(
I would absolutely love to move to Florida :sunny: . Altho it is the other side of the Atlantic and I know i'd miss my family heaps, England is boring and rainy. I just love the American life style- especially the supermarkets, they're immense and of course it's where mickey lives!!!

One day :cloud9:

(does anyone where i could do a clinical psychology post grad over there?)
My Daughter attends UCF she is in her Junior year there and LOVES the University. We live in Western PA and when she first went to UCF she told us that she would allways want to end up back up here when she was done with school......WELL when she was home for Christmas '05 she went back to school early from break because up here there is nothing to do and she wanted to be with her FRIENDS at UCF. At one point while she was here in PA she actually said "when I get home" meaning Florida!!!! I reminded her she was "HOME" and she just laughed.

She recently got a job at the Swan and Dolphin at a bar and grill restaurant near the pool at one of them (sorry can't remember the name) she WILL NOT be comming home this summer....I do believe that unless something really changes that my DD will remain in FL after she graduates college. Oh YES YES I will miss her desperatly but then again it is all the more reason for me to go to FLORIDA now isn't it?????? And maybe one day I will get my wish and move there also.
see my mom is using the reverse tactic to get me to stay in the bay area. she wants me to do the cp so i can go and realize how much the bay area is better than florida. she already used this tactic successfully, i wanted to go to northern illinois for college, so she said you should go visit it during the school year (i had only been during the summer) she sent me in feb. and it was 3 degrees. THREE. yeah that was the end of that.
I just recently moved to Tampa (Dec. 28th) from Arkansas to attend IADT. This had to be the best decision of my life! And I have been here in August, when the humidity is almost unbearable. But the feeling here, just being here... it's so good for the soul.

I just turned 27, and my dad sold our family business so I decided to go back to school. So I picked the best school for my field of study and moved there... which just happened to be in FL.

Funny, I was just thinking the other day how happy and content I am that my life turned out EXACTLY how it did. I've always been a happy person externally, but not always internally. It's amazing how big of a difference that environment makes, erases your worries and lets you get all things done.

Sorry Mama!
My son already told me that he plans to extend his stay in the college program and I'm almost certain that he'll never live in NJ again. We just went down to visit him and now my 17 year old is convinced that he's heading to Florida as soon as he graduates high school.

I've always wanted to move to Florida and living in NJ is getting too expensive. So we'll probably all be down there in another year or so. I even took the real estate section from Olrando home with me.


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