Who was at the birth of your children? (besides drs and nurses)

My husband, and two family friends (husband and wife) who are officially our children's "godparents", though they're Wiccan. :) They had been like parents to me when I was young and on my own for the first time, so I felt quite comfortable having them there. We also had two midwives plus a student midwife, as this was a (Canadian, gov't regulated) home birth.

My mum was the only family either of us had in town, but she was in Romania when our first was born and she had a cold when our second was born (so just waved at me through the window by our front door). Which was fine, as I wouldn't have actually wanted her there (I love my mum, but she has a tendency to take over).
In all honesty, with my first my ex went home and wanted to go back to bed and left me alone. And got mad at me when the second one was about to arrive.
Of course my wife was there along with me for the ride. I brought a camera but never used it during the birthing process. The doctor wasn't even my wife's OB but someone who used to be a partner of the OB and would take a birth if her OB couldn't make it. There were quite a few nurses who came into the room - I think about four.

My parents got to the hospital, but my wife (while in pain) decided that she didn't want them in the delivery room. They waited outside the door.
When I had my daughter my ex was deployed, so my sister who lived with me at the time was in the room along with my mom and two of my other sisters, my best friend and my sisters ex were in the waiting room. I could also say that my ex who was deployed called in just in time for me to start pushing, and he had me on speaker phone and the rest of his platoon was listening in and telling me to push lol. So I like to say I had the encouragement of the us army behind me! When she was 2 months old he came home and we met him and the rest of the platoon when they got off the plane. They were excited to meet our lil.
#1 DH and my mother. (DS was born less than an hour after arriving at the hospital. I was lucky DH made it back to the room after walking me in and then going back to park the car. My mum arrived a few minutes later just as I was pushing DS out. DS was then rushed off to NICU, so my mum and DH went with him).

#2 DH and the midwife (Birth centre within a large hospital. It was supposed to be a calm, quiet, experience with minimal medical intervention. I almost died about 15 minutes after DS was born, so suddenly the room was filled with at least a dozen extra medical staff before I was rushed off for emergency surgery with only minutes left to live. The entire labour only took about 3 hours and I almost gave birth at home. Had that happened I'd most certainly have died).
Just my husband. The first time he sort of blacked out, he didn't actually fall all the way to the ground, just stumbled a few steps backward and fell into the chair when it hit the back of his knees : ) The second time he knew to keep his eyes away from the action.

Funny story about the first delivery--my in-laws showed up unannounced about 2 hours into my induction. The pitocin was working and my contractions were going in earnest, but I was stalled at 5 cm. I did have an epidural though (yay for drugs!), and my husband had just started the movie that we were going to watch. I believe it was Lilo and Stitch.

Anyway, my in-laws walk through the door and I was pissed. I was wearing one of those ridiculous hospital gowns (wasn't allowed to wear my own nightgown because I was high risk) and I really didn't want them seeing my private areas. My mama raised me right though and I was trying to be a good hostess, even though I was uncomfortable. Then my MIL revealed that they weren't really there for me, they had shown up to take my husband to dinner, lest her poor widdle baby's blood sugar should crash from the hard work of sitting at my bedside, loudly munching the bag of chips that one of the nurses had brought him. So my husband left with them and was gone for 3 HOURS while I was in labor.

I was alone and in labor for 3 HOURS, during which time my water was broken and my membranes stripped, which any woman who has had those procedures done will tell you they can be extremely uncomfortable, especially since my epidural was dialed back because my son's heart rate kept decelerating and the nurse said they needed to encourage me to progress quicker. Apparently MIL told DH that I was hours away from delivering and there wouldn't be much happening anyway, and she somehow figured out how to make this dinner a 7 course meal in the hospital cafeteria. I'm pretty sure they stayed until the cafeteria closed. I was a very unhappy mama.

So although my in-laws were at the hospital for several hours during my labor, I think I maybe saw them for 10 minutes.
#1 DS16 - XH (who was my BF at the time Bc we were only 17) and my grandmother were in the room. My mother was there but left when the contractions started getting intense. She couldn't handle it. XMIL was in the waiting room with my mom.

#2 DD10 - XH only. My grandma and aunt were on the way but DD came quickly and no one made it. XMIL was babysitting.

If I ever have more kids it'll just be me and him. My SO is an only child so I've thought of letting his mom in the room but she would probably annoy me. Lovely lady but she can talk a lot. Lol
My husband (now ex). It was the middle of the night/morning and I told him not to call my mom and wake her up because there was no reason. He called her around 6 am (son was born around 4 am) and since she and my brother had planned to go to Atlanta and go Christmas shopping that day, they just went ahead and did that and came to my room around 6 that night. My husband left after he called my mom and came back later in the night for about a half hour.
#1. My then husband, a doctor, a midwife and a trainee midwife which was special because it was her first birth.
#2 & 3. My then husband (the same one as above). A team of doctors, midwives, pediatric nurses and doctors. Also someone annoying that kept checking my BP over and over and over again.
DH and I were not at the delivery for either of our kids. They were both adopted back in the day when adoptions were closed so there was no contact between us or either birth mom. We didn't know our son had hatched til two days later. DD developed pneumonia right after birth so she was in the hospital for ten days. If the agency had told us she was there, I would've driven to the hospital every day, even tho it was 100 miles from here.


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