Who is your guide/Who has the same as you! 108 Guides 882 DISers!

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Ours is Brandon Duke, nice guy, and very professional guide. He also really connected with DH, which helped sell it. :lovestruc
Here's a name not mentioned - our guide Scot MacDonald. just bought a VWL resale from him. Papers have to be resent however - interest rate on financing was incorrect.
ANother family with Jim McCoy here... and that's thanks to my sister, DVC since '92, who started with someone else (who since left DVC) but inherited Jim a few years before we decided to be members, and I guess DVC decided to keep our family under one guide, LOL!

If we can ever get BIL/SIL to join, they will probably get Jim too. We gave DVC their name and Jim was the guide who then called them to ask about their interst / answer questions, etc. But confound it, those suckers are looking at buying a BOAT instead.

<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxdm801YYUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_3_200.gif' alt='Boating 2' border=0></a>
THat's right -- instead of DVC and a lifetime of great vacations ::yes:: :earboy2: ::yes::, they want to get a BOAT.

Pah Leeze. :sad2: <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxdm801YYUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_6_102.gif' alt='Dismay' border=0></a> :sad2:

Somebody talk some SENSE into them, would ya?!?!? :confused3 We have tried...

(Hey, they have 3 kids -- you could do it as a personal humanitarian mission for their innocent childrens' futures!) :angel:
Raphael Massa and he is not a family favorite. We actually have tied to have him changed several times. He was assigned to us when we lost our original guide from 1991, Caryn Anderson who was awesome.
bongo59 said:
Raphael Massa and he is not a family favorite. We actually have tied to have him changed several times. He was assigned to us when we lost our original guide from 1991, Caryn Anderson who was awesome.

Is there any particular reason you cannot change? I'm curious because we have never spoken to our guide. We bought a resale, but originally were assigned to Susie Farnsworth when we called for information. She never returned our phone calls which I thought was really weird. We ended up buying resale as I said, and when we got all the papers, she was still our guide. To be fair, someone mentioned months ago on this board that not getting call backs could have something to do with the "do not call" lists, but still, we called them first and asked for info.

So I am curious about how hard it is to change, and is there any reason to do so unless you're buying an add-on?
jnrrt said:
To be fair, someone mentioned months ago on this board that not getting call backs could have something to do with the "do not call" lists, but still, we called them first and asked for info.

My SIL and BIL got a card in the mail from Jim stating that he recognized they were on a Do Not Call list, and therefore, if they ever wanted to discuss DVC, give HIM a call, but his calls would cease.

BUt then , BIL and SIL aren't DVC owners yet, so learly he would be making a sales call. For an established guide of DVC owners -- not sure how that works.
Linda Streetman - But she is not on the list...........unless she got married.?.
Hubert Van Alphen is our guide and he is just the BEST! We just got our contract to sign in the mail yesterday after at least 2 milloin phone calls to him with question after question! Poor guy must have me on speed dial by now! :rotfl2:
Linda Smit- she's terrific!
Had to chime in here Wendy. This was who our guide WAS.....until last week when we got the phone call from our newly assigned guide (Tim Grambid) who said Linda was promoted to management ? I agree....we liked her as well.

Wonder if you'll be reassigned as well ?
Our guide is Mike Brunson. He's been great - we have nothing but good things to say about him.
Well, we changed guides prior to actually purchasing. We had done the tour on our honeymoon 3 years ago and didn't really think the guy was great (can't remember his name), and when DH started calling with questions after we decided it was truly a possibility for us, he couldn't get his calls returned, so he requested someone else. That's when we got reassigned to Greg Coots, and I'm glad we did. We met him in May, and he was great!
Where are the guides stationed? Do they all work right at WDW? How do you see your guide? Do you call and ask if they want to meet you somewhere?
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