Who is with me - I LIKE the DELUXE DINING PLAN!!!!

They don't separate the quick service credits. The TS credits are noted for children items. My son has food allergies and has been able to order CS off of the adult menu due to limits on the children's menu at CS locations.
They don't separate the quick service credits. The TS credits are noted for children items. My son has food allergies and has been able to order CS off of the adult menu due to limits on the children's menu at CS locations.

I thought this was the case with the DDP. There are not QS or TS credit with the DxDDP
I think you can still use the credits anywhere you want...counter service or Table service. Three per day anywhere you want to use them.
Hi guys, I'm so glad I found this thread! We are going to try the DxDDP for our trip this summer. Last time we did the DDP and ended up paying quite a bit out of pocket. We do all the character Breakfasts, plus the Castle, plus Hoopty doo revue and Mickey's BBQ....those credits disappear very quickly on the DDP.

I do have a question thought for those of you with kids. From what I'm reading, they don't separate the children's credits from the adult's credits correct. It's just one big pot of credits? There is 2adults, 2kids and my 2y/o (who turns 3 the day we leave) We're there for 10nights, so we'll have 120 credits showing? My 2y/o eats better than my other 2 kids, and we're not able to buy a plan for her.....at a table service meal, if we ever needed to, would we be able to get 3 kids meals at one time even though there is only 2 kids on the plan? If the "pot" is not separated would they know? I'm not trying to cheat the system, I would by her a plan if I could, I'm just figuring we will probably have a few credits left over and wonder if I could use them up.

Yes, I know I have three 3credits to use anyway I like. But I'm quoting myself, to restate my question.....thanks
You can only use the specific number of TS at each meal that is listed on the card. If your card reads 2 Adults/2 children, then that is all the server is allowed to charge you for.

We love the DxDDP.
1 - We try restaurants we normally wouldn't eat at.
2 - I don't automatically order the cheapest thing on the menu.
3 - I don't try to figure out sharing meals.
4 - Some one else waits on me.
5 - We do Character Meals each morning and sitdowns every night.
6 - We will do more Signatures this time.
7 - Don't have that huge bill at the end of every meal.
8 - We consider the TS' part of the vacation and enjoy the different experiences and meeting the different servers.
9 - We save about $350-400 each trip for a full week.
10 - I love going over the menus and planning the restaurants out.
11 - We get to see Characters without having to stand in lines.

We do Character breakfasts before the park opens and are done before rope drop. At buffets, ask for your ticket after you order your drinks. Saves time.

We usually do TS for breakfast and dinner, accept on Thanksgiving where we do all TS.

I have done both DDP and DxDDP and love the convenience of the Deluxe, plus we are able to eat well.

OT - When we do our signature dinning, DD will go to one of the kids clubs. She loves them. Says SandCastle at the Beach club is the best. Gives her a break from us and lets us eat one meal in peace without her begging to get back out to the park.
Actually, I thought you can get all your meals in one day if you want to. I don't believe that WDW limits the number of meals you can purchase at one time.

You can...purchase 10 meals at one sitting if you like or only 2...just like you can purchse only 2 adult meals at one sitting and no children meals...your credits and your choice when/how to use them. The under 3's are allowed to eat off the others plates.

The credits are pooled and you are not limited as to how often you use them on the DxDP and I highly doubt that it would go against WDW protocol if you were to use your credit to purchase an extra meal at the table.
I could be totally wrong, but when we were there a year ago and my mother was with us, same package but different room, my card said 3adults/1 child and her card said 1 adult. When I paid at a meal, I could not charge 4 adults and 1 child to my card.
Yes, you can use your entitlements anyway you want, but when paying at a TS the server would only charge to the card what was listed, not more.

Here is the info on the WDW web site:

and here are some excerpts from it:
You may not redeem meals or snacks for any Guests who are not on
your Disney Deluxe Dining Plan.

The Disney Deluxe Dining
Plan is unavailable for Guests under the age of 3, but they may share from an adult plate at no charge, or a meal may be purchased from the menu. The price of the meal will be added to your bill. Guests ages 3-9 must order from a children’s menu where available.

Q.Can I use my Disney Deluxe Dining Plan to redeem meals for friends or family
members who are not included in my reservation or have not purchased a Disney dining plan?
A. Sorry, you may not use your Disney Deluxe Dining Plan to redeem meals for
friends or family members who are not included in your reservation or have not
purchased a Disney dining plan.

Q.Must I use exactly 3 Meals and 2 Snacks each night of my package stay?
A. No, for maximum flexibility, meal entitlements can be used whenever you like during your package stay. For example, one night you may wish to hold off using a meal and then the following night use 2 meals to dine at a Signature Restaurant or Dinner Show (subject to availability).

Of course it wouldn't hurt to try. I would just ask first. You can always ask for an extra plate and split the kids meals. At buffets though there shouldn't be a problem at all.
I do have a question thought for those of you with kids. From what I'm reading, they don't separate the children's credits from the adult's credits correct. It's just one big pot of credits? There is 2adults, 2kids and my 2y/o (who turns 3 the day we leave) We're there for 10nights, so we'll have 120 credits showing? My 2y/o eats better than my other 2 kids, and we're not able to buy a plan for her.....at a table service meal, if we ever needed to, would we be able to get 3 kids meals at one time even though there is only 2 kids on the plan? If the "pot" is not separated would they know? I'm not trying to cheat the system, I would by her a plan if I could, I'm just figuring we will probably have a few credits left over and wonder if I could use them up.

The credits last year on DLX were not separated between adults and children when you came to pay, the bill (check) would just show the number of coupons remaining BUT your KTTW card shows the breakdown of the booking so if you are 2A and 2C you can only order that type of meal "paid for" within the plan, anything else is OOP. That said, 2TS between 3C should be enough food.

You can use any left over credits for A CS if you like (max of 2credits per order).

also, I'm assuming you don't want to age up your youngest because you'll have to pay for her ticket?:confused3
we LOVE the deluxe dining plan! we like to eat at the 2 TS places at night and then eat either a late breakfast or early lunch. I am getting hungry!
We love the Deluxe dining plan. We wouldn't go to Disney without it! We do character or TS breakfasts every day and a ton of Signature dinners. Yes, we eat everything and No, we are not fat. :goodvibes
You can use all your credits in one day if you want. You can't use more credits at one meal than you have persons linked to your card.
Hi out there...okay I will admit I didn't read through every single post, but I am very excited about the DxDp. This is probably longer than I planned so sorry in advance!!

We dad the regular DP the last time we went (it was Dec 08) it was me, DH, dd8, ds3 and dd1. We paid oop for breakfast unless it was a chatacter bkfst. and our credits went quick b/c we did CRT for my dd's bday. we decided to try DxDP for our Aug trip this year for a few reasons:

#1: We hope to get pro-rated free dining. Our TA said they would do it if they had free dining. Has anyone had experience with this?

#2 We plan to do a lot of character dining/TS and Hoop Dee doo revue to get out of the heat and force ourselves to have a nice sit down break. (and to get our money's worth:goodvibes) Also, I , um, we love to see characters w/o waiting in lines!

#3 Our 2 yo (who will be about 2.5 when we're there) eats as much as dd and ds combined!! So we will be sharing with her at the meals.

#4 DH is a diabetic (type 1) and needs to have regular meals.

#5 oh yeah, I saw another poster comment on this, we did our character breakfast at AK first thing and were the first people on the safari ride!!

I get to make adrs (my first time online) March 1st and I am so excited. DH laughed because our Itinerary is based around our meals:rotfl:
When DH and I went with DXDDP in December 09, our whole trip was planned around meals, too. But we LOVE to eat when we are on vacation, so it works for us!
For us, the deluxe DDP is the SAME price as the regular Plus DDP. That's because...if we did the Plus DDP, we would pay out of pocket for the refillable mugs, some appetizers, and some table service (TS) meals in excess of what's included.

So, we do the deluxe DDP and all our meals are table service. Plus we get appetizers with every non-buffet lunch and dinner and more snack credits (that we use mostly for drinks at the parks).

We love TS for three reasons...
  1. Restaurants are very accomodating for DS who has egg and peanut food allergies. I don't have to ask a million questions about ingredients. At each restaurant, the chef meets us first and usually asks what DS likes and fixes him whatever he wants. (Bonus, we get to meet some great chefs!)
  2. The dining experience gives us some down time and I don't have to look for a place to sit down.
  3. Many restaurants and shows are just fun, fun, fun.... Hoop De Doo, Spirit of Aloha, Mickey's Backyard BBQ, character meals, themed places like Marraakesh with belly dancing, Ohana with Hawaiian themed activities and music, Biergarten, etc...
We love the Dxddp. It worked for us because we got to go to more 2 credit restaurants than our last trip with the DDP and I really don't care for the TS restaurants.
We never go without the regular dining plan, but this year we decided to go with the deluxe plan!:yay: Like a lot of people have said in this thread, we end up paying oop for a lot of the meals we have, AND we LOVE the 2 credit restaurants. Using the regular plan, we go through our table service credits too fast. We end up having too many counter service left over when we are done too. This year we are going to do ALL the 2 credit meals we want to, as well as all the other just plan character meals we want to. It feels nice not to have to narrow down which ones we REALLY want to do, and which ones we will have to forego. I am very excited about trying it this year. I have made a list of all the restaurants I would like to include!!:cool1:
I just completed a totatl breakdown of our dinning ADR. I had oirgnialy booked the DxDDP,then thought It over and then changed my mind and went with the DDP thinking It might had been to many credits for us to use. Then I thought maybe go the route of OOP. Well I just broke all of our meals down and for the most part I thought It came out pretty even except the OOP,but this Is why I went back to the DxDDP.
With the OOP I estematied just about 1400:scared1: that was not going to be a option,I can not belive I paid that the last five years:sad2:. We eat alot TS meals,probaly 80% but In years past I say we would eat say,A- Light breakfast,TS lunch and TS dinnier or B- Chacater Breakfast QS lunch and TS Dinnier and or B-1 Late Chacter Breakfast and TS dinnier.
So I look at DDP then doing the OOP for the rest I came up breaking even compare to the DxDDP and that was not Includeing two apptizers and desserts per meal just one apptizer. Again some days we did not include a third meal. So with the three meals Includeing all the apptizers,desserts snacks and the mug we are really saveing alot of Money!!
We did the Deluxe Dining plan and loved it! I itemized our actual totals when we returned home and it was amazing how much we saved. We were able to go to several signature restaurants that we otherwise would not have been able to do.

If you love the dining part of your vacation, this is the way to go. If you want a quick bite and keep on going, it wouldn't be the best plan for you.


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