Who knew choking each other would earn us fastpasses?

Great updates! Looks like you are making good time. Too bad about the rain at the beginning, I hate to drive in the rain, especially at night.
Just finished up your last trip report, and now I'm tuning in for this one. :) Hunter seems to have grown so much in the last year! :P

My DS is 7, (going to be 8 in September) and it's crazy how they grow so fast!!

I love your TRs. You have a way of writing & all of your photos that make it feel like we are reliving the trip with you. The Jameson in looks pretty nice! $80 is a great deal for a hotel room. Hunter is getting tall!! John cracked me up in the photo where he was "putting out the vibe" & I had to laugh about the Clark Griswold comment!!
I can't wait to read more. :goodvibes
This is your 2nd TR I have found and I love reading them. I read your PTR for this trip as well. It helps to make my time go faster till my next trip and keeps me in the disney mood. Thanks so much for doing these.:cheer2:
Welcome home. I enjoyed your first TR and was excited to see you started a new one. This will help pass the time I have to wait until I can finally return again. You have a lovely family. Can't wait to read some more.
Phew, I'm slow today :( Stupid work making me work and stuff.

I'll also pull an "other people" (I don't normally do this :p) and post that I'm here before having read anything!

I'll catch up soon enough.

All caught up (for now :p). Sounds like you had a great time as always, looking forward to more. (Ok, now what the heck, I just typed "looking forward to me" in there.... did I just blot out the "or" or am I that self-centered? Really? sheesh).

At least you're here and that's all that matters. My boss expects me to work too.....what's up with bosses?:confused3

popcorn:: joining in popcorn::

Welcome to my trip report! Hope I can keep you entertained.

That's why we are leaving at 10 pm the night before, just in case. Hopefully they will sleep most of the drive & all will be quiet!

I'm sure that your kids will do fine and dandy on the trip. Are ya'll planning on stopping or driving straight through?

Fantastic title, I had to open your thread. Now I have to go read your other reports too!

First off, thanks for coming over. I pondered for a while over a title and finally decided on this one. Let me know what you think about the other reports.
Love the updates, Lisa. Poor Mama--worrying about her door. I don't think we've ever left our doors unlocked. :scared1:

The Jameson Inn looks really nice. Is that a "chain?" I don't think I've ever heard of them? Or perhaps they are just in the south?
Im in!! Cant wait to read your trip report...although I know about the title :)!! It was great to meet you...we arrived home at 230am on Sat. night/Sunday morning it took us 15 hours also...and considering we live and hour and a half futher away from Disney than you guys..I guess we made great time. Looking forward to your report!

Hey there! It was so nice meeting you. Wasn't it such a coincidence that we ran into each other not once but twice?

You did make great time driving home. We stopped a bit more than we normally would have 'cause of Mama. Don't think my carport ever looked so good as it did at 2 a.m. Sunday.

I loved your last trip report. It's one of the reasons we're thinking about staying at CBR on our next trip. Excited to catch this one from the beginning.

Welcome to my report! It's nice to hear that I have a repeat reader. I should have pictures of the CBR posted soon.

Cant wait! your trip reports always make me laugh!!!!!!!!

Happy to hear that I was able to provide you with a chuckle or two. We are a bunch of nuts, that's for sure.
Well, wow, here I am finding this TR, and you're on page three, and you just started this afternoon. That's what I get for going to VBS tonight to teach those sweet little one year old babies! :)

I love that pic of your mom and Hunter riding FN. Mama looks so cute wearing her 1st visit button. :thumbsup2 Why did I think she'd been before?

At least you're here and that's all that matters. You jumped right back into the swing of things back home didn't you.

We got Mama a 1st visit button 'cause she had never stayed onsite. She hadn't been to Disney since Thanksgiving, 2000!

You are Supermom! It would take me weeks to detox after coming home from WDW, and then I would need a vacation after all that needed to be done AFTER the vacation, and WHEW...you've already started your TR!!! Bring it on! :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

You might wanna hold off on the Supermom comments for a bit. I have all of the washing, drying, folding and putting away of the clothes. However, all of the souvenirs and luggage is still sitting in my dining room. It's a mess.:upsidedow

If I didn't hurry up and start this trip report, I was going to go into severe Disney withdrawals and a deep dark depression.:sick:

Third page already!! Good grief, Lisa, you are "da bomb" aren't you? :laughing:

Hey there! You make me feel all special calling me "da bomb".:rotfl:
Wow, I'm here but I feel like I missed two days :) Its obvious you have us all hooked on your trip reports :thumbsup2 It sounds like this trip will be as fun as the others especially with MAMA in the mix.

Glad to see you here. It's nice to know that I am able to provide you guys with a little "entertainment". I know I certainly need something to do to get me through until our next Disney trip.

Lisa, I'm with the rest of them - you just started this yesterday afternoon, and already it's up to three pages!!! Your TR's are obviously pretty interesting. popcorn:: ;)

Can't wait for an update...it'll get me through until the wee hours of Friday when we leave! :cool1:

Welcome! "Interesting" is a good word.....I like it and I think I'll keep it as my own.:lmao:

Oh my gracious.....you're leaving Friday morning! Can I come along with ya'll? I promise I'll be good.

She has, but I think this was her first onsite stay

Yep, she's been before but this was the first time Mama's ever stayed in a Disney resort. She loved it!
I'm in. Can't wait to hear more. Already on page 3 and I thought I was going to get in early on this one. Your other TR's have been so enjoyable, I know this one will be also. Glad you made it home safely.

Oh my gosh, your mom looks just like you or I should say you look just like your mama.

Howdy! Page 3 is still very early and you didn't miss much at all.

Isn't my mother just the most gorgeous 76 year old you've ever seen....and I look just like her? Just kidding! Seriously, though, we do look a lot alike. I hope I have as much pep in my step as she does when I am 76.

Hi, :wave:

I'm In!
Loved your last Trip Report and I can't wait to hear about this trip!

First off, you're pretty darn new to the Disboards so here's a great big ole WELCOME TO THE DISBOARDS!

I hope that you'll feel free to post your thoughts here. I'm a super chatty kinda gal and love to hear peoples opinions.
Great update Lisa! Don't worry about your McDonald's tradition. However silly you think yours is, every other family has one that is just as silly.

Yall got a lot of ground covered in one day. Looking forward to the next update.
I am here..but sadly on the third page.. I shall go an put up my shame curtainslol

You're here and that's what counts. Now.....I hate to break it to ya but you're actually on page four.

I'm here! Can't wait to read all about it!popcorn::

Hey there! Happy to see you.

I can’t wait to follow along with your adventure

Welcome to my report! Hopefully, I can keep you interested all the way through!
YAY!! On the road at last! The rain is a bummer, but at least it didn't last long.

Love Pawn Stars...you should try to catch it sometime. Speaking of TV....did you see the Hell's Kitchen season premiere last night? Yay! :thumbsup2

I knew I recognized the Jameson Inn from your last TR....is that the hotel where Lacey was doing cartwheels?? :rotfl:
I am here to follow along with the silliness!
Wow, page four and you aren't even there yet! How do you do that?
I may need to start paying people to read my trip report so I can be as popular!!!:worship:

Thanks for joining in on the silliness and fun! I have no idea what attracts everybody to my trip reports. I'm wondering if the readers live vicariously through my family because we do lots of the silly things that everybody else wants to do but are afraid of doing in public.:rotfl:

I know that feeling with my PTR!!!!

Honestly, I had no idea that my trip reports were so popular until somebody pointed out to me the number of "hits" that it had received. I couldn't believe that my "Stop Making Me Laugh" report had over 270,000 hits!


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