Who's Married and in College???

No chance, my job is taking me out of the country, so I gotta find a girl who loves traveling. I'll be in Australia this summer.
Have a great time in Australia! Go A's!

Now back to the topic. Over 27 years ago I was married at 18, DH 23. I completed my college years while married and had two wonderful children that are now 23 and 20. I agree some of our best times were when we were young and broke. It's not for everyone, but it's worked for us. We're still going strong.
Hey gabrielle, I see you are in denton. Do you go to UNT? I got engaged when I was 20, and I was a college student. I am getting married in August :yay: , I am now 22, and my DF is still in college. I graduated last year, and he won't graduate until December. (Unexpected major change, you know how it is, lol)

LOL, yes I am in Denton. I was at UNT, but now I am getting some of my basics finished up at NCTC. Small world!!
August weddings are best. We spent our honeymoon at Disneyworld; it was magical. We're going back this year early September. We got free dining last year. It was great! I'm 21, but I will be in college forever. I'm literally taking about 1 class at a time. I work as a full time recruiter, and I am pursuing a career in music. My husband has taken time off school to get his career started as well. We are taking the summer off as usual, but I'm excited for him to get started in the fall with me. I think we're going to team up and take some classes together that way we can motivate each other to go to class and study. I'm such a procrastinator, and I would rather spend time with Gavin than go to class. Gosh. But yeah. I'm glad to hear that you graduated though. I know all about the major change stuff too. I'm going through that right now, but at least he is graduating within the year. Good luck to you both!! You'll have to let me know how your wedding and honeymoon go! When is your August wedding by the way? Maybe we'll see you at Disney LOL.
I know I'm beyond the typical college age group, but I'm a full-time student and have been married for almost 13 years. I did a stint in the military and have been following hubby around (he stayed in and I got out) and have finally gotten to a stable enough place where I shouldn't have to transfer (again) and finally finish school. I'm thirty-*cough* (muffled last digit).

Oh! Thirty something is the best time of your life. Enjoy it!! It's okay to be an untraditional college student. I'm glad to hear that you are able to go back to school. It will take me many moons before I finish college, but I don't mind. I'm glad to see that people who get married young, can withstand the trials and tribulation of marriage.
I am very happy to see that there are so many happy Disney couples and families who are young at heart and in love!

People have their doubts about young love, but Gavin and I were ready, and I'm very glad to see that everyone is happy in their relationships.

Yay for us!:rotfl:
Im glad I found this thread because its good to hear some positive things about getting married while still being in school. Im 18 and so is my fiance. We gpt engaged at DL recently but have been together 3 1/2 years. We hope to get married after my sophmore or junior year. (Im finishing my first year) But hes in a fire academy and will be done with his schooling within the next year.

its nice to hear other peoples stories and its really encouraging. thanks! BTW any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not married yet, but I am engaged. We've been together for about seven years, high school sweethearts and my only real boyfriend ever.

DF is two years older than me (he's 23 and I'm 21) and graduated from college a year ago. I've still got a year and a half for my bachelors, but may push it to two and a half years to get my masters (my school offers a one year program to get a master's in accountancy).

We'll be getting married once I graduate, but we're already living together. I'm glad we didn't get married just so we could start living together. I'm still on my parents' insurance and they still get tax breaks for me being a dependent. Plus it's helped verify that this is what I really want (afterall, I've never known anything, but him! :scared: ). Now I'm just waiting impatiently for graduation to get here! :hourglass
My wife and I are married and still in school. I am 23 and she is 22 and we are both seniors. We are planning a graduation trip to WDW next May!


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